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Welcome Speech for Sports Day

It is my pleasure to present a welcome speech for event of the Annual

Sports Day. I believe that everyone present here is doing good and
are super excited about today’s Sports day. For good physical fitness
and strength, sport is an integral part of life. Sports make our life
interesting, teach us to work hard and push our limits to reach a new
high. Sports teach discipline, respect, friendship, leadership,
resilience, teamwork and overcoming adversity. It is a crucial part of
a student’s growth and development. The good college not only aims
to improve a student’s physical abilities but also help them learn a
sense of good sportsmanship.

Welcome to the Dignitaries

I take this golden opportunity to stand before you all on behalf of our
college management and students to thank our special guest Anurag
Thakur, 46-year-old former Cricket Board President. A person who
hardly needs an introduction. He has made all of us proud of his
distinguished work in numerous capacities and is the most celebrated

He is the sculptor of human character, a seasoned scholar and a

navigator of the flagship of knowledge. On behalf of our college
management, teachers, parents, and students I extend a warm
welcome to you sir/ madam.

Welcome to the Principal

I feel grateful to have the presence of our beloved principal. A person

who is an inspiration to all. He has given us the path to follow to
make our dreams reality and given the firm foundation for all young
minds. He is a role model for all the teachers and students for the
discipline and incomparable hard work which he practices in daily

May I now invite our principal Mr. Dr. Jugnesh Kumar to honour
our chief guest Anurag Thakur.

I take great honor to welcome our dear teachers. They work endlessly
to shape young lives and makes them good citizens for society. They
inspire hopes, enlighten the wisdom and install a passion for learning.

Their tremendous efforts in teaching the drill, different forms of races

for different age group and making a large group of students ready
for this day is commendable.

No one on earth can love us more than our parents. Behind the hard
work and success of any person, there is an inspiration and vision of
parents. I extend a hearty welcome to all the parents who have taken
time out of their busy schedule to cheer up the students and appraise
the efforts of the college.

Your goodwill and appreciation bring positive energy in moulding

students for future growth and growth of this college.


I would like to appreciate all the students for their presence all fresh,
happy and excited about the performances which are about to start. I
wish good luck to all the students participating in drill, races,
marchpasts and other performances. Also, I pray that you all may do
your best.

For all those students who have not participated this year, I would
like to encourage that next year you should participate so that you
can use your abilities in the best way.
I would like to make an announcement that the judgment giving by
coaches and judges would be final. No arguments or conflicts would
be entertained.

I am delighted to declare the Annual Sports Day open. Now, I request

all to stand up for the National Anthem.

Thank you so much!!

Vote of Thanks Speech
A warm and graceful morning to our most valued Honourable Chief
guest Mr. Anurag Thakur, management committee, worthy teachers,
parents, my dear friends, and everyone gathered here. It’s my
privilege to propose a vote of thanks speech and acknowledge the
contribution of those who worked really hard to make this Sports
Day celebration happen.

Thanks to Almighty

I Rishab Raj, on behalf of St. Andrews Institute of Technology and

Management, and the entire fraternity of the institution, first of all,
extend my most sincere thanks to the Almighty God for making
today’s event a resounding success. With his blessings and grace, we
are able to make this event what it was.

Thanks to other Dignitaries

On behalf of my college, I extend a really hearty vote of thanks to our

chief guest Mr. Anurag Thakur who spared time from his busiest
schedule to grace the occasion. Today we had an opportunity to hear
your thoughts and this will surely be going to encourage us in our
future events.

Your thoughts have enlightened our minds and have shown us a new
path. My gratitude to all the speakers for gracing the occasion and
sharing their opinions today.

Thanks to College Staff

I am immensely thankful to all the college staff, for his or her efforts
towards anchoring of today. Their own ideas and elegance of
explanation of everything, I need to mention my deepest sense of
appreciation. I also extend thanks to all the staff members for their
enormous cooperation within the organization of this gala event.
An event like this cannot happen overnight. The wheels start rolling
weeks ago. The wheels start rolling weeks ago. It requires planning
and a bird’s eye for details. We have been fortunate enough to be
backed by a team of very proactive and dedicated staff of our
institution who are well versed in their job.

I am short of words for their involvement and their willingness to

take on the completion of tasks beyond their comfort zones.

A special mention to our respected Principal Dr. Jugnesh Kumar for

being the catalyst that stimulated us to do our best and standing as
pillars of strength. With a deep sense of appreciation, we thank our
loving teachers for their untiring efforts.

I would also like to thank the people who worked behind the scene to
make this event happen, our technical arrangement team, stage
setting, and lighting arrangement team all the musicians and
housekeeping staff.

Thanks to Parents and Children

Our sincere gratitude goes to all parents and well-wishers for your
rock-solid support system and encouragement. Without your support
children were not been able to achieve excellence. Thank you so
much for attending this event.

Finally, I would like to thanks our budding rock stars that made this
event joyful with their impressive performances. Your days of hard
work were evident in your acts. All the programs were very good and
were enjoyed by each one of us present here.


Last but not least a big thank you to each one of you who made this
Annual day celebration memorable for all of us. On behalf of my
college let me thank all students St. Andrews Institute of Technology
and Management to be disciplined and honoured. Our college
students are not only good at academics but also in extracurricular
activities. We value you and every moment that you stay in this
temple of learning.

Thank you everyone for joining us on this occasion!!

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