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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware

TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Delta Configuration/Firmware Upload

and Settings Activation

**Includes some basic housekeeping instructions as well

***Includes Reference for site specific parameter Change

Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Table of Contents:










A. 300A CABINET (PRE-REV 9): 26




Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

1. General
The following document outlines how to upload and activate a new configuration onsite. Do note there are a few housekeeping procedures we suggest
should always be done when doing this and will outline this accordingly.

2. Configure Laptop Ethernet Port a) Select Network Connections

b) Right click and select Properties on your

Ethernet adaptor

c) Select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

d) Configure your adaptor to the same settings as

is outlined on this document.

Quick Reference:
Laptop Adaptor Settings:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:


Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Open your preferred Internet Browser and enter the Orion Controller IP to connect: [Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome]

Orion Default IP Address

This will be the default screen that will open when connected to
the unit. The username and password will be as follow:

Username: Admin
Password: orion

Please enter and select Login

Once you have logged a similar screen to this will


Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

3. Delta Firmware Update to V7.41B03

If the controller already has V7.41B03 firmware loaded then move to section 4

A: Navigate to Configuration -> System -> File Manager

B: On the File Manager Screen -> File Type Dropdown Menu -> Select “Orion SW”

C: Click on “Load File from PC”

Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

D: On the screen that opens, click on “Choose File”

Navigate to where the firmware is saved on your computer and select the bin file:

The file that is chosen will show on the screen. Confirm this is current and click on “Start”
A popup will appear – click on “OK”

The upgrade process will start – DO NOT STOP, RESTART or manually REBOOT the
controller during this process. Once completed the follow popup will appear:

E: Click on “OK” to complete the process. The controller will now automatically reboot.
Please wait 2 min and log into controller and confirm upgrade successful on main screen:

Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

4. Loading New Configuration File and Activation

Navigate to Configuration -> System -> Configuration Manager

Housekeeping Tip
From a housekeeping perspective only, the Default configs
should be loaded on the controller and the correct type

TAG suggests that all other config be downloaded and

compressed for safe keeping and then deleted on the controller.

Load New Configuration File

a) To Load a new Configuration

- Select File Type
Current Config activated - Select Configuration.

b) Select “Load File from PC”

Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

The following screen will open to allow you to select and load the required configuration:

c) From the Screen that opens select Browse and navigate to the configuration. d) Navigate to the configuration file and click open

To confirm everything loaded

ok, you will have “success” on
Check File and Process File

Once completed the following

dialog box will appear

e) With the new configuration file selected click on select Start

Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

f) After the new configuration file has successfully loaded select Back

To complete the loading of the configuration file we

need to deactivate the new and activate the new
configuration file

Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

g) Deactivate current
Configuration File

h) Select activate on the new

v0.2 Configuration File

A popup will appear asking to

overwrite active setup.

Select OK

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

The below screens outlines what will

visually happen during this process.

Once complete the new Configuration

will show as Synchronized.

I) Confirm the New Configuration is synchronized

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

5. Basic CFG Changes Per Site

The below outline will show basic changes that needs to be made per site when activating the
latest configuration.
Rectifier Power Limit
Navigate to Configuration -> Rectifier -> Power Limitation by Event The base configuration has a rectifier limit of 11500W.
The generator should be confirmed to be able to
support this as well as the AC input feeds to the site. If
this is reduced a Technical note should be given to the

Total Battery Capacity (Ah)

The total C10 battery capacity installed on site
Navigate to Configuration -> Battery -> String Settings For example
1 Strings (4 Blocks) of Lead NSB170 = 170Ah
4 Strings Installed = 4 x 170Ah = 680Ah (C10)
5 Leoch 100Ah Lithium Batteries = 500Ah (C10)

Battery Current Limit

The maximum IBatt for the configuration will be based
on the C10 Capacity [Ah] * 0.3C10 for Lead Acid
Batteries (NSB/LCB) / 0.5C10 for Lithium.
For example
Lead 0.3 x 680Ah = 204A
Lithium 0.5 x 500Ah = 250A

Voltage Settings
Default_V0.2 configuration is suitable for all site types (GXX/S, GHX/S, OXX/S, OHX/S) but the Voltage
must be set according to the battery installed.

Configuration -> Battery -> Float Charge (Usys)

Battery Float Voltage / Usys

Usys @Tnom is the default float value.

The Float Voltage (Usys) at the nominal temperature is

battery dependent and must be set as the table below.

