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Fighters feature electronic attack

There is new evidence of widespread re- the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet’s AN/APG- 46% share in FY14 likely to continue
search into alternate uses for the next gen- 79, but it now seems there have been growing.
eration of fighter radars—those with active many studies of specific AESA uses. Raytheon’s AN/APG-79 radar with its
electronically scanned array (AESA) an- Fender refers to the potential destructive AESA antenna has been developed for the
tennas. The Air Force is finally talking effects of “nonkinetic radar weapons” as F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, for new builds,
about secret studies, conducted within “truly transformational,” with hundreds or and as a retrofit replacement for the me-
the military and scientific communities, thousands of transmit/receive (T/R) mod- chanically scanned AN/APG-73. With
that propose using AESA antennas to fo- ules in a single antenna focusing their more power than the APG-73, the APG-
cus energies in many of the same ways power on a single target. Another plus of 79 will have two or three times the air-to-
that the planned high-power microwave AESA weapons would be an increased air detection range and will allow tracking
(HPM) devices will. ability to minimize the collateral damage of significantly more targets. It will also
The peak power of fighter AESAs may caused by “kinetic” weapons. have a much better ability to identify tar-
not match that of dedicated directed en- The Air Force Research Laboratory gets and break out those that are closely
ergy weapons. However, Janet Fender, the (AFRL) and Aeronautical Systems Center spaced. It will integrate with Raytheon’s
USAF Air Combat Command’s (ACC) top (ASC), as well as the ACC, have reportedly AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR (advanced target-
scientist at Langley AFB, Va., has discussed been working on AESA airborne elec- ing forward-looking infrared) via the Su-
their ability to “operate in a surgical kill tronic attack possibilities. All these pro- per Hornet’s mission computer, allowing
mode” by targeting specific frequencies of grams are classified; the discussion below the radar to locate targets for FLIR target-
opposing electronic systems. The latter focuses on the fighters and radars that ing and reconnaissance.
could include missile seekers and enemy could eventually gain these new capabili- For air-to-ground operations, the
radars or even computer systems. HPMs ties by forecasting the 10-year future of APG-79’s synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
operate more by broadband electronic the fighter radar market. We have also mode can overlay GMTI (ground moving
disruption or thermal destruction. predicted the market shares of U.S. com- target indication) tracks on the SAR image,
Earlier, a general “jamming” capabil- panies that would benefit from the mas- with a maximum SAR resolution three
ity had been discussed for radars such as sive funding likely to follow today’s initial times that of the APG-73. With the APG-
nonkinetic radar weapon con- 79’s multimode capability, the F/A-18F’s
cept studies. pilot can, for example, perform an air-to-
Raytheon’s AN/APG-63(V) is the fire control radar for the
F-15A/B/C/D. air mission while the back-seater performs
AESA radars and an air-to-ground mission. SAR imaging
upgrades and air-to-air search and track can con-
Our funding forecast shows tinue simultaneously, since there is no
that more than $2.5 billion a need for physically steering the antenna
year will be spent on fighter to either ground or air vectors. Raytheon
radars through the end of the engineers are referring to the APG-79 as a
decade. After this, production wideband device that can operate well
of several legacy radar pro- outside the X-band, and planned up-
grams will begin to trail off, grades include an electronic warfare jam-
and several AESA upgrades ming function.
for other aircraft will be com- In February 2001, Boeing and Ray-
plete. Perhaps most impor- theon won the $324-million engineering
tant, USAF F/A-22 (recently development contract to design, install,
renamed F-22A) production and test five full and two partial APG-79s.
(APG-77) will end in about Low-rate initial production (LRIP) con-
10 years. By the middle of the tracts were awarded in September 2003,
next decade, the F-35 Joint February 2004, and June 2005. The first
Strike Fighter (APG-81) will LRIP radar was delivered for flight testing
begin to dominate the market in January 2005, and one delivery per
for fighter radars, with its month was planned through 2005. Devel-


