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Computer Programming

Languages: 2 books in 1
For beginners or intermediate.
A step by step guide to learn C, C#, C++, SQL and Python

BOOK 1: Computer Programming for Beginners:

C, Python, SQL
In This Book, the Programming Concepts Will Be Explained Easily and Step-by-Step. Includes the
Main Languages of C, Python, and SQL. Knowing a New Smarter Way to Learn in a Day.


BOOK 2: Computer Programming: PYTHON

A step-by-step guide to learn the basic concepts of Python programming language with practical

By Tony Chan

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Please note the information contained within this document is for educational
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BOOK 1: Computer Programming for Beginners:
C, Python, SQL

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Basics of Programming

Why Do You Want to Code?

Choosing the Coding Language
Look for Online Courses
Focus More on Computational Thinking
Try Some Coding Games
Watch Some Videos About Coding
Do Some of Your Own Projects
Celebrate Your Small Victories
Google Some of the Error Messages
Knowing a Smarter Way to Learn Coding in a Day
Good Language Combinations
Why Are These Programming Languages Important to Learn?

Chapter 2: The Different Operating Systems

Windows Operating System

The Applications
Working with Windows
Shutting Down Your Computer
The Benefits of Using Windows
Linux Operating System
Run Level
The Benefits of Linux
Mac Operating System
The Dock
The Menus
A Look at the Users
The Spotlight
The Dashboard
The Benefits of the Mac OS

Chapter 3: The C Languages

A Look at C
Getting the IDE
Writing a Dummy Code
Writing Out Loops
Do/While Loop
The Nested Loop
The Variables
The C Functions
A Look at C++
Creating Our First Code in C++
The C++ Variables
The C++ Arrays
The Switch Statement
How C# Is Different
The C# Data Types
Creating a Class
Creating Objects
The C# Constructors
The C# Loops

Chapter 4: How to Code in Python

The Benefits of Python

Creating Your Own Class
Writing the Variables
The Python Loops
The Importance of Conditional Statements
The Python Inheritances
Chapter 5: SQL Programming

The Benefits of SQL

Common Commands in SQL
How to Create a Table
Modifying Your Tables
Doing a Query


BOOK 2: Computer Programming: PYTHON

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Getting Started with Python

1.1 Steps to learn Python
1.2 Basics of Python
Chapter 2: Python's Irresistible Attributes
2.1 Unique Features of Python Programming
2.2 Versions of Python
2.3 Applications of Python
2.4 Installing Python

Chapter 3: Compilers, IDEs and Text EDITOR

3.1 Compilers for Python Programming
3.2 IDEs of Python
3.3 Python Interpreters
3.4 Python Text Editor

Chapter 4: Comparison of Python with other Languages

4.1 Comparison of Python and C++
4.2 Comparison of Python and C#
4.3 Comparison of Python and Java
4.4 Comparison of Python and JavaScript
4.5 Comparison of Python and Go Programming language
4.6 Comparison of Python and Node.js
4.7 Comparison of Python and PHP

Chapter 5: Variables, Operators, and Data Types of Python

5.1 Variables of Python
5.2 Operators in Python
5.3 Data Types in Python

Chapter 6: Regular Expressions, Expression Statements, Loops in Python

6.1 Python's Regular Expressions
6.2 Python's Statement Expressions
6.3 Loops in Python

Chapter 7: Python Functions and File Handling

7.1 Functions in Python
7.2 File Handling of Python

Chapter 8: OOP Concepts in Python

8.1 OOP Basic Concepts
8.2 Python Class and Objects
8.3 Python Constructor
8.4 Python Inheritance

Chapter 9: Modules, Exceptions and Arrays in Python

9.1 Modules in Python
9.2 The Exceptions in Python Programming
9.3 Python Arrays

Chapter 10: Libraries in Python

10.1 Python General Libraries
10.2 Python Data Science Libraries

Chapter 11: Future of Python

11.1 Career Opportunities Associated With Python
11.2 Increasing Popularity of Python
11.3 Factors behind the Python growth in Modern World


Congratulations on purchasing Computer Programming for
Beginners: C, Python, SQL, and thank you for doing so.

The following chapters will discuss all of the different parts that you
need to know in order to get started with your own programming goals along
the way. There are so many different parts that come with programming, and
so many people want to learn the basics, but many worry that it is not going
to be easy at all to learn or that they just won’t have the time. With the help
of this guidebook, we are going to take the time to learn not just about the
basics of computer programming but also more about how to get started with
working on five different coding languages in no time at all.

The beginning of this guidebook is going to go into more detail about

computer programming and all of the neat things that we are going to be able
to do with it. We will explore the tips that can make coding easier, how we
can pick up some of the best coding languages to work on at the same time,
and even tips to ensure that we understand the best way to learn to code in no
time at all.

From there, we are going to take a moment to talk about the three
main operating systems, Mac, Windows and Linux. All of these have some
benefits that make them the perfect option to work with, but it is important to
know more about what you want to accomplish with your coding, and your
ultimate goal at the end as well. We will discuss how this works and what we
are able to do with each of them when it comes to coding.

Then it is time to get into some of the fun parts of coding and what we
can do in this guidebook. We are going to first take a look at the C languages,
including C, C++, and C#. These are all great languages that share a lot of
similarities, but there are also a few major differences, which we will spend
some time discussing in this section. We will look at how to write codes in
each one, how to handle the variables, functions, and more so that we can
start writing some of our own codes in these languages in no time.
After we have had a chance to learn to code in the C languages, it is
time to move on to how to work with the Python language. This is a great
language that a lot of programmers like to spend their time on because it not
only has a lot of power to make coding as easy as possible, but it is also
designed for a beginner. This makes it the perfect option to learn in a day or
less, and with all of the potential applications, you are going to be able to
make this work for your coding needs, no matter what those are. We will
look at a few of the most common ways you can work with the Python
language, including how cool it is as an OOP language.

Finally, the last language that we are going to focus on is SQL. This
one is a bit different than the others because it mainly focuses on helping us
to create, manage to analyze and more with our databases. But the language
is simple to learn, and we can get it down in no time at all, so it is definitely
something that we need to spend some of our time on.

