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Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric acid

1. A molecule of Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, consists of two atoms of hydrogen, one atom
of sulphur and four atoms of oxygen

2. Sulphuric acid is a colorless viscous corrosive oily liquid, which has

• Melting Point : 10.3 degC

• Boiling Point : 338 degC
• Formula weight 98.08
• Specific gravity or density 1.94
• Flash point none

3. Sulphuric acid is the strong acid produced by dissolving sulphur trioxide in water.

SO3 + H2O ==> H2SO4

4. The Strength of Acids is determined by the degree to which they are ionized in
aqueous solution.
For example, Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, which is a strong acid is fully dissociated, and
all the displaceable hydrogen in the acid is present in solution as Hydrogen Ion, H(+).

H2SO4 ==> H(+) + SO4

100% as H(+)

5. In contrast, the weak acids ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, is partially ionized in solution,
and only approximately 5% of the displaceable Hydrogen in the acid is present in
solution as hydrogen ion, H(+).

CH3COOH ==> H(+) + CH3COO(-)

5% as H(+)
Uses of sulphuric acid

1) Sulphuric acid is used to manufacture almost all products. Some of the examples are:
 Fertilizers
 Paint pigment
 Detergents
 Plastics
 Synthesis fiber

2) Sulphuric acid is also used in laboratory in school as follows;

 As drying agent
 As catalyst
 As strong acid
 As dehydrating agent
Manufacture of sulphuric acid in industry

1) The Contact process is used to manufacture sulphic acid in large scales.

2) Sulphur, air or oxygen and water are the raw materials for the manufactures of
sulphuric acid

3) The contact process consist of three stages:

 Stage I : Production of sulphur dioxide

(sulphur sulphur dioxide)

 Stage II : Conversion of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide

(sulphur dioxide sulphur trioxide)

 Stage III: production of sulphuric acid

(sulphur trioxide sulphuric acid)

Stage Description Equation

Sulphur is heated in the air to produce sulphur
I dioxide S(s) + O2 SO2 (g)

Sulphur dioxide is oxidized by oxygen over a

II heated vanadium (V) oxide catalyst to produce 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)
sulphur trioxide. Conditions : Pressure = 1atm,
temperature = 450°C

The sulphur trioxide formed is dissolved in SO2(g) + H2SO4(aq) H2S2O7(I)

III concentrated sulphuric acid to form oleum and Oleum
then diluted with water to form sulphuric acid. H2S2O7(I) + H2O(I) 2H2SO4(aq)

The Contact Process

Sulphur dioxide and environment pollution

1) Sulphur dioxide is an acidic and poisonous gas that pollute the environment

2) Sulphur dioxide is produced as an intermediate product during Contact process

3) When sulphur dioxide or sulphur trioxide dissolves in rain water, acid rain is formed

The picture show how the acid rain formed

4) Acid rain causes the following damages :

 Corrodes concrete and steel structures

 Damages vegetation
 Kills aquatic animals
The picture show one of the damages that acid rain causes; kill aquatic animals
Ways to control the effects of acid rain

1. Use low-sulphur fuels to reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide released into the air.

2. Remove sulphur dioxide from the waste gas before it is emitted into the atmosphere.
Powdered limestone is blown into the combustion chamber. It decomposes into
calcium oxide.

CaCO3(s) CaO(S) + CO2(g)

Calcium oxide reacts with sulphur dioxide to form calcium sulphite

CaO(S) + SO2(g) CaSO3(s)

Calcium sulphite then oxidized to calcium sulphate.

3. Neutralize the acidic soil and water by treating them with calcium oxide(lime),
calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate.

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