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ABNT - Associacao Brasileira de Normas Technica NBR 5992 ‘Test Method Ethanol and their mixtures with water - Determination of specific gravity and alcohol content - Method of glass hydrometer Keywords ethanol Buk dens. Alcohol content. ass hydromter Deserptore: Ethancl, Dana, Aiohole strength, Glass denimeter 108 71.080.60; 75.16020; 17.060 ISBN 97e.a6.07-01102-6 ‘ABNT NBR 5992:2008 cena pad ott tie peaon may be ero oe ey ing ptocpy th rn ht parison we a ANT ‘summary Preface 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Apparatus 5 Procedure 6 Expression of Results 641 Method of Calcuation 62 Precision of Method ‘Annex A Information) Equation for call Ad Bulk Density 22 Aleoholte degree 83 Correction Factors on of sleahol tables [ABNT NBR 002:2008 Preface ‘The Associacao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas (ABNT) and the National Forum {or Standardization. Brazilian Standards, whose Content and responsiblity of the Brazilian Committees (ABNT / CB), standards bodies Sectors (ABNT /1SO) and the Commissions Study SPECIALS (ABNT / EEC), are prepared by the Study ‘Commissions (EC) formed by representatives of the sectors involved, part of them: consumers and producers (universities, laboratories and others). ‘The Technical Documents ABNT rules are drafted in accordance with Policies, ABNT. Part 2, ‘The Associacao Brasiicira de Normas Techno (ABNT) calls attention to the possibilty that some elements ofthis document may be subject to patent rights. ‘The ABNT should not be considered responsible for identilying these patents. ABNT NBR 5992 was dratted by the Committee on Special Studies of Alcohol Fuel (ABNT/CEE-61). The Project was circulated in accordance with National Consult Announcement N® 12, 11/23/2007 to 01/21/2008, with the number of project ABNT NBR 5992, ‘The Program of alcohol tables is an integral part of this Standard, This program ‘was developed by Gatec with the sponsorship of both entities and UNICA is to relinquish the rights to this program. ‘The minimum configuration of the computer for installation of this program is as follows: = Memory of 128 Mb; = Fee disk space of at least 50 Mb; ~ 08: Windows 98, 2000, XP oF Vista: ~ Video resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. ‘The equation used inthe program and aleohol tables shown in Annex A, This second eaition cancels the previous edition and subtle (ABNT NBR '5982:1980), which has been technically revised This version corrected the ABNT NBR 5992:2008 incorporates Revision 1 of o7/10/2009, To have acceso letol bie, goo ‘nul age. Suis Alestmatin Brazilian Standard ~ABNT NBR 599; Ethanol and their mixtures with water - Determination of specific gravity and alcohol content - Method of glass hydrometer 1 Scope ‘This standard specifies the method of glass hydrometer to determine the speotic ‘mass and ethanol alcohol content in their mixtures with water. Note: The test method specte in ths standard involves the use of hazardous mata 0 feauipment, and this standard doss net purpose to address al safety aspect elated tos uso, ‘And the User responsibilty to eetabish appropiate salty precios, 2 Normative References ‘The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, applying the principles only the edition cited, To references not dated, apply the most recent editions of this document (including ‘amendments). Ordinance N° 201 Inmetro, of 8/21/2000, Hydrometers used in the determination of specific gravity of ethyl alcohol and their mixtures with water, Ordinance N® 245 Inmetro, of 10/17/2000, Thermometers used in determination the temperature of ethy| alcohol and their mixtures with water. 3 Definitions of Terms ‘Tose this document, apply the following terms and definitions 3a Bulk density Mass per unit volume of a substance at a given temperature, 32 "GL. Milliiter quantity of absolute alcohol contained in 100 mi of water mixtures Note: “Gl equivalent and the perantage by volume. 33 SINPM Quantity in grams of absolute alcohol contained in 100 g water mixtures, Note "IMPM equivalent and the percentage by mass. ABNT NBR5992:2008 4 Apparatus Note: It is recommended that the equipment used is calibrated according to good laboratory practices. 4.1 Clear glass beaker without scale, with intemal diameter of atleast 25 mm larger than the outside diameter of the hydrometer. The height ofthe cylinder ‘must be such that the hydrometer floats in the sample with atleast 25 mm of ‘space between the bottom of the hydrometer and the bottom of the cylinder. 4.2 Glass hydrometer in accordance with Ordinance N° 201 of Inmetro. 4.3. Thermometer in accordance with Ordinance N®245 of Inmetro. 5 Procedure 5.1. Wash and dry thermometer, hydrometer and cylinder so that they are free from oll. 5.2 Place the beaker containing the sample into a particle-ree air stream. 