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Engr. R. S.

Shehu 1
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019


1.0 Some Practical Application of Control System Engineering

Science and Engineering field Application area

1. Energy sources 1. These are nuclear, fossil-fuel, steam
power plants, internal combustion
engines and turbines, hydroelectric
power plant, wind turbine and solar
power plants.
2. These comprises of equipment for
2. Agricultural Equipment Tillage, planting, cultivation machines,
spraying equipment, harvesters and
environmental control equipment.
3. Railway, aircraft, spacecraft, ships,
3. Vehicles and Transportation systems automobiles, pipelines, conveyors and
4, Manufacturing Equipment 4. Machine tools, industrial robots, foundry
equipment, forging and Stamping
presses, assembly machines, plastic
moulding presses, textile machinery,
packaging machines, heating,
ventilating and air conditioning systems,
5. Communications
5. Video and audio recorders, transmission
and receiving networks, copying
machines, antennae positioning systems.
6. Medical Equipment
6. Heart and Lung machines, dialysis
machines, pace-maker, artificial heart,
and prosthetic devices.

7. Power Systems Networks 7. Frequency and voltage control at

generation stations, frequency and
voltage control along transmission lines.

1.1 Industrial Control System

Industrial control systems (ICS) are pieces of equipment along the production line that
test the process in a variety of ways, and return data for monitoring and troubleshooting.

Industrial control systems can also be referred to as the Process control systems.
Engr. R. S. Shehu 2
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

1.1.1 Process Control Systems

Process control systems gather and transmit data obtained during manufacturing process.

Some process control systems include:

i. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA):- is a system consisting of

software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to:

 Control industrial processes locally or at remote locations.

 Monitor, gather, and process real-time data.
 Directly interact with devices such as sensors, valves, pumps, motors, and more
through human-machine interface (HMI) software.
 Record events into a log file

ii. Programmable logic controllers (PLC):- is a digital computer used for the
automation of various electro-mechanical processes in industries.

iii. Distributed control systems (DCS):- is type of automated control system

consisting of many controllers, each controlling one process in a given unit

Example, a plant in which motor speed, temperature, pressure are involved, instead of
using central controller controlling the whole process, each quantity is assigned separate

A DCS is commonly used in manufacturing equipment and utilizes input and output
protocols to control a machine.

Figure below shows a typical DCS architecture.

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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019


2.0 Types of Industrial Control Systems

Industrial physical control systems can be classified into two main forms:

i. Set Point control

ii. Position control (Set path control)

2.1 Set Point Control System

Definition: When output of a system is desired to have a specific value, the system is said to be a
set point control.

Examples of set point control systems are:

i. Temperature control system (e.g. Oven)

ii. Pressure control system
iii. Speed control
iv. Flow rate control
v. Voltage level control
vi. Frequency control
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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

2.2 Position (Set point) Control System

Definition: When output of a control system is desired to be at a location or flow a particular path
the system is said to be a position control system.

Position control systems when actuator function is emphasized can also be referred to as Servo
control systems

Servo is used to move object from one place to another. Example of a servo is servo motor

Examples of position control system are

i. Robot system
ii. Airplane wing angle control
iii. Satellite position control
iv. Solenoid valve control
v. Antenna angle control
vi. Radar tracking system control
vii. PC, DVD ROM drive mechanism control, etc.

Set Point and Position Control Systems: Differences

Set point control system Position (Set path) control system

1. Output is maintain at a set value. 1. Output object is moved to a desired
2. Error signal is desired to be around zero, location or path.
not zero. 2. Error is desired to be zero.

3.0 Some Practical Industrial Control Systems

Set Point Control: The Vat system

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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Set Point Control: Thermal Control: Computer based control of Electric Furnace

Set Point Control: Ward Leonard Motor Speed Control

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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Position Control: Airplane Wing Angle Control

Position Control: Radar Tracking System

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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Industrial Control Systems Analysis

Set Point Control System:

Open loop Field DC Motor Speed Control System

An open loop field dc motor speed control system is shown below

where J is inertia constant of load wheel and shaft, B is viscous friction constant around the load
shaft, T is developed motor torque, if is field current, is shaft angular speed.

(i) In three sentences explain the operation of the system

(ii) Using block diagram approach obtain the transfer function block of the system.
(iii) If J = 0.1, B = 0.03, KT = 1, Lf = 0.2, Rf = 0.5 state if response of the system to unit
step input is under, critical or over damped.
(iv) State one practical application of the motor.


