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The Simple Divine Truth Publication

Author : G. J. Thamby
June 16, 2021

The following story is true which happened many decades before. The
characters and their next generation are no more but the names are fictitious.
RENU and REGHU were friends. Once RENU told REGHU “REGHU,
you know the number 12 has great POWERS.
REGHU said, don't “Drag me into all that superstitious beliefs”
RENU said, “This is something real and not superstitious, you listen to what
I have say then you can have your opinion”.
REGHU said, OK, go ahead with your story.
RENU said, Jacob in the bible had 12 sons, who became 12 tribes of Israel
Christ was born in one of those twelve tribes of Jews.
Christ chose 12 disciples
Zodiac has 12 signs.
One year has 12 months
In astrology all stars are comprised in to 12 RASIS
According to Vedic Astrology, LEGNAS are the ruler of horoscope. There are 12
The number 12 signifies perfection of government or rule. The number 12 has
further significance, as it represents authority, and completeness. 12 is believed to
signify God and heaven.
RENU continued :-- “Now the point is; if you can have 12 Children you can
conquer the whole country.
REGHU said, “I am not interested”
They discontinued their conversation and then departed.
In due course of time REGHU had SEVEN children. At that time he
remembered what he heard form RENU and its influence. Eventually he became a
father of ten children. And Reghu's anxiety began to grow. Alas! His wife's health
became bad and she could not conceive further. He became very disappointed.
REGHU called RENU and explained everything.
RENU was thinking for a while. Then he said “Don't worry, number ten is superior
to number 12, because there are 10 AVATARS of God.
RENU continued:-- Don't be disappointed, may be God has a different plan
that is good for you. We cannot change our fate, we can only try. REGHU's family
was worse than any other family, really a noisy one.
Once a stranger wanted to visit REGHU's house, since he was not sure of
the house, he asked a neighbor. His answer was shocking to him. The neighbor
pointed out a house and said, there is a tall woman, if you drop in before her, you
are sure to loose your supper! She is like a “NEERKOLI” an Asiatic-water snake.
Then, tbe stranger asked the neighbor “What about the male members of that
family?” The neighbor answered to the stranger “They are no better than the
NEERKOLI” The stranger who came to visit that house backed off and never
went to that house.
Asiatic water-snakes are not poisonous, but people take remedy for the
wound caused by the water snake and give up their supper. This is the common
practice. I do not know the authenticity of this treatment. If you do not get treated
the bitten part of the body becomes infected and never gets healed. People know,
the person who gets bitten by the Asiatic water snake will not die. Even then they
fear of the after effect.
REGHU realized–and remembered what is said in SIRACH Chapter 16: 1–4
1. Do not yearn for worthless children, or rejoice in wicked offspring.
2. Even if they be many, do not rejoice in them if they do not have fear of the
3. Do not count on long life for them, or have any hope for their future. For one
can be better than a thousand; rather die childless than have impious children!
[Impious = Lacking reverence to God]
4. Through one wise person a city can be peopled; but through a clan of rebels it
becomes desolate. [Desolate = Crushed by grief. Klan = kinship group]
If the tree is good, the fruits will also be good. If the parents are good before
God the children will also be good, if not the children will be worse than their
parents. Do not count on man-made numerology, your fall will be great.

Author : G. J. Thamby
June 16, 2021

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