Ta Thi Trinh - K20C - BG - Progress Test Listening

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Teacher: Nguyễn Thị Hạnh Phúc

Full name: Tạ Thị Trinh
Date of birth: 20/10/1999
Class: K20C- Bắc Giang

Question: Listen and summarize the discussion between Mark Li and Sandra
Smith about flu vaccine.

*Answer :
It was a debate about flu vaccine between Mark Li and Sandra Smith. Dr
Sandra Smith, who is flu expert, favours of flu vaccination. Mark Li, who is
alternative medicine practitioner, is against flu vaccination. According to Sandra,
the flu often disappears after several days, but it sometimes causes severe illness or
worse for people, espcially for the very old and very young. Many vaccines work
very well and that millions of lives have been saved by vaccination. So that, people
need to be vaccinated to stop the infection spreading. According to Mark,he’s not
against all vaccination. However, he wonders how safe and how the vaccine works
because there isn’t one single scientific trials to prove that it works. In addition,
vaccine also brings side effects like: headaches, stomach problems... . Some people
have become really ill after being vaccinated. That’s why he’s against the flu
vaccine, and that’s why he didn’t think anyone at all should have it.

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