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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 Kelas 7

Nama : _____________________
Mata Pelajaran  : BAHASA INGGRIS
Sat. Pendidikan  : SMP___________________
Kelas : 7 (Tujuh)
Nama Guru :______________________

Read carefully and choose the best answer c. Nice to meet you.
between A, B, C, D, and E. d. Glad to see you.
e. See you later.
Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 4
Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a 4. a. Where are you going?
movie. Suddenly they meets Aji, Friend of b. See you later.
Faiz outside of the cinema. c. How are you?
Faiz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon. d. Nice to meet you.
Aji : Good Afternoon, Faiz e. How are you?
Faiz : I’m fine thank you and how about 5. A : How do you do? It’s nice to meet
you? you.
Aji : (2)................................. B : ……………………
Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki. a.  Me too
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. b. I should be nice
(3)........................... c. Do you?
Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet d. Am I nice
you too. e. How do you do? Nice to meet you
Faiz : Well Aji, I think we have to go too.
now, the movie is started to play.
Aji : Oh okay, (4)........................... 6. Ester : I’m Ester. How do you do?
Faiz : See you. Fitri : .............. I’m Fitriyani
1. a. nice to meet you a. Are you ok?
b. where are you? b. How are you?
c. How are you? c. How do you do.
d. glad to see you d. I am fine.
e. how is your mother? e. Good morning.

2. a. I’m fine too. 7. Tata is a new member of Teratai

b. nice to meet you. English Club. She introduced herself
c. good to see you. Tata  : Ladies and gentlemen..................
d. see you later. a. Allow me to introduce myself.
e. good afternoon. b. I am happy to meet you.                     
c. Let me introduce you to the
3. a. How are you? audiences.
b. Good afternoon.
d. May I introduce you to the e. I apologize for it.
e. Nice to meet you
13. You help someone with a heavy bag.
8. They … studying English right now. They say ''thank you'' and you reply ....
a. Is a. No thanks
b. Am b. You're welcome
c. Are c. I appreciate it
d. Was d. I am grateful
e. Were e. You blame me

13. Angga : Ouch, you hurt me!

9. I … busy last night. Budi : …
a. Is a. I’m sorry
b. Am b. Thank you
c. Are c. Good afternoon
d. Was d. Hello
e. How are you?
e. Were
14. Ranti : I’m sorry, I broke your ruler.
10. According to the weather report, it … Angga : ....
a. Thank you
going to be cloudy tomorrow.
b. Never mind
a. Is c. Please excuse me
b. Am d. You are welcome
c. Are e. Good bye
d. Was
e. Were 15. Nadia : “I am very tired.”
Nora : .............
11. Budi … watching TV when somebody
a. Why are you taking a rest for a
knocked the door yesterday. while ?
a. Is b. Take a rest for a while !
b. Am c. Taking a rets for a while !
c. Are d. Don’t taking a rest ffor a while !
d. Was e. Let’s go!
e. Were
16. ...... disturbing him ! He is finishing his
12. X : Hi, I bought some cookies for you. a. Stop
Y:… b. Stopped
a. Thanks very much c. Don’t
b. I’m really sorry d. You don’t
c. How are you e. doesn’t
d. I did
17. . ....... patient, please ! He will be here in I. Choose either a ,b, c, or d for the
a few seconds. correct answer !
a. Do
b. Please ! 1. Ahmad : Good morning, Toni ?
c. Be Toni : .... How are you?
d. Not Ahmad : I’m fine. How about you ?
e. Does Herman : I’m fine too.
a. Yes
18. Fitra : What is Eka doing? b. I’m OK.
Linda : He (study) English. c. Good morning
The best of the Linda’s sentence is d. Hello.
2. Reny : Hi, Lisa. How are you?
a. He studying English Lisa : …. And you?
b. He is studying English. Reny : I’m OK.
c. He studies English a. How do you do? 
d. He study English. b. Good bye.
e. He studied English c. Yes, I am 
d. Very well, thank you
19. Wulan : What is Susan doing?
3. Reza : I want to sleep, Mom. ...
Citra : She (cook) fried rice. Mother : Good night, Dear.
a. She is cooking fried rice a. Take care. 
b. She cooking fried rice b. Be careful.
c. She cooks fried rice c. Good night. 
d. She is cooks fried rice d. Good bye.
e. she was cooked by rice
4. You meet your teacher in a post office
at around 10 am.
What would you say to great him/her?
a. Goodbye 
20. go – the library – to borrow – We – b. Good morning
some – books – to c. Good afternoon 
1 2 3 4 5 d. Good evening
6 7
5. Andri : Er, may I use your phone to
The arrangement of the jumbled words
text my father
above is ____ Erwin : Sure. Here it is
a. 4 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 6 Andri : ....
b. 3 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 7 Erwin : That’s OK
c. 4 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 6 a. I am sorry
d. 4 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 6 b. Thank you
c. Very well, thank you
e. 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 7
d. You’re welcome

6. Andi : Good morning,madam.

Mrs. Anisah : Good morning, Andi. 10. What is his favorite color?
Why are you late? a. Fried chicken 
Andi : ... I missed my bus. b. Badminton
a. Nice to meet you  c. Blue 
b. Thanks d. Black
c. I’m sorry 
d. Glad to hear that
 The text is for number 11-14
7. It’s 8 pm. You still watch TV. Your
father sits beside you. Then he greet Hello friends, I am Rina. My full name is
you. What would you say? Rina Ayuningtyas. I was born in
a. Good night, dear Surabaya, September 18th, 2004. I
b. Good bye, dear study at SMP Harapan Surabaya. It is
c. Good morning, dear on Jl. Pramuka no.25, Surabaya. Mr.
d. Good evening, dear Wibowo is my father. He is a taxi driver.
Mrs. Lestari is my mother. She is a
nurse of Sarjito Hospital.
The text is for number 8-10
11. Who is introducing in the text?
Hello, my name is Firman a. Rina Ayuningtyas
I am eleven years old. b. Mr. Wibowo
I am 1.50 Metres tall c. Mrs. Lestari
I live at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Desa d. Rina’s father
Lubuk Raman
My Father is Mr. Sopian Hermantito 12. How old is Rina? She is ... years old
My School is MTs N Yogyakarta a. ten 
I am in the sevent year b. twelve
I like playing badminton and listening c. eleven 
music. d. thirteen 

