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PART A: READING (5 points)

Part 1:
Look at these sentences below about
Read the passage to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect
If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet
If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet

Question 1 - 5
1. Babies don't often yawn like other people B
2. The number of times which all students in the test yawn is different B
3. We yawn when we need to cool our brain A
4. If there is something cold in the heads, people yawn less often A
5. People often yawn and breathe through their noses at the same time B

Everyone yawns - babies, children, teenagers, adults - but the truth is that we don't
completely understand why.
Many people think that we yawn when we're tired or bored because your body are trying
to get more oxygen to the brain. In 1987, Robert Provine from University of Maryland decided to
test this idea. He asked groups of students to breathe different levels of oxygen for 30 minutes
and counted how many times they yawn. The result? All the students yawn about the same
number of times.
So the traditional theory probably isn't true. It also fails to answer a lot of other questions.
Why do some illnesses make people yawn more? Why do Olympic athletes sometimes yawn
before a race? And what about "group yawning" when people start yawning because they see
other people yawning?
One study suggest we yawn when our brains are too hot. Yawning is simply a way of
cooling the brain and helping it to work better. In the study, students were asked to watch videos
of other people yawning and the number of times they yawn in response was counted. It was
found that the students yawned less often if they had something cold in their heads. People who
breathe through their noses - another way of cooling their brain - did not yawn at all.
So it seems that we yawn not when we are bored, but as a way of cooling our brains when
we are tired or ill. "Group yawning" probably started many thousands of years ago, when it
helped small groups of people concentrate and notice danger

Part 2:
Read the texts and the questions below
For each questions mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet

Question 6 - 10
In 1976, Muhammed Yunus, a Bangladeshi professor of economics, started Grameen
bank. Grameen gives small loans - usually no more than $100 - to very poor people who can't get
credit from normal banks. This kind of credit is called microcredit
Most of Grameen's customers live in villages in the Bangladeshi countryside. 97 percent
of them are women. They use the credit to start small businesses and make money for their
families. For example, they make furniture, repair clothes or buy animals for milk.
Customers usually have to make repayments every week for 12 months. They pay about
16 percent interest a year. Grameen says that 98 percent of its customers make all their
People who want a loan from Grameen have to make groups of five people, called a loan
circle. The people in the circle meet regularly to talk about their ideas and help each other. If
someone in the group doesn't make their repayments, no one in the group can get credit in the
future. However, if everyone makes their repayments, they can get bigger loans
In 2007, Grameen bank had over seven million customers in nearly eighty thousand
villages. There are now more than seven thousand other microcredit organizations around the
world, including Europe and the United State
Professor Yunus and Grameen bank won the Nobel peace prize in December 2006
6. According to the passage, what is microcredit?
A. a small loan for people to start their businesses
B. a small loan for people without much money
C. a small loan for people to buy furniture and clothes
D. a small loan for people in their education
7. Most of Grameen Bank's customers are..........
A. workers B. men C. women D. small businesses
8. what do people have to do to get bigger credit in the future?
A. make sure that all members of their loan circles make their repayments
B. make the repayments for other member in their groups
C. only make their own repayments to the bank
D. make loan circles
9. Why did Professor Yunus get the Nobel prize?
A. Because he created a new kind of credit to help poor people
B. Because he opened Grameen Bank
C. Because he paid the loans for the poor people
D. Because he helped the poor people in their businesses
10. What is the aim of the author in this passage?
A. To talk about how poor people can get loans from normal banks
B. to introduce about Grameen Bank
C. to introduce about Professor Yunus and his Nobel Prize
D. to introduce about microcredit
Part 3
Question 11-15
During rush hour, a Canadian man and his teenage son got in the cab and asked me to
take them to La Guardia airport. They were going back to Canada. We had a nice conversation
together and when they got out, they gave me a good tip
When my next passenger got in, he handed me a wallet and said he found it on the back
seat. I immediately knew it belonged to the Canadian man. It contained a driving license and a
credit card, nothing much else
Now, I liked the Canadian guy, so I found the 800 number on the back of the credit card
and phoned the company. I explained what happened and gave them my number. After about
half an hour, the Canadian guy called and asked me to go back to the airport and return the
wallet. So I turned off my cab light and started to the airport. Five or six people tried to stop me
as I was driving through the city, but I didn't stop. I was doing a good thing
Forty minutes later, I arrived at La Guardia. The guy was standing outside the terminal
building and looked pretty stressed. I gave back the wallet and told him that I only did a little
shopping with his credit card! Just a joke. He was so happy and just laughed "You are my
favorite New Yorker ever!" he said. Then he handed me fifty dollars and ran back into the
airport. The whole thing - plus the fifty dollars - really made my night
11. What is the aim of the writer in this passage?
A. to talk about a good thing that the writer did
B. to talk about a meeting with a Canadian man
C. to talk about how the writer lost his wallet
D, to talk about how the writer found a wallet in her taxi
12. Why did the writer like the Canadian man?
A. Because he gave the wallet back to her
B. Because he gave her a good tip
C. Because they got a nice conversation and he gave her a good tip
D. Because he found her driving license
13. How did the Canadian man know the writer's number?
A. She gave her number to him
B. She phoned the Canadian man
C. She gave her phone number to the credit card company
D. She phoned back the airport
14. Why did the Canadian man say that the writer was his favorite New Yorker?
A. The writer made a joke
B. The writer was a good taxi driver
C. The writer went shopping with his credit card
D. The writer gave the wallet back to him
15. Why did the Canadian man give the writer 50 dollars?
A. to thank her for giving back his wallet
B. to pay the taxi fee
C. to pay for the shopping
D. to give back the money that the writer had lost

