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Mikee Jane M.

Tell a story based on observations in watching the video clips.
Long time ago, the physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA),
William Morgan invented the volleyball game in 1895. Volleyball is a sport anywhere can play
and is known all over the world. There are six volleyball skills you need to know, these are:
serve, pass, set, spike, block and dig. The three hit limit and set & spike were invented here in
the Philippines. The volleyball court has dimensions of of 18 x 9 meter.

Sadly, because of the this pandemic we’re not able to play outside. The good thing is we
can still practice volleyball at home by executing the basic arm touches, play with a wall,
defense against the wall, not net receive, go through footwork and serve to a target. To
perform, wide stance feet, staggered solid arms, wrist contact platform level. Stay low, follow
through ball with arms. Set to self. Feet shoulder with elbows 45 degrees out hands preshape
ball. Extend through ball in a straight line, reset your set receive position each time. Pass to
wall, keep ball in front of knees shoulders forward platform angled down knees slightly bent
forward. Follow through forward and up with arms, freeze momentarily at top for accuracy.

Playing volleyball is a good example of recreational activity. It doesn’t only make you feel
healthy but also it can be a way of distressing.

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