Cause and Effects of Mobile Phone To The Academic Performance of The Students of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga

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Cause and Effects of Mobile Phone to the Academic Performance of the Students

of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga


Ivan John Sanchez

Marchie Custodio

Ashley Maximo

Maricel Campos


Humans always wanted to communicate or simply makes their life

easier. In ancient times people have used smoke signals, drums, and carrier

pigeons to get a message from one point to another. That is a clear example

that it is very important to us humans to communicate from far or other places.

That is why Martin Cooper invented the world’s first mobile phone in 1932.

As the year change, mobile phone also evolved at first it was just with a

non-colored until it became a built-in camera, music player, video player, file

storage, radio, internet and some with televisions as the students or humans

wanted. In our society, it is now considered that mobile phones are one of the

needs not a want.

Currently education is making a move toward the use of more

technology within classrooms ranging from elementary to the collegiate level. In

high schools and colleges, devices being used most commonly for educational

purposes not only mobile phone but also laptop and tablets. These devices are

being used in hopes of enhancing student’s academic performance. Students are

using devices for activities such as, taking notes, researching, and

communicating. Although the intended purposes of these devices are to improve

educational experiences for the student, there have also been negative effects of
modern technology in the classroom. Although there is a lack of understanding

of how student cell phone usage affects their academic performance.

Mobile phones doesn’t only bring knowledge and amusement to the

students. We can say that in our society mobile phones help us in many ways in

all the sector in our community as we feel the importance of the mobile phones

in our lives but mobile phone usage on school is an increasing problem.

Not only it interrupts the class by ringing but also by texting, surfing the

internet, taking pictures of tests and the most common is the use of it to cheat in

quizzes and exams but it doesn’t mean that it is all bad as it gave a big

contribution to a better education, however despite of it everything should be

taken in moderation. Knowing the students’ belief passing is important. Students

who believe they can pass may be more likely to believe they can use their cell

phones and pay attention during class.

The importance of our study is to contribute to the knowledge and

progress in the facing dilemmas of the society as it is a tool for building

knowledge and efficient learning, mean to understand various issues that is

timely, can aid success to eradicate a certain issue and also a way to prove lies

and support truths.

We choose this topic or issue as it is a timely issue not only to the students

but all the people in the world as it is alarming to know the truth that we are

now controlled by technologies and also as we discover that many students

suffers depression by the use of it.

The purpose of this study is to provide a solution or contribute to find a

solution to this issue or the topic that we choose. It will produce new knowledge

or deepen understanding of an issue and give the readers a guidelines on maybe

how can we eradicate this dilemma. And to know the reasons and causes of why

students use mobile phones and what is the effect, good or bad on their

academic performance.

Mobile phones has emerged as one of the fastest diffusing mediums on

our planet, fueling a rising “mobile youth culture” the people especially the future

generation of the humanity, the students as we need the discipline on using it

moderately as we should use it as a learning tool in innovative ways as mobile

phones are not going away in the reality.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Cause and Effects of Mobile Phones to

the Academic Performance of the Students of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga

Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What are the good effects of mobile phone to the academic performance of

the students of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga?

2. What are the bad effects of mobile phone to the academic performance of the

students of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga?

3. What are causes why students use mobile phones?

Objectives of the Study

Our research paper objects on how to identify the good & bad effects of

mobile phones to us students, and how will we be able to use it properly and to

know the responsibilities on using it.

1. To identify the good effect of mobile phones to the students of Prog 11-B of


2.To establish the bad effects of mobile phones to the students of Prog 11-B of

3. To determine the particular reasons and responsibilities of students on using

mobile phone.

Significance of the Study

This research is focused on Cause and Effects of Mobile Phones to the

Academic Performance of the Students of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga as the

findings will redound to the benefit to the students as it will enhance their

discipline and knowledge into using mobile phones moderately and correctly.


The students are the most benefited to this study as they will gain a

proper knowledge on the effects of mobile phones in their academic

performance. As they will be enlightened to know the truth.


The parents is the guardians of our life. They will be able to know and

learn the effects of mobile phones in their students to their academic

performance. As they will be guided by the research on how to guide their

children in a right way.


The teachers are called as our second parents. They will be able to learn

the effects of mobile phones in the academic performance of the students. By

this they will be enlightened on how to control, discipline and teach the students.

School Administration
The school administration will learn and will use their learnings to be able

to create a rule in school to help students use mobile phones as an instrument in

their study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the Cause and Effects of Mobile Phones to the

Academic Performance of the Students of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga. The

respondents of this study are limited to students of the Prog 11-B located at the

4th Floor Naga Land Emall.

Definition of Terms

This study aims to know not only the importance, purpose and

responsibilities of every students of Prog 11-B of ACLC Naga on how to use

Mobile Phones, but also to understand every important meaning of definition of

terms we research.

