ECS & QCX Core - Access Control - Reference Manual

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Access Control

Reference Manual

Version Core V8.10

Last modified 2018-10-22


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Copyright © FLSmidth A/S. All rights reserved.

Access Control Core V8.10 2

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Intended audience 1
1.3 How to use this manual 1

2. Concept and terms 1

2.1 Tag 1
2.2 Windows User Account 1
2.3 User 1
2.4 User Group 1
2.5 Claim 1
2.6 Function 1
2.7 Location 1
2.8 Client Device 1
2.9 Default Locations 1
2.10 Location Control 1
2.11 Location Group 1
2.12 Proximity Location 1
2.13 Location Group Master 1
2.14 Configuration Solution 1

3. Access Control Claims 1

3.1 Access Control Claims 1

4. Configuring Access Control 1

4.1 Add a new User 1
4.2 Add a new User Group 1
4.3 Assign a User to a User Group 1
4.4 Add a new Location with Client Devices 1
4.5 Assign a Client Device to a Location 1
4.6 Add a new Claim 1
4.7 Assign User to a Claim 1
4.8 Assign User Group to a Claim 1
4.9 Assign Location to a Claim 1
4.10 Add a new Function 1
4.11 Add a new Location Group Master 1
4.12 Add a new Location Group 1
4.13 Assign a Tag to a Location Group 1
4.14 Associate Tag and Function with a Claim 1

5. Claim Editor 1
5.1 Start the Claim Editor 1
5.2 Assign/un-assign users and user groups to a claim 1
5.3 Assign/un-assign locations to a claim 1
5.4 Assign user on location to a claim 1
5.5 Un-assign user on location to a claim 1
5.6 Assign user group on location to a claim 1
5.7 Un-assign user group on location to a claim 1
5.8 Claim editor and solutions 1

Access Control Core V8.10 3

5.9 Selecting solution for configuration 1
5.10 Create a new solution for configuration 1

6. Tag Function Editor 1

6.1 Start the Tag Function Editor 1
6.2 Restrict access to a function for a given tag 1
6.3 Release access to a function for a given tag 1
6.4 Assign/un-assign users, user groups and locations to a claim 1
6.5 Assign a Tag to a Location Group 1
6.6 Ignore mutex for a tag/function 1
6.7 Deleting a Tag Function 1
6.8 Claim editor and solutions 1
6.9 Selecting solution for configuration 1
6.10 Create a new solution for configuration 1
6.11 Using the tag browser 1

7. User, User group, and Location Editor 1

7.1 Start the User, User group, and Location Editor 1
7.2 Add local user as new workplace user 1
7.3 Add domain user as new workplace user 1
7.4 Copy workplace user 1
7.5 Delete a workplace user 1
7.6 Assign or un-assign user group memberships of a workplace user 1
7.7 Add new local windows user 1
7.8 Add new user group 1
7.9 Copy a user group 1
7.10 Delete a user group 1
7.11 Assign or un-assign users to a user group 1
7.12 Add a new location 1
7.13 Copy a location 1
7.14 Delete a location 1
7.15 Add a client device to a location. 1
7.16 Remove a client device from a location. 1
7.17 Change location to have or not to have explicit rights. 1
7.18 Rename a location 1

8. Location Control Editor 1

8.1 Start the Location Control Editor 1
8.2 View existing location group 1
8.3 Modify users, user groups and locations that can request a location
change 1
8.4 Modify the default location 1
8.5 Modify the master area 1
8.6 Modify the proximity settings 1
8.7 Release functions to tags 1
8.8 Create a new Location Group 1
8.9 Delete a Location Group 1

9. Related Manuals 1
9.1 Related Manuals 1

Access Control Core V8.10 4

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of Access Control is to control who is allowed to do what from where.

1.2 Intended audience

This manual is relevant for the engineer/administrator of the system. The focus of
the manual is therefore on configuration and maintenance of the system, rather
than the use or commissioning of the system.

