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Lg Lia sti DEATHS | VACCINE DOSES 1&2 785,039 6,387 J 710,018 557% BEC Ib init Me 9,006,715 | Ecos Rr NY VASE UES FROM JULY 26 cerry IN the crucible of unprecedented hardship, Malaysians from all walks of life are mobilising resources to help those most in need. REPORTS BY AZDEE AMIR AND MOHAMED BASYIR ON PAGES 10.8 11 ‘HUNGER Ca UU NZ Neto Na NAL ta Get real, America The US, can't be free from Covid-19 when others aren't ECA a bus declared independence om Covi se the July nependenee Day cdeoritons to announce Amenca's Freedom roms covid's! On tha Sune Biden tas hoping for te Us co fave achieved a 70 per cent ‘cela rte jst enon 0 teach the lower end af her Tnemuaty Ac trumed out ony deporcen ef adattehadbeen flv the two doves on July. enc, Maes "all tut a SSeunced”fndeperlense rm Covi as Blcombers ut ‘den as utuaphan nevexbelee: “Two Nueared abd ety fre years ag, We deiated our Independence fom 8 an Keng Testy. are clos then ever to caclring ov i perennation ‘ou must nove ouch with eal ie his: Here sy. NO bre issaetateveryane is Nov everyone ste name, ‘Noein te rest the worl, Take Ameria fies. As Ben as Selecta his celetatoryspamch on te Seuty Lae the Wate Hous, the US rcerecd 03.000 dst foe the ce se. And the dally deathoare stl intheupdveds Even th ‘sian, vero an eats eoetnue to be rere Udy On a these oun the US not anywhere “cose 19 decarng Higependenee from the Geass i eae ee Sto. waccmaatenoe ae : ae administering a NGTSmed eaces resched wn ee Somehing wowriteleebostet {he Ancoeding 10 The sey Yore Times Covi sie wacker as ver 6 tle doses have een administered wore. euivtent to dosester every Taopaople To ate sacch thownla etancseeay The fr sll sme countries yt te roport administering © wns {ise Tons buruna Hah een nal Newth Kore ae mong tose wines have note sa Aecessbutyto vaccines ‘Samar sue. Tbe Us, te European Una and sainat one agzor he ther ofthe coronsviusifseyle have aa nnd i dheying acess tn instnee "Thi acy of arse oh ‘mvalthlonceuntresithewoudhar crested neste [or theft hove ols INT buen es percentofstos fie hae move tte ne arti wore have Dee ae Isteted In Hi-and-uppermiaae income couteres. Low [some seats a te ake oo vith mere. pet ce {deus and lender andthe wove tah Lie him ‘eed tb tall ofa cpidemistogy at a word of 200 Counties and tfoviem np axe county willbe fee fom ovate unt every county iftec om the asec. COv19 ‘Sot Bian. invisible and perhaps invincible. De nt Speco raso a white flag o deat eslces, here is 90 ‘heresatmay outchong lake vaccines naa tll Net Suna 1 say epidemologis ven tien, feeds ‘ot st aor word forming eC se (WORKING WITH COPS CITF T0 PLUG FLAWS" | VAX Thisis to prevent gatere noni boone de ranipulationy Aiaiats iiyctoued a of appointment ot he (ke daa cecinaie) system, says Khairy wou‘ sui an hain * Ye NAY Se lose Oy ee SSiy) wie spears on the Ny POUFOIEL os cmayuayy omternapoton. oy eeepc IES ue ca estng Siewvonw mente i once noe ‘managed only by the CIT toen- system. - ‘tres (PPV). * system, witich isthe back end of sericremererth mnchrieeee Soa wee Sb sine ee enna Seen Sees Sin i aierraecee: Serene aes Seneca aera aes Se Me wine werent paocemmmtniacs salar eaten Seeger Mee erecs hhipuaton of the appointment yeas TUES JULY 8 202 - NewSeralta Times Ateare works ocaae anak ssual impatient at rift vocation eurach rezranone or people vid Giatitces in” deorge’ town seater, 9c 3 oa 0 merous Sener Reale Noe Medicines Agency and the Unit are Frodacts Requlacry Agrerin aay “Tes besa wasbased on data foam sina! tale involving ‘Dr Athan sald wlthoush, ch dye aceouved for sper cent of i Cori9 cases fn Naan, they tnd tobe seyopromive ot ‘emi to evap severe Hr He Sd up to June 29, 6378 ctaleren in Malaysia had cone ‘OF the otal, 3.205 were age US donation of 1 million Pfizer vaccine doses arrives sunua umm rat ye rece one milion cose cf {igen Bane wir. “The comuin was part of sueprome by Us Pose oe 0 million done of Cv sa. ‘adipars oA The enstnment nas Down In by Raye wey nia THB fn bel f Di Hapres whe lehdad a Suto Abel haa Sha, ‘Alrportinsutangatioun. Present a th aon for che arial ofthe stipenent were NIP (Coerelnartna Minster Hhaty Je Bata Set istamansedin tar Sein ang Us umbessader to ‘igs san eee, nah, wh i aio. scence technology and inforatien mi {str expresea Mayas apps ‘ation fo the US goverment fer fhe comin wich would fcceleate the nana Nace tears ie aed that Mays wos swoiking wilt Che US a other couaties 10 secure access t0 Mefeters said the coen pertership on pusic health bo Freer lysine sb US The cenurbuton, he sat, aso seco the US vert ‘sen nday aa oe ip Cydia ~ Sister was we US Inde pendence Duy So. is grea Fete oe pantera Be ‘gen Mags ste US. lng with the Malan gover "le fo suppor a omgatng im Dletaentaton of the NP to i Frome accine overage an (0 chive te trp forvecovern "he Sat dung a june press confer Srcewith share ‘Metawters added chat we us wasaliodetermineatoworkwith Dither counts to deteceana re ‘antthenow pendonls "We" wil use seicatfic ang snauicaeapalahest hac eff navel pater wit Mayas tat be mel nea Katy later armoured that ‘hace ofthe Snovae Cason Nation / | EU urged to recognise all vaccines approved by WHO NUMLA Lumpur: Tae Furcpean she EMA enly approved As Union shotle expand the Wee's trazenees vaccines manulse ecomion al Covss9 vace_ tured In the EU, the United Sie tha hive heer ated for Sate, he Uited Yangon sod fmergensy eee by the World chiva Heats Ouansction WO) The eporstte hat EMA ap ‘Comers navonal inmtinsi- pra did not cover astacenees Lion Programme Coonimating Seses mace By Sout Koreas Sk Minice Hinry Jonata aid Shsclence or Thalands Sam (eva) was approving ont As Std ug ie bal cones in certain countries, including Khaiy sald Malaysia would ask aera heblce’vmenberstates the developer ofthe Astazenect Sina hae made teomss- Yada tofefrm the EU tas the Lutons tothe HU teexpand eog- rmuatenuvedt manulacure ftion to al vaccines thervacine atl of fates soured emergency Wwertesame Unger tae WHO hese is Woald also ak the de: Xft sl be the most fir veer af the Ass Zaneh ae coacen In the recognition ef tne to Info. the EU that all "aslo as tie saccnes have vaccines had good marufactar bean sted bY the WHO, that ng psec, He Sad Mays runtry under tae EL) should would also seek carftation Stcee tears who have been rote Eton the pay. Te seld this vas ameng the ambassador to Melay sia taree approsctes aioe by hichais Roky (o otal greater Malaysiv in gut or eports nat aay onthe aca paley™ (rom ley Foren Nuniser Datuk sen Hunan mudi, esol, Oued sess amass 19 Malye Sinan Seteerrs ent Cond Navinal Inmantsrton Prograrune Coordentane Mister Khairy Samataln with heh pment of oe mie Per HiNToch vain doses nated by che Urted Sas ‘goermimont a Sultan Abdul Set Shh Alport n Subang eter sri Ne acento help Malaysia i the Tapemanstcowas ‘iuvelctheshipmentotthe contri fre in es Shemnheotths event ‘enthie, condig (0 Besa na UHEEIpesauarecde diet ‘acct oer Ken eid te