1. Mobile Phone – is an electronic device used by students of Prog 11-B

mainly for communication and any academic and non-academic purposes.

2. Multi-tasking- an act of students in doing different tasks at the same


3. Internet Surfing- an act of finding information or getting information

on the internet.

4. Mobile youth culture- an era which students embed or embrace the

mobile phone in their everyday lives.

5. Learning Tool- are tools used by students in learning as it helps them

and make it easier for them to study because of this.



Mobile phones enable students to access a variety of electronic

media at almost any time and place. Popular activities such as playing games,

surfing the internet ,texting and monitoring their own social media sites as it is

linked to what is the outcome of their academic performance being a student .In

our present generation students are obsessed using gadgets, They usually want

to buy the latest release of these gadgets especially mobile phones to satisfy

their desires in terms of entertainment and getting the newest of the new as a

result students tend to use up more time using mobile phones than on studying

that’s why it affects the students study habits and academic performance.


Gore (2010) According to the research and data analyzed through the

Chi-Square, it was calculated to be .18. This value did not exceed the .05 level of

significance. Means that her research rejects the statement that using cell

phones as a learning tool will positively affect classroom grade.

Junco (2012) found that 53% of undergraduate students at a university

reported text messaging during class. And also students using cell phones during
class are experiencing negative side effects with their academic achievement.

Jones(2014)Her research shows that students use cell phone, for

texting was by 83.1 percent of students as the most used feature, followed by

calling by 10.8 percent, and Facebook, Twitter or Instagram by 1.5 percent each.

Huznekoff (2015) this study examined mobile phone use in the

classroom by using an experimental design to study how message content

(related or unrelated to class lecture) and message creation (responding to or

creating a message) impact student learning. Participants in eight experimental

groups and a control group watched a video lecture, took notes, and completed

tests of student learning. The control and relevant message groups earned a 10–

17% higher letter grade, scored 70% higher on recalling information, and scored

50% higher on note-taking than students who composed tweets or responded to

irrelevant messages. Sending/receiving messages unrelated to class content

negatively impacted learning and note-taking, while related messages did not

appear to have a significant negative impact.

Barnwell (2016) According to him, roughly 75 percent of Fern

Creek students are considered “gap” kids under goals. More than half of the gap

students scored at the lowest level on last year’s 10th-grade exam. Because of

the possibility and challenge of using phones that make student’s gap from all

backgrounds learn. The survey found that 75% of those ages 12-17 now have

cell phones, up from 45%. Teens typically make about five calls per day on the

cells. But they still prefer to deal with their parents by calling them, rather than

texting them. (2017) surveys of should students allowed to use

cellphones in school and 72% agreed as they says that mobile phones are good

for education. 28% dis-agreed as a teacher says that students might play during

the session and they can use it to cheat.

Doward(2015) found out on his research that not only did student

achievement improve, but also that low-achieving and low-income students

gained the most. We found the impact of banning phones for these students was

equivalent to an additional hour a week in school, or to increasing the school


Freed(2017) He finds out that students are distracted in learning when

they are using mobilephones, he also states that there’s an increased of students

that are cyberbullied at school.

Mwilima (2017) on his research students were asked to explicate the

impact of cell phones use on their academic performance. The respondents gave

a multiplicity of responses. Although there were answers that were very

dissimilar in nature, in conclusion (56 per cent) students indicated that cell

phones really contribute meaningfully towards the academic performance of a

student, as long as they are used responsibly. Conversely, (34 per cent) students

claimed that cell phones digress attention of students and make them pay

attention to non-academic issues such as entertainment

The Conversation(2015) Researchers have found that allowing use of

mobile phones in schools harms low-achieving and low-income students the most

Chen and Tzeng (2010) found that among heavy Internet users
information seeking was associated with better academic performance, while

video game playing was associated with lower levels of academic performance.

Several recent studies have identified a negative relationship between social-

networking site use (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter) and academic


Gardiner (2016) He states that cellphone addiction in no joke as

students became more creative in using it text in their laps, text in their

notebooks, text inside their pockets, take pictures while teacher are writing on

the board, went to C.R and find out the answers on quizzes through surfing the

internet. Students also use their cellphones 24/7 as all of his result will lead to

the breakdown of their academic performance and maybe their future.

Koziol (2015) ban mobile phones to help underperforming students

indicates stricter rules around phone use may contribute to better grades

particularly for under performing students banning mobile phones in school

resulted in 14.23 percent improvement in test scores for low-achieving students,

and a 6.41 percent improvement overall in the schools that had introduced a ban

Arshi(2017) on his research Teenagers are totally addicted to texting.

Excess messaging can lead to Teen Tendonitis (TTT). It can cause pain in the

hands, back and neck due to poor posture. It can also lead to impaired vision

and even arthritis down the line.Having a cell phone will tempt your teen to

spend all day talking or texting, instead of doing anything productive. Studies

have proven that teens who spend too much of their time with their cell phones

are more prone to stress and fatigue.

