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Chapter Three Categories of Spirits Many limes, ¢trongmen (ruling spirits) work in conjunction with other spirits or groups of spirits. For the counselor's convenience, we have made the strongmen's names BOLD Ti Counselors need to familiarize thomselves with these ealegories of strongmen and their underlings, cohorts, or family members (écmoné of lesser power), Occasionally the Lord will lead us to have the eounselee repeal and renounce the whole list of demons Under a specific strongman. This would be the simplest method to use if you are new in this eld. Normally. the Holy Spirit will bring to mind which spirits to call out from under a particular strongman (once one is familiar with them}. Sometimes the Holy Spirit ‘simply has us command all of the whole famfly of cohorts or underlings to leave from under a specific strongman. It docsn't have to be complicated. Don't be overwhelined or intimidated by the length of these ists. Bach list represents our most cuurent reseateh and experience on a specific strongman calegory. The lists are by no means exhaustive. nor do we imply that ifone has a specific strongman, he harbors all those spirits on the list He may harbor many or very few, and you may oven discern some that are not on the lists. Please, usc these lists mainly as a reference point for adding to your own experience, We reiterate here that even though the Bible makes it clear that physical and mental infirmities are frequently the result of demonic activity, we cannot be dogmatic and say they always are. Ifyou suspect other causes. please have the counseles seck medical advice before the actual deliverance. Categories of Spirits 2, Stromginan: ANTICHRIST — (denies detty of Christ) 1 John 2:22, 4:3: 9 John 7, Revelation 19:20. ANTICHRIST (ihe Beas\) ts the second strangman to be cast into the Lake of Fire. This spirit attacks Christians and the spiritual gifs, causes disturbances in servies, and brings strife among Christian brothers. | affectation J Disobedience Hatred of God | anger } Doubt Heresy | Antagonism Emy Harescopes Anti-Semitism ERROR | uumanism | astrotogy Escapism Tncoherence Beguiling Faililesmness Incifference Blaspheiny False leaders Intellectualism Charms False prophets | sBaLousy: Compromise Faloe teachers | = Bitterness | Confusion Fantany Unforgiveness Corrupt communication | FEAR JEZEBEL (control) Cults and Cult religions | Fear ef man | Lawlessness Cursing Fetishes Legalism Daydreaming | pucny 1 Love of money Deception Forgetfulness LYING Detusion Frustration Magic Disloyalty Hatred of others | Malice ‘Man pleasing Parapsychology Skepticism ‘Martial arts (See the Passivity Sophistication ‘Expanded Martial Arts | Persecution (of Christ) Spirit of Egypt ‘Section on pp. 65-63) | PERVERSE Stealing ‘Mancism Pouting Stoicism ‘Masonry: | Poverty strife ~ Daughters of the Ne | Pretension Suicide - Demolay PRIDE Theatrics - Job's Daughters Procrastination Torment - Raunbows Rationalization Unbeliet + Easiem Star REBELLION Ungodly rock music - Shriners REJECTION ‘Violence | Mind control Religious spirit Water witching Mind Sciences Ritualism Whoredoms Murder / Molec Satanism ‘Witcheraft New Age SEDUCING Witeheraft control Nightnares. Selfish ambition “Withdrawal ‘Occuiltism Seifexaltation Worldiness | Occult mind control Seiftiove Wrath, Occult religions Self-seduction Wretchedness 2, Strongman: BONDAGE — Romans 8:15 ‘Addictions to: Compuilstve cravings: Kleptomania ~ Alcohol Crushed. spirit Legalisa - Cafeine Death wish Luaes s _. | Drugs Defeatiom Nervous habits - Food: Dejection Nervous tics os Anorexia, Depression Oppression Bulimia Despair ‘Ravings at Gluttony Despondenicy Resentment Purging | Discouragement Restlessness ‘Medteation | Escapism Sado-masechism += Nicotine: Excessively consuming | Satanic captivity Smoking (Sting of | hobbies or interests Satanic mprisonment death} | FEAR Satanic slavery ae Ambition | Sule ‘Servants of corruption ‘Anguish | Headaches ‘Shattered, _____ | Avarice (Greeamess) Hopelessness Spiritual blindness Bondage to sin Idleness ‘Spiritual darkness Broken in body INFIRMITIES ‘Spiritual outer-dark- Broken in heart Insomnia ness. i fa Broken in mind JEALOUST Tensions Broken in soul - Bitterness Unreality Bruised spirit Resentment Wild behavior Captivity to Satan - Unforgiveness ‘Wounded spertt ‘Compulsive behavior 54 a ‘Strongman: DEAF AND DUMB — Mark 925-26 Autism (mental with- Ear disorders | Pmmg auray eawal from reality) Epilepsy: Reprobate mind - ae Blindness + Convulsions Schizophrenia Bruising - Fits (See 9b, INFIRMITY _ Burning ~ Grand mal scizures. — Mental Compelling ~ Loss of consciousness | Speech Disorders si asia Crying | Petit mal ecizures Suicide Deainess Bye disorders Tearing ower be Driving Learning disabilities: Wallowing Drowning ~ Dyslexia, eto, | = i Dumbness | Madness 4 ‘Strongman: DEATH AND HELL — Revelation 20:13-14. Third suongman to be ———~—— ‘aot into the lake of ire. DEATH AND HELL usually (eum up with ANTICHRIST and JEZEBEL, Soares ANTICHRIST + Prince of darimess == | Murder ee Asmedeus/Ashmacdeva | Ruin | ~ Abortion Ashmadaier Osmodeus: | - Sheol ~ Molech /Moloch, pot = Division and divorce | Death wish and Agree: | Occultism Breathing problems | ment with death Fain Chimera (calamity. de- | Defeatism Passivity struction} ejection Plagues, get at Condemnation Depression | Rom Curses Despair Sicimess Peaster Curse of deatn | Despondency SIDS (erib death) Death and destruction; | Discouragement + Lith ~ Abaddon (Hebrew) Escapiem | - Night creature ~ Apollyen (Greek) FEAR - Night monster ee es ~ Asreal (death angel) ult + Night witch + King of bottomless pit | Hopclessness = The dying one poaeere ae + Death hormone (pitu- | INFIRMITIES Sin and death itary) Insomnia | Suicide eggs oy - The grave SEZEBEL Torment + Nima (ruler spirit) | Melancholy Woe aes - Perdition | Morbidity rr Sa. Strongman: FAMILIAR SPIRIT (A familiar spiril is a demon that inhabits a person and serves lum by giving him knowledge arid advice. It can also be = disembodied demon spirit of a dead person Invoked by a iiediuin to advise and prophecy.) — Leu 5: x ‘LGhronieles 10:13; Isatah 6:19, 19:3 18:11-19: J Samuel 28:7: Strongman: DIVINATION (The practice of foreseelngand foretelling futurcevents or discovering hidden Imowledge. Sorcery 1s divination with the assistance of oval spirits or demons.) — Leviticus 19:28: Numbers 23:23¢ 18:10; spirit Iz:17. Jeremian 14:14, 27:9-10: 2 Me Revelation 21:8; 23:15, aoe nay eee a DIVINATION ts aided and energized by the FAMILIAR SPIRIT, or spirtt guide; therefore we usually deal with both categories together, Anger False pride gates, ote, Arkel Prankish spirit Faloc prophecy ‘Oppression Astral projection {or False religions and doc- | Ouija boards ‘soul travel) ‘wines Palm reading Augury (divination) False submission Paranoia Automatic writing | False tongues P Beguiling False visions Passive meditation Belomancy (Divination | FEAR Peeping tom by means of arrows) Fortune-telling | Porversion of truth Biofeedback Hallucinogenic or mind- | Planchette (For auto- Biorhythms allering drugs |“ maue wring) Blood pacts and caths | Handwriting analysis Poltergeists Bone reading HEAVINESS Python, Cartomancy (Divmation | Horoscopes / Astrology | Rappings / knockings ‘by means of playing- | Humanism Reincarnation cards} | Hypnotism Religious spirits ‘Channeling INFIRMITIES (Mental) =| Ritualiem Clatrvoyance JEALOUSY | Rune stone reading Confusion - Bitterness | Satanism Conjuring = Unforgiveness Schizophrenia (See Counterfeit spirite SEZEBEL (control) INFIRMITY—Mental) Crystals and crystal Kinesiology SEDUCING SPIRIT balls Levitation Shamanism Deceiving spirits | LyING Seothsaying Dedication to Satan | Magic (white, black. Sorcery (Elymas) Dea vu (something neutral} | Spirit guide already seen) Martial arts (See the Spiritist Depression Expanded Martial Arts | Spirit of Egypt Dread Section oft pp» 65-67) Spirit reading Distrusting Mediums Spiritual Adultery Drugs (pharmakia) Mental ines Sptritualist Druidism: - | Mental telepathy Siar - Sun Ged Hu Mind control Tarot card reading = Sun Goadess | Occult mind control ‘Tea leaf reading = Cerkdwen! Witchcraft mind central | Warlock Dual personalities Third eve | water watching / Dows- Enchanter (sorcerer) Muttering ing or Divining ERROR Necromancy Wicca ESP (Extra sensory New age Witch perception) Numerology Witencraft Failure | Occultism Wizard Faithless ‘Occult Hiterature, mov- | Yoga False healing fes, TV programs, Zodiac 6. Strongman: ERROR — 1 John 4:6 Another Jesus False healings Legalism ANTICHRIST False holiness Man-pleasing spirits Apathy False hopes Mind-binding spirits Argumentatve False Joy Mind-blinding spirits Compromise Faloe prophecy Poison-drinking Contentious | False testimony Shaking Cult religions | False tongucs snake-handing Defensive | False visions Unbelier Doubt ‘Fear of man Unsubmissive False baptism Firc-walking Unteachable False dreams Holy roller Works False gifts Hypocrisy

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