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Reading and Writing

Quarter IV Week 1
Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise 1
1. True 9. False
2. False 10. True
3. True 11. True
4. False 12. True
5. False 13. True
6. True 14. True
7. True 15. True
8. True

Exercise 2
 Hypertext is not considered to be a linear medium. There are also connections to the
other texts. Around 1965, Ted Wilson coined the phrase. Is a section of text that con-
tains a hyperlink to another piece of data. by clicking on a hyperlink in a hypertext
document A user can rapidly access several types of content.

 Intertextuality is defined as "the intricate interplay between a text and other texts
viewed as crucial to the formation and interpretation of the text" by theorists as a liter-
ary device (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2015). As readers, we can improve the mean-
ing of the reading material by making links between different texts.

 In the context of new media, intertextuality is usually likened to hypertextuality,

which is the potential of text to be linked to other texts via electronic links as an inher-
ent quality and an integral element of its "texture."
Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 2
Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A Exercise B
1. True 1. Context
2. True 2. Thesis statement
3. False 3. Evidence
4. True 4. Critical thinking
5. False 5. Audience
6. True 6. Evaluation
7. False 7. Read with an open mind
8. False 8. Make notes
9. False 9. Supporting evidence
10. True 10.Read slowly
Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 3
Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A
1. F 6. F 11. T

2. T 7. T 12. T

3. F 8. T 13. F

4. F 9. T 14. T

5. T 10. F 15. T

Exercise B
1. The K-12 program encompasses fundamental education from
kindergarten to grade 12 in order to give students enough
time to learn concepts and skills, cultivate lifelong learners,
and prepare graduates for college.

2. DEPED is hopeful that these shortages and issues will be re-

solved because they say that they are being addressed. Mean-
while, the Coordination Council of Private Education Asso-
ciations (COCOPEA) applauds DEPED's K-12 program exe-

3. Implementation of SHS
Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 3
Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon
4. Although the purpose of adding SHS is good, some detrac-
tors argue that our educational and working systems are in-

5. When it comes to the implementation of SHS, some people

are concerned about the school's learning materials.

6. Yes.
Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 4
Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A
Text A: Paul works some kind of job that requires him to get

Paul’s clothes are muddy everyday

Text B. It is raining and he cannot go outside to play.

He drops his kite and begins crying.

Text C. Today is Valentine’s day and the children are allowed

to distribute cards.

The children are out of their seats, passing out envelopes and
eating candy.
Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 4
Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise B

R– Washington considered the most popular

[president because….

Because George the Washington was not
only a great general who fought the most
powerful nation of his time and succeeded,
he developed guerilla warfare and as the first
who but president of the United states he
set forth a strong Tradition For other presi-
dents to follow.

C– According to the second paragraph on page

6 of this Learning Activity sheet, these facts
support the notion that Washington is the

most popular president..

This demonstrates how great George Wash-

ington was as President of the United
States during his best term..
Reading and Writing

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise 1
1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. False

Exercise 2
A. Article/Book Title: Parable of the Good Samaritan

Article/Book Author: Helen Caswell

Topic: Loving those who may not be our friends.


General Purpose: Parables are used to teach a lesson .

Specific Purpose: Teach a lesson

Target Output: Moral lesson

Audience: Children

Writer’s Persona: The central message of this parable is to be ready for Christ's return. Jesus
said that no one knows the day or the hour when the end will come, only the Father in Heaven knows.
Reading and Writing

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A
1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True

6. True

Exercise B
1. In bullying situations, there are links between students' atti-
tudes and their actions.

2. Teachers' views on bullying and how they treat victims of


3. Parents' attitudes toward bullying among students.

4. Yes, through making a review of related literature.

Reading and Writing

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A
1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. False

6. False

Exercise B
1. Your research paper's opening paragraph must begin with a general statement that introduces the top-
ic's background. In the next line or two, mention the issue that is relevant to your topic to narrow down
your introduction to your research paper's thesis.

2. It is beneficial to both the reader and the writer if the report is organized rationally. The following are
the standard components of a report: a title, a summary, and a table of contents a brief introduction
Conclusions; Recommendations; Appendix; References; Main body of the report

3. A business professional's presentation styles are the tactics he or she use when giving a speech. The
greatest presentation style to use depends on the topic you're presenting, your audience members,
and how you want to deliver the subject matter to your audience.

4. When giving a speech, a business professional's presenting styles are the strategies he or she em-
ploys. The best presentation style to utilize is determined by the topic you're presenting, the members
of your audience, and how you wish to deliver the subject matter to them.

5. The conclusion should be succinct and to-the-point.... Although you should provide a summary of what
you learnt from your research, this summary should be brief, as the emphasis in the conclusion should
be on the implications, evaluations, insights, and other conclusions you reach.
Reading and Writing

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A
1. Make a suggestion for a language study facility for pupils.
2. Officials from the school
3. a. by stating the school's push for internationalization; b. by
stating the rise in student population; and c. by mentioning the
observation of students' English language deficiencies.

Exercise B
1. The project methodology section of a proposal is where you detail the plan for how the objectives men-
tioned in the previous section will be achieved. ... To start, outline the methodology being used, the
population being addressed, and establish the process for reaching your objectives.

2. A gantt chart describing the resources, activities, and deadline is commonly included in a project pro-
posal. Deliverables of the Project This is where you list all of the deliverables you anticipate seeing af-
ter the project is completed. This could be products, information, or reports that you want to give to a
client, for example.

3. A business professional's presentation styles are the tactics he or she use when giving a speech. The
greatest presentation style to use depends on the topic you're presenting, your audience members,
and how you want to deliver the subject matter to your audience.

4. When giving a speech, a business professional's presenting styles are the strategies he or she em-
ploys. The best presentation style to utilize is determined by the topic you're presenting, the members
of your audience, and how you wish to deliver the subject matter to them.

5. The conclusion should be succinct and to-the-point.... Although you should provide a summary of what
you learnt from your research, this summary should be brief, as the emphasis in the conclusion should
be on the implications, evaluations, insights, and other conclusions you reach.
Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 5 (POSITION PAPER)

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A
1. C

2. C

3. A

Exercise B
1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. True

7. True
Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 6

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise A
Miclat, Kate Irish P.
Villa Julita subd. Brgy. Saguin City of Sanfernando Pampnga

Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 6

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Subject Teacher

Angeles City National Trade School

Angeles City July 2021

Angeles City National Trade School

Angeles City July 2020

Reading and Writing
Quarter IV Week 6

Miclat, Kate Irish P. 11-Poseidon

Exercise B
Related school projects
March 2022– July 2024

develop schemes of work and lesson plans

establish and communicate clear objectives for all learning activities

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observe and evaluate student's performance and development

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