According to Burns and Lohenry (2010), over 94% of college students

owned cell phones and although not everyone who carried a cell phone was the

cause of classroom distractions, there remains a definite need for educating

students on cell phone etiquette.

Conceptual Framework

Bad Effects of Cause and

Mobile Phones Effects of
Sample Mobile Phone
Reasons Questionnaire to the
students use Academic
mobile phones Performance
Observation of the students
Good Effects of of Prog-11 B of
Mobile Phones ACLC Naga
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The system approach ( Input- Process- Output system ) was used in

describing the conceptual framework of the study. As shown in Figure 2, the

input consist the good and bad effects of mobile phones to the academic

performance of the students and reasons why they use mobile. Where in the

input consists the following: Good and bad effects of mobile phones and Reasons

students use mobile phones and on the other side, the process being used is

through sample questionnaires, surveys and observation. This table shows how

we research , survey, and solve our thesis statement.

Theoretical Framework

Mobile Learning
(Sharples, Taylor, &
Vavoula, 2005 )
- The advantage and
disadvantage of using Constructivist
mobile phone as a Learning
Escape Theory learning tool. Theory
(Faber R.J.O’Guinn T. (Karagiorgi & Symeou
C) 2005).
-explain the escapism - Srudents
of students adaptiveness on
utilizing mobile phone
in ganing knowledge
Effects of
mobile phone
to the academic
performance of
the students of
Prog 11-B
Figure 2. Theoretical Framework of the Study

A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions

that explains or predicts events or situations by specifying relations among

variables. Theory is heuristic for it stimulates and guides further development for

knowledge. Escape Theory (Faber R. J., O’Guinn T. C) has been used to explain

the effects of mobile phone usage. Mobile phones helps the affected individual

escape negative events or feelings. Mobile phones may be used to avoid larger,

more pressing problems. A constant focus on the “here and now” helps the cell-

phone user avoid reflecting on issues that are disconcerting.

The Theory of mobile learning (Sharples, Taylor, & Vavoula, 2005) is

essential when thinking of the role of mobility and communication in learning

environments. This theory states the possible advantage and disadvantage of

using mobile phones.

Constructivist theories propose that “knowledge is being actively

constructed by the individual and knowing is an adaptive process, which

organizes the individual’s experiential world”. Students bring their own schema

(past experiences) into their academics and use it to enhance their learning by

gaining more knowledge and build upon their old. Constructivist learning theory

enables the mobile technology to focus on the student’s ability to be self-directed

and draw conclusions (Karagiorgi & Symeou 2005). The students need to have

the opportunity to experiment and utilize previous experiences to build new

understandings of the educational material.



This study is based on theoretical and empirical methodology. Survey

questionnaires were triangulated for the purpose of data collection. This study

used a qualitative research method. This chapter contains the respondents,

method used, data gathering tools,, instrumentation, sampling technique and the

statistical method use.

Research Method

The research method used in this study is Descriptive Research Method,

wherein this study describes situations and does not determine the cause and

effect. This study attempts to determine, describe or identify what are the cause

and the good, bad effects of mobile phones to the academic performance of the

students of prog11-b.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are all of the students of the Programming
11-B of ACLC Naga. The respondents of the study have rights to either

participate in this study

Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling is the sampling technique that has been used in this

study wherein we select based on characteristics of a population and study


The instrument used in this study was a survey that determined the

student’s name, age, and if they used mobile phone as a tool to help their

academic performance. The survey will determine the cause and effects of

mobile phone to the academic performance of the students. The survey includes

opinions as whether or not they think using mobile phones in the classroom as a

learning tool will be beneficial, or a classroom concern. The survey included

directions on how to fill out the information accurately.

Data collection method

The data collection consisted of the distribution of the surveys to the 11 th

Grade students enrolled in Programming B. A set of 15 standardized questions

was administrated with a purposive returned by the respondents. The

researcher asked permission to the teachers to distribute and collect the surveys

in the classrooms.


Gore(2010) Relationship between High School Students' Use of Cell

Phones and iPods and Their Effect on Classroom Grades

Junco, R. (2012). In-class multitasking and academic performance.

Computers in HumanBehavior

Jones(2014)Students’ Cell Phone Addiction and Their Opinions

Huznekoff,, (2015) Mobile phones in the classroom: Examining the

Effects of Texting, Twitter, and Message Content on Student Learning

Barnwell(2016) Do Smartphones have a place in the classroom?

a-place-in-the-classroom/480231/ (2017)


Doward (2015) An Investigation of Cell Phone Use in College Classrooms


Mwilima(2017)The Effects of Cell Phone Use on Academic Performance in

Tertiary Education

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