1.3 How to use this manual

The first part is a brief description of the concepts and terms involved in the
system. The understanding of these concepts and terms are crucial in the efficient
use of the following sections.
Hereafter, a number of sections describe the procedure to be followed by the user
to perform a specific task e.g. (“find configuration of….”). These descriptions are
setup in a step-by-step structure.

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2. Concept and terms

2.1 Tag
A Tag persists and maintains a unique reference in the Reference system shared
by sub-products.

2.2 Windows User Account

A user account defines the actions a user can perform in Windows. The account
can be on either Access Control Windows server or Windows domain.
The password is controlled by the Windows User Account.

2.3 User
A person who uses the system is the User.

The user name has to match a Windows User Account. Only users with a
Windows user account will be able to log on to the system.

2.4 User Group

A User Group is defined as a multiple users with similar system access
requirements. Users can be assigned to User Group and Access rights (Claims)
are provided to the User Group.

2.5 Claim
A Claim is a right to do something. Claims can be added to User, User Groups and

2.6 Function
A function is a functionality provided by the system, e.g. alarm acknowledge

2.7 Location
A physical location in the plant, e.g. the central control room, a specific machine

2.8 Client Device

A device used to interface with the system, e.g. a PC. A client device is linked to a
particular location, e.g. the central control room. Many client devices may be
linked to the same physical location, e.g. the central control room. The
designation of a Client Device is the Windows computer name.

2.9 Default Locations

The system installs two default locations:

Access Control Core V8.10 6

 Privileged: By default the server(s), two in a dual system, is a member of
the Privileged location. By default a Workplace user logged in at the
Privileged location will have all added claims (rights). Furthermore, the
Privileged location is the only location where administrative rights of a
user, i.e. the user will be granted all claims (rights) defined in the system,
will be allowed at Workplace logging.
 Unknown: All client devices not a member of a location in the system will
be a member of the Unknown location. By default a Workplace user logged
in at the Unknown location will have no claims (rights).
As a consequence of this all client devices apart from the servers will by default
be assigned to the Unknown location, i.e. users will by default have no claims
(rights) at Workplace login. This is also true for e.g. central control room client
PC’s. A simple solution to this is to add the central control room client PC’s to the
installed Privileged location.

2.10 Location Control

A mechanism used to control an exclusive location from which a set of functions
may be performed. E.g. machine start command may only be executed from
either the central control room location of from the location of the machine in

2.11 Location Group

Location groups are used to support location control. A given location group can
only be controlled from one location at a time.

2.12 Proximity Location

A Location Group may define one proximity location. This is the location
associated with a piece of equipment. Certain functions may only be allowed on
this location.

2.13 Location Group Master

Location control may be distributed between systems. I.e. a central control
system and a machine control system. In that case one of the systems must be
assigned as Master. The master is responsible for maintaining the control state of
the location group in question.

2.14 Configuration Solution

A Configuration Solution consists of data from one or more products, and these
data are packed together to give the user a complete solution to fulfil a given
user requirement. The user is able to view and update solution contents through
the drop-down selection in configuration tool bar which will be covered in coming

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3. Access Control Claims

3.1 Access Control Claims

All control claims for the Access Control system are defined under the sub-
product name Fls.Core.AccessControl

Type Description

GeneralConfig Required in order to configure the Access Control


Access Control Core V8.10 8

4. Configuring Access Control

4.1 Add a new User

To add a new user, do the following:
1. Create the Windows User Account on the domain or on the server running
the Access Control service.
2. Open Configuration
3. Expand Core
4. Expand Access Control
5. Select User
6. Enter the Windows user name of the user in the last empty row and
 If the Windows User Account is a domain account, you should
prefix the username with the domain name followed by a backslash
(\). E.g. ‘domain\user’
 If the Windows User Account is a local account on the server, you
should only enter the user name. E.g. ‘user’
7. Press the Save Changes button.

