The Imperative For Climate Action To Protect Health: Review Article

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

The Imperative for Climate Action

to Protect Health
Andy Haines, M.D., and Kristie Ebi, M.P.H., Ph.D.​​

limate change is already adversely affecting human health From the Departments of Public Health,
and health systems,1,2 and projected climate change is expected to alter the Environments, and Society and of Popu-
lation Health, London School of Hygiene
geographic range and burden of a variety of climate-sensitive health out- and Tropical Medicine, London (A.H.);
comes and to affect the functioning of public health and health care systems. If and the Departments of Global Health
no additional actions are taken, then over the coming decades, substantial in- and of Environmental and Occupational
Health Sciences, University of Washing-
creases in morbidity and mortality are expected in association with a range of ton, Seattle (K.E.). Address reprint requests
health outcomes, including heat-related illnesses, illnesses caused by poor air to Dr. Haines at the Departments of Pub-
quality, undernutrition from reduced food quality and security, and selected vec- lic Health, Environments, and Society and
of Population Health, London School of
torborne diseases in some locations; at the same time, worker productivity is ex- Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 15-17 Ta-
pected to decrease, particularly at low latitudes.3,4 Vulnerable populations and re- vistock Pl., London WC1H 9SH, United
gions will be differentially affected, with expected increases in poverty and Kingdom, or at ­andy​.­haines@​­lshtm​.­ac​.­uk.

inequities as a consequence of climate change. Investments in and policies to N Engl J Med 2019;380:263-73.
promote proactive and effective adaptation and reductions in greenhouse-gas DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1807873
Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society.
emissions (mitigation) would decrease the magnitude and pattern of health risks,
particularly in the medium-to-long term.

Observ ed a nd Projec ted Cl im ate Ch a nge

August 2018 was the 406th straight month during which global mean tempera-
tures were above the long-term mean.5 The global mean surface temperature has
increased by approximately 1°C since preindustrial times, with most of that in-
crease (0.8°C) occurring since the 1970s. Atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide (the primary greenhouse gas) have risen from approximately 280 ppm in
preindustrial times to approximately 410 ppm today.6 Carbon dioxide remains in
the atmosphere for centuries, with about 20% persisting for more than 1000 years.
Other, short-lived climate pollutants, such as methane and black carbon, also
contribute to warming and, in the case of methane, to tropospheric ozone forma-
tion. The global mean temperature is currently increasing at a rate of 0.2°C per
decade (probable range, 0.1°C to 0.3°C) owing to past and continuing emissions.7
Figure 1 shows the changes in global mean surface temperatures over the period
1850–2017, as compared with the means for the period 1961–1990.
Warmer air can hold more moisture, so increasing temperatures are associated
with changes in precipitation patterns. For example, there have been substantial
increases in the mean maximum daily precipitation measured in sequential 5-year
blocks since 1901 over the eastern United States, with a 27% increase in the north-
eastern United States but little change in the western United States. There have
also been reductions in soil moisture due to increased temperatures.8 Earlier
spring melt together with reduced snowpack have been attributed with high con-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e


Met Office Hadley Centre and Climatic Research Unit

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Difference from 1961–1990 Mean (ºC)


1850 1900 1950 2000


Figure 1. Changes in Surface Temperatures, 1850–2017.

The plot shows annual global mean temperature anomalies relative to the means during 1961–1990 from the HadCRUT4
data set, a global surface temperature data set produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre in collaboration with the
University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit (the gray shaded area indicates 95% confidence intervals). Plots of
the mean anomalies from two other data sets — from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) — show similar patterns. Adapted from the
Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Science and Services (
surface -temperature).

fidence to human-induced climate change in likely to have played in individual extreme

North America, leading to robust projections weather and climate events.10
that, under high-emission scenarios, without The American Meteorological Society under-
changes to water-resource management, pro- takes annual assessments of human influences
longed drought is increasingly possible by the on the climate. Its assessment for the year 2016
end of the century.8 showed for the first time that three events would
A statistical method called detection and attri- not have happened in the absence of climate
bution is used to identify when a trend in a cli- change caused by human activities: the record
mate or health variable differs significantly from global heat, a high-latitude marine heat wave
a defined baseline value and to determine the and its effects on Alaska, and the extreme heat
extent to which the difference in the trend could over Asia (the 2015–2016 El Niño contributed to
be attributed to climate change.9 Studies in which extreme heat over Southeast Asia but not else-
this method is used show that greenhouse-gas where10). A detection and attribution study showed
emissions are changing the climate in ways that that anthropogenic climate change quintupled
affect human health.1,2 Almost two thirds of the the risk of extreme vapor-pressure deficits (which
worldwide effects of changes in atmospheric and in turn increase the likelihood of wildfires) in
near-surface ocean temperatures for the period western North America in June through August
1971–2010 were attributed to anthropogenic cli- of 2016.11 In 2016, approximately 3.6 million
mate change.9 Furthermore, it is now possible to hectares of land burned in the United States and
determine the role that recent climate change is Canada, and the fires that ravaged California in