(i) The purpose of the system is to control the motor shaft angular speed (rad/s) by
adjusting input field circuit parameters (e.g. Vf or Iref) while keeping the armature
circuit parameters constant (Va or ia). If Vf is applied, If will produce flux lines, these
lines interact with constant flux lines generated by Ia, this will yield Torque that will act
on the shaft and the shaft will rotate at an angular speed , the speed is directly
proportional to the input voltage Vf

(ii) Working in Laplace transform, the motor equations and units block diagrams are as

Field circuit:

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Shaft-Load wheel:

Joining the blocks:

The transfer function block is

(iii) Giving the parameters: J = 0.1, B = 0.03, KT = 1, Lf = 0.2, Rf = 0.5, the transfer
function is

( )

= (S.9)

Recalling the general 2nd order characteristic equation q(s) = , comparing the
coefficients of q(s) and coefficients of denominator of equation (S.9):

and , the system is over damped, since

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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Closed loop Armature DC Motor Speed Control System

Example: A closed loop armature connected dc motor speed control system is shown below.

(a) In four or five sentences explain the system operation.

(b) Obtain the system block diagram transfer function model.
(c) Assigning the system parameters: Ra = 0.1Ω, La = 0.01H, Kb = 1V/rad/sec, KA = 1, KT =
1Nm/A, J = 0.01Nm/rad/sec2, B = 0.1Nm/rad/sec, Kt = 1.1V/rad/sec, State the damping nature
of the system.


(ii) The system equations and corresponding block diagram are

Exercise: Repeat (b) and (c) above for the closed loop speed control system below
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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Position Control System

Some important components of position control systems include:

Component Control name

- Motor Actuator, servo motor
- Shaft Plant
- Load wheel or blade Load
-Gear train Mechanical Amplifier
- Electronic driver/Amplifier Electronics driver/Amplifier, controller
- Potentiometer Transducer
- Electronic comparator Comparator

A simple open loop position control system is shown below

Fig. S1: Open loop position control system


(i) List all the components of the system

(ii) List all the physical variables in the system
(iii) Make a block diagram sketch of the system
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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

The Gear system transfer function model

Gear assemblies are widely found in servo systems. They are used as coupling device in order to
transmit torque between moving parts. A simple gear system is shown below.

The variables and parameters of the system are:

, - motor friction and inertia constants

- load friction and inertia constants
- motor and load shafts angular positions
- number of teeth on motor and load gears.
- turns or transmission ratio.
Tm - torque developed by the motor.

The equation model relating input Tm and gear 1 parameters is obtained by referring gear 2
parameters to gear 1 side; written as

̈ ̇ (S.1)

where and are the equivalent inertia and friction constants expressed as

= (S.2)

= (S.3)

The equation model relating Tm and gear 2 parameters is

̈ ̇ (S.4)

= (S.5)
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= (S.6)


A closed position control system is digramed below

Fig. S2: Closed loop position control system

The system parameters are

- reference angle position in radian (rad)

- output angle position (rad)
- reference emf produced by angle by angle
- output emf produced by the angle
- error emf produced by the potentiometer detector
KA - amplifier gain
Kp - Potentiometer constant
KT - Motor torque constant
, - motor friction and inertia constants
- load friction and inertia constants
- motor shaft and load wheel angular positions
- number of teeth on motor and load gears.
- gear turns ratio.

Example: Consider the open loop servo system shown in Fig.S1 above,

(i) Briefly explain the system operational principle.

(ii) Obtain block diagram transfer function model relating input reference angle and
output load angle e.m.f. eL
(iii) If the parameters of the system were assigned as follows: KP1 = KP2 = 1V/rad,
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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

KA = 1.1, Ra = 0.6Ω, La = 0.02H, Kb = 0.5V/rad/sec, KT = 1Nm/rad/sec Jm =

0.2Nm/rad/sec2, JL = 0.1Nm/rad/sec2, bm = 0.2Nm/rad/sec, bL = 0.03Nm/rad/sec, N1 =
80, N2 = 150, use Matlab to obtain the system’s unit step response.

(i) The system aims at positioning or rotating the load wheel to an angular position by
turning the steering to an input angular position, .