Blue – Default value

Red – Specific value, must be set correctly

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Navigate to Configuration -> Battery -> Event Controlled Charge

Charge Cycle Voltage Settings

The battery charge voltage is increased during the charge cycle,
this voltage is called the Charge Cycle Voltage and must be set
according to the type of battery installed

Lead Battery Float (Usys) Charge Cycle ChrVt

NorthStar 54.5V 56.4V 56.2V
Lead Crystal 54.5V 56.4V 56.2V

Lithium Batteries
Delta 40Ah 55.3V 56.7V 56.5V
Delta 100Ah 55.3V 56.4V 56.2V
Shoto 50Ah 53.5V 56.4V 56.2V
Shoto 100Ah 53.5V 56.4V 56.2V
Leoch 100Ah 51.5V 54.0V 53.8V

Battery Charge Voltage Trigger ChrVt

The battery charge voltage trigger confirms that the charge cycle has been completed and must
be set 0.2V lower than the Battery Charge Cycle voltage.
Configuration -> Signal Processing Engine -> Event Definitions -> ChrVt {Edit}

*Note this point should only be

Battery Charge Voltage = 54V changed if the charge voltage on the
ChrVt Trigger = 53.8V batteries are lower than 56.2VDC.

Once all changes have been made the configuration should be updated and synchronized.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

6. Updating Configuration to Include Site ID and Name

From the login window navigate to a: Log -> Setup

This screen outlines the running logs on the configuration. Select b: Stop and then Select c: Edit:

Once you have selected Edit the below screen will appear:

The only section which needs to

be edited on this screen is the
Description area:

d: Replace {Site ID} with the ID

associated with the site e: Replace {Site Name} with
the Name associated with the

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Once you have added the Site Name and ID click on f: “Accept Changes” and then select g: “Back”

Select h: “Start” from the new screen to ensure the logfile is i: “running”.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

The last step is to verify the changes that were made is saved correctly.

From the main login screen click on j: “Log” and then select k: “Status”

Select l: “Files” with the following screen appearing:

The Site Name and ID that was set will appear on this screen.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

7. Cabinet Specific Configuration Activations:

With V0.2 launch the configuration will cater for all site type with the exclusion of sites were the
Lithium batteries are connected to the Orion controller and all information from the BMS is
available from the Orion Controller.

The following items will need to be configured on a per site basis based on the type of site and
equipment installed. This will be outlined accordingly and explained to assist the technical
personnel involved accordingly.

All major Logic and alarms are able to be tested through RS Latches. Not all latches are relevant
and the teams need to focus only on the ones outlined in this document. Only the Latches
outlined can be used or should be activated based on the site type as is shown in the red blocks

Lithium Batteries

Lithium Battery

On Lithium batteries
sites with

a) No GWM-BATT card

b) No Lithium batteries
connection to the
Orion Controller

This Latch should be

activated Permanently

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Site Hardware Configuration and Relay Testing

Solar: Trigger latch for Solar Sites

Battery Cabinet: Trigger Latch for sites with a

Standalone Battery Cabinet.

DC Tenant Kit: Trigger latch for sites with a

DC Tenant Kit installed.

DD+E Latch: Lead Battery Test ONLY

The DD+E latch will discharge the battery to 44V
before starting the generators and equalize
charging the batteries.
Do Not Trigger – SWO Required

Relay 1 to 5 Latches are Test latches to confirm

relay activated alarms are correctly wired

Relay 1: Module Fail+T

Relay 2: System Fail+T
Relay 3: Battery Low+T (Voltage)
Relay 4: Batt High+T (High Temperature)
Relay 5: Door Open+T

FAN Test: To test the FAN to ensure operation

Deepsea Hybrid Test

Relay 6: (GEN on[Manual]): GEN on[Total] for remote start/stop of generator

If Lithium Latch is activated then the Normal Boost and DD+E will NOT function.

End of cabinet specific activations which are required.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

8. Site Specific Configuration Activations:

As we have a variety of layouts for Helios Sites the following items will need to be amended on a
per site basis on what is installed onsite.

All measurement Events as outlined above will need to be confirmed/amended based on site
functionality and alarming.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

DG Start Voltage - GEN on[U]:

GEN on[U is the DG Start Voltage: The voltage when the generator starts in hybrid mode.

The following are the standard settings for different site loads, the DG Start Voltage maybe
changed through the SPA Review process to improve site performance.

Site Load (kW) < 1.5kW 1.5 to 3kW 3 to 4.5kW >4.5kW

Site Load (Amps) < 30A 30 - 60A 60 - 90A > 90A
GEN on[U] – DG Start Voltage 48.4V 48.3V 48.2V 48.1V

Click on Edit and enter the DG Start voltage from the above table into the Lower Threshold

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Charge Voltage Trigger: ChrVt[I] Trig

ChrVt[I] Trig: The voltage is increased to the Charge Voltage setting when the battery charge
current decreases below this value. The Charge Voltage trigger is set to 0.1C10 of the
battery capacity.

Total Battery Capacity = 4 x 170Ah = 680Ah

ChrVt[I] Trig = 0.1 x 680Ah = 68A

Charge Voltage Threshold: ChrVt:

The charge voltage threshold is set in section 5

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

15min(I) - DG Stop Current

The generator will stop 15 minutes after the battery current has reduced below the Lower
Threshold, the threshold is set at 0.02 of the total battery capacity (0.02C 10)

If 4 Strings of 170Ah batteries are installed the sites total battery capacity is 4 x 170Ah =
680Ah, then the 15min(l) Lower Threshold is set at 13.6A

Total Battery Capacity = 4 x 170Ah = 680Ah

15min(I) DG Stop Current = 0.02 x 680Ah = 13.6A

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Count Cycle
The Count Cycle counts the number of battery cycles. The number of battery cycles is then
used to trigger when battery equalize charges occurs.

