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Fun Grammar Lessons

Gerunds & Infinitives

1 Grammar Notes 2

2 Gerunds 8

3 Infinitives 9

4 Multiple-Choice 10

5 Rules 11

6 Fill in the Blanks 12

7 Class Survey 13

8 Writing 14

9 Quiz 15

A Answer Key 16

B Verb Cards 18

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Gerunds & Infinitives
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1 Grammar Notes
A. Form
A gerund is the -ing form of a verb.
• I like swimming.
• I don’t like playing tennis.

An infinitive is to + the base form of a verb.

• I like to swim.
• I don’t like to play tennis.

B. Function
Gerunds and infinitives combine the action meaning
of a verb with the grammatical function of a noun.
They act as nouns (subjects and objects) in a sentence.

• Speaking in front of a crowd can be scary. (subject position)

• Do you want to come to the beach with us? (object position)

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1 Grammar Notes cont.

C. Gerund or Infinitive?
Some sentence positions take only a gerund or only
an infinitive, but there is one position (following a verb)
where the decision depends on the main verb.

Position Pattern Notes Examples

Gerunds are common in the • S

 hopping is my
subject of subject position. While an favorite hobby.
a sentence S =Ger infinitive is also possible, it is • W
 orking out has really
very formal and not common. improved my health.

Gerunds are also common • She thought about

after a preposition. This rule calling him but decided
following a she wouldn’t.
Prep + Ger applies to all prepositions,
including ones that are part • They are planning on
of phrasal verbs. going to the party tonight.

This is the one position where

both gerunds and infinitives
are used. It all depends on the • He enjoys learning
main verb. Some common about gerunds.
V + Ger verbs that are followed by • My teacher suggested
of a verb
a gerund are advise, avoid, studying for the
enjoy, finish, practice, quit, and upcoming quiz.
suggest. See the list on page 7
for more of these verbs.

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1 Grammar Notes cont.

C. Gerund or Infinitive? cont.

Position Pattern Notes Examples

Infinitives are common after

an adjective. Though it is • It is nice to meet you.
following sometimes possible to use • She mentioned that it was
Adj + Inf
an adjective a gerund in this position, dangerous to stand near
it is more common to use that machine.
an infinitive.

If the verb has a noun • You asked me to call you.

or pronoun object, it is
a noun N + Inf • The doctor advised Mark
almost always followed
or pronoun to eat more vegetables.
by an infinitive.

This is the one position

where both gerunds and
infinitives are commonly • They want to get their
used. The choice of which tests back as soon
object to use depends on the main as possible.
V + Inf
of a verb verb. Some common ones • The students are
are ask, choose, decide, get, planning to have
need, plan, promise, and want. a party this Friday.
See the list on page 7 for
more of these verbs.

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1 Grammar Notes cont.

D. Notes

1 2
A verb can be in any tense. Progressive tenses Go is often used to describe an activity
use the -ing form, so it is possible to see two -ing in English. No matter the tense used,
forms side by side (progressive verb + gerund). go is followed by a gerund.

• My parents are quitting smoking next Friday. • She went golfing last weekend.
• Michelle was practicing juggling • Do you want to go skiing today?
five oranges when I saw her. • We are going sailing next weekend.

3 4
The N + Inf rule is very Because both gerunds and infinitives keep their verb meanings
handy. For example, the (even though they function as nouns), they too can have objects.
verb “advise” normally takes It’s common to see a sentence with two or more objects 
a gerund, as in “The doctor when gerunds or infinitives are used. For example:
advised eating more
• I enjoy studying English.
vegetables.” But when
“Studying” is the direct object of “enjoy”
there is a noun object, as in
and “English” is the direct object of “studying.”
“The doctor advised Mark
to eat more vegetables,” • My boss asked me to help her.
the infinitive must be used. “Me” is the direct object of “asked,” “to help” is also the direct
The noun rule is more object of “asked,” and “her” is the direct object of “to help.”
important than the verb rule!

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1 Grammar Notes cont.

D. Notes cont. E. Quick Guide
Some verbs take either a gerund or an infinitive with no change S =Ger
in meaning. Some common verbs are like, love, and hate.
See the list on page 7 for more of these verbs.
Prep + Ger

• I love eating pasta. V + Ger

• I love to eat pasta.