There are so many great programming languages out there, but the
five main options that we discussed in this guidebook are going to be some of
the best that we can focus our attention on and learn quickly, in order to
accomplish pretty much any project that we would like to do in coding. When
you are ready to learn some more about computer programming and how to
get started with your own coding language in no time, make sure to check out
this guidebook to help you get started.

There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, thanks again
for choosing this one!
Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful
information as possible, please enjoy it!
Chapter 1: The Basics of Programming
If you are looking for some ways to make your lessons in coding
easier, then taking the first step in this new world is going to appear really
intimidating and confusing. And in many cases, it is going to seem like a
really intimidating task. There is a big secret to help out with this, though.
There are going to be a ton of inexpensive and even free options that you are
able to use in order to teach yourself the coding techniques that you would
like to use and can make this learning process fun and exciting.

Whether you are an adult who is looking to learn more about coding
or you are looking to make a big career change, or even a student who is
wanting to really learn some more about the latest language out there that can
propel you to the future, or a hobbyist that just wants to learn more about
how these services and the software that we use actually works, then
programming is going to be one of the best ways to help you get going on all
of this. The good news here is that all that we really need to start our
programming journey is a computer and internet access as well. Before we
dive into some of the work that we are able to do with a few specific coding
languages, we need to start out with some of the basics of programming to
help us get started.

Why Do You Want to Code?

The first thing that we need to spend some time on is looking at the
reasons, the real reasons that you are interested in learning how to code or do
some programming. Being honest with yourself is needed on this one. Is this
your attempt at switching careers? Do you intend to acquire just a bit of it in
order to get a promotion at work? Are you planning to make a new app or
show off some of the skills that you would like to do overall?

The answer that you are going to give out at this time is going to give
you a good idea of which programming languages you are hoping to master,
as well as the kind of commitment, in terms of money and time, that this goal
is going to require. For example, if you have the dream of creating your own
operating system or a new software program that can compete against
PhotoShop, you would want to go with more of a stronger language like C++
to help you get through some of the more complex topics that are necessary.

On the other hand, if you are in a professional career and you would
like to be able to move over to a more technical career, then you would want
to go with something Raspberry, Python, and some of the other options to
help us out. It all depends on what you are hoping to get done with that
coding language.

Choosing the Coding Language

Once you have come up with the idea of why you would like to code
in the first place, you are then more easily able to pinpoint which coding
language you would like to handle at the time. There isn’t one programming
language that is the best, and some languages are going to be more user-
friendly than others. For example, options like CSS and HTML are going to
be considered some of the easiest options to use to get into coding, but they
really only help us out with making some simple websites.

If you would like to work with a coding language that can handle
databases and provide you with interactive websites that will include things
like payment systems, then knowing how to work with Python, SQL, PHP,
and JavaScript to make this all happen. But if you would like to make an app
for mobile devices, then working with C or Swift will be one of the best. iOS
apps are going to be best with those two above, and then the Android apps
are going to do best with Kotlin and Java. Video game developers are going
to like C# or Unity to bring some of these ideas to life.
If you are still uncertain about which kind of coding language you
would like to work with, most professionals are going to recommend learning
how to work with JavaScript, C#, or Python to help out. This is because they
are going to open up the broadest career flexibility and utility. To help make
that decision, you have to consider what you hope to accomplish when
working with this kind of skill in the first place.

Look for Online Courses

For those new programmers who would like to be in control over the
schedule they learn with, or they do not want to spend it all going through it
alone, then a coding course you can take online seems to be a much viable
choice compared to physically attending a boot camp for coding.
Nevertheless, it won’t be easy figuring out which ones are the best one
because there’s going to be a lot of online classes that are going to teach you
some of the great programming languages.

Often you are going to spend some time looking for ones that are
going to teach the particular language that you would like to learn and start
from there. Then you are able to spend some time looking for ones that offer
the schedule that you would like and are going to provide you with the
learning capabilities that you would like.

Focus More on Computational Thinking

Another thing that we need to consider working with is how to think
in a more computational manner. Instead of putting our focus on learning on
just one specific programming language, you can also learn a bit more about
how to problem solve in a way that the computer is most likely to understand
this means that we need to spend our time figuring out how to improve your
skills including pattern recognition, abstractions, and algorithms.

There is also going to be some lingo that you need to spend your time
on, such as loops, conditional statements, and exceptions that are bound to
show up all of the time, no matter which coding language you decide to go
with. The more that you are able to comprehend and go through these
ideologies, it’s going to be a breeze for you to learn the language that you
would like, and each subsequent language that you are able to work with
overtime is going to be easier as well.

Try Some Coding Games

Let’s face it, no matter how motivated you are to do some of the work
that you need to do with your chosen coding language. No one wants to
spend forever analyzing lines after lines of code on a book or on a screen.
This is going to be hard and boring sometimes, and if you haven’t had much
time to work with the coding, then it is going to look a lot like gibberish after
some time.

Many programmers are going to find it is a lot easier to see the

examples of the code they were working with inaction, and this helps them to
really find that these abstract concepts are going to start making more sense
overall than they did before. This is going to be some of the beauty that is
found with interactive coding tutorials that we are able to find on the web,
and they will ensure that we are able to really get things done.

For example, one of the games or interactive tutorials that we are able
to work with is going to be known as FreeCodeCamp. This one is going to be
able to break down some of the coding concepts that we are able to work with
and turns them into smaller chunks that are going to show up in the web
browser that we want to work with along the way. It is also going to help us
to pair each of these concepts with an appropriate exercise that we need to
crack before we move onto the following topic. Rather than just trying to skip
to some of the fun stuff without learning, with this method, you are really
going to have to learn about the code and how to debug it as needed.
Coding games are also going to be one of the fun methods that we are
able to use in order to get our feet wet when it comes to programming. If you
have a bit of time to kill, and you want to practice your coding, you could
work with Hour of Code. Or there are a lot of schools that are going to work
with the program Minecraft: Educational Edition, in order to help kids, learn
some of the basics of programming, with coding blocks, and even some work
with JavaScript. There are a lot of options that we are able to work with when
it is time to learn more about coding, and turning the work into something
that is going to be useful for your needs.