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Climate Action to Protect Health

A Change in Mean Temperature (25th percentile) B Change in Mean Temperature (75th percentile)

C Change in Maximum Daytime Temperature (25th percentile) D Change in Maximum Daytime Temperature (75th percentile)

E Change in Minimum Nighttime Temperature (25th percentile) F Change in Minimum Nighttime Temperature (75th percentile)

–2 0 1 1.5 2 3 5 7 9


Figure 2. Potential Regional Temperature Changes in a World That Warms to 1.5°C above the Preindustrial Mean Temperature.
At each location in the maps, the 25th percentile and 75th percentile values of the range of possible projected changes in yearly mean,
maximum daytime, and minimum nighttime temperatures are shown in a world with a global mean temperature that is 1.5°C warmer
than preindustrial times, which could occur within three decades at current rates of warming. Adapted from Seneviratne et al.13

2017 and 2018 were the most destructive wild- within three decades at current rates of warm-
fires ever recorded in the state. Wildfires can ing. The substantial differences between the
increase daily air-pollution levels by as much as 25th and 75th percentiles of the projections
a factor of 10, with adverse effects on health, highlight the uncertainties that health systems
including an increase in respiratory disease.12 need to consider when implementing strategies
Figure 2 shows the range of possible pro- for adaptation.13
jected changes in mean and yearly maximum Greenhouse-gas emissions add energy to the
daytime temperatures in a world with a global climate system, resulting in increases in the
mean temperature that is 1.5°C warmer than in frequency, intensity, and duration of some ex-
preindustrial times, conditions that could occur treme weather and climate events, including

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

heat waves, floods, and droughts, that have im- as effects on vectorborne diseases; and effects
portant effects on human health.14 Under some mediated through socioeconomic systems, such
projections in some regions, toward the end of as the health consequences of increased impov-
the century, the coolest day in the summer erishment. The effects of climate change on
season may be warmer than the hottest day mental health are increasingly recognized —
today. Climate change also causes sea levels to for example, exposure to floods and other ex-
rise; it is projected that an additional 10 mil- treme events increases the risk of depression
lion people could be exposed to flooding from and anxiety, which may disproportionately affect
a 0.1-m rise in sea level if the mean temperature people with preexisting mental health problems.
increase is 2°C rather than 1.5°C.7 The sea-level Additional risks continue to be recognized as
rise could reach several meters if the Antarctic more is understood about how changing weath-
ice sheet becomes unstable or the Greenland ice er patterns can affect the burden of climate-
cap is lost. sensitive health outcomes. Increasing evidence
The Paris Agreement was a major step for- also indicates that rising carbon dioxide concen-
ward in global efforts to address climate change, trations have adverse effects on the nutritional
but, even if all signatories honored the commit- quality of major cereal crops, such as rice and
ments, it would not be sufficient to limit warm- wheat, including lowering the levels of protein,
ing to 2°C above preindustrial levels. Full im- a range of micronutrients, and B vitamins.19-21
plementation of the unconditional nationally Climate and other environmental changes also
determined contributions that were agreed on in reduce the yield of vegetables and legumes over-
Paris would be expected to result in a tempera- all, which has important implications for the
ture increase of approximately 3.2°C by the year prevention of noncommunicable diseases.22
2100, relative to the preindustrial period.15 This The World Health Organization (WHO) esti-
underscores the need for urgent action to build mated that approximately 250,000 deaths annu-
on these commitments. The inherent inertia in ally between 2030 and 2050 could be due to
the climate system means that weather and cli- climate change–related increases in heat expo-
mate variables will continue to change for sev- sure in elderly people, as well as increases in
eral decades after greenhouse-gas emissions have diarrheal disease, malaria, dengue, coastal flood-
been reduced.14 Of particular importance for ing, and childhood stunting.16 This is a conser-
managing the associated health risks is the fact vative estimate, because it does not include
that warming will be uneven, creating different deaths from other climate-sensitive health out-
hazards in different locations.13 comes and does not include morbidity or the
effects associated with the disruption of health
services from extreme weather and climate events.
He a lth R isk s A sso ci ated
w i th a Ch a nging Cl im ate For example, a climate change–associated net in-
crease of 529,000 adult deaths worldwide (95%
For more than 20 years, researchers have been confidence interval [CI], 314,000 to 736,000) was
investigating the implications of the observed projected to result from expected reductions in
and projected changes in weather and climate food availability (particularly fruit and vegeta-
for the magnitude and pattern of adverse climate- bles) by 2050, as compared with a reference sce-
sensitive health outcomes. However, partly be- nario without climate change.23 Furthermore, the
cause of limited funding, the evidence base re- World Bank estimates that without climate-resil-
mains fragmented and is particularly limited in ient development (i.e., development that promotes
low-income countries. Figure 3 summarizes the the capacity of societies to absorb climate shocks
health outcomes that could be affected by cli- and evolve effective new coping strategies in re-
mate change (also shown in an interactive graph- sponse to change), climate change could force
ic, available at Major pathways more than 100 million people into extreme pov-
An interactive
graphic is available through which climate change harms health erty by 2030.17 The risks will be considerably higher
at include direct effects, such as those from in- without investments in strengthening and expand-
creased exposure to high ambient temperatures; ing current adaptation and mitigation policies,1,3
effects mediated through natural systems, such particularly for low-income and marginalized pop-