The Count Cycle Lower Threshold is set 0.2V higher than DG Start GEN on[U].

If GEN on[U] = 48.4V → Cycle Count Lower Threshold is set to 48.6V

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

S Voltage Low - Low Battery / DG failed to Start Alarm

If the DG fails to start the batteries will continue to discharge, when the battery voltage is
0.2V lower than the DG start voltage the S Voltage Low alarm is triggered.

The S Voltage Low Threshold is set 0.2V lower than DG Start GEN on[U].

If GEN on[U] = 48.4V → S Voltage Low Threshold is set to 48.2V

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

Save Updated Configuration File

When all changes have been made and the site is confirmed as working correctly the
updated configuration file needs to be saved to PC

The updated configuration file is then uploaded to the SWO ticket in Service Now and
emailed to the SPA team with the latest log file.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

9. Cabinet Identification
a. 300A Cabinet (Pre-Rev 9):

Key Features:
1. Cabinet can only support 6 Slots for Rectifier Modules + 5 Slots for DC/DC Module. These are configured as follow:
a. DC Distribution
b. Rectifier Shelve (each can fit 3 modules) – 6 in Total
c. DC/DC Shelve (can fir 5 DC/DC Module)

Note in some case and expansion shelve would also be installed on the sites. This is though normally installed below the DC/DC converters and
is specific for Solar Sites.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

b. 450A Cabinet (Rev 9 – With/Without DC Tenant Kits):

Key Features:
1. Cabinet can only support 9 Slots for Rectifier Modules + 5 Slots for DC/DC Module. These are configured as follow:
a. DC Distribution Front View
b. Rectifier Shelve (each can fit 3 modules) – 9 in Total
c. DC/DC Shelve (can fir 5 DC/DC Module)

Note in some case and expansion shelve would also be installed on the sites. This is though normally installed below the DC/DC converters and
is specific for Solar Sites

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

c. Rev10/11 Cabinet (Double Doors)

Key Features:
2. Cabinet can only support 9 Slots for Rectifier Modules + 5 Slots for DC/DC Module. These are configured as follow:
a. DC Distribution Front View
b. Rectifier Shelve (each can fit 3 modules) – 9 in Total
c. DC/DC Shelve (can fit 5 DC/DC Module)

Note in some case and expansion shelve would also be installed on the sites. This is though normally installed below the DC/DC converters and
is specific for Solar Sites.

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Document# Delta Configuration/Firmware
TAG V0.2 Upload and Settings Activation

10. Configuration File Quick Reference Guide

Ref Configuration Step Comment Result
2 Connect Laptop to Orion and Logon
3 Update Firmware to V7.41B03
4 Load and Activate v0.2 Configuration File

5 Basic Site Configuration Parameters

Set Rectifier Power Limit Default 11500 watts (20kVA) W
Total Battery Capacity Ah
Battery Recharge Current Limit Lead = 0.3C10 / Lithium = 0.5C10 A
Float Voltage Depends on battery installed V
Charge Cycle Voltage Depends on battery installed V
Charge Voltage Trigger Charge Cycle Voltage – 0.2V V
Update & Synchronize

6 Adding Site ID and Name

Add Site ID To Analyzer Log
Add Site Name To Analyzer Log

7 RS Latch’s Please Circle

Lithium Lithium + No GWM-BATT / Comms Y / N

Solar If the Site has Delta Solar Modules Y / N
Battery Cabinet Standalone battery cabinet Y / N
DC Tenant Kit If DC Tenant Kit is installed Y / N
Relay 1 Test Module Fail+T Y / N
Relay 2 Test System Fail+T Y / N
Relay 3 Test Battery Low+T (Voltage) Y / N
Relay 4 Test Batt High+T (High Temperature) Y / N
Relay 5 Test Door Open+T Y / N
Relay 6 Test – Remote DG Start (GEN on[Manual]): GEN on[Total] Y / N
Fan Test Main / standalone cabinet fan test Y / N
Update & Synchronize Y / N

8 Site Specific Configuration Activations

GEN on [U] – DG Start Voltage Load dependent (48.1V to 48.5V) V
Charge Voltage Trigger - ChrVt Trig 0.1C10 A
Charge Voltage Threshold - ChrVt Set in section 5 -
15min(I) – DG Stop Current (0.02C10) 0.02 x Total Battery Capacity Ah
Count Cycle (Battery cycle counter) GEN on [U] + 0.2V V
S Voltage Low (DG Failed to Start) GEN on [U] – 0.2V V
Update & Synchronize

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