Nama: Dinda Annisyah Kelas: 4C NIM: 2019720104

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Nama : Dinda Annisyah

Kelas : 4C

NIM : 2019720104


Nurse : Excus me, good morning

Patient : morning nurse

Nurse : is it true with mrs. Mila patient?

Patient : yes, really sus, I am mrs. Mila

: my name is nurse Dinda, I’am the nurse who will look after you during the
Nurse morning shift.
Starting from 8am to 2pm
Patient : yes nurse. Thanks

Nurse : how are you today?

: I am good news today. It’s just that at night my slep was a little disturbed
because I felt

Nurse : oh yes, do you still feel dizzy until now?

Patient : not nurse. Now I feel fine

Nurse : thank goodness then. Later I will report to the doctor about your complaint

Patient : yes nurse. Thankyou

Nurse : now I’m going to do a check on your vital sign. Are you willing?

Patient : yes, I’am willing

Nurse : ok then, I’ll do a blood pressure check on your first

Patient : please sus

(the nurse measure the patient’s blood pressure)

tools preparation :

1. sphygnomanometer (tensimeter)

2. stethoscope
3. vital sign notebook
work steps :

- Explain the procedure to the patient.

- after that wash your hands

- then use gloves

- then adjust the patient's position

- after that put the patient's arm you want to measure in the supine position

- then the patient's sleeve is opened

- then attach the cuff on the upper right / left arm about 3 cm above the cubital fossa (not
too tight or too loose)

- then determine the pulse of the right / left radial artery

- then place the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial pulse, place the
stethoscope over the pulse that has been determined

- Inflate the balloon, fill the cuff until the manometer is 20mmHg higher than the point
where the radial is not palpable

- Gently deflate the cuff by turning the screw on the air pump counterclockwise

Nurse : I have checked your blood pressure, then I will do you breath rate, pulse rate and body
Patient : yes, pleasure nurse
: excusme ma’am, I will put this thermometer in your armpit. Please raise the
sleeve up,
Patient : yes nurse
(nurse starts to check pulse, respiration, temperature)

Nurse : okay ma’am, I have finished checking your vital signs. Are there any other complaints you
wouls like to raise?
Patient : sorry nurse, how is the result blood pressure?

Nurse : oh yess, your blood pressure is normal, her blood pressure 120/80 mmHg

Patient : what about the other results of the examination, sus?

Nurse : for other examinations the results are normal, ms no problem

Patient : thankyou sus

Nurse : yes ma’am, later I will come back for the next examination

patient : fine sus

: then I will say goodbay to check on other patients. If you need something, you
Nurse can call
me bt pressing the red button near your bed
Patient : yes nurse, thankyou
:you’re welcome
Nurse ma’am

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