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Social Class Video Guide

For this assignment, please submit your answers to these questions—and

clearly label each section. Please answer each question fully.

Additional clips to choose from: WASP, Belles, Friends in Low Places, Joe
Queenan’s Kitchenwares Tour, How to Marry the Rich, All you Need is Cash,
Gnomes R Us, Trouble in Paradise.

After watching the clip on the poor family (Tammy’s Story), please answer
these questions:

1) How would your family life be different if you grew up in such a family?
a. How would relationships be different? Values, connectedness,
emotions, rules, boundaries, family time, etc.?

I think I would be very different, I would have a very low self-esteem

and for sure I’ll suffer seeing my family’s situation, I will probably be
so ashamed of myself that having friends will be so difficult, I am
wondering if I will be able to create a real connection with another
person, I don't think I can even recognize my values and emotions.

2) How do we fix poverty? Is it just a money matter?

I think to fix poverty you have to have a change of mentality, I think
that poverty is not a money matter, it is a problem in our minds, and
many poor people have become very rich people with a lot of work, so
I think motivation is key to achieve goals.

3) From a practical perspective, if this family was in your ward, what

should be done to help?

First, I would work with the mother, help her to love herself, love her
life and seek solutions, I think it is a work from the inside out,
strengthen her self-esteem and motivate her to work hard, motivate
her to create a closer relationship with her children, because they are
a team and families work better together
After watching the other segments, (“Opening Clip” and at least three other
clips of your choice) answer these questions:

4) Which additional segments did you watch? What were your brief
thoughts about those segments?
WASP Lessons and Belles belles belles, the society where we live
affects both our behavior and our personality, in both cases you can
see how wanting to fit into a group we do things that sometimes don’t
make us happy.

5) What social class did you grow up in?

I grew up in a middle class family.

6) What positive things did you learn in life because of growing up in this
social class?
I learned to be grateful, we always had food, education, a place where
to live, and at the same time I had a family that was always present in
special moments of every member of the family.

7) What positive characteristics do people gain from other social classes

(ones you didn’t grow up in)?
One positive characteristic about lower class is probably they are more
open to receive advice and the gospel, and the upper class the most
positive characteristic is the hard work they put in their business.

8) From a gospel perspective, what will we call this when we do fix

poverty and get rid of cliques and social class? (Moses 7:18-19)
We will be called Zion, the people of the Lord

9) What SPECIFICALLY do you/we as a church need to do to make this

happen? What can we do NOW?
We have to love one another, we have to help each other progress and
stop being selfish.

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