Lesson Iii Introductory Activity

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Introductory Activity

Watch the movie Freedom Writers and try to reflect what factors affect curricular

implementation at the classroom level as well as the district or region. Check this suggested


In Freedom Writers, Erin Gruwell is determined to make an educational impact through her

innovative curriculum at Wilson High School. Because Ms. Gruwell is a young teacher, many

other teachers and administrators at Wilson High resent her growing success. As a result, she

has to put up a fight with her peers, supervisors and school board members in order to

continue her non-traditional teaching methods each year. Receiving a proper education is very

important because it is one of the key factors that determine future professional success.

Although the public education system in the United States was created to provide all youth with

equal opportunities, there are many factors that prevent this from always happening. Many

schools struggle to meet the needs of all students because of issues such as lack of funding and

resources, and poor teaching quality.

Self-Assessment 1

-Politics determine and define the goals, content, learning experiences and evaluation strategies

in education.

- Curricular materials and their interpretation are usually heavily influenced by political

- Political considerations may play a part in the hiring of personnel.

- Funding of education is greatly influenced by politics.

Self-Assessment 2

-Society has its own expectations about the aims and objectives that should be considered

when designing the curriculum. It also has apperception of what the product of the school

system should look like. It is therefore necessary for curriculum designers to take into account

these societal considerations. If this does not happen, the curriculum becomes irrelevant. That

is why the RBEC was changed o K to 12. Try reading more how K to 12 came to be.

Self-Assessment 3

1. Education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching

is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Research suggests that online learning has

been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes

coronavirus have caused might be here to stay.

2. economic hibernation, as you might expect, is extremely costly. Thousands of businesses

might close shop, and even more workers will be thrown out of work, save those lucky enough

to work from home. Millions could go broke and hungry. To prevent widespread despair and

chaos, government must pull out all the stops and provide billions worth of financial assistance

to almost everyone in the economy – at least until this pandemic end.

Unit Test

1.-Politics determine and define the goals, content, learning experiences and evaluation

strategies in education.

- Curricular materials and their interpretation are usually heavily influenced by political


- Political considerations may play a part in the hiring of personnel. - Funding of education is

greatly influenced by politics.

2.a. The saber tooth curriculum still exists until now because our educational system teaches

students on how to do particular tasks on their own and we let them do the things which can

help them to exercise their minds as well as their skills.

b. The curriculum that was being described on the article actually conveys a message in a form

of the premise “we should teach them on how to catch a fish using their hands rather than

using a net.” In which it implies that we teachers/future teachers, we must teach the young on

how to manipulate their cognitions, we should let them think and we should let them do things

on their own rather than spoiling them with all their needs and covets.

C. It simply means that our education system should fit with the needs of the time and serve a

purpose. Ultimately, these curricular decisions should be made by our society to fit our needs,

rather than by individual teachers, school buildings, or districts.

d. The difference is that, the term training implies the act of imparting a special skill or behavior

to a person, which is commonly offered to employees of operational level. While education, is a

process of systematic learning something in an institution that develops a sense of judgment

and reasoning in employees. And to add, training is undertaken in the hopes of gaining a
specific skill. Generally, this skill will make you more employable. While education is undertaken

in the hopes of furthering your individual knowledge and developing your intellect.

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