Watch Some Videos About Coding

Another option that we are able to work with when it comes to

learning programming is to watch someone else show us how to get it all
done. You are going to be able to find al kinds of educational videos about
pretty much any topic that relates to coding that works for your needs. You
can find a lot of these on YouTube and more, and it is just going to depend
on what you would like to learn along the way. When we work with the right
videos, you will be able to troubleshoot the errors that you need to fix, learn
how to do different parts of the coding process, and so much more.

Do Some of Your Own Projects

No matter how many workshops of coding that you do or how many

certificates you are going to work with either, your coding capability is going
to come in the form of the types of projects that you do in programming.
While you do not need to do a personal project that is all that ambitious, it
needs to be something that you would feel passionate about and want to work
with over the long term in order to constantly improve and expand the scope
of what you are trying to do along the way.

The best thing here is to start small with the work that you are doing,
but you can think big. Your chosen project best involves some skills that are
already in your toolbox or knowledge base. You also need to have some kind
of plan in place for skills and future features that you may want to learn in
order to turn that vision into a reality that you are able to use on this project
and more.

Without being able to apply your coding skills to more than one
project, then you wouldn’t really be considered as someone who is able to
take on professional coding skills. This means that we need to go through and
do some planning and practice. When you have a few projects under your
belt, you will not only be better at the coding that you have been practicing,
but you will also be seen as more of a professional in the work that you are
doing as well.

Celebrate Your Small Victories

Coding is going to be all about the details that you are able to work
with along the way. This is why it is so important for us to take in the
victories that we would like, and celebrating even some of the smaller
victories are going to be important. It is going to take a lot of practice in order
to make each element of this work along with the others and getting this to
work without any kind of mistakes. If for some reason, you do not do
something that seems minor, for example, closing the tag of HTML, you are
going to spend a lot of time debugging a simple error in the syntax, rather
than taking the time writing more impressive and complex codes as you go
through it.

You also need to make sure that you maintain patients with yourself
as you go through this. You do not expect to code the next Fortnite or another
project that is big and successful with just a few boot camps or just a small
amount of time studying. Creating a number prediction game that’s simple,
but accurate, or an error-free coding of a wedding RSVP form on a website is
going to actually be a really significant achievement for someone who is a

So, even if you are working with some of these smaller options, in the
beginning, you should not feel bad if you do get stuck. Don’t use this as an
excuse to give up at all. And you should know when it is time to take it easy
to dodge any of the burnout that should happen, as well as always seek for
assistance anywhere accessible, and go for it again until you get it right.

Google Some of the Error Messages

This is actually something that can help you out no matter what kind
of coding language you are going to work with. If you are going through the
coding and you are not sure why the code is broken and why it is not working
the way that you would like, you can always go through and find some of the
solutions that will make this easier online. It is likely that other beginners are
going to have the same kind of mistake along the way, and if you just copy
and paste the error message into a search engine here, you should be able to
find some information on that error.
This is going to make it a lot easier for you to figure out what is going
on with your code and will ensure that you are able to learn and fix the issue
all at the same time. If you are still running into trouble when it comes to this,
you will then be able to post your question on some of the forums that you
want to work with, including GitHub, Stack Overflow, and more.

Knowing a Smarter Way to Learn Coding in a Day

While all of the tips that we talked about above are going to be great
for helping you to learn more about coding, it is important to learn the
number one trick to getting this coding down in no time at all. If you are
really dedicated and use some of the codes and information on the codes in
this guidebook, you can even get to learn it in one day!

The trick here is to get your hands dirty and actually start coding. You
can spend as much time as you would like looking through books and texts
and websites about these codes, but until you actually open up the compiler
and start typing it all in, you are going to be behind. The more codes you can
type out and practice, the faster you will learn.

It may seem like this trick is too simple, but it is truly all you need to
make sure that coding comes to you easily, and that you will see the best
results with it in no time. Simply choose which language you would like to
learn out of this guidebook, take the time to read through that section, and
then actually get out there and start typing and practicing some of those
codes, and you will be set to go.

Good Language Combinations

When you are learning a new language, it is often a consideration to
get the most bang for your dollar or your time in this situation. And being
able to combine together two or more languages, and use them at the same
time, can make your coding work so much easier. We are going to take a look
at some of the best combinations that you will find when it is time to bring
together two of the languages at the same time.

To start with, we can look at SQL and Python. SQL is a language that
is designed to interact with many of the databases that we rely on. It can help
to create, modify, adjust, delete, and more the many databases that we rely on
for our organization. On its own, it can add in a lot of power to the database.
But we can also combine it together with Python to get something even

Python comes with a standard that is used with database interfaces,

and this standard is going to be the Python DB-API. This has been used to
help define a common interface, which is going to help us to access some of
the relational databases that SQL helps to run. In other words, the code that
we use in Python for communicating back to the database is going to end up
the same, no matter which database, or module from the database, we decide
to use. Even though we are going to use a lot of SQL on these databases, the
Python language can step in and make a difference, as well.
Even the C# language can be used well with SQL. This is because it is
designed to add in some of the power when it is time to complete searches on
any database that we try to create with SQL along the way. This will simply
make things a bit easier and adds to some of the functionality that we are able
to handle this kind of language.

Why Are These Programming Languages Important to Learn?

There are so many reasons why we will need to spend time learning a
programming language. And we can spend all day talking about the benefits
of learning how to code. This can help us to learn more about our computers,
helps you to find a new career path and more. But the main question we want
to look at is why each of these languages is so important, on their own, to

First is the C languages. These are considered some of the higher-

powered languages, the ones that are going to be perfect for the big projects
or ones that will have a lot of things hitting them at once, like large databases,
websites, games, and more. These are sometimes seen as more difficult to
learn, and like they have more parts of working with, but often, for your
higher-level codes, they are going to be so worth it.

Then there is the Python language. This is considered a general-

purpose language that can be used for almost any kind of coding or program
that you would like. It was designed with the beginner in mind, so while it
does have a lot of power and functionality behind it, it is also easy enough for
anyone to learn. This is often the language that is recommended for beginners
because of these features.

