Editing and Printing of 2017 Bir Form 2316

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Editing and Printing of 2017 BIR FORM 2316

1. Install - Alphalist v5.1 New Setup

2. Open - Alphalist Data Entry v5.1

3. Username: depedzambales Password: 229955663322

4. Enter Company Taxpayer Information. You must enter TIN information accurately. 295-632-972-000


6. Click Close; In the Main Menu Upload DAT file. (013), follow instruction - Import, Yes

7. In the Main Menu, click 1604 CF (under ANNUAL)

8. Enter 2017 - For the Year

9. Click Add/Update (under Schedule 7.3) - same instruction to print 2316.

10. Click Ok (working under year 2017)

11. Note: Click Edit to enter the respective TIN number of employees. Otherwise, click Form 2316

12. After clicking Form 2316 (for each employee), an Excel file will be generated. Setup the page (90%)
for Legal Size (long) bond paper, check only Horizontally under Margin Tab, then print From page 1 To 1

13. Print 4 copies. Always close Excel application after every print.

14. Submit duly signed forms with summary per respective schools in alphabetical order.

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