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Self-Assessment 1

1. Which type of assessment covers:

• knowledge from sources outside the official curriculum?

-Informal curriculum

• the contents of the official syllabuses?

-Formal Curriculum S

• content from both the official and unofficial syllabuses?

-Actual Curriculum

2. Which of the 7 types of curriculum belong to the formal, informal, actual or hidden? Match


-Formal: Recommended curriculum, Written Curriculum

Informal: Taught curriculum

Actual: Assessed curriculum, Learned curriculum

Hidden: Supported curriculum, Implicit Curriculum

Self-Assessment 2

1. Think of the formal curriculum offered at your school and list its characteristics.

- The courses, syllabus, and other programs. This curriculum meets specified objectives of

educating identified groups of learners or students in their varying settings. In other words,

formal curriculum is the selected written programmed or courses students go through

2. Look for the meaning of these term related to curriculum

null curriculum- refers to what students do not have the opportunity to learn. In this case,

students are learning something based on the absence of certain experiences, interactions, and

discourses in the classroom.

explicit curriculum- refers to the plan for learning set by a teacher or school board. A class's

explicit curriculum is what that class is designed to teach.

operational curriculum- translates formal curriculum into a plan for instruction. Taught

curriculum is what is delivered in the classroom. Assessed curriculum is what is evaluated

through formal measures.

resource unit- is a collection of suggested teaching & learning activities organized upon a given

unit. It is a resource for teaching.

curriculum planning- is a complex process where faculty define intended learning outcomes,

assessments, content and pedagogic requirements necessary for student success across an

entire curriculum.
curriculum laboratory- is a set of rooms specially designed, equipped and staffed for the

purpose of initiating and guiding curriculum change so that schools may continue to serve the

changing needs of society.

course of study-refers to a series or selection of courses that all students are required to

complete before they can move on to the next level in their education or earn a diploma.

curriculum guide-is a structured document that delineates the philosophy, goals, objectives,

learning experiences, instructional resources and assessments that comprise a specific

educational program.

teacher’s guide- contains simple explanations of teaching tools and activities for young people,

so that it is easy to follow whether you have been teaching for many years or you are working

for the first time with young people.

learner’s manual- is the continuation of the Trainer's Manual as it provides the practical part of

the training.

Self-Assessment 3

1. Plans the Curriculum

2. Initiates Curriculum

3. Plans the Curriculum

4. Innovates the curriculum

5. Knows the Curriculum

6. Plans the Curriculum

7. Evaluates the Curriculum

8. Innovates the Curriculum

Practice Activity

-Students learn to form opinions and ideas about their environment and their classmates. ...

Areas of hidden curriculum in our schools that mold perspectives of students deal with issues

such as gender, morals, social class, stereotypes, cultural expectations, politics, and language.


• differentiate the types of curricula,

- Formal curriculum refers to: what is laid down as the syllabus or that which is to be

learnt by students. It is the officially selected body of knowledge which government,

through the DepEd, ChEd and TESDA or anybody offering education, wants students to

learn. Then, informal curriculum as the curriculum in use. Teachers or instructors may

not adhere to the presented formal curriculum but can include other aspects of

knowledge derived from other sources. Another is actual Curriculum refers to both

written and unwritten syllabuses from which students encounter learning experiences

(Tanner and Tanner 1975). Learning experiences can be selected from other sources

rather than the prescribed, official and formal syllabuses. The actual curriculum is the

total sum of what students learn and teachers teach from both formal and informal
curricula. Lastly, hidden Curriculum the nonacademic but educationally significant

component of schooling.

• identify the core curriculum at your school, and

- syllabus, all subjects, and programs.

• explain to colleagues the characteristics of each type of curriculum.

- Recommended curriculum proposed by scholars and professional organizations. Then, Written

Curriculum appears in school, district, division or country documents. Taught curriculum - what

teachers implement or deliver in the classrooms and schools. Supported curriculum - resources-

textbooks, computers, audio-visual materials which support and help in the implementation of

the curriculum. Assessed curriculum that which is tested and evaluated. Learned curriculum -

what the students actually learn and what is measured. Implicit Curriculum the unintended


Unit Test

1. What can students learn from the hidden curriculum?

-Students learned to inter act with peers, teachers, and other students. And the individual

differences in terms of races, groups, and classes.

2. Which learning experiences can you classify under the extra-curriculum in your school?

-Being a member of a sports team, serving as chief editor of your school newspaper, or playing

in a regional orchestra. Working a part-time job and volunteering

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