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Climate Action to Protect Health

Increasing Levels of Carbon Dioxide Rising Temperature Rising Sea Levels Increasing Extreme
and Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Weather Events

Demographic, Socioeconomic, Environmental, and Other

Factors That Influence the Magnitude and Pattern of Risks
Geography Warning systems
Ecosystem change Socioeconomic status
Baseline air and water quality Health and nutritional status
Agricultural and livestock practices Access to effective health care
and policies

Extreme Heat Air Water Quality Food Supply Vector Distribution Social
Weather Events Stress Quality and Quantity and Safety and Ecology Factors



• Injuries Heat-related illness • Exacerbations • Campylobacter • Undernutrition • Chikungunya Physical and

• Fatalities and death of asthma and infection • Salmonella food • Dengue mental health
• Mental health other respiratory • Cholera poisoning and other • Encephalitis effects of violent
effects diseases • Cryptosporidiosis foodborne diseases (various forms) conflict and
• Respiratory • Harmful algal • Mycotoxin effects • Hantavirus infection forced migration
allergies blooms • Lyme disease (complex and
• Cardiovascular • Leptospirosis • Malaria context-specific
disease • Rift Valley fever risks)
• West Nile virus
• Zika virus infection

Figure 3. Major Health Risks Associated with Climate Change.

Examples of potential health outcomes and exposure pathways linking climate change with human health are shown, together with fac-
tors that can influence the magnitude and pattern of risks. The figure is based on several sources (e.g., Ebi et al.,3 Smith et al.,4 the
World Health Organization,16 Hallegatte et al.,17 and Missirian and Schlenker18) and is not intended to be comprehensive.

ulations and in low-income countries, which have the people, communities, and natural systems
contributed the least to carbon dioxide emissions. that are exposed to those hazards and on the
The magnitude and nature of health risks capacity of people, communities, and health
depend not just on the hazards created by a systems to prepare for and manage the increas-
changing climate but also on the sensitivity of ing risks.24 For example, in South Asia and East

