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From birth babies listen carefully to their parents and those who were close during pregnancy because

they feel
familiar with their voices,

Hllo, my name is

I will talk about

Language learning:

Have you noticed that not all children learn in the same way at the same times even when they are the same age, if
we focus on language development Some children learn several languages, some only one; some learn quickly,
others slowly.

How is language learned so easily and so well?

To answer this question we are going to talk about 3 theories

This makes sense, kids feel , safe, and comfortable with their parents because they know them, of course they will
learn from them now if parents want to be expert teachers, they must have studied how to teach their kids correctly
according to their age, it is important to speak clearly with them, to articulate words well, for this reason it is
recommended that parents educate themselves and study how to teachtheir children.

They will find a way to communicate because humans are social beings

Many times it can be difficult for some children to express their feelings or thoughts so you have to observe their
way their communicate when they are hungry, tired, bored or if they want something.

If we observe the babies, they are always observing, and when they grow up they do what they see other people do,
if they have older brothers for sure they will imitate them

Music is a powerful tool to teach little kids to express their feeling and emotions,

You can use all these ideas to teach a child to speak a second language, it is easier for them to learn through games
and in a fun way, from my experience I can say that children know differences in both languages, they will
understand and speak it if they know that it is the only way to communicate with the other person. So children are
special beings who need our help to develop in a better way.

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