Next on the list is the Java language. This one is able to help with a
number of the programs that you would like to learn about. But it is
especially known for helping out with creating websites. While any of these
languages, with the exception of SQL, can be used to help create websites
and manage them, none are able to handle this as we see with Java. This
language is set up in order to make these websites high class and impressive
and even adds in an element of interaction to this as well.

And finally, we reach the SQL language. If you are a business that
deals with databases at all, then the SQL language is the one you need to
spend some time with. This language was designed to help with all of your
database needs, from creation to modification, deleting, adding, and so much
more. The other languages can sometimes help with this, but it is going to
really be the SQL option that makes this work well.

There are a lot of cool things that we are able to spend time on when
it comes to learning more about programming. We are going to spend some
time looking at some of the best options that will help us to get better with
some of the work that we are trying to do in coding. Let’s dive right in to get
Chapter 2: The Different Operating Systems
The next thing that we need to spend some time on is the operating
systems that we are going to be able to work with to do our programming.
There are three main operating systems that we are able to spend our time on
to help with programming, including the Windows, Linux, and Mac operating
systems. Let’s take a look at some of the different benefits and features that
we are going to be able to see with each of these operating systems.

Windows Operating System

The first operating system that we are going to work with is the
Windows operating system, designed by the Microsoft company. This is a
system that is going to allow you to get onto many of the computers that are
designed and will be found preloaded on many of the new personal
computers that you will want to work with, which is part of why this is the
most popular operating system throughout the world.

This operating system is going to make it possible for us to complete

a wide variety of tasks that you need to get done on a daily basis on your
computer. For example, it is possible to use Windows to get online, check
your email, edit some of the digital pictures, listen to music, play games, and
a lot more along the way as well. Windows is also going to be used in many
of the offices because it is going to provide you with the productivity tools
that we need including spreadsheets, word processors, and calendars.

Microsoft released the first version of Windows back in the mid-1980s.

There are going to be a lot of newer versions of Windows since that time, but
the most recent one is going to include Windows 10, which was released in
2015. Other popular versions are going to include Windows Vista, Windows
XP, Windows 8, and Windows 7.

The Applications
An application, which is often going to be known as a program in this
operating system, is going to be a type of software that is going to allow you
a way to complete some tasks on your computer. Windows is going to come
with a lot of built-in applications that we are able to use. So, if you would
like to work with Microsoft Edge, you can open it up and start browsing the

Opening up these applications will be able to help us get that particular

action to happen. You can use your mouse and then click on the Start button.
Then you are able to select the desired application. If you do not see the one
that you would like, you can then click on All Programs to see a complete list
of applications that are available on your system.

The application is going to appear in a new window. Keep in mind that

there is going to not be a Start Menu in Windows 8, so you will usually need
to open up these applications on the Start screen. Click this button to go to
the Start screen and then click the app to get it opened up.

Working with Windows

Whenever you are ready to open up an application, folder, or file, it is
going to appear in a new window. You are then able to have more than one
item open at the same time in different windows. You will be using this most
of the time, so it is important to really know how to switch between the open
windows, how to move and resize windows, and how to close these up when
you are done working with them.

To help us out, we need to work with the parts of a window. You will
see that there are going to be the three types of buttons that are on the upper-
right corner of all windows that you work with. These buttons are going to be
there to make it easier to perform a few different functions. These will

1. You can click on the Minimize button in order to hide the window.
This window is going to be minimized to the taskbar. You are then
able to click the icon for that window on the taskbar, and that will
have the window show up again.
2. Click on the Maximize button so that the window will take up the
whole screen to make it easier to work with.
3. If you have the screen maximized, then you will find that the
Maximize button is going to be changed to the Restore button
temporarily. You can click on this button to get the window to go
back to the original size that it should be.
4. Then the final button is going to be the Close button. This helps
you to close up the window and move on.

It is also possible for us to move a window that we are working with. To

help us move a window. To do this, we are going to click and then drag the
top of the window so that it can be moved to the right location on the screen.
When you are all done with this one, you can release the mouse. Then the
window will be in the new location that you would like it to be.

Another thing to work with is resizing the window. You can hover the
mouse so that it is over any corner of the window, then click and drag the
mouse in order to make the window turn bigger or smaller. When you are all
done, you are able to release the mouse. The window can then be resized to
the size that we would like it to be.

Shutting Down Your Computer

When you are done working with your computer that has the Windows
system on it, it is important to go through the process of shutting it down in
the proper manner. The procedure that you are able to work with will vary
based on which version of Windows you are working with. If you are
working with Windows 10, click the Start button, then on the Power icon,
and then click so that you can Shut Down.

If you are using an older version of this, like Windows 8, you will need
to click on the Start button to help access the Start screen, click the Power
icon near the upper-right corner, and select Shut Down. If you don’t see this
kind of option, it means you will need to upgrade to Windows 8.1 to get it to
work. But if you are working with Windows 7 or an earlier version, you can
click on the Start button and then select the option for Shut Down, and the
computer will turn itself off.

The Benefits of Using Windows

There are a few benefits that we are going to be able to see when it
comes to working with the Windows system. The first benefit is that
Windows is easy to use. You will find that you can learn how to use it almost
instantly, and there is not going to be a big learning curve that goes with this
at all. The software is also going to be easy to get. The popularity of this
system is going to be due to the availability that it has on the software
market. The software is going to be all over the place, and we are able to use
this for personal and business uses.

Windows is also going to be the hardware that manufacturers are

going to choose. This is going to be found on most of the new computers that
you choose to work with, which allows us to know that it is strong and easy
to work with as well. And if you are into working on games and have a lot of
variety when it comes to your operating system, then the Windows system is
going to be the best one to work with. Because this operating system is robust
and able to support any kind of game that a gamer would like to use, this is a
popular choice to go with if this is your main goal.

And the final benefit that we are going to look at is that Windows is
going to be able to match up with the other products that are available from
Microsoft as well. this is going to ensure that we will be able to see some of
the benefits that we want in no time. You will be able to work with the
internet option of Microsoft, Word, Excel, and other similar products, which
can really make your life a lot easier.