6 Adj + Inf

Can gerunds and infinitives be negative? Yes! There are four N + Inf
ways to form negative sentences with gerunds and infinitives.
V + Inf
1. not + main verb + gerund or infinitive
• She doesn’t like studying after school.
• He didn’t want to do his homework.

2. main verb + not + infinitive

• They decided not to go to the game.
• We agreed not to text in class.

3. main verb + to + not + base form (less common)

• They decided to not go to the game.
• We agreed to not text in class.

4. main verb + not + gerund (not common)

• She advised not going out in the storm.
• He considered not applying for the job.

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1 Grammar Notes cont.

F. Verb Lists
Common Verbs Followed by a Gerund

• admit • consider • finish • miss

• advise • deny • imagine • practice
• appreciate • discuss • keep • quit
• avoid • dislike • mention • recommend
• complete • enjoy • mind • suggest

Common Verbs Followed by an Infinitive

• afford • expect • need • refuse

• agree • hope • offer • seem
• appear • intend • plan • volunteer
• ask • learn • prepare • wait
• decide • mean • promise • want

Common Verbs Followed by a Gerund or an Infinitive (with no meaning change)

• begin • hate • love • start

• continue • like • prefer

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2 Gerunds
Change the word in bold into a gerund.

Ex. Cooking
I love to cook.             is very creative.

1 I like to ride my bicycle to school.            my bicycle is fun.

2 Kendra swims every day because             is good exercise.

3 She likes to watch movies.             movies is her hobby.

4 It is against the school rules to fight.             is forbidden.

5 My father drives too fast.             too fast is dangerous.

6 He doesn’t like to share his toys. He’s not good at             .

7 It is great to live in Canada.             in Canada is nice.

8 We go jogging every day. We love             jogging.

9 It is dangerous to run by the pool.             by the pool is dangerous.

Cara wants to become a good piano player.

10             a good piano player is her goal.

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3 Infinitives
Change the verb in parentheses
into an infinitive.

Ex. to be
Barbara pretended             sleeping.

1 Maria wants John             her move on Saturday.


2 Janice expects             a good grade on the test.


3 Our teacher requires us             perfect attendance.


4 The school counselor advised Lisa             every night.


5 Jay only needs one more comic book             his set.

6 The coach encouraged the players             their best.


7 Gina wants             at the orphanage.


8 Do not hesitate             me if you need help.


9 Mark and Karen decided             to Europe.


10 My friend agreed             with me.


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4 Multiple-Choice
Circle the correct answer.

1 My mom offered     6 You can get to the

me some money. theater by     the bus.

a) loaning a) taking
b)  to loan b)  to take

2 Chris is considering     7 Martha thought about

English for another year.     to Switzerland.

a) studying a) traveling
b)  to study b)  to travel

3 They volunteered     tickets. 8 The children learned     to strangers.

a) selling a)  not talking

b)  to sell b)  not to talk

4     is my favorite sport. 9 Elizabeth finds it difficult     money.

a) Snowboarding a) saving
b) To snowboard b)  to save

5 It is essential     salt to this recipe. 10 Do you want     jogging with me?

a) adding a) going
b)  to add b)  to go

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5 Rules Gerunds Infinitives

• S Ger • Adj + Inf

Review the rules in the box. Then write • Prep + Ger • N + Inf
• V + Ger • V + Inf
the rule used in each sentence below.

# Sentence Rule

Ex. My father wants to retire in two years. V + Inf

1 She thought about cleaning her brother’s room.

2 My parents can’t afford to buy a new car.

3 English can be very difficult to learn.

4 Reading is a hobby every kid should have.

5 Lee keeps forgetting his cell phone.

6 My best friend believes in telling the truth.

7 Texting while walking can be dangerous.

8 The travel agent suggested going to Paris in May.

9 Jim’s mother advised him to do his chores.

10 It is exciting to meet new people.

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6 Fill in the Blanks

Change the verb in parentheses into the gerund or infinitive form.
When both forms are possible, write them both in the blank.

Ex. eating
Joshua dislikes             vegetables.

1 He wanted his mother             him to school.


2 Jason needs             more.


3 We love             sand castles at the beach.


4 Louise asked             invited to my party.


5 My friend’s parents recommended             to Disneyland.


6 Her brother likes             video games.


7 I like snowboarding, but my cousin prefers             .


8 Hye Jun doesn’t like             in the rain.


9 The teacher encouraged us             our own languages.

(speak, not)

10 It is easy             behind in your schoolwork.


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7 Class Survey
Create your own class survey! Write eight questions Word List
using gerunds and infinitives with the verbs in the
• enjoy • dislike
Word List. Then ask your classmates these questions, • like • hate
and write their answers on the right. Try to speak • love
to a new classmate for each question.

