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Submitted by : RAPHA SHINE C.


Public Administration in Practice

1. You are expected to point out specific scenarios/situations that can directly be related to

public administration, particularly, in its character as the "non-political public bureaucracy

operating in a political system" and  "providing regulatory and service

functions to the people in order to attain good life."

The specific scenarios/situations and directly related to Public

administration is primarily concerned with the regulation of group

action and moulding of behaviours. It gave birth to Public

Administration. In-fact the very survival of community might not have

been possible if some rational mechanism had not been devised to

regulate the day to day behaviour of the people constituting the

community.With the passage of time people chose to live in groups

which resulted in the emergence of community. Community living

entailed varied problems which necessitated collective resolution for

maintenance of peace and order. Public Administration has gained

immense importance since the emergence of Administrative State. Its

functions both in the capitalist and the socialist states have become

manifold. It is an instrument not only for protecting and restraining

but also fostering and promoting.

2. Using the items pointed out, analyze and evaluate by:
    a. Identifying your stand on the actual operations of the office/agency you are
affiliated in (for example, do the operation/procedures my agency/office observes
satisfy the standards of how public administration should be executed?)

The actual operations in our office and as I observed thepublic administration

system to help strategize , Plan, Implement and carry out projects and iniatives in
relaton to the vission/mission of our office aligned to the sustainable development

    b. Exhaustively providing supporting arguments that would bolster your stance

in Item 2.a (for example, cite good/exemplary practices; propose improvements, if
necessary, if you think your office/agency needs improving in light of the goals of
public administration)

 Construct good quality infrastructure projects ready to serve effectively anf

 Highlights good practice that will enable that our office to achieve better
 The goals should foster a culture in which the public servant and the citizen have
a common understanding of the expected behavior of public office holders. The
changing public sector environment requires regular updating of the rules, but
impartiality, legality, and integrity remain the unchanging core values of public
service. Within these values, specific standards should set boundaries for public
servants’ conduct—particularly in relation to the use of official information and
public resources, receiving gifts or benefits, and working outside the public
 There is a need to ensure that ethics promotion and anticorruption measures
are consistent and complementary. Effective anticorruption efforts thus require
a variety of interrelated initiatives, as well as strong political leadership from the

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