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Emotions mapped in the human brain

By applying an algorithm to functional magnetic resonance imaging, scientists

have been able to observe emotions at work in the human brain.

The findings - recently published in the journal PLOS Biology - could enable better assessment
of emotional states, which may help individuals who struggle to convey their feelings.

According to the research team - including Prof. Kevin LaBar of Duke University in Durham, NC
- it is well established that movies, music, and other external stimuli can trigger emotions that
are reflected in patterns of brain activity.

But what about past emotional experiences? Can the feelings induced by the memory of a
birthday party or the recollection of the loss of a loved one be represented in brain activity?

This is what Prof. LaBar and colleagues set out to investigate in their new study.

The researchers note that previous studies have shown that functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) can differentiate between thoughts of specific objects, such as a face or a

In this study, the researchers applied an algorithm - incorporating various models of emotional
experience - to the fMRI scans of 21 university students.

This allowed them to pinpoint seven brain activity patterns - or "maps" - that reflect certain
emotional states, including contentment, amusement, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, and

The students were asked to let their mind wander during fMRI; every 2 seconds, brain activity
data were gathered, and every 30 seconds, subjects were asked about their current emotional

"We tested whether these seven brain maps of emotions occurred spontaneously while
participants were resting in the fMRI scanner without emotional stimuli being presented,"
explains Prof. LaBar.
On comparing brain patterns that occurred 10 seconds prior to each subjects' self-reported
emotional state, the researchers found that they were able to accurately predict their feelings.

Bolstering the accuracy of their findings, Prof. LaBar notes that the brain data collected
immediately after participants entered the fMRI scanner showed signs of anxiety. "That's what
you'd expect to see for most people when they first enter the machine," he adds.

Brain maps predicted anxiety, depression

The team then applied their algorithm to the fMRI scans of a further 499 subjects who were
part of the Duke Neurogenetics Study.

These participants were required to rest in the fMRI scanner for almost 9 minutes, and
following their scans, the researchers gathered information on how depressed or anxious the
subjects were, as determined by scores on psychological questionnaires.

Using their "sadness" and "fear" brain maps, the researchers found they were able to predict
the subjects' depression and anxiety scores.

Additionally, the researchers found their algorithm was also able to identify personality traits
of anger, anxiety, and depression.

According to the team, this study provides proof of concept that emotional states can be
identified from brain scans - a finding that could have significant clinical implications.

Commenting on the results, the authors say:

"Here we show that brain-based models of specific emotions can detect individual differences
in mood and emotional traits and are consistent with self-reports of emotional experience
during intermittent periods of wakeful rest.

[...] More practically, the results suggest that brain-based models of emotion may help assess
emotional status in clinical settings, particularly in individuals incapable of providing self-report
of their own emotional experience."

In particular, Prof. LaBar believes their brain maps of emotion could benefit people with
alexithymia - a psychological condition characterized by poor understanding, recognition, and
expression of one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
The maps might also be useful in clinical trials, adds Prof. LaBar, as they could help test the
efficacy of anti-anxiety medications and other therapies that regulate emotions.

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