If the steering is moved by an angle in radian (or degrees), the input POT will
convert the angle into an equivalent e.m.f. eref , this voltage will be amplified by the
amplifier and drives the servo motor to position the wheel by an angle via a gear
train. Output POT now converts into an e.m.f. eL, this output e.m.f. is directly
proportional to the input e.m.f. or input angle .

(ii) The equations (in Laplace transform) of the system components and their block
diagrams are given below:

Input POT:


Armature circuit:

.Where Eb is back e.m.f., is directly proportional to the motor shaft angular position written as

Relating to using equation (S.7) as follows

The block diagram above is drawn as

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Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Elect-Mechanical link:

Motor shaft to Load shaft equation:

Output POT:

Cascading the blocks

The system transfer function of the open loop position control system relating output e.m.f. and
input angle is obtained by reducing the blocks as shown below

( )
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Example-Assignment: Consider the closed loop servo system shown in Fig. S2 above.

(i) Briefly explain the system operational principle.

(ii) Obtain transfer function model relating input reference angle and output load angle
e.m.f. eL
(iii) If the parameters of the system were assigned as follows: KP1 = KP2 = 1V/rad,
KA = 1.1, Ra = 0.6Ω, La = 0.02H, Kb = 0.5V/rad/sec, KT = 1Nm/rad/sec Jm =
0.2Nm/rad/sec2, JL = 0.1Nm/rad/sec2, bm = 0.2Nm/rad/sec, bL = 0.03Nm/rad/sec, N1 =
80, N2 = 150, use Matlab to obtain the system’s unit step response.
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State Space Modeling Technique

Transfer function modelling approach has some demerits as follows:

1. the modelling is in transform- the Laplace transform, not in real time.

2. used only for modelling single input-single output systems.
3. zero initial conditions are assumed.
4. used only for modelling linear systems
5. it is used only for time-invariant system (system with constant parameters).

Some merits of state space technique are

1. it is directly a time domain technique, transformation is not needed

2. it is used for both SISO and MIMO systems
3. it is applied for both linear and nonlinear systems
4. it is for both time invariant and time varied systems.
5. Internal system variables can also be monitored and controlled.

Concept of State and State Variables

Definition: State of a dynamical system is a minimal set of variables, known as state variables (
denoted ; such that knowledge of these variables at initial time ( together with
the knowledge of the inputs for , completely determine the behaviour of the system in future
time ( .

Steps for identifying States in a system

1. In electrical system, first identify the energy storage elements.

2. Any variable through or across an element that takes first derivative, is a state.
3. In Mechanical systems displacement and velocity are the states.

Example: In the RLC circuit shown below, identify the states of the network.


Step 1: inductor and capacitor are the storage elements

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Step 2: . current pass through the inductor, voltage develop across the capacitor, thus IL and VC are
the states of the network.

writing them conventionally:

Example: Consider the circuits below. Identify the states of the circuits.


(a) and (b) (c) ̇

Differential Equations of Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) System

Figure below shows a multi input multi output system, where m is number of inputs, p number of
output, n is number of states.

State space model consisting of two equations, relating:

i. States ( and control inputs ( to first derivative of the states

̇ ̇ ̇ - referred to the state equation
ii. States and control inputs to outputs ( ) – known as the output equation

From the figure above, the state and output equations are
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State equations:

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

Where , are constant coefficients. The state equation is written in vector matrix form as

̇ = x(t) + Bu(t) (1)

Where A is n x n system matrix, B is n x m input matrix, expressed as

= [ ], B = [ ]

Output equation:

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

In matrix form:


Where C is p x n output matrix, D is p x m transmission matrix.

The two equations are

̇ = x(t) + Bu(t)

In most systems no direct connections between output and input, thus the matrix D = 0.

Steps in formulating state space model

For a n-th order differential equation:

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1. make highest derivative the subject.

2. Take output variable as the first state. Second state as first differential of the output, etc.
3. write first derivative of the states in terms of the state expressed in (2) above.
4. write out the state and output equations.

For a given physical system model:

1. identify the system states.

2. based on the system connections, write first derivative of the states.
3. Obtain expressions for the first derivatives from the physical system.
4. Write the complete state equation.

Example: A system is described by the equation ⃛ ̈ ̇ . Obtain state space

model of the system.