Linux Operating System

The next operating system that we will be diving into is the Linux
operating system. This one may not be as well-known as the Mac and the
Windows operating systems, but it has a lot of features that make it especially
suitable for helping with coding and programming, so it is worth our time to
learn a bit more about.

To start with, the Linux operating system is going to be one of the

popular versions that we are able to find with Unix. It is going to be open-
sourced as the code that we use for it is freely available, making it free to use.
It is designed with the compatibility that we have come to know and love,
and even expect, from UNIX, and the functionality that we are going to see
with this one is going to be similar to that of UNIX as well.

The first thing that we need to explore when it comes to the Linux system
is the three main components that make it up. These are going to include:

1. The Kernel: This is going to be the core of Linux. It is basically

going to be the part that is accountable for this operating system’s
main activities. It is going to consist of a variety of modules, and it
will interact directly with any of the underlying hardware. The
kernel will provide us with the necessary abstraction to conceal
hardware details that are low-level to the application programs or
the system.
2. System library: This is going to be a special function or program
that will be able to use the application programs or system utilities
that can access the features of the Kernel. These are going to help
carry out the majority of the operating system’s functionalities and
are not going to need the access rights of the kernel model’s code.
3. System utility: This final part is going to be programs that can be
responsible for doing specialized and even individual level tasks
along the way.

Run Level
The second thing that we need to explore is the run level in this system.
The run level is going to be a mode or a state that is found in this operating
system. There are going to be seven of these, and they are going to be
represented with a single-digit integer. It is going to be one of the most
important things that we need to learn in Linux. And the kernel that we talked
about before is able to differentiate and support all of the levels. The second
run levels that we need to explore when we are in Linux will include:

1. The run level 0: This one means that the system is going to be in its
haul state, with no activity going on.
2. Run level 1: This means that the system is in the mode for a single
user. This one is rarely going to be used.
3. Run level 2: This one means that the system is in the mode for
more than one user, but there will be no network file systems
present at all. This one is often not used either.
4. Run level 3: This means that the system is being used in the
command line mode with multiple users. This is going to be the
default run level that we will find on most of the systems that use
5. Run level 4: This one means that we are in a mode that is going to
be defined by the user. This is another level that is not used all that
6. Run level 5: This means that the system is going to be in the mode
for multiple users, but the GUI is in place, or the graphic user
interface. This is going to be another standard run level for many of
these systems that we work with, as well.
7. Run level 6: This one is going to be used any time that our user
would like to be able to restart the system to help with a reboot
when things are not working the way that we would like.

The Benefits of Linux

We also need to spend some time taking a look at some of the benefits
that are going to come with the Linux operating system. This will help us to
ensure that we are using the operating system in the right manner and that we
are able to see some of the best results along the way. There are a lot of
benefits that we are going to see when it comes to this operating system

1. The operating model is consistent. No matter which version or

distribution you are using with Linux, whether you are a tiny
embedded device or a supercomputer, you will find that the
operation with this system is going to be the same no matter what.
This means that you will work with the same process management,
command line syntax, network administration, and applications
2. Scalability: You are able to take the Linux operating system and
scale it as much as you would like. This means that it is able to
work on anything from the watch on your arm to a supercomputer
and all the way to some of the computing clusters that are
distributed throughout the world. This is going to help us to really
see some of the different ways that we are able to work with this
3. Open-sourced and optimized by the community. With the nature of
Linux being freely available and open-source, you may be worried
about the support, fixing bugs, and future enhancements. The good
news is that the community that is around Linux is going to be able
to keep it going and with more than 22 million lines of code in the
kernel alone, you are going to find that there is already a large
community, with about 5000 individual developers behind the
scene as of 2016, helping to develop the Linux system. And all of
this development is going to help benefit you when working on the
Linux system.
4. Full unction networking. Over the years, Linux has built up a
strong set of networking capabilities, including a lot of tools for
networking to provide and manage bridging, routing, DNS, DHCP,
network troubleshooting, and network monitoring and virtual
5. Package management: The final benefit that we are going to look at
is how Linux is able to manage the packages that go through. The
Linux package management system is going to allow us to install
any of the new applications and services that we want with just a
few basic commands to help us get it all done.

Mac Operating System

The third type of operating system that we are going to spend some
time on is the Mac operating system. This is going to be the operating system
that is used to help run any Mac and Apple computers. It is going to be the
most basic system that is available and will enable the Mac computer to
work. Al the programs, folders, and files that are on your computer will be
handled by this operating system as well as internet connectivity, battery
consumption, and so much more in the process.
When you are working with your Mac computer, you will find that there
are a lot of different ways that you are able to interact with this operating
system. Some of the formats that you are going to encounter will include:

1. When you are viewing the desktop of the computer.

2. When you are taking some time to browse through the files on your
3. When you are using the Spotlight, or search, function on your
4. When you are using the Dock or the application bar on the
5. As the system is working to run your applications.

And these are just some of the starting points of when you are going to
work with the Mac Operating System. It is actually always running in the
background, making sure that the computer is going to run in the manner that
you would like and what you can get things to work the way that you would

To start with some more of the particulars of the Mac system is the home
of this system or the desktop. This can be thought of as the physical desktop,
or a place where you are able to spread out the work that you are trying to do
while performing a task. For example, you could put up an image from the
internet on this desktop, make some modifications, and then drag it into an
email to send it to someone else. Just remember, while this desktop is going
to be a great place to do your work, it is not a long-term place to store your
files because it is going to get messy so you need to have files stored away in
folders and more to keep it organized and easy to work with.

The Dock
Next on the list is going to be the Dock. When you take a look at the
screen on your Mac computer, you are going to see what is known as the
Dock. This is basically a bar that is going to have all of the shortcuts that you
need for some of the applications that you use the most. If you do not see this
already there, you can move your cursor so that it goes over the bottom of the
screen, and then these are going to pop-up on their own. The icons that are on
this Dock are going to be shortcuts, and you are able to remove or add the
icons to this without having any effect on the applications themselves.

To add in a new application shortcut to this dock, you would just need
to work with the Launchpad, which is going to be a complete overview of the
applications that are available on your computer. In most cases, you will be
able to find this Launchpad in the left part of the Dock. You just need to click
on this and then view the applications available, before dragging an icon into
the dock to create a new shortcut if you would like.

