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Class 8th
Section “A” Objective type (F/B, T/F, MCQs) (20 Marks)

Instruction: Attempt all questions of Section A

Q. 1. a Fill in the blanks.

i. _______refers to the layout pattern in which computers are connected to

each other in a Network.
ii. Modem Stand fore ___________
iii. A _____ is used to prevent unauthorized access to a network.
iv. The ______ allows you to select objects by sticking the selection border to
edges of an object.
v. The _______ determines the sharpness and the clarity of an image.
vi. The _______ tool allows you to erase the background color from an image
or layer.
vii. The _______ tools let you duplicate part of image by setting a stamping
point in the image.

Q. 1. b choose the correct answer

i. A network that spans the countries and continents is known as_______

(a) LAN
(b) WAN
(c) MAN
(d) PAN

ii. A device used to connect Computers to a Networks is referred as ______

(a) Firewall
(b) CPU
(c) HTTP
(d) Switch

iii. The Magnetic Wand tool is the example of the _______ category tool

(a) Selection
(b) Drawing
(c) Painting
(d) Color picker

iv. You can change the background and foreground color using the _______

(a) Magnetic Lasso Tool

(b) Custom Shape Tool
(c) Color Picker Tool
(d) Marquee Tool

v. Which of the following tools let you erase all the area that similar colored

(a) Magic Eraser tool

(b) Background Eraser tool
(c) Type Tool
(d) Colon Stamp Tool

vi. What is the use of type tool

(a) It is used to insert text in Photoshop.

(b) It is used to fill an area with a selected pattern in Photoshop.
(c) It is used to lighten area of image in Photoshop.
(d) It is used to erase the background color of an image in Photoshop.

Q. 1. c True / False

i. In Ring topology, all the computers are connected to a central HUB


ii. Infrared Communication (TV Remote) is an example of Wireless


iii. This the symbol of Analog Signal


iv. Gradient to Tool is used to fill selected areas with a blend of multiple


v. The crop tool is used to discard the portions of an image that are not


vi. Layers can be thought as transparent sheets mounted on top of each



vii. The healing brush Tool allows you to repair imperfections of an image.


Section “B” (Short Answers) (15 Marks)

Instruction: Attempt any 5 questions. All question carry equal marks.

Q.1.What is Topology. Define Bus Topology

Q.2.Write a note on twisted pair Cable
Q.3.Briefly Define the term Computer Network.
Q.4.List the names of some important Computer Networks Types
Q.5.Discuss the use of Gradient Tool
Q.6.Write the purpose of Magnetic Lasso Tool
Q.7.What do you understand by Color picker.
Q.8.What is the purpose of Colon Stamp Tool
Q.9.What is the use of Layer in Photoshop.
Q.10.Name the three variants of Eraser Tools

Section “C” (Long Answers) (15 Marks)

Instruction: Attempt any 2 questions. All question carry equal marks.

Q.1.label the given diagram to show how signals transmit through Modem

Q.2.How is healing Brush Tool different from the Spot healing Brush Tool?
Q.3. Discuss the uses of the following Tools
i. Magnetic Wand Tool
ii. Gradient Tool
iii. Custom Shape tool
Q.4.Name of four types of Marquee tools. Explain any one marquee tool.

Class 7th
Section “A” Objective type (F/B, T/F, MCQs)
Instruction: Attempt all questions of Section A

Q. 1. a Fill in the blanks.

i. The area where the sequencing and timing of various graphics objects of a
movie can places is called the __________
ii. _______when plays together in a sequence create an animation effect
iii. A copy of symbol is called an __________ of the symbol
iv. ______ is the extension used to save the HTML files.
v. A ______ is used to view HTML pages
vi. A ________sets up an obstacle between an Internal Networks an untrusted
External Networks.
vii. A ________ is a string of characters, numbers, and special characters

Q. 1. b Choose the correct answer

i. The _______ Virus can be easily injected into an application Software.

(a) Macro
(b) Polymorphic
(c) Network
(d) Multipartite
The ______ virus is a self-encrypted Virus

(a) Macro Virus

(b) Polymorphic Virus
(c) Network Virus
(d) Resident Virus

iii. What is the purpose of a timeline

(a) The timeline helps place animation in the contents of the Movie in layer
and frames
(b) The Timeline organize and controls the contents of the movie in layer
and frames
(c) The timeline only controls the contents of movie in layer and frames
(d) The Timeline adds colors to the contents of the Movie in layer and

iv. When a copy of symbol is created?

(a) When a symbol is dragged from the stage to library

(b) When an Image is created on the stage
(c) When a symbol is dragged from library to stage
(d) When a symbol is saved by default to the library

v. All HTML Tags are enclosed within _______ brackets

(a) ( )
(b) < >
(c) [ ]
(d) { }

vi. Which of the following is HTML editor?

(a) Internet Explorer

(b) Opera Mini
(c) Notepad
(d) Google Chrome

Q. 1. c True / False
i. Commands in HTML are known as Tags

ii. The bgcolor attribute of body tag is used to change the color of page

iii. The img src Tag is used to insert an image in your HTML page

iv. An Antivirus cannot prevent viruses from entering your computer system

v. The Spyware is a requirement of any Desktop Computer system.


vi. The password is not necessary for computer systems


vii. In Adobe Animate CC the Instance is differ from its symbol in any way

Section “B” (Short Answers)

Instruction: Attempt any 5 questions. All question carry equal marks.

Q.1.State the importance of the timeline in Animate CC

Q.2.What is the function of Layers?
Q.3.What is HTML?
Q.4.List the Tags that form the basic structure of an HTML page
Q.5.What is the purpose of <h1> Tag?
Q.6.Name all the HTML headings
Q.7.Define a program file virus
Q.8.Define Two Factors authentication
Q.9.What is Polymorphic virus? a computer virus threat to your Computer.

Section “C” (Long Answers)

Instruction: Attempt any 2 questions. All question carry equal marks.

Q.1.Create and design a webpage with the central Heading of your school Name.
Show same characteristics of your School and insert Image of School building.

Q.2.Ellaborate the following HTML code line by line.

<title> My practical Page </title>
<body bgcolor=green Text=yellow>
<h1>This my First page</h1>
<p>I am student of Class 7th. My School name is The Educators Garden West
Campus Karachi. I love my School. My favorite subject is Computer Science.

Q.3.Distinguish between Motion Tweening and Shape Tweening

Q.4. Explain the quarantine action performed by the Antivirus Program in your
Computer system

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