Solution.: make highest derivative the subject

⃛ = -2 ̈ -3 ̇ -4y+r(t)

Take y as the output variable, the states are

= y
= ̇
= ̈
First derivative of the states (state evolution),

̇ =
̇ =
̇ = -2 -3 -4 + r(t)

The evolution (state or system) matrix A, input matrix B, output matrix and transmission matrix are

An x n = [ ], Bn x m = [ ], Cp x n = [ ], Dp x m = [0].

Example: An electrical network is described by the equation: ̈ ̇ .

Obtain the network’s state, input and output matrices.

̈ ̇ .

The states are

= v(t)
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= ̇ .

The state evolutions are

̇ =

The matrices are

A =[ ], B = [ ], C = [ ], D = [0]

Example: Obtain state space model for the RC network shown below. Take vo as the output

Sol.: the states are

The first derivative of the states are

To find dvc/dt , KCL is applied at node n:


To find , KVL is applied at the loop as follows:

Note: Any variable not a state or primary input should be define in terms of one of the states


Equations (1) and (2) are written in state variable forms as follows:
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From (1): ̇

From (2): ̇

The output equation is written as

The matrices are

A = [ ] B=[ ],

C=[ ], D = 0.

Example: The voltage across R2 as shown in the network below is considered as the output
variable of the network. Obtain state space model matrices of the network.

Solution: The state variables are

First derivative of the states:

̇ =
̇ =
̇ =

To find KVL is applied to the first loop as follows: Taking source u (+) as forward

Loop 1:

+ +

= (1)
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To find , KCL is applied at the node:

= 0

= (2)

To find , KVL is applied at loop 2:


= - (3)

Writing equations (1),(2) and (3) in state variables forms:

= -

The matrices are

A = , B = [ ], C = [ ], D = [0]

[ ]


1. Obtain state space matrices for the circuit below. Take voltage across R 2 as the output

2. Derive state space model for the network below. Take voltage across C as output.
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1. (a) Obtain all equations describing the closed
loop speed control system shown below
(b)Obtain state space model of the system

2. (a) Obtain equations describing the closed loop speed control system shown below
(b)Obtain state space model of the system.

3. (a) Sketch a closed loop field

controlled dc motor showing
all the variables and
(b) Obtain state space
model of the system.
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Control engineering has evolved over time. In the distance past humans were mainly the agents of
control. More recently electricity became the means of control and electrical control was based on

Control of industrial systems are designed and configured to operate in sequence and repetitive
manner. Prior to 1970, industrial processes employed networks of electromechanical relays to
logically control the systems. The approach was termed Relay Logic Control (RLC).

RLC method demerits may include the followings:

i. If control logic changes, the relay connections must be rewired.

ii. Too many wiring
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iii. Modification is difficult

iv. Trouble shooting is difficult
v. Power consumption of coils too high
vi. Down time is too long

In 1970s, programmable Logic Controller (PLC) was developed. PLC is a small microprocessor
based controller that can be connected to switches and can drive loads such as motors, relay, or

Merits of PLC over Relay or electromechanical based controllers:

 Wiring reduces by almost 80%

 Power consumption greatly reduced
 It is cost effective for controlling complex processes
 It is flexible, it can be reapplied to other systems without much changes.
 High computation abilities. Sophisticated systems can be controlled.
 Trouble shooting is easy.
 Its components are reliable and can be used for many years.

Application: Some few areas of PLC application are:

 Conveyor system
 Packaging machine
 Pick and place robot control
 Pump control
 Water treatment
 Chemical process plant
 Cement manufacturing
 Power station plant
 Petro-chemical plant
 Generator control
 Semiconductor manufacturing

A practical PLC is shown below.

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Relay Logic Control

Relay Switch

Relay is an electromechanical device that allows power to be turn on and off to the load. It uses
magnetic field to control a switch. A number of relays are connected to perform logical control

A simple relay may have a total of five terminals (two for input coil, three for output contacts) as
shown in figure below.

Logical AND, OR and NOT functions

implementation using relay circuit.
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Latching in Relay Circuit

Latching or Sealing refers to the process of maintaining power flow to a load despite removal of the
initial supply line. Latching a relay is shown below

When the switch SW is closed, terminal X is high, at the same time the coil is magnetized,
attracting the pole to close the switch B, thus maintain high at X terminal from the 12V source,
even if the switch SW is opened.

