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W04 Application Activity: Overcoming Obstacles


During weeks two and three you established your weekly study pace and identified some
health and wellness goals. Now what? A plan without action isn’t going to get you very far.
There will be obstacles that get in your way

This week you will identify some potential obstacles to maintaining your study pace and
wellness goals as well as possible solutions for overcoming those obstacles.

Step 1 – Chart your obstacles

Use the template below to identify two obstacles that may hinder your weekly pace and
two obstacles that might hinder your health and overall wellness. Refer to your pacing
guide and health and wellness goals for ideas.

Step 2 – Chart your solutions

Write two things you can do to overcome each of the obstacles that you identified in the
template below.

Pacing Obstacles Health and Wellness Obstacles

1. Frustrations when things don’t go the 1. Sleeping late at night makes it hard for
way we expected me to wake up early
● Take some deep breaths. This will ● Set an alarm clock to at time in the
allow us to calm our emotions and evening
restore a sense of calm. ● Do not start watching YouTube
● Work on something else, any videos on my phone when I’m in
activity like exercise, play an bed.
instrument or read a book, is a great
method to get past a roadblock.

2. Sometimes I have so much work that I’m 2. Eating too much added sugar can have
leaving things till the last minute. many negative health effects
● Pick a planner that has room for ● Cut Back on Sugar-Filled Drinks,
your schedule and to-do list each instead, start drinking water
day. ● Avoid Sugar-Loaded Desserts, which
Avoid starting that next task until causes blood sugar spikes and can
you complete the one you are leave you feeling tired
working on. .

Go on to Step 3 

Step 3 - Reflect
Answer the following question in a short paragraph:

1. How will identifying your obstacles and a plan to overcome them contribute to your
academic success?

Identifying is one of the keys to knowing how to act when an obstacle or problem is
coming, I consider that having the strategies written down on paper is a great help when we
are dealing with unexpected obstacles , applying them during our academic life will help us
to be more productive and find solutions.

Step 4
Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your
course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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