GOD MUST BE A MOTHER: A Mother's Day Musing

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GOD MUST BE A MOTHER: A Mother’s Day Musing

(Jonel Dalimag, cicm)

Every time I see mothers, I see God. God must be a mother. When She
gave birth to the universe as we know it today, She included love as well.
And She made sure that love finds a host: the heart of a mother. Then love
gave birth to life; then life and love grew together to from the spirit and
character of a mother. Mother is life. Mother is Love. God is Life, God is love.
God must be a Mother.

The Faith and Fighting Spirit of a Mother

The story of Baby Brion and her loving mother Shynne Aira Sannadan is a
case in point on how a mother’s faith and fighting spirit sustain life and love.
It was reported in the Gurupress-cordillera that a ‘Teen Mom refuses to give
up on sick son.’ It was stated in the report that: “Shynne Aira Sannadan
laments that as a yong mother, seeing her son in a hospital fighting for his
life during his first yer in life is heart-wrenching. She wishes that she were
the one bearing all the pain instead of her son. But said, she has to stay
strong since she could never give up on him.” Baby Brion was diagnosed
with bacterial meningitis and pneumonia. Shynne admitted that “Watching
her baby go through these difficulties made her think and ask lots of
questions to the point of blaming herself.” With a solid faith and a strong
fighting spirit of both the young mother and son, baby Brion was finally
discharged from the hospital last April 30 and now on his way to recovery. It
was reported in the same media platform (Gurupress) that the young
mother was very thankful for all the prayers and support people have
showered upon them: “With outpouring generosity of the people who aided
her as well as their endless prayers for the fast recovery of her son, Shynne
expressed gratitude to the public…Shynne said that she had almost given up
on his son after seeing his hardship. However, when she saw her son’s will
to survive, she determined to make a way for him to be saved.” God must
have been working as a young mother in this case. Love and life, and the
addition of a solid faith in a mother’s heart is the very essence of today’s
Mother’s Day celebration. Happy Mother’s Day Shynne Aira Sannadan.

Courage and Grateful heart of a Mother

Another inspiring story which deserves to be told is the story of Godsend
‘Bejarin’ Mallongga Domalleg and his young mother Gladys “Jingle”
Mallongga-Domalleg. Jingle is a neighbor in my beloved Barangay Anggacan.
Bejarin was born with a cerebral palsy disorder. However, her young mother
showered her with lots of love and affection as tries her best to provide a
comfortable life despite his condition. His name says it all: Godsend. He
mother feels blessed to have the privilege to spend precious moments and
time with an angel send by the Creator. Bejarin, through his mother Jingle in
her Facebook Account, expressed his gratitude to everybody in a poetic way:
“Annan padas ko we tumukdu, Mun-uni kad anggodong we tukdu. Gappiya
ta kararag yu, Dallu kan Kabunyan ad ngatu. Annan dingngol na kararag
taku, we angkodaw ak dagu. Pasige kumadagu.” (I can now sit, Still hoping
to sit properly. Thanks for all your prayers, especially to God up above. He
heard all our prayers asking for His mercy. He is indeed merciful.”) Just like
the story of Shynne and Baby Brion, the story of Jingle and Bejarin also
centers on faith and fighting spirit that generate kindness and generosity
from people. The grateful heart of a young mother is indeed inspiring,
especially at this time of a pandemic when child-rearing is more challenging
more than ever. It takes a lot of courage and love to face the many
challenges of being a mother at this difficult and uncertain time. The addition
of faith always makes this endeavour memorable and meaningful. Happy
Mother’s Day Gladys Mallongga-Domalleg.

Healing Touch of a Mother

I would like to add the story of my own mother whose love has sustained me
throughout the year. I was diagnosed with an End-Stage Renal Disease
(ESRD), otherwise known as Kidney Failure, in 2009 upon my arrival from
Africa. I was on dialysis (3-times a week) for nine months before I had my
kidney transplant operation in 2010 thanks to the generosity of my Brother
Roldan “Balawag” Dalimag. I regained my strength and went back to work.
However, it did not last long. I used it (transplanted kidney) for seven years
before I had a rare bacterial infection which affected and infected my
kidneys in 2016. The combination of the bacterial infection and kidney failure
devastated my spirit and my will to live. However, the steady presence, love
and support of my mother throughout this difficult journey keep me afloat
and fighting. There was a time when both my mother and father were at my
side when I was at my worst health condition. Every time excruciating pain
attacks, they have two different approaches on how to comfort me. My
father is the ‘believer’ who prays over me every time I am in pain. He used
to pray the Lord’s Prayer at my sickbed at night. My mother on the other
hand is the ‘traditionalist’ who believes in healing rituals. She performs the
“sapkuy”, the ‘hilot’ and other traditional ways of alleviating pain. She
insisted on performing traditional healing rituals to make the bad spirits stay
away from me. Because of these, I survived the worst. The love of parents,
especially of a mother is not only life-giving, it is also life-saving and
encouraging. I wrote a poem for my mother which I want to repost it here:
Her smile brightens the day.
Her presence is therapeutic.
Her soft touch relaxes the body.
Her lullaby calms the soul and her hugs energize the spirit.
Curiosity is an asset she possesses.
Creativity and innovation are her daily chores.
Sacrifice occupies her heart and mind.
She makes sure everything is in place.
She is my nurse and my caregiver.
She is on duty 24/7.
She is my date when I am alone.
She shares my pains and joys.
She listens to my complaints in life.
Mama is simply the best.
Her love is everything I long for.
When she is around
She brings out the child in me.

I am still on dialysis (3-times a week) and I am working on my second

transplant, thanks to the generous hearts of my brothers who are willing to
donate. I will be transferring to Baguio City from Quezon City to work out for
my kidney transplant with my brothers. There is a new hospital in La
Trinidad which has already performed the first kidney transplant in the
region in October 2020. It specializes in kidney care and vascular surgery. I
have decided to grab this opportunity while I am still young and while my
brothers are willing to help me. I always thought that I have nothing to lose
but I have everything to gain. Throughout all this process, my mother is
always there to assure that everything will be fine. I am not really sure if I
will survive this one but with all the motherly love, affection and support,
and prayers, I am hopeful that the operation will be successful. It has
worked before and it will work again. It has worked in the stories I
mentioned above and many other stories about mother’s love.

It is just fitting that the readings this Sunday (May, 9, 2021) are all about
love. The Second reading, for instance, says: “Beloved, let us love one
another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and
knows God. Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love.” (1
Jn. 4:7-8) Then the Gospel strongly preached to “love one another as I have
love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s
friends…This I command you: love one another.” (Jn 15: 9-17)

May the model of all mothers -Mama Mary, who has pondered in her heart
all that has happened to her Son, intercede for all mothers, especially those
mothers who are in difficult situation. May her love infect us all. I always
believe that love is immortalized in a mother’s heart. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY
to all the mothers. God must be a mother. May She bless us all and keep us
all in Her love.



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