4.2 Add a new User Group

To add a new User Group, you have to do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select UserGroup
5. Enter the Name of the user group in the last empty row and commit
6. Press the Save Changes button.

4.3 Assign a User to a User Group

To add a User to a User Group, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Expand UserGroup
5. Expand the user group you want to add the user and commit
6. Select UserUserGroup
7. Select the user in the UserId column in the last row
8. Press the Save Changes button

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4.4 Add a new Location with Client Devices
To add a new Location, you have to do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select Location
5. Move to the last empty row
6. Enter the designation of the location in the Designation column
7. Enter the Description of the location using the Description column. In the
popup the designation of the language text is entered in the Designation
column and the default text in the Default Text column.
8. The ClaimExplicit column defaults to false. This means that claims which
have not been restricted to certain locations will also be implicitly granted
to this location. If ClaimExplicit is set to true it means that claim have to
be explicitly granted to this location.
9. Commit the row by pressing enter or leave the row
10. Select ClientDevice in the bottom part of the screen
11. Enter the Windows computer name as Designation in the last row and
12. Press the Save Changes button

4.5 Assign a Client Device to a Location

To add a new Location, you have to do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select Location
5. Expand the location you want to add the client device
6. Move to the last empty row of the related ClientDevice in the bottom part
of the screen
7. Enter the Windows computer name as Designation and commit
8. Press the Save Changes button

4.6 Add a new Claim

To add a new Claim, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select Claim
5. Move to the last empty row
6. Enter the name of the sub product in the SubProduct column

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7. Enter the name of the Claim in the Name column
8. Make sure that the System column is not checked
9. Commit the row by pressing enter or leave the row
10. Press the Save Changes button

4.7 Assign User to a Claim

To give a User a Claim, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Expand Claim
5. Expand the Claim you want to add the user to
6. Select UserClaim
7. Select the user in the UserId column in the last row and commit
8. Press the Save Changes button

4.8 Assign User Group to a Claim

To give a User Group a Claim, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Expand Claim
5. Expand the Claim you want to add the user group to
6. Select UserGroupClaim
7. Select the user group in the UserGroupId column in the last row and
8. Press the Save Changes button

4.9 Assign Location to a Claim

To give a Location a Claim, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Expand Claim
5. Expand the Claim you want to add the location to
6. Select LocationClaim
7. Select the location in the LocationId column in the last row and commit
8. Press the Save Changes button

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4.10 Add a new Function
To add a new Function, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select Function
5. Move to the last empty row
6. Enter the name of the sub product in the SubProduct column
7. Enter the name of the Function in the Name column. The combination of
SubProduct and Name must be unique
8. Make sure that the System column is not checked
9. Commit the row by pressing enter or leave the row
10. Press the Save Changes button

4.11 Add a new Location Group Master

To add a new Location Group Master, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select LocationGroupMaster
5. Move to the last empty row
6. Add the name of the master area in the Area column. The area must be
configured as a child area in the system.
7. Commit the row by pressing enter or leave the row

4.12 Add a new Location Group

To add a new Location Group, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select LocationGroup
5. Move to the last empty row
6. Select to tag of the location group in the Id column
7. Enter the optional default control location in the DefaultLocationId
8. Enter the optional Claim required to take control of the location group in
the ClaimId column
9. Select the optional master in question (from dropdown) in the
LocationControlMasterId. If a master system is entered this system will
be responsible for maintaining the location control status for this location

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10. Select whether or not control should automatically fallback to the default
location when control is released. If false the default location will be
prompted to accept control before control can be released
11. Enter the optional proximity location in the ProximityLocationId column.
Certain privileges may be associated with the proximity location
12. Enter the optional proximity tag in the ProximityTagId column. The
ProximityTagId is only supported if a ProximityLocationId has been
entered. A value of 1 will be assigned to this tag when location control is
on the proximity location. 0 will be assigned otherwise.
13. Enter the optional proximity master tag in the ProximityMasterTagId
column. The ProximityMasterTagId is only supported if a
ProximityLocationId has been entered as well as a DefaultLocationId.
When defined location control can only switch between 2 locations: The
default location and the proximity location. If a proximity master tag has
been defined the value of this tag will assign the location in control. The
values of the tag must be:

