Lesson Plan

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A wide range of lesson plans are used in primary classroom. All of the lessons are designed
around common themes from primary education syllabi (Year 4) based on KSSR and can be
used to complement your school curriculum, giving students an opportunity to develop their
English language and skills in motivating and enjoyable ways. Showing videos related to the
topic may also assist in better understanding. Including activities related to the lesson is
helpful for students to remember the topic being taught. The lesson plan activities are derived
from three (3) movie clips as follows: Lesson Plan 1 : (Listening and Speaking) from the
movie ‘The Incredibles’; Lesson Plan 2: (Reading) from the movie ‘English Vinglish’ and
Lesson Plan 3: (Writing) from the movie ‘The letter Writer’. The lesson plans are easy to use
and aim to give the students the skills and confidence they need to enjoy learning English.

A lesson plan does not necessarily have to be a detailed script that contains the plan of every
interaction with students in the classroom. In order to check the understanding after the
planning and learning activities, it is important that the teacher drafts questions in different
ways to check the knowledge and understanding of the topic. It should preferably have the
general overview of the aims and objectives of the course, the plan of teaching and learning
activities of the course and the activities planned to check the students’ understanding.

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