My favorite color is blue. 13. Where does she live ? She lives ....
My favorite food is fried chicken. a. in Surabaya
I go to school by bus b. at Sarjito Hospital
8. How old is Firman? c. at SMP Harapan Surabaya
a. 11 d. on Jl.Pramuka no. 25 Surabaya
b. 12 
c. 13 14. Where does she study?
d. 14 a. September 18th, 2004
b. On Jl.Pramuka no. 25 Solo
9. What are Firman’s hobbies? c. Sarjiti Hospital
a. Playing badminton d. at SMP Harapan Solo
b. Eating fried chicken
c. Listening music. 15. Sheila : Dian, Please meet my
d. Playing badminton and listening friend,
music Vino. Vino, this is Dian.
Vino : Hi, glad to meet you, Dian.
Dian : ….
a. Hi. How are you? d. Her
b. Hi. How do you do?
c. Hi. Glad to meet you, too
d. Hi. I am very glad
20. Hello, my sister is a nurse. ... works
at a hospital.
a. He c. They
The text is for number 16-18  b. I d. She

Erna : Good evening, Mom. 21. Anita and Laili are classmate. ... are
What will we cook for dinner? diligent students
Mrs. Aminah : We will cook soup. You a. They c. She
like  soup don’t you? b. You d. We
Erna : Yes, Ido.
Mrs. Aminah : Can you fetch the
vegetables from the basket?
Erna : Sure, Mom. Then, let me help The text is for number 22-24
you cut them.
Mrs. Aminah : Thank you, but don’t Students : Good morning, teacher.
forget to wash them first. Teacher : Good morning, students.
Erna : OK Students : How are you?
Teacher : Fine, thanks, and you?
16. When does the dialog occur? Students : Great
a. In the morning Teacher : There is a new student.
b. In the afternoon Come in, please!
c. In the evening Please, introduce yourself.
d. At night New student : OK, Mom
Nice to see you everybody.
17. Where does the dialog probably take Students : Nice to see you too
place? Budi : Who is your name?
a. At the market
b. In the kitchen New Student : (22) ....
c. In the garden Budi : Sit down beside me please
d. In the greengrocery New student : Thank you
Rudi : (23) ....
18. What does Mrs. Aminah ask Erna to
do? New student : I am from Bandung
a. To prepare dinner Budi : Where is your address in Yogya
b. To cut the vegetables
c. To buy soup fo dinner New Student : (24) ....
d. To fetch vegetables from the basket.
22. a. Her name is Ketty
19. Mr. Rahmad has a car. ... car is b. His name is Ketty
new. c. My name is Ketty
a. My  d. Your name is Ketty
b. Your 
c. His  23. a. Where are you live?
b. Where are you from?
c. Where do you address? 1. Arrange the sentences to form a good
d. Where do you come from? dialog!
(1). Salma : I’m not feeling well.
24. a. My adress is Wates Kulon Progo (2). Salma : Thank you very much, Sir.
b. I lives in Wates Kulon Progo (3). Salma : I have a stomachache.
c. You live in Wates Kulon Progo (4). Mr. Burhan : Get well soon, Salma.
d. Your address is Wates Kulon Progo  (5). Mr. Burhan : Salma, you look pale.
Are you O.K?
(6). Mr. Burhan : What is the problem?
The text is for number 25-28
2. Arrange these words into a
Hi, my friends. meaningful sentence!
I would like to introduce myself. (25) ... a. has – Mr. Raharjo – a – bicycle – new
is Sigit Raharjo. You can call (26) .... b. uncle – is – his – old – fifty - years
Sigit. I’m fourteen years old. I (27) ... in
Ngestiharjo, Wates, Kulon Progo. (28) ...
is reading book. My fovorite color is The text is for number 3-5
green. My fovorite food is martabak.
Hi, my name is Joko. My full name is Joko
25. a. Her name c. His name Siswanto. My call name is Anto. I am twelve
years old. I am an SMP student. I have black
b. My name d. Your name
straight hair. I live at 354 Jalan Ahmad Yani
Semarang. I like swimming and playing football.
26. a. me b. my Liverpool is my favorite team.
c. I d. his
My father is Joko Sudarmono. He is forty-eight
27. a. address c. live years old. He is tall and handsome. He is a
pilot. My father likes to play badminton.
b. come from d. place
My mother is Yeni Susanti. She is forty -three
28. a. My hobby c. My book years old. She is beautiful. My mother is a
b. My activity d. My friend teacher. I have a brother. His name is Joko
Purwanto. He is five years old. He is fat and
funny. His hair is curly. I love my brother very
29. Mr. Dani is a doctor. He ... a big much.
a. is c. has 3. How old is Anto ?
b. have d. are 4. What is Anto’s hobby?
5. What is his mother’s job?
30. Hello guys. I’m Kurnianto I have
three brothers.
They are Ulin, Fendi and Sardi. Ulin and
... two cats.
a. is c. has
b. have d. are

II. Uraian 

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