Another way that we are able to go through the process of adding

some of the shortcuts that we would like to the Dock is to find the
Application file (which is going to be located in the Applications folder), and
then drag it over to the Dock. To make this happen, though, we need to make
sure that we are somewhat familiar with browsing through files when we go
through all of this, so if you don’t have this familiarity, then you need to
work with the Launchpad that we talked about before.

It is also possible for us to go through and try to remove some of the

items that are automatically on our dock. To do this, we just need to drag it
out and hold it over the desktop instead of the dock. After a second or so, you
are going to see a label that says “remove’ show up. You can release the icon,
and then the application shortcut that we are talking about is going to be
removed from the Dock.

The Menus
Now we are going to move on to the top of our screen where we are
going to be able to see a few menus. These menus are going to change
depending on the kind of application that you plan to use at that moment. If
there is anything that you want to do with the application that you are in at
that time, it is best to take a look for those actions in the menus.

We can also find some menu extras in all of this as well. We are able to
find these at the top of the screen that we are on. To the right of where we
were able to find the menus, we are going to see a few other symbols as well.
these little icons are going to be used to make some of the editing of our
settings easier on the Mac. Rather than having to go through and follow the
process to open up our System Preferences, we are able to change the settings
with the Menu extras.

To change which of these extras are going to be visible, we just need to

click on the System preferences. Then click on the pane for preferences, and
look for the checkbox that is going to let you pick out if you would like that
specific extra for the Menu to be visible or not at that time.

A Look at the Users

The next thing that we are able to take a look at on this operating
system is the Users. This operating system is going to offer us a really nice
way to switch between the different accounts for users on the same computer.
You will be able to look near the upper right corner of the screen and see
your name there. Click on it and then see a list of the users that are on that
computer. If you are the only one who uses that computer, then you will be
the only user that is listed there.

If you are sharing the computer with others, then you will notice that
there are going to be a lot of different names that will show up when you
click on this as well. When you want to change out to a new user, you would
just need to click on their name and then log into their account. If there is a
password required, then you will need to focus on this as well and add it in.

The Spotlight
Another thing that we are able to spend some of our time on is the
Spotlight. If you look to the upper right corner of the screen that you are
working with, you will see that there is a smaller magnifying glass. This is
going to be the search function for this operating system, and it is going to be
the Spotlight.

The Dashboard
This operating system is also going to have a great thing that we are
able to work with that is known as the Dashboard. This is where we are able
to run some mini-applications that are known as widgets. This can allow us to
have a lot of potential freedom with the work that we want to do in this
operating system, and if you plan to have some work that requires widgets,
then this is the location where you are going to be able to find them.

The Benefits of the Mac OS

The next thing that we need to take a look at is some of the benefits that
come with this kind of operating system. There are a lot of options that we
can look at when it is time to focus on these operating systems, and we have
already taken a look at a few of them. So why would we want to spend our
time working with the Mac operating system over some of the others? Some
of the benefits that we are going to see when it comes to working with this
kind of operating system include:

1. The interface is simple but has a lot of power. This one is going to
offer us a really straightforward approach when it comes to
computing, and if you are used to working with an iPad or iPhone,
then you will find that the interface is going to be familiar. The
interface has been designed to be easy for anyone to use, making it
more appealing to those who want simplicity to get the work done.
Remember, however, that almost all of these operating systems are
not going to be intuitive by default. What is going to set this apart,
though, is that it is going to be upfront and clean overall?

2. It comes with fewer security issues and viruses overall: One of the
biggest advantages that we are going to see with this option is that
it comes with fewer security issues and viruses than other operating
systems. In the past, it was believed that Apple computers could
not get viruses, but that has since been seen as false. Even though
this operating system can deal with bugs and viruses on occasion,
the number of these incidents has gone down and are not as
prevalent as they are with other options. And it requires a lot less
maintenance to work with compared to Windows, so that is another
benefit to enjoy.

3. The hardware and the operating system are going to integrate in a

seamless manner. Since Apple is a device manufacturer and
software developer, they are able to make the hardware and the
operating system work together well. This will ensure that the
computer is going to work in the manner that you would like,
without a lot of issues along the way.

4. It comes with some productivity apps that are preloaded. This

operating system is going to come with some of the apps that you
need in order to get to work right away. For example, many of the
Mac computers that you decide to work with are going to come
with Keynote, Numbers, and Pages already on there and ready to

5. It comes with an effective and unparalleled multitasking feature:

Multitasking is going to be a big advantage of this system. These
computers are going to have the specifications of hardware that are
designed to handle the multitasking that we need to get done. It is
also going to make sure that we are able to handle all of the
operations that we want with a smooth and responsive flow, and
the system is going to be able to respond to some of the built-in
shortcut keys, the mouse gestures, and track-pad to help switch out
between apps or windows that are running around in the

While there are going to be a lot of benefits that will come with working
on this operating system, there are a few reasons that people are going to
choose not to go with this option at all. For example, these mac computers
may work well, but they are going to be really expensive. If you are on a
budget, then this is not the best option for you to choose from. When it comes
to some of the upgrades in hardware that you would like to use, these systems
are going to be inflexible, and you will often have to just get another
expensive computer, in order to make this happen.

There is also a lack of game titles and advanced gaming experience when
you are working with one of these computers. For the avid gamer, working
with Windows is going to provide more options than what we will see when
focusing on the Mac operating system. There are a number of reasons for
this, but if you would like to spend some time gaming, then this is something
to be aware of. And the app ecosystem that we are going to see with this one
is still a bit lackluster and can turn some people away from it overall.

As we can see, there are a lot of great options that we are able to go with
when it is time to handle some of the choices in operating systems. Choosing
the right operating system can sometimes be a matter of preference, and
sometimes it is going to vary more on what kinds of codes you are hoping to
write, the coding language you choose to go with, and the end result that you
want to get. Picking out the right operating system from the beginning is
going to be so important to ensure that you are able to really able to get the
coding done that you would like.
Chapter 3: The C Languages
Now it is time for us to take a look at some of the programming that
we are able to do with the skills that we have. We are going to start out with
some of the C languages that are out there, including C, C++, and C#. Let’s
take a look at how we are able to work with these different languages, how
they are similar, and how they are a bit different along the way as well.