5.8 Immerse the thermometer as to rest on the edge ofthe cylinder with the appropriate device, without touching the walls of the cylinder, allow for stabilization of the temperature and record 5.4 Immerse the hydrometer in the sample making a slight swiling motion, 60 that the hydrometer quickly floats freely without touching the wall ofthe cylinder, Preventing the stem above the sample level with litle fluctuation. 5.5 After reaching the equilibrium position of the hydrometer, take a reading ‘on the scale at the level of intersection of the plane of the free liquid with the ‘marking on the hydrometer (see figure 1). Note the values of specific gravity, Indicated by the hydrometer and temperature of the sample. If the temperature difference between the intial start of tost and final reading Is greater than 0.5 C, repeat the test 2 @ABNT 2008 - All rights reserved ABNT NBR 5992:2008 2 UPlgote4 — Bonito de teinira daiéscata- 6 Results 6.1 Calculation 6.1.1 Record the value of specific gravity at 20°C from the density read (with the thermometer and hydrometer corrections when necessary) using the program alcohol tables. 6.1.2 Record the alcoholic content in °GL and ®INPM in the program, according to the value of specific gravity at 20°C. 6.1.3 Record the value of specific gravity at 20°C, in kg/m®, one decimal place, and the alcoholic content in °INPM and °GL with a decimal point ABNT NBR 5992:2008 62 Precision of Method 6.2.1. The repeatability and reproducibility of this method are determined by statistical evaluation of results of interlaboratory tests, with a confidence level of ‘95%, had no reference material value is accepted for specific gravity and alcohol content, the trend cannot be determined. 6.2.2. The difference between two successive test results obtained by the same ‘operator using the same apparatus under constant conditions of operation and in ‘samples of identical material, with the correct execution ofthis method, must not exceed 0.2 “INPM to 20°C (repeatability r. 6.2.3 The difference between two test results, independent of individuals and obtained by different operators working in diferent laboratories and samples of material identical, wit the correct expansion factor in this method, must not exceed 0.3 “INPM to 20°C (reproducbilty- Fi). Note: ntofabocatory programs were conducted bythe Canter for Sugarcane Technology (CTC) ABNT NBR 5992:2008 ‘Annex A (tormative) Equation for calculation of the Alcohol Tables. 1 Bulk Density ‘The following equation is used in the program to calculate the spectic gravity of alcohol and this is according to the model of Apieweck Bettin (Betti, H. & ‘Spieweck, F. A revised Formula for the Calculation of Alcoholometric Tables, PTB Mittetungen 6/90, p. 457, 1990), this equation ig valid fr -20°C to 40°C. wea SRE af US ioe Where: ME isthe numavial vale ofthe specie gravity of alcohol, exprassed in klograms por cexale meter (kgm): GM isthe numeral value of he aloahoc degree, expressed in percentage by weight (9 ethanol 100 kg elon) ing for samples of ethanc, expressed in {= numoical valve oftomperaturs grees Cosi (C) [A,B & C= ao tho coofiiots found in Spiwock Beth, according to Tab 8; yet My 10; Ma; Pye mae aA ‘Table A.1 - Bettin'Spieweck Cooticionts Te. & | Whey oe) ee ae tant _| rood | sant ante) | soaetron" | winiros | sate 4 | srazeare | -arssres [asorcaes | aosozene | semasce'| mower | -sausrece 2 |-zavrese | -osoatennt | stsuss7 | sponsor | opmaion | 0am | raTesron 3 | sanres | aieretan_ [oreo | gran | omanrisie | ane “<{ eaavio | isear_[ essen | -afasiue | evactonee [Leto 4 6 | sma [-aareccen | gseore | -s0se7a8 | ooaieass 0 | carson | -amee-t | —razt ee 7 | seas ood aan a |-asais apie enone iris ease | amet | - 0849 se sera [seaanie| Taasoem so wean | coor ca | aaa | ABNT NBR 5992:2008 A2 Alcoholic degree By knowing the alcohol contents percentage by weight and buk density (kan) of water mixtures {120°C (Mgr), the aleoho content in percent by volume can be calculated by the equation; Mao ov =GM: 7 where GV is tho numerical value ofthe alcchoke degree, expressed asa percentage ol the volume (alcohol ethanod/100L alcohol) {Gis tho rumerial value ofthe alcohol degree in percentage by mass (kg of alcohol ‘ethanol 100 kg aloha) ME tho numerical value of spec gravity of aleoho at 20°C, expreseed in kilograms por cubie meter (kon) 3 Correction Factors “The conection factor i the volume (FV) of alcoho es a function f temperature and calculated by the equation roy = ME eens (e209 Heong RAED =e here Eas the bulk donsiy atthe tamperature of measurement, expressedin kilograms per cable metor (eg: Méare and specie gravity corrected to 20°C, expressed in klograms per cubic mater (ofa 0.000036 the cosficiant of volumetric expansion; {Us the numarical value ofthe temperature reading ol the sample of et! alcoho, ‘expressed in dagroes Celsius °C. 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