1 The proximity location is not in control

2 The proximity location is in control
3 The proximity location can take control
14. Commit the row by pressing enter or leave the row
15. Press the Save Changes button

4.13 Assign a Tag to a Location Group

To add a User to a User Group, do the following:
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Expand LocationGroup
5. Expand the location group you want to add the tag
6. Select TagLocationGroup
7. Select the Tag in question using the Tag browser in the last row and
8. Press the Save Changes button

4.14 Associate Tag and Function with a Claim

To associate a given combination of Tag and Function with a Claim, do the
1. Open Configuration
2. Expand Core
3. Expand Access Control
4. Select TagFunctionClaim
5. Move to the last empty row
6. Select the Function in question (from dropdown)

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7. Select the desired Claim (from dropdown)
8. Enter the Tag in question (possibly using the Tag browser)
9. Select whether or not an associated location group mutex should be
ignored. Only relevant if the given tag has been associated with a Location
10. Commit the row by pressing enter or leave the row
11. Press the Save Changes button

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5. Claim Editor

5.1 Start the Claim Editor

The claim editor can be started form the Workplace System tab. Changes are
persisted to the database by selection of the tool bar Save button.

5.2 Assign/un-assign users and user groups to a claim

To assign/un-assign users or user groups you must do the following:
1. Open the Claim Editor.
2. Select a claim in the Claims list.
3. Users, user groups and locations can be assigned, respectively un-
assigned, by selecting, respectively deselecting the listed Users and User
If one or more user groups has been assigned, the users in the user
groups will be marked as assigned
4. Press the Save button to commit changes
Note: Users in user list can appear grey with a dimmed checkmark in the
checkbox and that is because a user group has already included these. Clicking
the checkbox will select the user directly and change the checkmark to be black.

5.3 Assign/un-assign locations to a claim

To assign/un-assign locations you must do the following:
1. Open the Claim Editor.
2. Select a claim in the Claims list.
3. Assigning Default will assign the claim to the build in Privileged location
and other locations that gets the right implicitly, and remove the claim
from the build in Unknown location and other locations that have to have
the claim assigned explicitly.
4. Un-assigning Default will keep the current setting but will require that
new locations gets the claim assigned explicitly.
5. Assigning or un-assigning any other location to the claim will un-assign

5.4 Assign user on location to a claim

To assign user on location you must do the following:
1. Open the Claim Editor.
2. Select a claim in the Claims list.
3. The claim is assigned to a combination of user and location by selecting
the last empty row in the User and location group. Enter the User from
the drop down in the user column and the Location from the drop down
in the location column. Now the user has the given claim on this and only
this location.

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4. Press the Save button to commit changes

5.5 Un-assign user on location to a claim

To un-assign user on location you must do the following:
1. Open the Claim Editor.
2. Select a claim in the Claims list.
3. Select the user on location row and press deleted.
4. Press the Save button to commit changes

5.6 Assign user group on location to a claim

To assign user on location you must do the following:
1. Open the Claim Editor.
2. Select a claim in the Claims list.
3. The claim is assigned to a combination of user group and location by
selecting the last empty row in the User group and location group. Enter
the User Group from the drop down in the user group column and the
Location from the drop down in the location column. Now users belonging
to this user group has the given claim on this and only this location.
4. Press the Save button to commit changes

5.7 Un-assign user group on location to a claim

To un-assign user on location you must do the following:
1. Open the Claim Editor.
2. Select a claim in the Claims list.
3. Select the user group on location row and press deleted.
4. Press the Save button to commit changes

5.8 Claim editor and solutions

When using the Claim editor, a solution can be assigned. The tasks below
describe that.
This toolbar is only shown when logged in with a windows administrator account.