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Africa, if the population is kept constant at 2015 ways.29 These differences have important conse-
levels, the number of people exposed to heat that quences for the magnitude and pattern of expo-
is considered to be severe today could increase sure to climate-related hazards and for the
by a factor of 4.1 (interdecile range, 2.4 to 9.6) extent of population vulnerability. For example,
under 1.5°C of warming and by a factor of 15.8 development sustained by the burning of fossil
(interdecile range, 5.0 to 135) under 2°C of fuels is expected to lead to high burdens of
warming.25 Incorporation of the projected popu- climate-sensitive preventable outcomes, as well
lation increases substantially exacerbates the ex- as large numbers of deaths from air pollution, as
posure risks. In another example, a modeling compared with development powered by clean,
study using data from 451 locations in 23 coun- renewable energy.28
tries showed that, in the absence of effective
adaptation, net increases in temperature-related A da p tat ion G a p
excess deaths are projected worldwide under
high-emission scenarios. Large net increases in The current policies and measures for the man-
excess mortality could occur between the decade agement of climate-sensitive health outcomes
2010–2019 and the decade 2090–2099 in the were not developed in light of climate-change
highest-emission scenario, ranging on average considerations, which means that they need
from 3% to more than 12% in hotter regions, modification to be effective over coming decades.
such as the central and southern parts of the Some examples include the need to enhance
United States or Europe, and especially South- surveillance, change the timing and location of
east Asia (with inadequate data from Africa).26 specific vector-control measures, and adapt build-
Increasing heat exposure is expected to pro- ing codes and building locations (including lo-
gressively reduce labor productivity, particularly cations of some health care facilities) to address
in tropical and subtropical regions. A recent study rising temperatures and the risk of flooding.
estimated the amount of work lost from heat Opportunities exist to capitalize on environmen-
exposure in three sectors involving different tal data to develop early warning and response
levels of physical activity (service, industry, and systems that can provide critical time to deploy
agriculture), under an assumption of shaded proactive measures to reduce the numbers of
work conditions. In total, it was estimated that cases of climate-sensitive health outcomes, such
153 billion hours of labor were lost in 2017 (or as those for heat waves30 and dengue.31 Increas-
3.4 billion weeks of work) — an increase of 62 ing awareness by health care professionals of
billion hours relative to the year 2000 — of the health risks associated with climate change
which 80% were in the agricultural sector.27 is critical for identifying when new diseases ap-
Asylum applications from 103 source countries pear in a region. Conducting assessments of vul-
to the European Union increased nonlinearly nerability and adaptation at local and national
when temperatures in the maize-growing season levels is often a first step in identifying the chal-
deviated from an optimum of approximately 20°C, lenges to and opportunities for managing the
especially at hotter temperatures.18 An emissions health risks related to climate change.32 Because
pathway that peaks in 2040 and then declines the climate will continue to change for decades,
was associated with an estimated 28% increase centuries, and even millennia, iterative risk-
in asylum applications, whereas a high-emission management approaches are needed to address
pathway was associated with a 175% increase by evolving health risks. Risks cannot be com-
the end of the century, equivalent to an addi- pletely averted even with adaptation, and the
tional 660,000 asylum applications annually, failure to limit temperature increases makes it
when other factors are held constant.18 more likely that limits to adaptation will be
Possible pathways of future development, reached in some regions — for example, as a
termed the “shared socioeconomic pathways,” result of exposure to extreme heat or rises in sea
are increasingly used to identify opportunities level.
and challenges for transitioning to a more resil- Many approaches for increasing preparedness
ient and sustainable world. Table 1 shows how to manage the health risks associated with cli-
the building blocks of climate-resilient health mate change lie outside the health sector.33 En-
systems could differ across three of these path- suring water and food security, for example, re-

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Table 1. Characteristics of Health Systems across Three of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.*

Category Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 1 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 3
Basic description of pathway World aiming toward sustainable develop- Middle-of-the-road pathway with medium World breaks into large regional blocks with
ment with low challenges to adaptation challenges to adaptation and mitigation; high levels of rivalry based on high chal-
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and mitigation; proactive, adaptively incomplete planning, new information lenges to adaptation and mitigation; re­
­managed, includes partnerships be- ­incorporated as convenient, occasional active, failure to adapt, siloed information
tween more industrialized countries in partnerships channels and national governance
the Global North and less industrialized
countries in the Global South (i.e., north–
south partnerships) and interdisciplinary
Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

n engl j med 380;3  January 17, 2019

Climate Action to Protect Health

Building blocks of climate-resilient health
Leadership and governance Strong climate-change and health planning Planning on climate change and health, but Little focus at national or international level
apparatus, including health components not comprehensive and often sidetracked on climate change and health issues;
The New England Journal of Medicine

of a national adaptation plan; regional by other issues ­minimal planning conducted