A Look at C

The main goal that we are going to see with the C language is that it
was supposed to be a language that is efficient but also would be able to form
around a community to have a fellowship. The community around this knew
that they needed to keep things running smoothly, and to do this, they
couldn’t just put information in a terminal on its own. But they needed to
have some communication after the coding as well. The result of this idea
was the C language. This is a structured language, and general-purpose, and
is known as a procedural oriented programming language. It hasn’t been
designed to work with a specific kind of application to start, but it does work
for business applications and scientific uses as well.
Getting the IDE
The first thing that we need to do before using C is setting up the IDE.
This is known as the Integrated Development Environment, and it is so
important because it will help us to write, link, edit, compile, and even run
the codes that we would like. The IDE is going to help us make sure that the
C language is going to work.

The best IDE for us to use is the Code Blocks IDE. This will come with
the features that are needed along the way. You won’t have to spend time
online or find another compiler with the right parts because this IDE is going
to have it al present right from the beginning. You can find this particular
IDE by visiting the website

Writing a Dummy Code

We also need to take some time to look at some of the basics of writing
out codes in this language. This will make things a little bit easier and will
ensure that we are able to really understand how this process works, and how
we can work on some of our codes later on. This is a great way to make sure
that we can write and save codes in the C language for later.

To start this, we need to go into the Code Bocks IDE that we just added
to our computer, or you can use any other IDE that you would like. From
there, click on the New Button so that you can open up an Empty File. You
can then type in a code of your choice into the editor so that you can type in
the code and save it. A simple code that we want to work with, including:

main() {}

Now, when we get to this point, we need to save our file of the
source. This can easily be done when we click on the button Save. You can
either choose to get this one saved on the default for your computer or take a
moment to choose the folder where the code files should end u. Either way,
remember the location so you can find it later.

Another thing to consider is the name of the file you want to save. It
needs to be something easy so that you can remember it, and actually find it
at a later time if necessary. We will name this one as \u201cdummy.u201d so
that we can all be on the same page, but you can definitely pick something
that is a bit easier later.

While we are on the topic, you may notice when you try to execute
this part of the code that it is not going to the compiler for us. This is because
we are working on a dummy code, just to get some practice and not an actual
code. All of the codes that we spend time writing in C have to come with a
main function, along with something else, simply because this is where we
will see the execution of all our programs starts. We just need to add in the
main function we want to use inside those brackets, and we are good to go.

Again, since this is going to be a source code that is known as a

dummy, and one where we are just getting our feet wet and seeing how it will
allow work, we didn’t add in the necessary code to those brackets. When we
do run this code, you will not end up with output at all. As you get more
familiar with the language, you will find that it is possible to add and take
away different parts to suit what you need to do along the way.

Writing Out Loops

Loops are a nice addition to add to your code. They are designed to
take a large amount of code and get it to fit into just a few lines at a time. For
example, if you would like to write out a multiplication table, then going
through each line of code is going to be difficult. But with a loop, we can
make a huge multiplication table, no matter how big we would like it to be,
with just a few lines of code.

There are a few different types of loops that we are able to work with.
The first option we will focus on is the while loop. This one is going to allow
us to specify the condition that would get the loop to repeat itself. There
should also be some statements in place that are going to repeat themselves in
the code, and some condition that will get the loop to stop overall. If you do
not add in the last part, then the loop will get stuck, and you will not be able
to get it to stop at all.

To help us a little bit here, we are going to take a look at the while loop.
The code below is a good example of how we can work with this kind of

#include <stdio.h>

Int main()
Int x;

x = 1;
while(x <= 10)
Printf(“%d\n” ,x);


The condition that we need for looping is going to show up inline 8,

and it is set up so that when the value of our variable stays at less than or
equal to the number ten, then the statement will repeat. But when we get to
Line 11, it shows that the value of x is going to be incremental, so that it will
just go up one time each lop that we go through. Once we get x to be higher
than ten, such as eleven, then the code will see that the condition is no longer
true, and it will stop going through the loop that we are working with.

You will be able to use this syntax to help us create as many of the
while loops as we would need for our code. You do not have to stop at ten,
for example. You could have the code go up to 100 or some other number if
you would like. You just need to make sure that the code is set up to handle
this. Then, with the right condition in place, the while loop will continue on
its path until the condition is no longer met.

Do/While Loop
The second type of loop that we are able to handle in C is the do/while
loop. This is going to be similar to what we saw with the while loop, but it is
kind of upside down on this one. With the while loop, the code will check to
see whether the condition is true before even running the code. With the
do/while loop, we will execute the code, and check to see whether the
condition is still true before running it through again. If you are looking to get
the loop to run through at least one time, then the do/while loop is the best
option. A good example of the do/while loop in action will be:

#include <stdio.h>

Int main()
Char ch:
Ch = ‘A’;

While (ch != ‘z’);



You will notice that the do/while loop is going to start with line 9 with
the statement “do”. this one doesn’t have a condition because the statements
are going to be executed one right after the other. Then you can see that the
while condition is going to appear at your 14th line. The loop is going to rely
on the ch variable as the condition, and it is first initialized at line 7 before
being manipulated at line 12. Take a moment to build and then run this code
in your compiler.

The Nested Loop

We can also look at the nested loop. There are times when the other
two loops are going to be useful for our needs, but there are times when we
will need to take this a bit further and work with what is known as a nested
loop. This one is going to seem complicated at first, but it is going to be
easier than some of the other loops, based on what you are trying to do in this
coding language.

Basically, the nested loop is going to be when we combine together two

of the other loops into one. Then this nested loop will not be done until both
the parts have completed. An example of the code that we can use for this
one will include:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

Int main()
Int column, r;
Srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); /*Seed Randomizer*/

For(column=0; column<10; column++)

r = rand();
printf(“%2d\t” ,r % 100);


The code that is listed above is going to be one that is about to output
ten randomly selected numbers. You can take some time to build this up and
then run the code to see that from the output, there is going to end up being a
row of ten values that have been randomly selected. The spacing between the
variables is going to be done when we use the ‘\t’ character that was put in at
line 14.