opment flight testing was to be completed reportedly seeking an even
in 2005, with initial operational capabil- newer radar for the F-15E.
ity planned for September of this year. Boeing claimed a competi-
Current Navy plans have the APG- tion was likely, with a ver-
79 equipping 415 Super Hornets, includ- sion of Northrop Grumman’s
ing 90 EA-18G Growler electronic attack AN/APG-77 from the F-22A
aircraft, but this number could easily rise. competing with an upgraded
Total APG-79 program costs could reach Raytheon APG-63(V)4. The
$6 billion. (V)4 would have the (V)3 AESA
Raytheon’s AN/APG-63(V) is the fire antenna but more back-end components
control radar for the F-15A/B/C/D Eagle from the Super Hornet, including its
fighter. A modified version, the AN/APG- processor and other upgrades.
Raytheon’s AN/APG-79 radar was developed for
70, superseded the APG-63 on the F-15E After adding probable upgrades for the Super Hornet, for new builds, and as a
Strike Eagle, but was then itself to be re- Saudi Arabia and Israel, the September retrofit replacement for the mechanically
placed with the APG-63(V)1 as part of a 2005 Singapore APG-63(V)3 buy, and scanned AN/APG-73.
comprehensive APG-63 upgrade. The (V)1 Japan’s decision in early 2005 to further
includes many improvements, but the pri- upgrade its own F-15s, all the various ground modes, with SAR ground imaging
mary benefit is the increased reliability APG-63 upgrades should be worth about resolution of 1 ft or better. The first 10
that will result from replacing the difficult- $3.5 billion in our forecast period, run- Block 60 F-16s had been delivered to the
to-maintain 20-year-old circuitry in the ning at almost a half billion dollars a year UAE by May 2005, although radar and
original APG-63. The APG-63(V)1 LRIP for several years at the end of this decade. avionics software development continues.
contract was awarded in August 1997, This will make F-15 radars one of the We had been forecasting healthy ad-
with full-rate production beginning in world’s largest radar programs over the ditional production of the Block 60 be-
2002. Japan and South Korea also chose next 10 years. yond the UAE order, but the F-16’s for-
the APG-63(V)1. Northrop Grumman has developed tunes have been greatly complicated by the
However, in 2004 the Air Force the AESA AN/APG-80 Agile Beam Radar increasingly real F-35 Joint Strike Fighter,
changed its plans to upgrade 400 F-15s for the United Arab Emirates’ 80 Block 60 as well as disappointments in Block 60
with the APG-63(V)1, deciding instead to F-16s. The APG-80 will have almost twice development (it is still too expensive). As
install the APG-63(V)3 AESA antenna up- the air-to-air detection range offered by a result, there is a good chance the Block
grade on the entire 224-aircraft F-15E the mechanically scanned APG-68(V)7, 60 and APG-80 could be produced only
fleet, beginning this year. The (V)3 is es- although it will concentrate on air-to- for the UAE.
sentially an updated APG-79 front-end
(antenna and power supply) and APG-
63(V)1 hardware back-end. For the F-15E, FIGHTER RADAR MARKET SHARE
the antenna size is increased to 0.9 m (36 RDT&E + Procurement Available to U.S.
in.) diam, and improved tile T/R modules
with a greater mean time between over-
haul are used, rather than the Super Hor-
net’s brick T/R modules.
The APG-63(V)3 is 400 kg (900 lb)
lighter than the (V)1, and will also improve
reliability by 500% (AESA T/R modules 60%
seem to be living up to their billing as
rarely needing maintenance or repair).
This would leave only about 180 F-15Cs 40%
with the (V)1 (and 18 with the earlier
(V)2 AESA), and (V)1 production line
shutdown was begun in 2004, to be com- 20%
pleted this month. The F-15E is slated to
remain in service until 2035, with the F-
15C continuing until 2025, to serve along-
side the F-22A. FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14
But by late 2005, the Air Force was Lockheed Martin Raytheon Northrop Grumman


mechanical arrays RDT&E + Procurement Available to U.S.
Despite their now-dated mechanically 3
steered antennas, two legacy fighter radar
programs will continue to be worth sev- 2.5
eral hundred millions of dollars a year
past the end of the decade—that is, if we