5.9 Selecting solution for configuration

During configuration of claims a solution can be select via the drop down in the
toolbar of the window.
1. Open the Claim editor.
2. To select an already existing solution click on the drop down and next click the
solution needed.
3. Now continue doing modifications.
4. Finish your work by use of the available save command.

Access Control Core V8.10 16

Please note that a solution can’t be changed if pending changes exit. First you’re
your changes and then select another Solution.

5.10 Create a new solution for configuration

A new solution can be created from the toolbar by pressing the new command. A
dialog will prompt for name, source & version.
1. Open the Claim editor.
2. Click the new command in the toolbar.
3. Provide solution name.
4. Optionally provide source, name of the party that produces this solution
5. Optionally version name, an identifier of the solution version.
6. Click OK to commit new solution.

Access Control Core V8.10 17

6. Tag Function Editor

6.1 Start the Tag Function Editor

The tag Function Editor can be started form the Workplace System tab. Changes
are persisted to the database by selection of the tool bar Save button.

6.2 Restrict access to a function for a given tag

To restrict access to a function of a given tag, do the following:
1. Open the Tag Function Editor.
2. Location the tag in the tag/function matrix or add a new tag by dragging it
from the Tags tree view.
3. Place a checkmark in the R column for the required function
4. A claim will be created and associated with the tag and function.

6.3 Release access to a function for a given tag

To release access to a function of a given tag, do the following:
1. Open the Tag Function editor.
2. Locate the combination of tag and function to delete.
3. Remove the checkmark in the R column.
4. The claim associated with the tag and function will be deleted.

6.4 Assign/un-assign users, user groups and locations to a claim

To assign/un-assign users or user groups you must do the following:
1. Open the Tag Function editor.
2. Select the combination of tag and function.
3. Users, user groups and locations can be assigned, respectively un-
assigned, by selecting, respectively deselecting the listed Users, User
Groups and Locations.
This is only possible if the combination of tag and function is restricted by
a claim.
If one or more user groups has been assigned, the users in the user
groups will be marked as assigned, and you will not be able to assign and
un-assign these users.

6.5 Assign a Tag to a Location Group

To assign a tag to a location group, do the following:
1. Open to Tag Function Editor.
2. Either
a. Locate the tag in the tag/function matrix

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b. Add a new tag by dragging it from the tag browser.
3. Select the Location Group in the combo box.

6.6 Ignore mutex for a tag/function

To ignore mutex for a tag/function, do the following
1. Open the Tag Function editor.
2. Locate the combination of tag and function to modify.
3. Place a checkmark in the IM column. This is only possible if a location
group has been selected for the tag.

6.7 Deleting a Tag Function

It is possible to entirely delete a tag from the configuration. Do the following
1. Open the Tag Function editor.
2. Locate the Tag row to be deleted.
3. From the toolbar press the Delete button.
a. Accept the delete in the dialog.
4. Press Save in the toolbar to commit the configuration

6.8 Claim editor and solutions

When using the Tag Function editor a solution can be assigned. The tasks below
describe that.
This toolbar is only shown when logged in with a windows administrator account.

6.9 Selecting solution for configuration

During configuration of claims a solution can be select via the drop down in the
toolbar of the window.
1. Open the Tag Function Claim editor.
2. To select an already existing solution click on the drop down and next click
the solution needed.
3. Now continue doing modifications.
4. Finish your work by use of the available save command.

Please note that a solution can’t be changed if pending changes exit. First you’re
your changes and then select another Solution.

