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Empowering the local community

Local people can earn money while also introducing tourists to their culture through
community-based tourism. Furthermore, since the local population is directly engaged in the
project's management and leadership, they will exercise sovereignty and make choices that
are best for their community. “Tourism employs 11 percent of the Maldives' 314,000 people
[in 2009],” according to estimates. Tourism raises over $600 million a year and accounts for
60% of all foreign currency earnings. In addition, it generates 90% of the government's
income. This can be very empowering, promoting patriotism, morale, and economic growth.
When visitors use CBT, the majority of their money remains in the city. Rather than going to
big, mostly international corporations, tourist dollars go directly to the citizens of the area.
This money will go a long way towards helping small communities send their children to
school and provide financial support for their residents. As a result, emproving local
community to develop business and job opportunities through beach tourism is one of the
positive community-based tourism initiatives in the Maldives will help to ensure that the
economical stability for future generations for the Maldivians.

Community-based tourism, in particular, has the potential to provide income and employment
for all residents, including women and other marginalised communities such as people with
disabilities. It allows everyone to protect their financial future and build new prospects for
themselves. CBT in the Maldives will help local communities diversify their wealth, resulting
in increased economic opportunities and reduced financial risk. It can aid in the promotion of
financial freedom, which can prevent people from being exploited. Furthermore, community-
based tourism allows locals to share their lifestyle with the world while also learning more
about other communities and experiences. This will give people a sense of belonging while
also ensuring that culture and language are preserved. It is especially beneficial for young
people to be interested in sharing their culture because this ensures that it will not be
forgotten and will now be passed on to future generations.

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