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Do you think that Two Nation Theory became the basis of creation of Pakistan? Justify your answer
with five relevant points.

Religious difference
Religion is the main point in life of human through which a man’s known each other’s.
Apostasy, defined in Islam as the conscious act by a Muslim of leaving Islam
or blaspheming against it, is according to some Islamic schools of law, a religious crime.
Hinduism allows full freedom of conscience; a Hindu can become an atheist, or change their
religious beliefs when they desire to do so
Both religions state that there should be no compulsion in religion, although Islamic scholars
may call for punishments against Muslims who have blasphemed or left Islam.

Hindu nationalism
Hindu nationalism has been collectively referred to as the expression of social and political
thought, based on the native spiritual and cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent
Cultural differences Different geo location. They derived from different culture. When you say
hindu, majority of them are in India. But Muslims are everywhere (Because of evangelism and
invasions). There for it is very difficult to explain the differences culture wise.

Social differences
Islam contains a number of basic beliefs, including that Allah is the one and only God. ... Like
Islam, Hinduism has religious autonomy. It is an ethnic religion, and has subsequently not spread
much, unlike the far-reaching Islam religion. Hindus believe in one Supreme Being, Brahma,
who is the creator of everything.

Economic differences
the economic performance of a group depends on the institutions through which its members
operate; and second, relative economic performance depends, in addition, on the economic
institutions of the chosen reference groups. One cannot understand why Hindus have performed
better than Muslims over the past two centuries without examining the differences in the
institutions under which the two religious communities have conducted business.

Political differences
Language The Hindi-Urdu controversy arose in 1867 when the British government prepared to
accept the demand of the Hindu communities of the United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh) and
Bihar to change the Perso-Arabic script of the official language to Devanagari and
adopt Hindi as the second official language on demand of Hindu.

What were the socio-economic and religious causes behind the War of Independence (1857)? Justify
your answer with five relevant points.

 The EEIC forces retreat from Kabul in January 1842 shook the faith of the Bengal Army native
soldiers in the invincibility of EEIC and the Britishers. Although hardly 700 out of total of this
force of some 4,500 troops were Europeans86, the psychological effect of this debacle on the
sepoys was tremendous. The EEIC did subsequently capture Kabul and inflicted such a sharp
defeat on the Afghans that they dared not attack India in 1857 once the EEIC position was highly
vulnerable. But all this was not registered by the Sepoy. He saw the EEIC retreat from Kabul to
Jalalabad of a column in which only one doctor reached Jalalabad. The human mind is not a
computer and its mechanism is subject to various biases. Thus while the Afghans were
administered a tough lesson, the Indian soldiers drew erroneous conclusions from this single
episode of the Afghan war about the fighting potential of the EEIC. Had occupying Afghanistan
been worth it the EEIC would have done it. But it was simply not cost effective being a barren,
desolate and unproductive country
.  The EEIC conquest of Punjab in 1849 created another unique situation. Firstly the EEIC had
conquered the whole of India and the Bengal Sepoy feared that now the EEIC may reduce their
army. As a matter of fact the EEIC did start reducing their army after 184987. The second fear
pertained to the new recruitment policy of the EEIC. The British recruited from Oudh because
they regarded the Oudh Rajput or Brahman as suitable fighting material, but they did so because
till 1845 the Hindustani was their best available choice. The EEIC officers were fed up with the
caste prejudices and hang-ups of the Hindus who formed 75% the of the Bengal Army. But till
1845 the EEIC did not have any other option. After 1845-46 (First Sikh War) and 1848-49
(Second Sikh War) the EEIC found that they could recruit good soldier material from Punjab and
Trans Indus about who’s fighting qualities in case of Sikhs the EEIC was convinced by virtue of
the excellent fighting performance in the two Sikh wars. Secondly, Punjab was a Muslim
majority province and the Muslim potential soldiers of Punjab had no caste complications. The
Muslims were in minority in the Bengal Army before 1845 because in Oudh and North West
provinces (later UP) the Muslim were an overall minority in terms of population.
 Under British rule, India was turned into an exporter of raw materials like raw cotton, raw
silk, indigo, tea, food grains, etc. British goods were brought in either duty free or at nominal
duty rates. On the other hand, Indian products were subjected to high import duties in England.
Indian handmade goods were not in a position to compete with machine made British goods.
This resulted in the ruin of Indian industry, unemployment among artisans, reduction in
agricultural surplus and a steep increase in the price of raw material.
 Till the Battle of Plessey (1757), the British brought gold into India in order to buy Indian
cotton and silk. However, after the conquest of Bengal, the purchase was done with the surplus
revenue from Bengal profits acquired from duty free inland trade. This effectively unilateral
transfer of wealth from India to England is called the ‘Drain of Wealth’. The drain included the
salaries, incomes and savings of the Englishmen, British expenditure in India on military goods,
office establishments, and interest on debts, military expeditions, etc.

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