Part 4:
Question 16 - 25
Read the text below and choose the correct words for each space
For each question, mark the correct letter A,B,C or D
Good walks
You're rarely far from a good walk in Britain - (16) ............ you live in the town or the
country. From mountains in the North to gentle hills in the South, you're (17) ......... to find some
wide open spaces you will like. People (18) ........... live in the city can enjoy walks (19) .............
canals and in many beautiful parks to be found
Walking give you the (20) ........ of exercise and at the same time allows you to
experience wonderful scenery. You can also (21) ............. about local wildlife. On foot, in the
countryside, you see much more than you'd (22) .......... see from a car or a bike.
However, if you are out and about in the countryside, make sure you follow the rules You
mustn't go (23) ........... that's private, you (24) ......... stay on public footpaths and (25) ........
animals in fields
16. A. whether B. while C. because D. although
17. A. confident B. sure C. definite D. clear
18. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
19. A. round B. at C. along D. between
20. A. help B. benefits C. assistance D. allowance
21. A. know B find C. learn D. look
22. A. ever B. never C. yet D. always
23. A. any B. anywhere C. anyway D anyhow
24. A. could B. ought C. would D. should
25. A. stay B. avoid C. keep D. let

PART B: WRITING (5 point)

Write a short essay about the following topic
Many people believe that using computers everyday can have many negative effects on
children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or
Write at about 150 words.

You will hear a part of local radio program in which someone is talking a shopping centre.
For each question, put a tick (√) in the correct box
1. The shopping centre opened
A.  3 weeks ago B.  2 months ago C.  3 years ago
2. The speaker suggests the best way of traveling to Waterside is by
A.  coach B.  car C.  train
3. On Fridays, the shops are open from
A.  9 to 9 B.  10 to 8 C.  10 to 9
4. On the third level, you can
A.  get information B.  watch a film C.  find a bank
5. Apart from shopping, waht else can you do at Waterside?
A.  feed the ducks B.  go swimming C.  go sailing
6. What does the speaker complain about?
A.  There was nowhere to put rubbish
B.  The food in the cafe was disappointing
C.  The service in the shop was slow

You will hear five messages left on an answerphone.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered spaces.

These messages were on the answerphone.

- Sarah Smith rang to say she left her (7) glasses behind yesterday.
- Alex arrives about 6.00 tomorrow evening.
Please collect him from the station when he rings.
Has lots of (8) luggage
- Helen phoned to invite you to have (9) lunch on Saturday.
Has friends visiting from America
- Premier Travel say holiday tickets have arrived.
Change of departure time from 7.30 am. to (10) 9.30  am.
This means 7.30 check-in!
- Mary called. Problem at Australian (11) office Call at once. She's at home after 7.00

You will hear a conversation between Mathew and his mother.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect
12. Mathew had intended to catch the bus this morning.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
13. Mathew thought his mother knew he wanted the car this morning.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
14. Mathew is going to help Alan to repair his car.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
15. Mathew needs the car next wednesday.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
16. Mathew's mother agrees she made a mistake.
A. Correct B. Incorrect
17. Mathew has the car in the end.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

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