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Although the two words are often used interchangeably, "green" and "sustainable" do not

mean the same thing. Green refers to the activities that provide a more efficient use of
resources and minimize the harmful impact on the environment when compared to similar
products. Sustainable refers to activities that allow a specific problem to be solved without
having adverse implications in the future.
The recent furore on industrial activities has led many companies to re-evaluate their beliefs
on their environmental impacts. While most building models were usually sustainable, they
often didn’t fill the criteria to be considered “green”. In the last decade and a half, the “green”
movement has ensured companies employ more environmentally friendly methods which do
not necessarily hamper nature for future generations. The absence of a clear distinction to
differentiate the words ultimately led to the words erroneously being used interchangeably.
Green is used in a more all-encompassing sense compared to the words sustainable and
sustainability. Sustainability is all green. However, it is also important to note that being
green doesn’t necessarily make something sustainable. A common example of this is when a
compromise is reached between a green product using non-sustainable resources to function.
For example, a green car can run on electricity but it is still transported across the globe in
fossil fuel powered cargo ships. The carbon footprint left by these cars is minimal but still
existent. Similarly, a sustainable nuclear power plant may not be green because nuclear waste
is virtually impossible to process and dump. Despite being a clean source of energy, the
environmental impact is still present which renders the power non-green even though it is
sustainable. Although it is still sustainable, the environmental impact is still present which
classifies the power plant as non-green.
The choice of words is deemed irrelevant in modern marketing. Marketers often project their
products as the most environmentally friendly product out there. Despite using non-
sustainable techniques and ingredients, a product can still qualify as a green product.
Sustainable products require a higher standard altogether. Being green is assumed when we
try to make a process or product sustainable.
Going green and going sustainable go hand in hand with each other. If there is an increase in
research regarding the environmental impact of a product, necessary steps can be taken by
companies to ensure the product is not having adverse effects on the earth.
If “sustainability” or “going green” are neglected in future planning, the planet will be
effected in a negative way. Due to the threat of the impact of our actions on the future
generation, it is essential that the environmental impacts of products are researched so we can
move forward together.

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