6.10 Create a new solution for configuration

A new solution can be created from the toolbar by pressing the new command. A
dialog will prompt for name, source & version.
1. Open the Tag Function editor.
2. Click the new command in the toolbar.
3. Provide solution name.
4. Optionally provide source, name of the party that produces this solution

Access Control Core V8.10 19

5. Optionally version name, an identifier of the solution version.
6. Click OK to commit new solution.

6.11 Using the tag browser

You can select the type of tag hierarchy you want to see by selecting it in the
Hierarchy Type combo box.
To find a tag you can search for it by entering a text in the Tag filter textbox. The
tag filter support wildcards.
The list will show all tags whose name or description matches the entered text.
If you tag filter matches more than 100 tags, you can show the next 100 tags by
pressing the Show More button.

Access Control Core V8.10 20

7. User, User group, and
Location Editor

7.1 Start the User, User group, and Location Editor

The editor can be started from places where user claims are configured, i.e. the
role editor or in the Claim editor.

7.2 Add local user as new workplace user

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users tab
3. Press the New button in the toolbar in the user list.
4. Select login as Local user
5. In the local user list select the user to add.
o Alternatively if the configuration is for another system type in the
logon name.
6. Verify if wanted the logon name (password needed) by pressing the verify
logon button.
7. Press the Add button.
8. If more than one user added, repeat step 4-6.
9. When finished press the Close button.

7.3 Add domain user as new workplace user

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users tab
3. Press the New button in the toolbar in the user list.
4. Select login as Domain user
5. Type in the domain name and the log on name.
6. Verify if wanted the logon name (password needed) by pressing the verify
logon button.
7. Press the Add button.
8. If more than one user added, repeat step 4-6.
9. When finished press the Close button.

7.4 Copy workplace user

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users tab
3. Select the user to be copied in the user list

Access Control Core V8.10 21

4. Press the Copy button in the toolbar in the user list.
5. If the user should log on as a local user repeat step 4-9 of Add local user
as new workplace user. If the user should log on as a domain user
repeat step 4-9 of Add domain user as new workplace user.
Note: The new user get all the claims and gets to be a member of the same
user group as the user copied.

7.5 Delete a workplace user

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users tab
3. Select the user to be deleted in the user list.
4. Press the Delete button in the toolbar in the user list.
5. Press the Yes button in the confirmation box.

7.6 Assign or un-assign user group memberships of a workplace

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users tab
3. Select the desired user in the user list.
4. Assign or un-assign user groups in the right pane.

7.7 Add new local windows user

When you add or copy a workplace user and the windows user is not made yet, it
is possible to create a local windows user on the server(s),
1. Do step 1 to 4 of Add local user as new workplace user then press the
Add new windows user button.
2. Enter log on name, display name and password.
3. Press the Ok button.
Note: In a dual system the user will be created on both servers.

7.8 Add new user group

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users group tab
3. Press the New button in the toolbar in the user group list.
4. Enter the user group name and press the Ok button

7.9 Copy a user group

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users group tab
3. Select the user group to be copied.
4. Press the Copy button in the toolbar in the user group list.

Access Control Core V8.10 22

5. Enter the user group name and press the Ok button
Note: The new user group get all the claims and assigns all member of the
user group copied as members.

7.10 Delete a user group

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users group tab
3. Select the user group to be deleted in the user group list.
4. Press the Delete button in the toolbar in the user group list.
5. Press the Yes button in the confirmation box.

7.11 Assign or un-assign users to a user group

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the users group tab
3. Select the desired user group in the user group list.
4. Assign or un-assign users in the right pane.

7.12 Add a new location

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the location tab
3. Press the New button in the toolbar in the location list.
4. Enter the location name and press the Ok button

7.13 Copy a location

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the location tab
3. Select the location to be copied.
4. Press the Copy button in the toolbar in the location list.
5. Enter the location name and press the Ok button
Note: The new location gets all the claims of the location copied.

7.14 Delete a location

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the location tab
3. Select the location to be deleted.
4. Press the Delete button in the toolbar in the location list.
5. Press the Yes button in the confirmation box.
Note: The system locations cannot be deleted.