Stinmens Wax moe posse ia the Govt Vcr Sst Ae es (Cora) prgmmne, whieh Simo to serie pata ey {able assess to immantsafen Stuastibepundeme "ie aredepiy nanoutedy the Feced oa us and in inctedy prod tht he eamtiasyet agin allied fom es Clneaat 1b Seppecupiostsesstulyasiner ‘ole DAL bxpres Subang Ge Sonbet tach of Cone we vay whet youl be dicbat SipestoNatys {io cesignited osations leveage ur lotal etverh elit said thot fem dooet-doot ‘tong medial oglesesperse che joutmey spanned ny a to emsure that these Mesavng days in complete complimce Vaccinesaravesfely aud romp with srgent handy ad str Revemustatioremind ourselves 2gereqeieent of the need for collaberation "DAL Express Malaga and ‘mong various parts and coun’ net managing aretor lias esto mmaigethts pti bean Neosald to dae DHL had ta Eiktseteciey: he std It & petted more tha 300 Le Soicmentveceiy” 1, Seaes of apavardd vaccines atic of the veSines fem werserettoMalila, feelses inthe US beter b ves ‘Ser do Page 28 NewStrate Times. TUESDAY JLLY 0,202 r 4| NEWS / Nation DEWAN RAKYAT RECORVENING GOVT TO ADVISE KING ABOUT 5-DAY SITTING AbNustaan ill \ Shah forthe Devan Nepar 3k Yang di Feruat Asya ArSuban Abu Raya A-Mustla lah Sha grainy a Feetara dyn ang Sus Levon Neg pede Ta Se Dts Yas nd Dag Bot Spear Data cohar tan aon Tesana Nagaray ela Limp on suse 20 With eham are Donan Negora dapay preside Datuk FhesentngWimerdedtex: Monat Aiea at Down Rat Depts Ses a esl Hein Dk Se plait member of amamen Acaltaa man Sa eataane mathe Natoma Recor ‘mend lesdaten ta vid Pure stag. Meetings to explain to MPs about NRP and amend laws to allow hybrid sittings ‘atinetnateshidteen culated Minister Tun Sif uhyidcin worm ofthe ith Pent was {oraks neteofenie mate, Yestn woul cal « Parliament Sour sine don Dees ‘ofthe Federal Consituton, the madeanotie’ cal forPaclamout "Param sings hi Pocimattor of emergencyand fo meet as eo a psa faye ae adjourned sine de on HE ooverament wil ad- Mordinances mace by Uy ang an nulence win Dewar Newara tion of emenmency on ta Ul, Dec9, Vise the Sg to eal he the appet touse ant for seven di-peruenAgongshallbelsdte= president tan Se fal Yat walsh trays St wud xo: he acta a og beak be DatukAtharAzizantiaains abllty to Suoblisereoutces to place ves when Puen was Winiser in tie Prime Miais- Guba ineCovkri9pandemic.” Susperkadentely flowing ters Departmen (eariament “Tbe ast ume bot ho the! itgy 1 nets 19198 Ie me ind Law Allaire) Datuk Sei wasat (beer ist Ve footing 2-mounh emeaensy Tahiedein Hassan eal Prime "The hed meeting ofthe sind in wea for fv aye ome, ny3o0029 andor ie The Frime ietvers ox yestetay cad the governmen ftonid lon advise ang 8h "the mecing Wl be held 0 ° ihe Nato Sea a the Heath hating ne Nation oun apc | 4 ‘Kuale Lumpur | businesses tn Ote sate reopened yesterday’ rider Phe 201 Re Yesterday | Natonal Reorery plan Po iNaN Perlis ‘in Phase 3 by October’ PM: Other states may enter Phase TWO srmremisornna nyse ro ne he Covid 19 situation. “Thi av Mubyiddin said he hoped the” “Mey your charity be rewarded | su ‘ses, with 597 cases accumu ‘by Alan SW" headed, | Get that We can achieve herd edupwodulya Fess nf pate aman ot feeders he Bor race ang telios, il rece his oxement conolowdr whe yea were pra 9000 08 bistesupcengn “nestcaterree ress astetsotbe resem (Mb unde he goverment MIS Dillon stimalaseallee pa Per oun 409 tase mpanntag etal done Sentiy priced eto ve way trove tablet het Zak 3 ln er band fou wort ne or he ne Soursoaletae wee family, fet so releved and happy Sto she ost ested ato Yearaspandhen fer RM 0 Soh ot ae nibs pension snd so recochel io cartier ARELIEF FOR THE NEEDY Tamplanningto obtain donations Sromother partes sothat wecanproducemore ‘han 3,000 baskets. or perhaps consider more reasonably priced items toglveawaymore food asker” fins Torker felamest ‘afar peMulih Bangui ro sours Tod Feb. waste he ol bletand He ispayngterionanak Inagod eat pore ‘Thefeod askershetpa lotbecauseTam the ‘sole provider of my fanily. Tharfully,T “sultrecetve ny wage everymont, but T hhave2mauins io feed.” ona TUSOFFREDUAN52, Secu ies Moyfriend ujormed me that Twas eligible jor the food basket and folsoretioved. chink the goverment is paying attention and {s1aking good care of the people.” ‘smpORNANJAAEARL Ar, Fourente (© TUESDAY Et Newser Nation) NEWS ens opr er m habenarencrer roo fea oe spt woanttga een ponies ‘yamine rye mn te Spendariginen ad em esa Tear aital vio visually ingie rese ne saya teres ees ong [elie commnis tet SANE neyo ia When Twas ‘old that! would be ables ‘receive food baskets formyfanil.Ifltso ‘relieved and happy ecausel dorithave that ra atek omar int ac oo i te waving n four Uocks of fas ‘i 1000 wats compared wit ib cig own sa She oft ly They aes gree iuonareresed ena dering thepandeae ein voeantcomactwththe ‘own fami eceved help as some ‘ty cldenhve lo hlefes Mans eines tate se tnarjopedaringthe leckdownand te food tmsers let them forat least nwo weeks, depending on the size of opens tip aee {real kane ected heat during te pandent” Eirceaony Prose tommany tend NewStrte Times TUESDAY JULY 0,202 a I 6 NEWS/Nation SIXTH STATE TO PROGRESS PENANG IN NRP PHASE 2 TOMORROW State reaches indicators for infection, vaccination and ICU utilisation rates Unitutistionwasmederst tors "race these thre Tcl toys fan the muimber of average _ In anthee dveloprent, mall PH ‘aseTore heatthcure system capacity, Fund (0) cice in Enanced tthe Navona Rescvery Reaang wii sue to Mase TWO Movement Conte Orde (EN Pun (HD) folowing in onguls? 6 soaes would be allewed to Drotemencs inthe Covelis si "Sate whic avs moved to. open with honed hots ac Kelantan, Tersnggenu, Par Gnuecifonstoprotertihelrcou " Hesaldthese EPFoffices would tang Fea and etn ere he ouiy fan vit fein estowel openly Gem aat Ns batch of sats to have the snd improve the px Uo jpay sata ot per eat af welt Covel curbs reid on SU thelrespectve stares Stlfinarendanee i {othenes phase This wit help “Thies to fctate gover. Senior Miniter |Secuity Clue ta speud up the rcmeery ofthe ment fesistnce scares: How sep, baal Sent Lama Sabri Comicancosalrecns’ res fr sme EM afces bs Saldihe decison vas reached at soe mate eoonome scttives fe opera at maim sa apse fer ihe state schleved the thee opens including cer washes, 1 Ingewcrescanderthe RF” Steric pods sores, te | Yas ve te gonem nai asco ‘per 100,000 population. Staioery spe finan of RNSOGD ove Bre Witch was Ouow the Let eaves “Fenang Chief Minister Chow months under the (cca restau. ken Yeow sill ins gvernmentseheme he sald 104 per cent of the Weld svete Neen Cone at One sta each la Kelanan ad satéCadutpopuliton had becr bayand each as sofas ceifeomo unter ee Highest Rt in Pahang, Putrajaya KUALA WPUR: Faby and Pu penp¥e undepng Weatmert or Talteen new clusters were Sue havewiehabecovdi6 eluent ditess, enti i Neg SemoLan,Jo- Invesiy rates orRtraipht ht), OF the ew cee 8 were ins hse Sabah. Pang. Site nord ported Involving Hazen and Kedah, PemangandKslanan Healt cet general Tan se! Boneignes “Then new Chater five 0 far tbe Soo Isham Aut sald Selrgor les tbe highest coptibuted slexses. SPLUTRLwhichwashigherthar lovedbyKudatumpur @ijand_ tked w werkaces, ‘eaganalanerageot Ds Nag Sembtan G2 “They ave Ind Tosh Valley thar Lore Melaka (ia) Seen’ cscs were Samak 34), Johor Neg Combi Jolon Marmont or (Dt), Kuna Lutput (.001. ot, Panag Semtsvand dan sr sulng Rega dos) Perang dosd.teras Sabah 20s) Per Sobor, Lereng Bereya aa sian Towarastbanctn)hessidie (206, Penne 7) Ke Kavu Madang In seate Indust a tatement vested. {Ta Lamon ese Renteng Sebess 26 India Dr Noor ilsham eald 77 bowed by Putrlja QS) and Jeraret Perl n Pabaage Indust coma deaths were ropertee Terengana (7). Tee overe no 13 Kans Dara in Sereal Dat yesterday, comprising 73 lnfsaiom recone in Fel" Sata indus limi Reda and Malaysians andtou‘oreghers ""DeNoorHisham said 4sspeo- Lintang Macallum Dua 19 Mnghetwsen29anderTainecr plereonemayouerdy,benging Pekan Ofthemmee ought dead thetoal ODI. The fw community clusters were logged yeuctday, Digging itcesine ae, wile 439 of sh anu Kangung Dechah Tens eal vaspo0, wim odea? onventau itkewnn, Sneak ail ince Care jeteaay rent anette tt rnchon to Pas SS aaa Ba econ: COfemtomorow ts July20. wml Julp30. xampung Bogus la Rantau Pane Generation staff quatre wil be Jane Pest Mas, Kelian; ana Skended ly un uy Kampung Bary Baty 2. Jalan imalsald 7 peepee were ar. ‘Agua, saa vested on Subd br sandard ampusg Gogus ted postive, “Mesuld coe people wee neued ‘aie Kampung Bara Hate sw compen ent were seman Binecutertapeoplelafecea,” Cdagativewere reessedon tal ‘Saal Stake st EMCO in“ "There were 201 peopl aes: several am in Melaka, Satan edforcresing sate and cect SidSsrowat had eenestended. bocdere witha peraeson The arear are Suga Udang wells fer dining Ssaeric fo ‘ison in Melia Tengah Nel loved by ferrying puserger be Ee kampang akin kecabetud, Yona the permiies number 19) Schuhe Kampune WarsaninKota bd not pivsaly cltancing Kissa, Satay and Fallon 10) Hghtyoght feepl vost Seca ess chd nox neu ase The EMCD at Sungai Udang gymners of promise aed ofa nison Kampen Fk and Yar: ow nesmin oer ad chet Official verifies video of queues at Covid-19 assessment hub ‘SHAM ALAMé Nore han 1.000 gin for sessment hy Hea Deople sere capt on tides Mneny eff) upon baring Soeting tor cate than Soom to texte pose Ghter the Corlday Assessmet “a veton the ate teday nize (Cae) a saws tcl qessrdey! was mong te Mg Umingectionighere yesterday. est since the CAC opened in “ToeSssaconddea whienhae Febrsry Sin showsd ge number Sf cea provide the cxoct gure Bele ths gawesnceig 0 “Abe colina the ‘earoy Supermarket tert the clit can omy very the Video fac Up" retod dena Haan, ‘Ahmad Stout nashion, the “"Sayue said: peooie started manager of Baral Ean Tact queuing 6 208m tes Management Sa Bhd end “This taludes pone tansed Soordinmor for she CAG. sald fromficirien Te de Jepes {here nasa iseintienanier ot the realy ore station, viet pallens inthe last two “The number of feeaners are ‘athena onthe ise many fom factories. videobousConte-Dponine: Tis puriow ol Ue Petaling ric ra. NewSeratesTlaes Nation / NEWS | TREATMENT CAPACITY UNDER STRAIN MAEPS CLEANS UP ITS ACT New staff brought in due to problems with previous cleaning firm, says centre chief mee IE. covid 9 resent I ‘gio expesition Park ‘Stidana SIAEPS iste ear a Se anaes teewidespreadeicamfiom he eae te ecideieed erica OR TE hao Te keer, Or sonavusin Eyes inahin ce the teat be Psa fer witty vol caning 9D Sa Sad ag mS Are ad experivced some ek em constrains withthe Saul ftom" the Geary evnecstonae’ a Revgreupfasrenaccl ewer nd msg qucions on stan--wingin ll Dwas undead. _MAEPS iat Fiaymoming there wee 460 patents at the GMehiylatewkioner adadedMaw gana wioay soos medeaeenc maracgiedssconh tent lly anon etelorpe Gigi erent sunt thy Sndlowrhacwesmentarers" cate sore te 3400 yates tS her were pate de Sete depiyea “ocd jeicsaiuct tings | eth Rooter pales, who ‘only caiged wid Ges Roe pata “ae he es wee out snd ofrerowing ren bine thd "INeve were allegetions of watedtobehnownshiana sud afen tat day we Mere mining onion goal war Siavebel ich indlammivin. stureaigwntdocorand ahead becomes Yeamtivan refered ohephie Scopes. dearng othe fe heer tha hom id symptoms usngherwoweeeaeyarvat "from June Sto sala an ier teewped eek emcee?” Cabos Soaplahod of lisywempucedetnemmtbeim, Ace teas ake athed amps ettse paces vase stcepinig aren ad that ust utr Category 8 pollens because of ley and kepserng ‘videos of deporible cont Jerinebedscoudurggerastima edshorages ‘Chetis wil the Suton Dis "Cons Wea eetne i tions at NAEPS' were arcaated Macks ‘One aie, AL Za.SD.toldthe aster Management AgwacyINac> Slo re now a 83 Po Cen fon social media ver the weske "One patient sal the women's new Staite: hewastakento. mal showed that on SindaY, Sapo. Klang Valley hospitals running out space for critical patients ‘enough beds and space tn Klang, irnumnbersin the Klang treat Covideas. patlerts at Se- Sialeyhomacpedily nit Vllevstov eaofdertnne, nang opin and fra im terse eae inte er Gree) wtp date, 4234 Cevidi9 pa fan Rid Howe lote Dalen tncridealconddion. cens,incuidlagthosesuspected while ning Ampang Hesplal ‘Mealtdiector generat Tans eoutracting the viru have Int s hull Goria hosp, be Nour ttstamn Abdulla sald Seen placed iniCLs Tar eo Suga Dok expt be puter: nad toe plaetat foe “irontnls nah ou ha or giming. neo eset Dal emecgeney and traumm de- So7 ae in Kang Valley — Kula "So a. I hoxpeas ae eat pinments inmpar Siingorandburaja Cosio patents in the Kine CoweD putieats. who accéed lnciitcal condition could notbe Dr Noor fishan sold Kajong HoathigeSupper sso rases the Narded he sil ina Facebook Hoypta Eat Hest, Sah Sime shortage end had wo be poston sea ‘Ala Hosp, ert espa paced atthe Naunsit Ago Ex “Ot Noor liisham sald the and Unters Putmi Nasa Boston Pak Sening (MAES) Health Ministyhadtakenaction Teaching Hospital asohelped 0 Bovid-1o Quarantine and fovsclethestuavton,inculing teatewate patients Low htieTwstment este" intreasing capacity st Kusle | “Sixetherhoaletethe Uni The Health Minisuy Places Lunpur Mospal ard] Uovesh) yest Tekno! Naa Hosp, comes patents in tive cate Kebangasnabysit: specalst Cheras Retabiitavon -osptal Sores accnine severiv-with Chiltrr’s Hostal to teat Cat Tuarky Mizan Armed Fotces {Ciepory 8 being the mest eit- Sgoeytandscond-Opstinte. Hespial PKL. sient Nala, “he nuanber of Govide9 por acn-Covid? patient to heathy Turku Mulwie Hospital andar Ayedieaonsant at Sung Bul Postal hei u Cola tems incading Wiese suspected private nosptals alayaticpial” Daten test months 8 / Nation CRY FOR HELP NGOs FOR KIDS They are buckling under pressure of restrictions, rising cost of living and dwindling donations Are you always on the go yet wanting to stay updated OTM rt meg Make time to download the NST mobile app. akeTime sminnneccommy | fF neronine| [Jenst_onine| (BJerstonine| (2) ner ontine 21 NenseralisTlanes 10| JEWS / Story of the day Seay of he dni N cE ll