Time Delay Relays

Time delay relay would open or close its contacts after some time has elapsed. This type of relay is
known as the Time Delay Relay (TDR). There are two forms:

i. On-delay relay: - is a normally open relay. When its coil gets energized, it closes
its contacts after some time elapses.
ii. Off-delay relay: - it is a normally close relay. It waits for some time before it
opens its constants when it coil is de-energized.

Figures below the circuit symbols of the two relays.

Practical TDR

Some commercially available TDR relays are shown below.

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Pneumatic TDR: - when the coil is energized, a spring loaded bellow is squeezed. Air is pumped
out of the check valve hole slowly till contact is made. The time taken to make the contact is the
delay characteristic of the relay.

Thermally TDR: - In thermal based type, a heat produce by a small heater causes a bimetallic strip
to bend and thus, make a contact, based on the switch setting, some delay is created before contact
is made.

Solid state: - this is the widely used TDR. The knob on top is used for setting the time delay. The
systems work on the principle of charging a capacitor or counting high speed clock pulses with a
digital counter: The higher the count the longer the delay.

TDR Application:

On-delay relay:

i. In voltage stabilizers
ii. In lift control mechanism

Off-delay relay

i. used in car light switch control: where the relay will delay to allow occupants leave
before opening its contacts.

RLC Ladder Diagram

Ladder diagram is a form of wiring diagram used in logic control. It has two vertical lines called
Power rails and a lines connecting the vertical line, referred to as Rungs as shown below.
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Ladder diagram is made up of a power rails and a Rung. A rung may carry one or more switches,
but must carry only one load. Figures below showed symbols of switches, relay contacts and relay

Input elements: on-off contact, push button switch, normally open and closed contacts.

Output elements: Loads e.g., relay coil, lamp, lamp solenoids coil etc.

Example: In a single ladder diagram show how

(i) a red light is turn on using series push button switches

(ii) a motor turns on by a relay contact using two parallel push button switches.

Solution: The ladder diagram is shown below.

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Example: A solenoid valve is to be operated by a relay contact. Six push button switches are
involved. If two switches must close at same time to energized the relay coil, draw a ladder diagram
of the logic control system.

Solution: If two switches are pressed at a time to turn on the motor solenoid valve, the ladder
diagram is drawn below.

Example: Draw a relay ladder diagram that turns on a lamp using a push button switch.

Solution: to turn on a load using a push button switch requires the function of sealing a relay. The
ladder diagram is drawn below.
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Example: A push button switch starts a motor driving a conveyor belt for 5 seconds then stopped.
Draw a relay ladder diagram of the operation.

Solution: (i) with a push button switch, sealing is required (ii) with 5 seconds initial duration, off
delay TDR is required. The ladder diagram is drawn below.

Example: A push button switch starts a motor. The motor runs for 5 seconds then stopped. Seven
seconds after the motor was turn on, the motor runs again for 3 seconds. Draw a relay logic ladder
diagram of the system.

(i) with 5 seconds initial turn on; off TDR is required.
(ii) 7 seconds next turn on; On-delay TDR is required.

The ladder diagram is drawn below

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Example: In a tank filling system shown below, the motor-2 is turn on 5 minutes after motor-1 has

At 12 minutes into the process, the two motors are shut down. Draw a relay ladder diagram of the

(i) Motor-1 is turn on when input switch is turn on
(ii) Motor-2 turns on after 5 minutes; On-delay TDR is required.
(iii) 12 minutes shut down; Off-delay TDR is required.

The ladder diagram is drawn below.

Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

PLC basic components are:

(i) Power supply: - AC to DC power converters for the internal microprocessor

(ii) Input card: - PLC is connected to external devices (switches, sensors) via input card.
(iii) Output card: - PLC drives loads (motor, lamp, etc.) via output card.
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Figure below shows block diagram of an 8 slots PLC

PLC Module Types

PLC modules are of the following:

 Rack type (see Fig (a)). It is flexible and easy to maintained, but it is very expensive.
 Mini type (see Fig. (b)). It has similar function as the rack type, but about half the size
 Mini type (see Fig. (c)). It is much smaller than the above two. Less cost but has limited
 Software based type (see Fig.16 (d)). It requires computer (PC) with an interface card, but
allows the PLC to be connected to sensors and other PLCs across a network.
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PLC Program and Data Files

In PLC memory, two things are stored: program file and data file. Program file is the instruction
(rung in the ladder diagram), the data file consist of the values or states of the elements in PLC
program. Table below shows a typical data files.