Access Control Core V8.10 23

7.15 Add a client device to a location.
1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the location tab
3. Select the location to which the client device has to be added.
4. In the right pane press the Add client device button.
5. Enter the client device name and press the Ok button.

7.16 Remove a client device from a location.

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the location tab
3. Select the location to which the client device has to be deleted.
4. Select the client device to be delete in the right pane.
5. In the right pane press the Remove client device button.

7.17 Change location to have or not to have explicit rights.

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the location tab
3. Select the location to configure.
4. Check or uncheck the use explicit rights checkbox in the right pane.
Note: This can only be done for none system locations.

7.18 Rename a location

1. Open the User, User group, and Location Editor
2. Navigate to the location tab
3. Press the button for the wanted location.
4. Type in the new name for the language you want or change the system

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8. Location Control Editor

8.1 Start the Location Control Editor

The Location Control Editor can be started form the Workplace System tab.
Changes are persisted to the database by selection of the tool bar Save button.

8.2 View existing location group

To view a location group, do the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor.
2. Select the Location Group in the list in the left part of the screen.

8.3 Modify users, user groups and locations that can request a
location change
To modify users, user groups and locations that can request a location change, do
the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor.
2. Select the Location Group.
3. Users, user groups and locations can be assigned, respectively un-
assigned, by selecting, respectively deselecting the listed Users, User
Groups and Locations.
If one or more user groups has been assigned, the users in the user
groups will be marked as assigned, and you will not be able to assign and
un-assign these users.
4. Press Save in the toolbar when all changes have been performed.

8.4 Modify the default location

To modify the default location, do the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor.
2. Select the Location Group.
3. Select the default location in the combo box.
4. If the location group should support automatic fallback, place a checkmark
in the checkbox.
5. Press Save in the toolbar when all changes have been performed.

8.5 Modify the master area

To modify the master area, do the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor.
2. Select the Location Group.
3. Select the master are in the combo box.
4. Press Save in the toolbar when all changes have been performed.

Access Control Core V8.10 25

8.6 Modify the proximity settings
To modify the proximity settings, do the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor.
2. Select the Location Group.
3. Select the location in the drop down.
4. Drag the proximity tag from the tag browser to the area after the Tag text.
To delete the proximity tag, press the button with the red cross.
5. Drag the proximity master tag from the tag browser to the area after the
Master Tag text. To delete the proximity master tag, press the button with
the red cross.
6. Press Save in the toolbar when all changes have been performed.

8.7 Release functions to tags

To release functions to tags, do the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor.
2. Select the Location Group.
3. Release functions for tags as described in chapter 6. Tag Function Editor.
The location group will always be the currently selected location group.
4. Press Save in the toolbar when all changes have been performed.

8.8 Create a new Location Group

To create a new location group, do the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor
2. Press the New button above the location group list
3. In the New Location Group dialog, do the following:
a. The create a new location group tag, select Create new tag
b. If the location group tag should be placed below another tag in the
hierarchy, drag this tag from the tag browser to the area after Root
c. Enter the name of the Location Group Tag. The name of the root
tag will automatically be prefixed the entered name.
d. Enter the name of the location claim.
e. Press the Add button.
a. The use an existing location group tag, select Use existing tag
b. Drag the tag from the tag browser to the area after Location Group
c. Enter the name of the location claim.
d. Press the Add button.
4. Modify the rest of the location group settings.
5. Press Save in the toolbar when all changes have been performed.

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8.9 Delete a Location Group
To delete a location group, do the following:
1. Open the Location Control Editor.
2. Select the Location Group to delete.
3. Press the Delete button above the location group list.
4. Select Yes to delete the location group, the location group tag and the
Select No to delete location group and the claim, but keep the location
group tag.
Select Cancel to keep the location group.
5. Press Save in the toolbar.

Access Control Core V8.10 27

9. Related Manuals

9.1 Related Manuals

The “Core – Configuration - User Manual” describes further details.

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