PUBLIC SUPPORT ‘AID POURING IH ‘TM SPEECHLESS AT THE GENEROS SINGLE FATHER TAKES DOWN FLAG utsige ns nore inthe topes Dad of three thar hind hesred. souls wale Nasi lemak’ seller with no income for says family have “etait att four months gets enough food to rowel e aid hours after his tide them over eponsed 10 Ais DE 1 plight is highlighted sowaveo nasa Rox-governmental eran Skt srmanfpoc pero supe awe ee panda ren Go| am said eto tua erent fhewersecon ny FLILESS Maesiane, de Sees nips. hase men thea of those hs ‘oaskfcr bap was ob Ner Aly {ulin 28, wno was orn With amputation whch ‘oe tsa the tag ost the windew of thelr help he told: the New “Ties hetook down thelagae hetulired hohedeneughtore ee cde, ase fo feed Yaa meen dad Tf feito swallow that those wb want to THe tok ane of his chilécn's feed ouracres: ld schol nfo an fase this enough for Us ako | She er Yeah foneditinto wie fag ofang Acded. ‘ala = conor ele as ot fad any income forthe as or month ours ater hi lighe was high lighted bythe New Strata ies fas sorkal tema pistiones : Malaysnas fron allover Une Affeama Zetarol Moka Bas cerere) ants we, Maru fe k ‘uray. Family grateful to caring cop MELA Asinlomher and er contra Oter under nel So many tele facade oan we oth PERMeL skh and hs wile ‘ner i ves br and the “mets cca cts ut teaue ated Coat pre ag mie : iene Seer esenae f ean on tad Gast steniemenceliee wetkstusaleag otk ontowea tues ‘Stand tna thine ng rc" ashy ear hs ‘mal ane @ HAVO daly a6 stiong, teen 2andis ohana hat was move center Py, ofan rem beingofteeaiobasa Shessldsnehacbsensnabiess eweeper in tae: housing seen omtheteliveeparmenteact Destetierownsirielosand "We ln act him anew pilow cnn Tron tet SO gaesto- mations thay gathered what so that he can seep bese 4 ‘Tagunetie wo hls mother 0 Mohd Nor fom thelr heme in" Two other Malaysians who assheis raising my two younger Zahafl Sepa Mestre sats om ony Eta NaS ane Rr an Senay Seater ‘ital in Ampang. * D dowrt atthe street from che window of his Fe PRAYER TIMES it SE sau, sak von ie cae euler ths ie spot and di hove, scrolling reg Facebook be mu fe ald while hs neaitoun, ricleonNokd Nor. they cule stan band nthe, " i a ‘pet helt out by “ged tat me "We dont came tem wellof! “our eonttaten ma not he i Melsks 555709 118 us 7.25 ood, ty wore so neh, batat let he el nt go Sringenonhnaty ae elise thewite Gag org anf fo eat oF A Fey ol whatewr tony we famiion We arm Ru ‘dsparcandlpgetfoed and cnoagh ton or eumeves and cciesforhinsothateisabe scidscme ane? Rone to Our thal Penang 6770916 4813.7 Klumpur $56 708 121 446 120 ee Surat a tine when so rany Johor Baru $80. 7060 1243778 cofastble et a Nora thigechanged “Wenn ot me abot Ehiin eid wll they ald panpeves as wh Elon ges: Mok Nor Aba pia Nereis = — oe oe: waite hetaciet tsar tet Madioclnhe wives cir hmc th ay vevcer Gelaisy tale pirant art iSite Coen 1 CCE ae Yventan 550 7040 :15 40. 723 Shuhisplatertepwentsinion taphian Sheena touched by Nia plight Know where ter aca neal Nar use Ftton, who Droxght fame : vere 556707 129 a9 7.36 Secale i wie comes Nom sitar Snd'ceided 0 hep in ant ‘way Coming fom, we cane ust bm ai NewSte Ties. TUESDAY JULY 2022 12, NEWS /Neas in Brief EPF closes 10 branches during EMCO. UALA LUMPUR Toe Fplopees ‘Dowiaat fund I) har rapa ‘lonedevete ofisvand cours frre yer towing he ouagementar te Hance Move ‘ment cantel Order (E60) bythe goerumest Thesflaced ost ‘Sounter ato EF Rawang,chak Aloe, ithe sppstarmernedarng period srl becunclleditaimmecistee et Menbersarreqledo reschedule ner wsisioa ter ate ‘Mertae EMCO peviod sone. there ISaneadtate present inperion sah Entbranch aida steamer Berean Police identify EMCO escapees in viral video UALALUNPUR:Potce havent edthevon men whe were canton ‘eo ecmapingtoough stared re Fence ata Peopcs fusing Pectin tan Kanpur Past bere wc as teen paceunderise anced Movetnen Conol Orde celts Alger police cher Asian com ‘mle Anuay Omar eld te ‘iden inwnicheee men las bared wie fence,wasear lerataredon social media 4 report ghtviowadee a Sim an Salita out ncore oe ‘Soyer old mannan reseed: ‘ener reltetodaags robbery. ‘ated oes whiten ayer ‘old manhadn ne econ fr balay fhetdniglaadotfens Pleo are Jdlaching down thoted suspect Bersame Kedah MP investigated over alleged S.0.P. violation ALon sans Pte hive pera ne ‘eststionfaper onthe ase ‘hombre! paiement (MN a ea sche ilies ang proces a hase Oe of ‘heaevement contolunce the N= Hon Reenvery Pl, Ka ear ds trtpaise cnet aretant Came slengated Shy Mat AN aid ‘alcerepat vasa at 1-9p ‘Gsatany over thew pluton soil mec beat telnet The ‘peliateary investigation ound tat thera mereseverapitoesuplaaded rakaceboscacceuntowser “the ture of he ical on 5o- ‘hl mediasice yesterday stored ‘lmsitingen a asec pationm vith foacand dinsalrgse sever ‘herindeduaissesprespamane at ‘ea Berne We cota Wan tara at nis pneu Jaret Kuala Aa Retanan, Wich cot roauce soem tents of ra per ea UMK grad reaping rewards of pineapple farming endeavour Kua (UME) graduate searing ative figire income Ov cultivating pibeapoles an endeavour whlch ingsaredtnee yeas a, ‘War Lokman Wan lero, 33, atu rus ofthe Faulty of Agioindastey ad Vie a fucarive tncome itone pat ithe Srtandeonmntmnent, lead afer ie years oft nthe ‘atadon 404 becareyofland Fama cto Puerta ere, cou price fe Seven anes of pncplos pet “the Mau Kacavaity issold at awhale- dpe he beast MD SO pee gl te NR ait nso at RN "Sone pice per Kg or the Madu Ka pineapye reals aU RIGO te RMS wae the NOD pineal i between RMS and Fiske depedingon tera" Mien Lobes mid ie MOE pele wad ighy sougit afte case of 3 ‘ex tej a ie con {ea which god or healt TH adgoe fat fe Sard coking phonies ona akandoned seta Fira atte Bohr 0 bi fay member. Twcried with a captal 6 around SG rte np ants sens BY ‘arate to insewes etn sneap ee edlings that beg ing a UN biped itn ov ang, Facute ns cansorreihond. SS feeremencursip edt at UMK inspired menor nfinewe UNIS mao SEES Racerennaninn Our tires ae plant det by cukraing dutuarregeatiesand seer oer rope Tare gt npeste mace nampa a han Pueroneor heprentup nea e Drokicer a Kosi Bern Caring medics give Covid patient strength {orsaad ouuses infooking ater im wien Hospial for Cowdels left aden impact on Shake rman Armes 3 tus icy say te hospi was le he he Wy they wenea me ard thelr wordsofencouraetnent the twice trade me want to flit aint the pan bed by Coa ake man, a Science Offcer atthe cereal aberatry Monagernent Ceate oF Univers uitan Zama Abia, tested postive en May 17 and de to his dee rating sondton, was admitted to the He wes heoptalised for 1s inca tngintesdayoatthetetense cre Unt esi tho mos teeing moment for hima whew fe adobe intabares, ny ala ns deters wth Dart cof ltngsateacyitectedty ine aris Sue ven a Shad chance of ren ed thes giv the eppertmiy tomes cal ternymaiher, vince ane fn Sb cove ine im nota Stoker and history tines, the dactor's wordy gave me the strenght) go theough the atari po ‘Aer regan corsccusness be sald ane was tansertes toa nora Nae stor ‘ng uns shoved sans ecaver. the doctors thereregzied mess neat Sc, deg that he was allowed to 50 1 ER Cops to call up woman ‘over glove factory claims PEIALNG JNA Tolce whe caing Spearman daiaodsas {Mioieco mathe einen canning edt sgine Tecohlee estan Commestner ‘iS fava Aba Isat ose thowod the wom ac hinadcieg hencten the chic ‘nan of nogoverarenl SStbns conten nthe state Same the meen ef Corio eases ssoedietotnegoseceoryoper" Eoumtomeved pontine Cond Sotho hom ray in rating Ja orwonees inka, {oenablcrhem ogeowerkauant {he MCO pees te Kang noel alisKesiquee ‘th lnvetpingth try operator finer Secton 8 thee Cage Fergie mig eet {tasoon the nests SS tersame Man held aver ontine gambling, football betting uta umron roi: sete wan Sotrg devices oroalnebetngon Binet ena teenan le ey alee deo sland ve cle phones Ssdtwocorpnes believed ae ‘eer aeain onan garttingac- ‘ie Hesaid ne man sre feltorfeur as atl by Bernama Jamil Rakon is PM Dept’s senior deputy sec-gen mt tenis ace eee eet isting ee eee aeeaee ee Ere sre egy an acorn Seen Sn ane ees cc eer ed ia Sony es oes eee Or eee ee ‘Wan a usm. Opinion / NEWS PRODUCTION SYSTEM Let's reward, recognise and punish based on productivity, integrity TAN RIOR SULAIMAN MaiBoB IEE shared Prosperity Mision 2630 SV" 9080) vo yeats ago replace wien 200 ee dno ly "The economic srvcare tht Stotes ner woul lead to gn Yalue-added and national toe Somali us escape the higeiacome natn. ‘White wereabieo market reduce absouute poverty fom, 1990 v0 2039 deseo very Hinetncome theorem of aes Diver ieee “The urn peor Is growing In runt wu orn of nse ‘secon thermberor nose fal hover ust about or is atone the poverty ir cee or ‘he orton 9 pet contre ane ‘The income share of the 840 group th the Mab woup cole Setiminishes wth sing nem ploymort art iower produety Sher rgtnow, we ae icky De ‘ace we nave the pancemic to Ops ath ‘ toup aiden seis on here Sur development frmaae hove ‘poate segs och fer Income provi avr) Suge isn 320 pets. figered nama aoe ne He IopPtesmod ans n00e), inbisconert weiayneedto slewhich has put the ration very iach ahesdot cure wah aheur ood fo surenobile and com Somer eactenies maniac ing bata alge abead ov us tn ‘neti ante ars Sob Ko- feans ae detng wel in Iter: Mlonaapons toe ‘We ean Same. for 9 tart the tow value added istourtsr sve manueactring hat we ave Invested in snce th ea 19905 the slew tako off in Krelated ‘Esch anddevetopanst crea ivaraionmacort, "Te sare we have ine in goad infact, seh Fons ports tighweyeanctagoed fatfeoutes to. put suet the fle aad pes fceatie Nadie eee ince (na 19 sae to ‘ey of invidunt ad nae in anne soc ang ach fate The ‘est for sucess and acy ‘ts s thew Te ensyaen he Focal economic or pote Shtces may Neds tht il Perna Soon Ko. red socal wvard and punish font istemesplansite oop’: Figh determination tn noo "9 lcvestcoea canons prow experts sn nary pt the hb Sconome ‘chleveent af snes asthe feuak ofthe conor of the Tita aera TP This facta ewpaiaseDi070per ‘eat of economic gowul or he se valued grow inde Setbped cortnes. such es Jaan Ly. 202 NewSeratesTimes 13 ‘Acgrcery sore in art uncer the Enkancot Sven Contra Cntr kunt ame: We nr many rw normals oacene are ‘rospety. ca aasonh sa ‘onto 8 alesis bow Xe Phocteverdanngb times "THP{s the resided factor nex paling the soe In al ome Bojer ter Scesplaned Dy haste neaptal Randtabour (iittoutpur gw i arse as Seated withthe ise in Land K thea Weave Inputeien seo ‘usin the scone ‘We thee 0 eae Ce et tuituiion of TEP we are © chive trey shated prosper fy. nw do you bo sour dere thi We need ny new not "Out syst of cca rea, reonaton atdpunsimentirust ‘Be amchowed on rating de but producti elfslency and excl Fee, asl fatgry nsec ‘ataral el exoene ender lngetn the patie snd yekstesee mst. Xe the vey we on sanlse out prediction sytem se hg maumumiosocey. “is cure mae eros on The peje Foes output hore brs ares ‘be dened by po weal been Sorrpit nd Inafideney. oe Later we mates, theca sericeneedste Bock Feverchand feat Ftom ier Sansa QUANTITATIVE EASING Malaysia's recovery will give it cushion to manage any taper tantrum Pe mis 1W 198, stor Orzon Welles nar- radon tinted Snes raise ‘War ofthe Worlds, Alarming, be Sener Despitereptd inden tee leas merely a ration the Sunde of horifed listener e- Teved chest Ami wedeopread pane they fe ental, Imany'coverng te aces th Towns pote: heels for the gat tat the hose alere ‘ocd prenumaty te spesing| est forward to 2005, another panic ensued. Tas uine it fan fat mrkesthe erat oven. then ‘he sharman ofthe US Federal exec, ben Bernas had a Aounod that poriapa waste toro beck queeiads> casing (Qe), scheme to "print see tronic money to buy bands anc Imonpaze nacho secuite need o vies scoromiee inthe aermat tthe 3008 2008 flotal inancll ers te OE ae fished me eocpeas Unten, ie US and Japan wih ale Hou fy dese letra ater Sidinvesenene ‘Qe nas used 1a the US, or ‘ximapl, as oer expansionary imapetary tos (noe) supply Ire terest rates) ha eae thal lint: he bend (Mapes dat ay ma eyanatew poring cos woule ston dry up. Maan rakes feed, calig waste his It Feds." wtsipaton ef ihe: Fesums Ia teveh wor als sutere otiows of rus eu inate thedepeesiaton ethers a ‘Qed by delepedcoun {bund excnomies bse year afer the ‘Sarofthe ovgtis pandemic hom, geen shoot of eayomnic rome ida Acordia Ricnal ef and tccomareent ‘lang merase ence ai en the cant. the hae, ieonidtestminr tthe sion ‘ge oeasing nancial asics they cumulated curt Ok the ‘estan shrinkage of money Sap bly truly tard co pice fetes ate Higher interest ates wail mew ascongercurency, ‘ele would then guleky tows Tipe cossandnlatn, Inte hascrsen el. The Fen of acre supply cus ‘ibd sng wages ot ao plormenton the tack ofeconam {e‘Tegovor have contibated 13 Nigh iotaten Tration hs ako bsen fled iy higher comsamytl sd tr tsinent folowa,lower tor Towing cost and fica ont Diceage to another For example Dercere inthe US tn es per enc in ne UR yooronyear “These same factors underlie anys nisin eof 4 per rer these unprecedented level, bay wiaadwndter ‘When GE ces taper, Nayak paysite taper autumn aban Shorea fants would eve or Shores cic y higher crest cn fans coun Tk would aepreat oar ring- ‘et, which Weal then make i Pore move cst. tet ie Eoptanioe Al Re moghe led fat gl cuteot acu bal Inte st quarter ots year vas sl by percent cared ‘itinine pei qumee ‘dialysate {ara fc ups Dente ferestaerostaneh treaatiowof ‘Somers fade a pene he {peal ancoure of our balance at Troweve, there a peo this increta ie, oe por cet hike ite Sateen te wl a ferh gowerevont witha Service chugs. The genet ex Pecan oa sll bck oe QE GyuneUs atte camies nese ie ‘Malays is om an accelerated ph to sconomic tecovery. Pat Shou sive uraceshion wie ‘any taper tartan. Naess the market as factored the ‘ea tha Qeeamt oss es {UESDAV, JULY 6,2021-NewSteaits times NewStralts Tes. TUESDS;JLIV 0 2061 Me nn ql 5 Sa Tr smu Ries Ee bi MICROPLASTICS CONTAMINATION CUT DOWN ON SINGLE-USE ONLINE LEARNING Preventing MARKET OUTLOOK ingot” EXPANSIONARY 