# Question Answer

What kinds of movies Paul enjoys watching

do you enjoy watching? comedies and action movies.

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8 Writing Example

Write five to ten sentences My hobby is playing the guitar. I try to practice
right after school every day. My friend likes to
about one of your hobbies. sing while I play the guitar. We enjoy making

Use gerunds and infinitives music together. One day we’ll have enough
courage to perform in front of our classmates...
as often as possible.

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9 Quiz
Circle the correct answer.

1 Junko and Yosuke enjoy 7     attention when you

    to the beach. are really tired is difficult.

a) going a) Paying
b)  to go b) To pay

2 John finished     the novel. 8 They want     next weekend.

a) reading a)  to go skiing

b)  to read b)  going to ski

3 Victor hopes     his exam. 9 Nicole decided     tonight.

a) passing a)  not going out

b)  to pass b)  not to go out

4 It is important     10 The coach promised    

people back right away. the players take a break.

a) calling a) letting
b)  to call b)  to let

5 The travel agent advised     shots 11 It’s too far     to the museum.
before going to a tropical place.
a) walking
a) getting b)  to walk
b)  to get
12 Our teacher advised us
6 Do you think it is easy     rice?     before the big test.

a) making a) studying
b)  to make b)  to study

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A Answer Key
2  Gerunds 6   Fill in the Blanks

1. Riding 6. sharing 1. to drive 6. playing / to play

2. swimming 7. Living 2. to study 7. skiing / to ski
3. Watching 8. going 3. building / to build 8. walking / to walk
4. Fighting 9. Running 4. to be 9. not to speak
5. Driving 10. Becoming 5. going 10. to fall

3   Infinitives 7   Class Survey

1. to help 6. to try Answers will vary.

2. to get 7. to volunteer
3. to have 8. to call
4. to read 9. to go 8   Writing
5. to complete 10. to study

Answers will vary.

4   Multiple-Choice
(continued on the next page...)

1. b 3. b 5. b 7. a 9. b
2. a 4. a 6. a 8. b 10. b

5  Rules

1. Prep + Ger 6. Prep + Ger

2. V + Inf 7. S =Ger
3. Adj + Inf 8. V + Ger
4. S =Ger 9. N + Inf
5. V + Ger 10. Adj + Inf

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A Answer Key cont.

9   Quiz Spelling Notes:

This lesson shows the American spelling of the

1. a 3. b 5. a 7. a 9. b 11. b
words Counselor, Traveling, Favorite, and Practice.
2. a 4. b 6. b 8. a 10. b 12. b
Most other English-speaking countries spell these
words this way: Counsellor, Travelling, Favourite,
B   Verb Cards and Practise (when used as a verb; Practice when
used as a noun). Make it a challenge for your
Optional activity. There are many ways to use these students to find these words in the lesson and
cards. One idea is to put students into small groups, see if they know the alternate spellings.
cut up the verb cards from all three lists, and give each
group one shuffled set of cards. Students can take turns
choosing a card and saying if it should be followed
by a gerund, an infinitive, or both. If the students gets Editor’s Notes:
it right, he/she may keep the card; otherwise, he/she
1. This answer key reflects the rules taught on
must return it to the pile. The winner is the student
pages 3–6. Feel free to point out to students
with the most cards at the end.
when another choice sounds natural enough.
(E.g., Exercise 9, #6, [b] is the best choice,
but [a] is also possible.)

2. The verbs try, stop, forget, remember, and

regret can be followed by a gerund or
an infinitive, but the meaning of the verb
changes. To introduce these challenging
verbs to higher-level students, see our blog

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B Verb Cards
A. Common Verbs Followed by a Gerund

admit advise appreciate avoid

complete consider deny discuss

dislike enjoy finish imagine

keep mention mind miss

practice quit recommend suggest

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B Verb Cards cont.

B. Common Verbs Followed by an Infinitive

afford agree appear ask

decide expect hope intend

learn mean need offer

plan prepare promise refuse

seem volunteer wait want

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B Verb Cards cont.

C. Common Verbs Followed
by a Gerund or an Infinitive

begin continue hate like

love start prefer

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