and international partnerships
Health workforce Climate-change and health training provided Some climate-change and health training pro- Climate change not discussed in practitioner
to practitioners; redundancies created for vided, albeit inconsistently; few redundan- training; no provision made to address
climate shocks cies created to accommodate personnel ­future personnel shortages
shortages during disasters
Health information systems Assessments of vulnerability, capacity, and Assessments of vulnerability, capacity, and Assessments of vulnerability, capacity, and
adaptation regularly conducted and used adaptation occasionally conducted but adaptation rarely, if ever, conducted;
in planning; robust early-warning net- generally of poor quality; early warning is ­information is not useful for planning
works; research agenda focusing on vul- incomplete; fiscal and political constraints ­purposes; minimal risk monitoring or
nerable communities on climate-change and health research ­climate-change and health research
Climate-resilient and sustainable forms Health infrastructure designed to withstand Capital cost serves as key factor in siting and Facilities sited and constructed without cli-
of technology and infrastructure storms and floods, with redundant sys- construction decisions, increasing vulner- mate considerations incorporated; med­
tems added to ensure continuity of care ability of facilities to shocks ical supply chains and storage practices
not modified to address climate threats
Service delivery Policies to manage environmental health Environmental health policies not reliable; Policies to manage environmental health haz-
­hazards regularly reviewed; practitioners marginal improvements in care practices; ards generally not followed; care practices
review care practices and adjust as appro- risk assessments and communication in- not modified to accommodate climate in-
priate based on local climate and health adequate formation; few changes made to existing
conditions; reliable communication tools emergency management procedures to
developed accommodate climate threats
Climate and health financing Strong, multiannual funding commitments Financing constrained by other needs; north– Weak climate-financing system, centered on
with emphasis on north–south partner- south partnerships often weak adaptation activities at the national level

* Table adapted from Sellers and Ebi.28

The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

quires collaboration between the health sector escalating demand for energy and increased
and relevant ministries and departments, ensur- domestic use of clean fuels. Strategies to provide
ing that the adaptations they implement pro- universal access to clean, zero-carbon energy
mote health and avoid unintended adverse con- have great potential to reduce this death toll
sequences. while also reducing the risks associated with
dangerous climate change.
He a lth Benefi t s of a There is a growing literature in which the
“Zero - C a r bon” Ec onom y health benefits of reductions in air pollution as
a result of climate-change mitigation strategies
One barrier to achieving rapid reductions in car- are quantified.40 For example, one study suggest-
bon dioxide levels and short-lived climate pollut- ed that mitigation of global greenhouse gases
ant emissions (including methane, black carbon, could result in approximately 1.3 million fewer
and hydrofluorocarbons) is the perception that it premature deaths in 2050, under a scenario of
is difficult and costly to decarbonize the econo- moderate greenhouse-gas emissions and inter-
my. However, transition to a zero-carbon econ- mediate economic development and population
omy could bring a range of near-term benefits, growth.41 When high and low estimates for the
particularly health benefits,34 that could provide value of a life saved (in U.S. dollars) are used and
an additional impetus for action. the marginal costs of reducing greenhouse-gas
Policies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions emissions are taken into consideration, the eco-
in the energy sector, housing, and the built en- nomic benefits arising from reduced air pollu-
vironment more generally (ranging from build- tion range from $50 to $380 per ton of carbon
ings to parks); transportation; and agriculture dioxide worldwide and from $30 to $600 per ton
and food systems can result in near-term ancil- in the United States. A comparison of the valua-
lary benefits to human health. These benefits tion of health benefits with the mitigation costs
can arise from reduced exposure to air pollution, of achieving the Paris Agreement targets (2°C
particularly fine particulates (particulate matter and 1.5°C) showed that for all future scenarios,
with a diameter of ≤2.5 μm [PM2.5], including the cost of implementing mitigation policies at a
black carbon) and tropospheric ozone (levels of global level could be offset by the value of the
which may increase during climate change, de- benefits to health.42 In East Asia, the value of the
pending partly on trends in ozone precursors4).34 health benefits was estimated to be 10 to 70 times
Worldwide, ambient air pollution and house- the marginal cost in 2030, but even in developed
hold air pollution are estimated to be responsi- economies such as the European Union and the
ble for approximately 6.5 million premature deaths United States, the benefits could be substantial.
annually.35 Recent analyses suggest even higher Another study of U.S. mitigation policies that are
numbers — nearly 9 million deaths annually as- consistent with the 2°C Paris Agreement target
sociated with the present levels of ambient fine suggested that by 2030, clean-energy policies
particulate air pollution36 and more than 1 mil- could reduce particulate matter and ozone lev-
lion deaths associated with tropospheric ozone,37 els appreciably, thus preventing approximately
with increased mortality even when pollution 175,000 premature deaths, with 22,000 fewer
levels are lower than those required by current deaths (95% CI, 11,000 to 96,000) annually
air-quality standards.38 The predominant sources thereafter. Clean transportation could prevent
of ambient air pollution vary according to coun- 120,000 premature deaths and 14,000 deaths
try. For example, in the United States, it is esti- (95% CI, 9000 to 52,000) annually thereafter.43
mated that approximately 58% of the excess Although natural gas results in lower emissions
deaths are attributable to the use of fossil fuel of carbon dioxide and fine particulates than
and arise particularly from traffic, power pro- coal, associated methane leaks, which are com-
duction, and industry.39 In India, where the use mon, contribute to warming and to tropospheric
of solid biofuel for residential heating and cook- ozone. Adverse health outcomes such as low
ing is widespread, approximately 26% of excess birth weight have been linked to proximity to
deaths are due to fossil-fuel use, but this per- hydraulic fracturing sites,44 but the effects are
centage is likely to rise in the future with the still uncertain and warrant further investigation.