2022 BUDGET EXPECTED ec en Maybank IB soos nearly RM100b deficit, ATT os maton cae Sietende measures to address impact of Covid-19 fal and 202k" head eee Meenas ct apa aes soca secu prove "Even inough it ada ionandennance peopl esate reaftimed out cat pectroretieheote Sento seuitewpsmigtoge faa tthe en Tae said compared to te fly sament cre which ra ‘Emp Ue ect i Sule ur wepaleaa Hon 2022 madget is cx high posed buat to green tourcetaagrabeihe & BS Stepative'sutlons, moe thun four per enebecsse ‘eens en ara, Wiest in hr bose fn nundonrayoul tee Vpetelorenamesparr dmetuc product (GDP) ‘ate Eaployecs Hoven ut'what fae hap: ofthe stimulus package Tihemovie inseOrofAthn- Inspennastd; eataginawlie Rosin ozeroSnleuseTastie nol then how dest dieertite | sand Honary via ecose to's detisece £0 per te nex year Hud nwa or pened so farisintite ““Anoter mei the coun devo tnpanee sane mane geolhnth tc Som S80 However Sivecrhe Mote Geyedend | “Win ced w Ge M00 billion defeit nt this year tie loan meretrium 8 Siitvourfxed income y's dt servicing cost as aper F aun ant ample mesures to adsas 2022 Baier wotdd renal : veal ew Ie pandemic on the people's an the 3 Ttyllcmeasucamatse sgn : ude, Rauans be move on uplifting Take rungs by smth tharisceaneraadbeabierfaroct arimal or lan wee fa bition wan alors fo farce thesepnent octet theee fange ra Tien emrdeof the Shien Teno nadine Ine'governments operaing and tharaassipped awa Swiaimi lias sensi" ‘Hence an overnang waa 8 tts to happat Tenuatachonrchidwasbwse tna deweepavets spe. the soca esenomle Previously, Fen sto creak unas cownaade ‘muniesdey exporter ete istemtalig de cmnietmeet Thole “nese numbers cemain very stata scares thepandem- Ratingscowmgraded the coursny ea concer, Mavi atthe poh fmutlcnrer nites ie Mutent sae high velaton void fare) fe 5 Chbueshifed the eallhinger onthe Rad ‘Shun Anmecismal seroma She Far. Quig he words ek defer ch rid Aart ose Curbarincern cst Seon Suet ree a Hagen ete sence Shue esate seschi sre fae after central bank Exit strategies to help smokers quit the habit seme buying rebounds Law. \idletncome Counties nota aeroaraged sate 'o all saeneansanipmnutethe Theeare naw ee dee stor | rita and fom had © Be Lonpor: ceitrl barks may be Yuet recently announced the Ines tor taopas oe ‘hed ‘hlland have been adding to sure thls year as higher bond oldhotdngsanctchamavecenr- ylslas made me ron ioteres Fy anounced plane for parcias- bearing haven seer les ae ccuetheapedtcof mctienting Skerainesors {naatonoonsrandarecrers if Aer vacoraring im Aodl and prise by ir tha fur Jour Ist momo the lob trade provides the fre May gol ety dh ano in are tre tarred more havktsk andthe dole sretghenod "A rebound im DUYing, which US Ferd Reserve n hid repped te the lowest tn _hawhishand the dolar sr inca shel te cs decate would holster the Se ‘pte Siincensumers woes ‘eicehavealend) mate these ian Minis tevekonona es ater ‘Sueno. millones ed 20 estes Stigenthessenn yah fram, sums Sec, chet precious isanaivst SEC Hobs "That key to enn abou: 1,000 tonnes, Aakash nent of pnysical buying that osnlandecnerCimepincar hing counter hey invesor Shsewretete a repo otto fe hare ace promt for gc ee The recovery n global trade te The banks fore for pur ne antares reel her x reste ae dong ter rmaiket uth, inl 0 oarestiet Year STonie peo Finan rere tne tre most sgalteant piartan end ralbanisthe on “Abo one inv ental tanks “Ceapoiiical tensions, tne ee cchomunburn out furaabr of proction again Without selecting ance’ cure intend to fncrease thes aon’ ag minor de font otner forme of wo ney esa ervescer the nexYearscere- heightened BankotSertie ox lobe! economy rebounds, cen- Council publised asi month. gold reserves, og could reach Cena bars sre ane compe: loombers iin cha a. Wh the iio Thue Hat Reaction eae rename pee 4 NEE NewSrats Time. TUESDAN JULY 0,008 BUSINESS / News ‘CHOICE INVESTMENT DESTINATION "MALAYSIA CAN BE QATAR’S ASEAN HUB’ the neve Trade the state ofthe ‘covid9 pander, Aemain and Ai Raver exchanged wens. on thetatousmensresunderaken {Odea withthe challenges ding accelerated nrmanis ‘Aum said whic the World sank had downgaoa is 202) fess demestc product pre Hons 10 8 percent, Malaya Botte ane dat denn Ricery ‘ole cond for one-menh ttade performance in exce 3 Sind tition, inspect cove ® Three-day mission aims to enhance bilateral trade and economic ties, says ministry uA LONPOR ATAR ean se Maya 25 Rs trading hu ie fers the best locaton ix theveion senor Inter ‘ational Tade an incur ‘MerfanaS sominal cd We the arr of Regina comprchenate Exenonic prt ‘erp ager, ayaa ue Secombe owe tac, sale Arie ona tne nee te linglonts Prime Sater ‘atetn dlegation esting Qears Cormeen Incaty Sater an acing nance enter Al Bin Abul Al Thao oer Nalayiawasnow connectedte AM At Kell 0 oy, «ar ae tere in ie ministry sald the meeting Deople tad Auminsrer meting courey an economic es the minty agreements signed bermeen wasiey to startinedseussonan eahtiseoumiamae, capmerce “ihe ojecte ofthe mision Si Natio Imestrens Develop” Malia Namal Investment tndtodisty Mlabterandacting var to pmo Nalsea a an "Atmin advocated Nalayslan mere Auerky andthe ier Amiations Yo dive and depen Finanae Miniter Ai Atmet Al reatmentdesineonofescke, proctor the key to advancing mere rometionAgeneyofGeiat the strong partnership wih Kewath ohh Hot dey in ve Gelorenhanceotacrataas Foinutestwherepunantote Sah agericveais che Wists Qui Poing forward, the senlor sinister retested Mslayte'e Stategy age National Re oreryPan, theriy sa “hmm wat to sthedued Yo SUSTAINABILITY SUKUK 56 AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS JTB unit bags 6 IP patents from 3 nations RUMLA LuMPuR: J Tectnoogy {ngs UTE oly-owned a SME Bank issues RM3b sukuk wakalah messmo Xana Un@un 246 Rink a8 Nav Aoiéth M8 ming | tte pense em ee Seacycmerthe mapranar seorda by Sips tang | feel fer rns of Seecgsmoet aad cagrees Carat Mf the maak | Nl he Une Se nk Sirens oalae Sala samen i emth fete ak volar coming the aod commits ela | “href ies new pers ae Emterbporcthanaie Beare for shiner ee he SEherrhinmcy amen “EMIS ti Son topo | Sey inened Sete ‘Sty ring Ee deers cng | Sota lton pinay or uaatierommuntnc Su Sevarane ms eaoues |Soaeatons ingdwoo canal weiee men hese ae rae fr he aE aidin see “Eun preditar and ctx | wine er stoma ap Snorer ccna icer is ace en | Blas Saeeprencs Developtent ‘Sit pronce om te suk | "JF sung distor Dace asdGocputies Rinse wane chasse specs | ong We Sas llth coms Seemay Be he fed tener era Shiordetnlaraulur Watancy saypets aie |Runyemsnsseeti mparan shi ae en gant Siauthelstancewectne Usted Merle Seman be |elmelseal pers {© tains doe hac or Semmens Sei cmenycniubasy or indy and wienghen oor ment andackrting ev Homteniickeoiteraniie “ARGH Scape ceo am |inwe’ Gomcath sod eee, carpatiamage aarti Giecemwieermancm: sigaiwiniepecesdeea |mewietecemcstit’.” “Usecmetaticwnnimy a! t et sf 6 ocak eitpeecrsts aectameusmenry [Shen ermemaak akepusts areas et bit trata coual Me “Suisehes efor obepaicer fhe’ \san Sutainehy Boot | varoas ures 38 fos et ea ienang way concer or Irkg Naan oe aha tmecte name nove Mentor sen Soa foed | whch nee bee med th Suramecetarnets het entve dat ‘Sercie stone Wena fe Song tcnteernfoed | hevtnetring Spending ape "emg tal Ti sengy be genes we cf feraad Etndeape Capital Market Forum," be |" “Bycohancing our fallows ing applications putens would devices, which boces nell fr a ekcaatrmanpmusen Sif ws tinala See Kekenet py Tite la copay IFS oan © resp, News / BUSINESS LY 208 Newser 7 1,720 POINTS PROJECTED MAYBANK KIM ENG LOWERS BURSA a YEAR- END TARGET eee | UNFAIR LABOUR PRACTICE ALLEGATIONS was vn dacssnteusemeayn Affi Hwang Capital maintains Seis __easescaeiSst ‘Qeytral call on rubber sector |ASTANE Kim ng (MIKE) maw NIKE cepts the “louse cle te downgraded market belle the wurtt quater on improved dary on (weber ©S sua nlajsa lockeown Gig tad inpeoved vaccination | KUALA LUMPUR The nesutve impact of “Apart rom the miter sect ther sxe Kicls (FAN KUCH) searend mite (he allestons on until ebour practices tore suet ac planiatin and ENS (le ferpettd 1520 points rom tie eater po- ""Orher equities supportive factors n- | mag the Ng fous rubber pave payers ens manufacturing srtcs) sre ase jection of aD point coteampltigustzy amororatted glo | could powds an eiga teow ertrrarar bang aecasod of walang far labour ‘MRE lead of replonal equity research alcconoile covery aadcomgmatie a | tacy do not eacry the burden of previews practice ‘ntand Pubuvaksan sacl thls tepre- Se cas aiuto etwas Tinea theone | packs, An Haupt sh Sve ngetandl dha the aa Senfed 15 Umes foowant caning, down aac Gepons esi | Mnefemsadaeyatonsoruntnrabour on is related tone cecruiment ee inom enter projection oft ues Testes that, NKE expects 2 headline | prices wold no dou havea nesaeve canted onthe forelt werers, wk is He said NIKE a cscented the eat- earings powth et 39percenforthaFk | Impact en thse companies as some of deere eval by oth se eeraking ang cond ager primacy bectune cf the Nt-_ EL.cLand thon Amachtaernumbor of | tr ctants were Hea Wo be under prow tocewy courte, Dt seen Holby ‘onal Recovery Plan ond that the gor- percent new yous fey tirstahohelcem toweek newal- the scot, a0 K wold fad to debt mimentvaspiusigour the recovery pro> ify want rocurig, th generally | trate ‘endage™ Fleintermser eopenierthe economy. means taxing ct the le socks, which |" Kovsan fubberIndustes ha andar ie sic although companies were a Stecmtmiafnewsfowanthatinec'a huvebeencukelnpactiatstrmscrmoy: | alegaolcngs Bhi havebeenaccusedy ready working towards resolving tet ler of encores seta when we ean lagthe nantes sctiettof unr labour paces celle ea the fing of standard Ra las Firm expects clouds to clear in Q4 on improved lockdown clarity and vaccination rate {Sarakionine theron phates because of "Sor FEM ECL Hf you remove the glove | Top Glove Comortion ih which Rad made he tucetrore challenging: the precorltons that hve bees sated stocks te earings calloot bom 39 pe | lin products este (vom entering the "hacked thatthe wnconacy ol aeraze baie nemment ‘Sento 2s per ceat and for 222 witut | Untedsvates ty ihe USCustomsand bor selon pre Genes and te few alent “if can ite be dsconcering tote the dove socks yu would belcokna! | Ger reteren ites en urartaou praceescold eas wate i themmarkeatingyabeutépercens | ““uebalve hat dverorherlin ome ‘ape sure pce wie deste het side, despite the enpcted uprwiny in te dacest earaings gre forthe FUMVEL: | ciwtomersareloredtocancd taelrondors "Afi Hvang has malataned ite “oe fourth quureraftni yearsssomecthexe Cl | Gtetothe pesuretrostaketoilers wsl'callon the ratbersccton LOCAL AND FOREIGN WORKERS YB Ventures bears staff vaccination costs D AmMetLife KUALA LUN UR, YB Ventures Abd la ronment for our cutemem when they ThabenbtheeostofCovies9 raccintions tm Aussi yess. Rerteseod empress facating Island“ Auprant workers esa, nave tng en fore operational workers in the rane aa unpocant par of Malus econo, ‘gearing pan nul, fohor ‘aricariylncunres the Gentes tons cupugh the Intteaionel Trade ""We ae doing our part protest dem ft dusty Misty and under the pub> cmt elects this page Heprvate parinersp cova indistry “ivan the target wo actaeve herd Trantor tregrame (P1KAS) munity‘ theend ore yar Vs ventures iecutve director Au vee on saith Setsthesageforammorercbustand cer company seonglysuppors seenificand scopomleecoteny” Aus putts health adios tho sesouragee vac” "KAS tea pune private panesship Ehatbne prams shied at erpyeey of “Neching is more omporant tran tne fhe aiasty hasbeen ashen th COO heathndvetbetnecfourerplovcesand dating the immunisation of enloyees Mikeholdes {nthe manaticringindascy "Saruhan, "The Reunion regen wil be | | Sridharan, tect oat workin, te a ‘done vn ole recctta ‘Ranvcharecone remount hater pc i ah tee feat 1 ae and uncom ‘factories and insti 18 SINESS / Media & Branding DIGITALISATION DRIVE ONLINE SHOPPING CAMPAIGN RETURNS LL s eaoMhacit and Foc Shang a Eas : ee li : \ =. Y . 5 1a Treat 0 to ‘al 1S ME avoid akan | ‘There are several ways to address allergic rhinitis, writes Izzati Yussof D 'OAREAU’ INCTIATIVE Metro Optical provides RM4m eye care subsidy for medical frontliners Oe e ~ ete a pl eta ae mMetLife launches new insurance solution wnat gnnan Tusa, Asia / NEWS LY 208 Newser 21 ‘NewSCrnits Times «TUESDAY. JULY, 2021 20, HEAL / women). Having eempsce theft Ider ung rae ere Snr CCUREING COVID-19 INFECTIONS. REG coup.19 = INDONESIA ACCEPTS ONLY Publ, === === VACCINATED FOREIGN TOURISTS tne 5S nobel. year-it @ellnoeabecd sared ; Seathremy sear Sonessionagre abe omens er emeaieiares Zreiriouts Stahl cestuitpeteiuets || Reaktor ian required to present vaccines vestrvene con ge sroteh (einetheyare norectecandunes | a eo ‘wate ae top snc od vaccine card and ieog heures © etn proce Depetive Govide 17 B'sniya ootate hat eines one PCR test result ardiwnyeersateetrstpr ig tay Senorna ian’ compete regular or illegally anita: criminal hres sel ( feierraing werter an sont ee aint cease ary rs Font cean fe xan, Erde esp Pppine Na race ures, thee worne are pate Howal Police chat General Eee FE ectmcine Seacrest Rifetaeeedweurbevtiers miaaiisdarbcigttont xaqersstlongbrstia nn feign hoe nhe a mae ae Making sensei 22: a= = septate fom he rst eta Nensraorkancraa rasan sioald "Hong sone cen 8 te fs y [= wil alow ealy a ooo rey freer, stain Jy Toraaltedstiens “Fihareraivatolesaresooraic | (MMe asain 6.isreqied presenta nace ut asthere ae people wiling ; = menstruation == === Se —— Sites eee ‘Srremeet Wis eaaees cane icee: — alive Covid19 PCR (polymers = ‘oy iss mad Bgl ste Rice uorwol aca tor gover | (Mae att terge gee hain reaction) test rout before ‘more daring, - Ce Fe ce ac | eee esl: Suse Fre ours sig coon bt Reframe. lo ib Hak ae tty am the myths, [nisesaleiratwmos'me. || Salting REPORT REE cv annexes: (nglemietainie asi ioe kadea au [Ea ee ot s eee ea et rea are eee marcoonscte | | ecmaaertMenengeee bcs ey