FY05 $Billions
consider the AH-64D Apache attack heli- 2
copter’s Longbow fire control radar (FCR)
to be a fighter radar. 1.5
Northrop Grumman’s AN/APG-68(V)
is an improved version of the AN/APG-66 1
radar, developed as the fire control radar
for the F-16C/D Fighting Falcon. It is a
pulse-Doppler, multimode air-to-air and .5
air-to-ground radar, with a VHSIC ad-
vanced programmable signal processor. 0
FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14
Production for the Air Force has con-
cluded, and any future U.S. F-16s might
APG-63 APG-68 APG-77 APG-78
be Block 60s with the APG-80 radar. But
APG-79 APG-80 APG-81 Other
substantial production for FMS F-16C/Ds
will continue through the decade, espe-
cially for the new APG-68(V)9 version international orders, and cancellation of However, the Air Force has changed
with SAR modes. the Army’s Comanche, we forecast at least the primary mission of the Raptor from
With more than 2,000 radars in ser- another 400 APG-78 radars produced air superiority to strike. This might seem
vice, upgrades and support will continue over the next 10 years. odd, considering how the Air Force’s ar-
for decades. In 2004, the USAF con- In June 2005, the Army and Boeing gument for not cutting the F-22 rested on
tracted for a major (V)5 to (V)9 upgrade contracted to develop the Block III Apache its very different mission compared to the
kit, to be procured for 280 F-16s. In 2005, Longbow, which will include an extended- Joint Strike Fighter. Even more unex-
Turkey also contracted for (V)9 upgrades, range Longbow FCR and a new Longbow pected is the plan to add many air-to-
and we believe many of the remaining Fire Control Radar Electronics Unit. ground capabilities to the APG-77. Unfor-
earlier version APG-68s out there will also Block III upgrade production will begin tunately, these new capabilities have
be converted. in 2010, following the completion of cur- recently become classified, and very little
Northrop Grumman’s AN/APG-78 rent new-build Apache production. information is available.
Longbow FCR is one component of the What we do know is all these changes
Army’s Longbow system, which com- F-22A and JSF will not be cheap, and RDT&E and mod-
prises the AH-64D Apache helicopter, the The two biggest fighter radar programs in ification funding will remain high, along-
millimeter-wave FCR, and Hellfire anti- our 10-year forecast are, understandably, side already high production dollars. We
tank missiles equipped with millimeter- the radars for the F-22A Raptor and F-35. forecast more than a half-billion dollars a
wave seekers. With continuing U.S. and The most anxiously awaited new year in total F-22A radar funding for most
fighter radar of recent years of our forecast period, though this will
was certainly Northrop drop precipitously when production fi-
AN/APG-81 JSF radar was shown on Northrop Grumman’s BAC
1-11 test bed aircraft with its radome removed prior to its suc- Grumman’s and Raytheon’s nally ends, now forecast to occur by the
cessful first flight test. AN/APG-77 for the Raptor middle of the next decade.
(Northrop Grumman has the MIRFS (multifunction integrated RF
larger workshare). Originally system) is the integrated avionics system
designed as a pure air-to-air being developed for the JSF. The most
system, its AESA antenna important and expensive sensor in MIRFS
and high power provide by is Northrop Grumman’s AN/APG-81 MFA
far the longest detection (multifunction nose array), which in-
range of any fighter radar, cludes an AESA that will function as the
greater than 120 n.mi. Com- antenna for the JSF radar, as well as for
bined with the extended- communications and electronic support
range AIM-120 AMRAAM measures (ESM) systems.
missile, this allows the F-22 Designed from the start for air-to-
to obtain multiple kills well ground missions, and given its lesser
beyond the reach of any cur- power, the JSF’s integrated radar and sen-
rent or foreseen enemy. sor system will have a shorter range but


greater capabilities than the F-22A. The ditional test flights are planned through man built the F-16’s APG-68 and APG-66
APG-81 will provide near-simultaneous 2009. Northrop Grumman delivered the radars, and could offer either APG-80- or
air-to-ground and air-to-air radar modes, first APG-81 to Lockheed Martin in No- APG-81-based antennas. Raytheon would
and high-gain ESM and EW (electronic vember 2005, for flights on a test bed air- not have a chance here.
warfare) jamming functions. The X-band craft and then on the F-35. Raytheon’s best hope to maintain a
MFA will also interact with other fre- relative parity with Northrop Grumman is
quency band antennas in apertures around Drawing conclusions to continue AESA upgrade development,
the stealthy JSF. Our fighter radar market share forecast and possibly to expand into the UCAV
Teal Group sees the possibility that seemingly shows a fairly constant split be- market, if fighter-like fire control radars
several thousand JSFs could be built tween Northrop Grumman and Ray- become a requirement. We have not in-
through at least the 2030s, and even theon, albeit heavily favoring Northrop cluded J-UCAS (joint unmanned combat
though many of these will be for interna- Grumman. But this is somewhat deceptive, systems) or other UCAVs in our forecasts,
tional customers, it will be practically im- as Raytheon’s decreasing share from FY11 but Raytheon’s dominance of today’s UAV
possible to swap out the highly integrated to FY14 will probably continue to fall. By electrooptics market (see “U.S. players in
APG-81 for another radar (unlike engines FY14, the F-15 (APG-63), F-16 (APG-68), the world electrooptics market,” Septem-
and FLIRs, for example). Thus, the APG- F/A-18 (APG-79), F-22A (APG-77), and ber 2005, page 22) may well save them in
81 has an excellent chance of being built AH-64 (APG-78) programs will all be end- the fighter radar market of the next dec-
for the vast majority of the JSFs produced. ing or seeing minimal new production. ade. If not, Raytheon may be relegated to
In November 2004, MIRFS/MFA an- Only the JSF will be growing. And while being a mere technology supplier to a to-
tenna tests were being conducted by the upgrades for legacy radars will continue, tally dominant Northrop Grumman in
AFRL’s Newport facility in upstate New Northrop Grumman’s APG-81 will lead the fighter radar market.
York. In August 2005, the APG-81 radar the fighter radar market. In fact, one of David L. Rockwell
flew for the first time aboard Northrop the biggest future programs may be AESA Teal Group
Grumman’s BAC-1-11 jet. About 120 ad- upgrades for F-16s; but Northrop Grum-

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