An 8-bit PLC RAM with different data addresses is shown below

Switch’s and Relay‘s Instructions

Switch and relay instruction symbols are represented using different standards. The Allen-Bradley
standards are shown in the Table below

Switch/Contact Symbol Instruction (by Allen-Bradley)
1) Normally open switch

2) Normally closed switch EXAMINE IF TRUE



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Note: when using external NC switch to drive internal NC, inversion takes place. If the external
switch is TRUE, the internal switch will invert to FALSE.

Memory Addresses

In ladder diagram, addresses of elements are written as shown below.

a:- I stands for type of data file, which is input for this case, 1 stands for the first word in the input
data file of the RAM. 0 stands for the bit position within the word. I:1/0 simply means that the
status of the switch is found in the first word, at zero-bit position of the word.
b: O stands for output data file, 2 refers to the 2nd word and 4th bit position of output data file of
the RAM.

Example: Draw a RAM to show the status of the ladder diagram shown below

Solution: The RAM is shown below

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PLC Timer Instruction

Timers are input elements or instructions used to delay processes. Figure below shows the Allen-
Bradley standard for a timer.

Where T is nth timer in the rung, Time base will is time multiplier, Preset is preset time,
accumulator shows the time count up or down. EN is enable coil output, DN is de-enable coil


If sw is close, enable output coil (EN) is energized for the period set as
. When the time elapsed, EN is off (de-energize) and DN coil is energized and will
remain high.

Time period = Preset x Time base

A contact close by EN is denoted as T:a/TT

A contact close by DN is denoted as T:b/DN

Example: A motor load-1 is operated for a period of 6 seconds, then a second motor load-2 is turns
on. Draw a PLC ladder diagram using Allen & Bradley standard.

Solution: The ladder diagram is drawn below.

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Example: In the Vat process shown below, operating the empty switch turns on a fill valve. While
operating the Full switch shut off the fill valve.

(i) Re- sketch the system to show the addresses of the switches and the loads.
(ii) Use Allen & Bradley instructions to draw the ladder diagram of the system.

(i) The Vat system is sketched in (a) below

(ii) The ladder diagram is shown in (b) below

(a) (b)

Example: If in the Vat process shown above, the fill valve is to be turn on for 20 seconds, the
content then stirred for 30 seconds, draw an PLC ladder diagram of the control function using Allen
& Bradley timer instruction standard.
Engr. R. S. Shehu 38
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Solution: the ladder diagram is drawn below

Example: In the Vat process, the fill valve is ON, as the liquid level reaches desired point the float
switch turns off the valve. The content is then mixed by the stirrer for 3minutes. Draw a PLC ladder
diagram of the logic control.

Solution: The ladder diagram is shown below.

Exercise: In the Vat process above, after stirring, the content is removed by opening a drain valve
for 10 seconds. Draw the complete ladder diagram.

Example: A dish washing process shown below performs the following:

(i) Washes by spraying water and detergent for 3minutes

(ii) Rinse with water spray for 2minutes
(iii) Dry by blowing air for 1minute
Engr. R. S. Shehu 39
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Using Allen & Bradley standard draw a ladder diagram of the 1st step.

Solution: Two valves are to be open for 2 minutes. The ladder diagram is drawn below.

Example: Modify the above ladder diagram to implement step 2 of the problem.

Solution: The ladder diagram is drawn below.

Engr. R. S. Shehu 40
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Example: Modify the above ladder diagram to implement step 3 of the logic function.

Solution: The ladder diagram can be drawn as shown in the figure below

Sequencer (Drum)

Sequencer or drum is an element that is programed to operate loads sequentially and repeatedly.
Some sequential loads are the dish washing machine, traffic light, e.t.c

PLC Sequencer

An Allen & Bradley PLC sequencer

file and instruction are shown below.
Engr. R. S. Shehu 41
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Problem Statement: A dish washing machine performs the following operations

- Washes by spraying water and detergent for 3minutes.
- Rinse with water spray for 2minutes.
- Dry by blowing air for 1minute.

Use Allen & Bradley sequencer instruction to implement the control sequence.


i. Open the sequencer file and fill in the control states.
ii. Construct the ladder diagram involving sequencer instruction to implement
the system.

The sequencer file is formed as shown below

The ladder diagram is drawn as shown below.

Engr. R. S. Shehu 42
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Example: If 2 seconds interval is inserted between the steps in the problem above, draw a ladder
diagram for the control system.