Meets tecatenagac ot Aeon ag So aus semecee us ercoeet mene enes . writes Meera Murugesan sono" elie ea sich acer wih “mamta ee yb tecee ae le Se Samal pea pt siausdccnramesaiea: Cenarguiroavenuesies Ws gris repute ough to biced oma ttement from ths "Me alded tha they wil abo “Indoneinsawerecor increase 22568H while deat hs | follwing tne aest os are at Saencentincsceen, Sten G auatrere Sissies Se cee cere ee eis eee wre gree seas, Wo ove LF smn Besaeaeesrbantes Thai provinces open doors to Covid-19 positive residents ‘Solgar deat an ite Ste Oepiane Sanlany “Aerientga ceria Rosywnans ineeating four these dys areas Nplinsreadediobcwaddardbleod a rerequste fer puberiy te tar ie-alds Or Shilpa a= brass here Detter persaral yale ana concernng ene syhentisdeve- Collet aoe ane cat be ented ae BANOOK lx thal provncesse dered vo it down for one workers hive managed «0 sip asstnt director Jade Boonyar | Svaccines ‘Seresnto Sannin pats aprenadestashen'y fees, wn tarpens sr 300 ot SeloomngnactisCoviniopas month fom june 2 fast authorities and retaraed wongwictesalgthe provncede. | "“Hemeer tar he vacines Tampene and manerual ""Faterchldren re seiraceear- Gemeniaho goewunmrg or oxen livemsicents who webassdin "The provinces have placed fomecwenaterenfarcerentte- eed to adit than aether had | bengsoldby these scrupulous Tape chsh mare hey SyhenlNierehtdron engine ave ower here es anger ff the eta Hanghot teplon sn someednsitonsanbiwehy enn fm file chance of fiction hed n | people are above te Plnos remdagnnat"""” Sit'grisamonave prostemevitn Seursastneneconrsh raed war "The provinces have decidedto tranportstopuevent any Hakso! tobe detemses, the Cane for poate ‘ustice Secretary Mensrde v devote and subsrauenty deveon Or Supe. jo thigast wil prevent people Infection other psseigess Gord shuaion Administ: "A workers* camp in the | Guevats sali has costed the eee eee ae ney comet ORO cram wire ti change ftom tying wo sheak back and "itn beter fore to i them Gonsakdon Friday nataboacato proves has ako been cesedfr | Nate pure of Investigator sralan of pomate so lengur ye Orsipa ‘hm and kept porous ssn Ts Fikturier spread of Ifecions beck open soWwe can isolate Werkers from the Greater {4 faye [rom Sunday after 10 | [NB co tates Its options ew mensuatan se bse etting ree yoried toe early nequeney st exonging bod or tampa Inthe nemetonns| them." Lampang gevernos Bangkok aren hise tested Fos wonkersweroandinietedwith | tind adler of ConesD se Sond noe seerachargenatues under Neagea! ler mfetiscaled dopendaan tow aucky tea ost The ax proiaces are Lam NevongeakOsottansicrn si” toe inthai provinces, mosby in Covet, tfpes in Mere Masi Smpomsare —_espataiyntheuranpypaaton grecockus peberty may ve sgt Hoevsr gays may requ changes lnc outa ore pang. Naito fatchusims. Shon The kes flowing them tothe nomhexotemcesion “Tol hesth authorises said | “ine Nil fousingon the Na ‘arceriey nmr reams nck that tere sre amar medal pre. ery wo sates Murs bet nas || maw ge Teh nape Rion Chfyaptum, Phasiaulok cavel back come afer Bangkok Nakhon Richasiaa fas rhe were 44 Gow se | denal Capital Regt where te ittrtreutt ”—scacipqarntoltatsuterewsneed lemathatrenetabeimvestgaied. Sepnavonthentserbensya teador | | Kem pdt ele ami SnNannot Thafamarat." honptas fer & shortage o! ebed7S cases chalyaum as an S916 ew cases Thaland | Geena for Vacs W Righ he cqricsiy — Wreonthirmnr ates nid ioc cete ecto ‘Spyement easton pt ‘Accom tothe Fanckok Past, Heat and'abe due to tne sh 37cauc wae Pitsntlekhesat onsaieas sad font geesunlietaringctureurorfiad "Toe incl to prevent even, | [ae they have rertced'a sno one Reckbomety constuction work: act lO eee sincetne crngein Tstringsthetotalfcaiieto | “The Fd and Oni g Admin ‘orm en THERVONT AGE BUGpencintectonintne rain sogatctthes, onisteton omer” | | mune sani anes lef tehine progam” since or before aoforcemere begin Graster Hanghok ware saut 2235 and the number of saver | train tracing the source imeonian Tre se'oge age of menstruation anaisebresgnefanerromasa, mstinpennicuretoyWeraus. | | Snasputaee tas Rene oD erstuctiou wrker camps ia lan Moray Sonn ne nc wrtof te pondenict | te Govt 19 wotloes bingold neta" Smongarain Hea 2 Sinormoties Whreeanesanemaconny Sinn n ‘renter Bagg anss wees or “Whas beth wported hat some “Nakhon Ratehasina Hespiat SASO8? Aiea UPBEAT ASSESSMENT Biden celebrates Independence Day, but says virus not defeated yet VACCINE SHORTAGE SEARCH FOR JABS: cd, health minister for the govemment bet early on As: Desperate attempts to get vaccinated akin to. 1 ‘The Hunger Games’ says state minister TUESDAY JULY 6.204 NewSerabieTIanes POWER OF SOLIDARITY Overcoming the pandemic through global partnership 53 INJURED Philippine military plane crash death toll rises to 50 PATIKUL {The Philippinesl: tary pesonnel and de 24, WORLD [Marie 80 missing in Japan ‘town hit by landslide snus, tno and ‘ide hiedepanere ald residents yesterday a esc ‘eametrawied wough ie nay Gers sing su Poles on nchanicl less {ithe desperteseren ve Aajsatertoreatorearth ‘Somed trav of he people hobeenconmed ‘wroaremaconmed iors Aowa0 ir onus ‘potestan. sad Pope undergoes colon surgery ancaneirni2ops Francis, Eluntermentasursery ot Sond foranntame re Saline ponettwasacmt Sy Hespal-oraschedloe Ser sparta ‘ertcular seo the Sane potseialy pein mation ot der neck that can om Sarketlen was and wach tend complications 0 Storm Elsa cuts through Caribbean avanaropical stern sha ‘witrwindsaad ria 085 (ay stereiamnga {hee Ines wile cating pov deacon th sid, Fone ides ‘ul dang gusts wet ex for toward near Sites Unto cn unt Hiawaepackingmasimame ‘Shaina! Hurtemecser Naess sysinasy (Sina: NH siden ‘orm warninge bad bee arto Cube, agencies 18,000 SURVEYED ‘POOR INDIAN WOMEN LOST MORE JOBS’ ‘NAM EXPLOSION | killed, 27 injured in Thailand factory fire They ate less, rested Tone less, took longer to re-enter workforce due to pandemic, reveals study Dubreak ther overwislned es Rospials ana cremateriams. Ws oy Taiwan = ng Din Cher td, SOU rents Ine year Ths repr. Which cevered the pete Ist yea. Ee Toxpat poly prescrip ‘One et the wel-accumented Si falls of higher unpaid work | ie report added, |The ceuse of sultekngor A the pander eulh outs expen is AHEAD OF THREATENING TROPICAL STORM Remainder of collapsed Florida condo demolished Asoo senfing up age civ of dust operation would use “small, | With Topica tom Es num ned co the Immediate repucig te se hr dean ossble ural Som rete TUESDAY. WL 6 2025 NST Waste ca5 Personally, | have never experienced a surge in demand for executive cnaching support by 3-$foidat least. What boggles the mind i that ‘hiss happening during this economic downturn where expenditure in people development is often the fist ta go under the “chopping board"! SS catyarcoy fieds ant 5 whom SS in Com ecg se ase ascaargared with the ther Heri, whch usualy ve (tard reo fone together wth $host pepe rem ‘eno tht caer acorn xrectw LEGAL/ iret)

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