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Climate Action to Protect Health

Interventions in urban environments also pro- Policies must be developed with these potential
vide important opportunities for shared benefits harmful effects taken into consideration and
of health and environmental sustainability. In- minimized.
creasing walking and cycling and the use of Currently, societies do not pay the full eco-
public transportation and low-emission vehicles nomic costs of burning fossil fuels. Prices of
can reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and im- fossil fuels do not incorporate the environmen-
prove health by decreasing the risk of noncom- tal and health costs of damages associated with
municable disease through reduced air pollution rising carbon dioxide levels and exposure to, for
and increased physical activity, potentially avert- example, sulfur dioxide and fine particulate mat-
ing costs to the health system.45-47 ter; these are considered “externalities.” Although
The food system is a major driver of land-use a discussion of economic policies for mitigation
change, demands for fresh water, and green- would be beyond the scope of this review, re-
house-gas emissions. A meta-analysis of data flecting these costs in the prices of fossil fuels
from more than 38,000 farms worldwide pro- through appropriate carbon pricing could yield
ducing 40 different agricultural goods showed additional revenues52 and substantially reduce
considerable diversity in the environmental ef- carbon dioxide emissions and deaths from air
fects of similar products (varying by a factor as pollution. Effective implementation requires
high as 50), which illustrates the potential for well-designed subsidy reform, regulation, and
mitigation actions.48 In general, the environmen- standards, including payments for low-income
tal effects of animal-source foods are higher than groups to compensate for losses associated
those of plant-based foods. A systematic review with tax-related price increases. Well-designed
showed that by shifting present dietary intakes to policies for the mitigation of climate change
environmentally more sustainable healthy diets, can also contribute to the achievement of many
greenhouse-gas emissions could be reduced by a of the United Nations Sustainable Development
median of 20 to 30% in high-income areas and Goals.53
reductions in water and land use could also be
achieved.49 Reductions in environmental effects C onclusions
were generally proportional to the magnitude of
the reduction in animal-based food. Dietary Climate change is causing injuries, illnesses,
changes were projected to modestly reduce all- and deaths, with the risks projected to increase
cause mortality in high-income countries50; this substantially with additional climate change,
projection is largely based on the inverse asso- threatening the health of many millions of
ciation observed between the consumption of people if there are not rapid increases in invest-
fruit and vegetables and the risks of ischemic ments in adaptation and mitigation. The recent
heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change re-
Although the health benefits of policies to port7 makes a powerful case for “rapid and far-
reduce carbon emissions are potentially large, reaching” transitions in land, energy, industry,
there may be unintended adverse consequenc- buildings, transportation, and cities, with the
es.34,46 An example is the introduction of diesel aim of limiting global warming to 1.5°C by
engines, which are sometimes promoted to re- reducing global net human-related emissions of
duce greenhouse-gas emissions but have been carbon dioxide by approximately 45% from 2010
found to release more fine particulates and ni- levels by 2030. This would reduce the risks of
trogen oxides than gasoline engines. Poorly de- exceeding critical thresholds damaging to natu-
signed food and agricultural policies to reduce ral systems and human societies while providing
greenhouse-gas emissions could threaten food more time for adaptation.
security by limiting protein sources and increas- Health professionals have leading roles to play
ing food prices for the poor.51 In addition, in- in addressing climate change. They can support
creased exposure to household air pollution could health systems in developing effective adapta-
result from improving the energy efficiency of tion to reduce the health risks of climate change,
households through the use of insulation and promote healthy behaviors and policies with low
draft proofing without improving ventilation.34 environmental impact, support intersectoral ac-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

tion to reduce the environmental footprint of demand decisive actions from health profession-
society in general and the health care system als and governments to protect the health of
specifically, and undertake research and educa- current and future generations.
tion on climate change and health.54 The perva- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
sive threats to health posed by climate change the full text of this article at

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