Solution: The sequencer file is shown below

The ladder diagram with 2 seconds delay between the steps is shown below.
Engr. R. S. Shehu 43
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

The TPS-3071 PLC System

The TPS-3071 window (PLSES) is shown below.

The PLSES constants and loads instructions are shown below

Cell memory load and switch

Cell memory is used for storing energy. A normally cell memory coil when energized would close
its cell memory contact. Cell memory elements can be used for sealing processes.

Example: A motor and a lamp are turn on using a push button switch. Using the TPS-3071 draw a
ladder diagram of the system.

Solution: the ladder program is drawn as

shown below.
Engr. R. S. Shehu 44
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

TPS-3071 PLC Timer

PLSES has two types of timer instructions, the delay timer (TI) and one short timer (OS).

Delay Timer

The delay timer is shown below. Terminal E is input, Q is output, R is the reset. The tab 0000 is
preset time


Once E is high, after elapse of the present time, the output Q will come high. The output stays
high even if E is de-enabled. The output can be cleared by inputting high at R terminal.

Application: It is used as on-delay relay function, i.e. turns on a load after elapse of preset time.

Example: In Vat control process, a stirrer is turn on after 50 seconds delay time. Use a PLSES
timer to draw a ladder diagram of the system.

Solution: The ladder is shown below

Example: A push button switch connects a circuit breaker CA to a power network. After a delay of
20 minutes, a second circuit breaker CB is connected. If PLC was used in the control process, draw
a ladder diagram of the system using PLSES delay timer standard.

Solution: The ladder is diagrammed below.

Engr. R. S. Shehu 45
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Example: In the solution above, the two circuit breakers are opened 100 seconds after the process
initiation, modify the diagram to reflect the changes.

Solution: The modified diagram is shown below

Example: A robot arm is turn on after 20 minutes’ delay. Exactly in next 10 minutes its shut down
with LED indicator lighting up. Draw the ladder diagram using PLSES timer.

Solution: The lamp can just be connected at the timer’s output as shown below.

Example: A lamp is turn on after 20 seconds. It is shut down after another 20 seconds. If this is
repeated, draw a ladder diagram for the system.

Solution: On-off switch is required to implement repetition after output clearing. The ladder
diagram is shown below.
Engr. R. S. Shehu 46
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

One Short Delay Timer

The one short timer instruction is shown below. C is input, R is reset input, Q is output, 00A is the
preset time.


Once C is high, Q will come high. The output Q will shut down after the preset time reaches zero.

Example: A lamp is turn on, and after 30 seconds it is shut down. Using OS timer draw a ladder
diagram of the control system.

Solution: The PLSES ladder diagram is shown below

Example: A robot ran for 20 seconds. At the 20th seconds a lamp indicator is turns on for 30
Draw a ladder diagram of the system using one short timer.

Solution: the diagram is shown below

Engr. R. S. Shehu 47
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Example: In a Vat process, a fill valve is turn on for 20 seconds, then a stirrer is operated for 30 seconds.
Using PLSES instructions, draw a ladder diagram of the system.

Solution: Using one short and delay timers, the system is shown below

PLSES Counter

The counter is used in processes to count events happening. There are two types: (i) Up counter (ii)
Down counter.

Up Counter: Up counter instruction is shown below. The output comes

high when counting is complete. The output advances when input
make transition from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. The counting here is 0 to preset

Down Counter: here the counting is from maximum number to zero.

The down counter is shown below

Example: Write a program to ON a light after 10 counts.

Sol.: using J as pushbutton switch the ladder diagram is shown below

Engr. R. S. Shehu 48
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

Example: A light bulb is turn off after the of 10. Draw a ladder diagram of the light system control.

Sol: the ladder diagram is shown below.

Exercise : Explain the operational principle of the control system drawn below.

Example: Two lane traffic lights are operated as given below:

Lane 1 Lane 2
Red A Red A ON for 40s
Yellow B Yellow B “ “ 10s
Green C Green C “ “ 60s

Using the PLSES sequencer instruction draw a ladder diagram of the system.

Solution: The ladder program is shown below.

Engr. R. S. Shehu 49
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

With 0.1 second multiplier, the sequencer file is set as shown below.
Engr. R. S. Shehu 50
Instr & Control Lab, EEED, Kadpoly, 2019

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