The Variables
In many of the languages that you are going to learn in this guidebook,
the variables are going to be important. Basically, this variable is going to be
a name that is given to the storage area that the program we create is able to
manipulate. Each variable in C is going to come with a specific type, which is
going to determine the layout and the size of the variable’s memory, the
range of values that we are allowing the program to store in that memory, and
the set of operations that we will let be applied to that variable.

You will find that the name of the variable is going to be composed of
digits, letters, and the underscore character. It has to begin with either an
underscore or a letter. And we must remember that in C, we need to worry
about case sensitivity, so be aware of the lowercase and uppercase letters that
you are working with as you name your variables.

There are a few types of variables that we are able to work within our
coding. Some of the most common types of variables that we can focus on
that will help with our C language will include:

1. Char: This is going to be a variable that is a single octet, or one

byte. It is also known as an integer type.

2. Int: This is going to be the most natural size that we see for the
integer of our machine.

3. Float: This is going to be a floating-point value that has single-


4. Double: This is going to be a floating-point value that has double-

precision on it.

5. Void: This is going to represent that we have the absence of a type

at all.

C programming is unique in that it is going to allow us time to define a

few other types of variables if we would like. But the five options that we
have above are some of the most common ways that you are going to see this
play out.

We can also go through and declare a variable in C. A variable

declaration is going to provide us with some assurance that there is going to
be a specific variable of a given type and name so that the compiler is
actually able to go through and finish up its compilation without requiring the
complete detail about the variable. The definition of the variable is going to
have a meaning, but this only comes up at the time of compilation only, and
the compiler is going to need actual variable definition when you link the

A variable declaration is going to be the most useful when you are

working with many files, and you are able to define the variable in one of the
files that will be available at the time you link your program. You will need
to use the keyword of extern in order to declare the variable at any place.
Though you can go through and declare the same variable in more than one
part of your program, you can only define it once in a block of code,
function, or a file.

We can take a look at an example of how this is going to work. In this

one, we are going to have the variables declared at the top, but we are going
to define them and then initialize those variables inside the main function that
is important to us. The code that we are going to see for this one includes:

#include <stdio.h>

// Variable declaration:
extern int a, b;
extern int c;
extern float f;

int main () {

/* variable definition: */
int a, b;
int c;
float f;

/* actual initialization */
a = 10;
b = 20;

c = a + b;
printf("value of c : %d \n", c);

f = 70.0/3.0;
printf("value of f : %f \n", f);

return 0;

The C Functions
While functions are going to be important in all of the languages that
we explore, we are going to take some time to see how they work in the C
language. A function is going to be a group of statements that are going to
come together and perform a task. Each program in C is going to come with,
at a minimum, one function. This is going to be the main() function, and even
the most trivial and small programs in this language are going to add in a few
other functions to define.

You are able to divide your code up into separate functions. How you
are going to do that—is up to you, but you sensibly want to divide this up in a
manner that the function is able to perform the tasks that you would like.
Declaring a function is going to tell the compiler a lot of information,
including the name of the function, return type, and the parameters. And then,
the definition of a function is going to provide us with the actual body of the

The C standard library is going to provide us with a lot of the built-in

functions that our program is able to call up. For example, if you would like
to concatenate two strings, you would use the function strcat(), but if you
would like to copy one location of the memory to another location, then you
would use something like memcpy().

We then need to look at how we would be able to define our function.

The general form of a function definition in this kind of language is going to
look like the following:

return_type function_name( parameter list) {

body of the function

A definition of a function in C is going to consider the function body and

a function header. Some of the parts that we are going to find in the function
that we are working with will include:

1. The return type: A function is possibly going to return a value. The

return_type is going to be the type of data of the value that the
function is going to return. Some functions are going to perform
the right operations without returning a value. In this case, or with
the code that we did above, the return_type is going to be the
keyword of the void.

2. Function Name: This is going to be the name that you actually give
to the function. The function name and the parameter list are going
to come together to constitute the function signature as well.

3. Parameters: The parameter is more of a placeholder here. When a

function has been invoked, you are able to pass the value over to
the parameter. This value is going to be known as the actual
parameter or the argument. The parameter list will refer to the
number, order, and type of the parameters of a function. These are
optional, and it is possible to have a function in your code that
doesn’t have parameters in it.

4. Function body: This is going to hold onto a collection of statements

that will define what the function is able to do.

A Look at C++
The net language that we need to take some time to look at is the C++
language. This one is going to have a ton of history behind it, and it is one of
the first coding languages out there. Because this language is one that has
been around for a long time, it is going to have a lot of programmers who like
to use it, which can be beneficial to you when you get started in this kind of

C++ is going to be one of those languages that will help us to write

out a lot of the applications and codes that we are hoping to design in the
process. Similar to many of the other coding languages that you may have
heard about in the past, and others ones we will talk about in this guidebook,
C++ is going to be seen as an Object-Oriented Programming language, or
OOP. What this means is that this coding language is going to revolve itself
around objects and classes, rather than actions. This is going to make the
process of writing out our codes a bit easier and will ensure that we are not
going to run into other issues with things getting lost or being hard to find.

There are a lot of reasons why coders like to work with the C++ language,
and some of these are going to include:

1. It has a large library. This helps us to pull out the functions,

variables, and other parts of coding that we need to use, without
having to struggle to find the right part at the right time.

2. I will work well with other languages. This is a good language that
can pair up with other languages. There are times in your coding
when you will need to pair together C++ with another language,
and this is easy to do.

3. Will work for most of the projects that you want to spend time on.

4. It is fast and reliable along the way.

5. It offers us a ton of power in the process so that we can handle

almost any type of code that we would like.

Creating Our First Code in C++

With that little introduction in place, it is time for us to take a look at
how to write out a program in this language. This is going to be fun to look at
because it allows us a chance to see how C++ words, and even compare it to
the C language that we talked about before. First, we need to download the
C++ language. You can do this from the official site online and choose the
operating system and more that will match up with your needs. You can also
choose from other environments and more based on the kind of coding you
want to spend time on.

Once the C++ environment is downloaded and ready to go, we are

going to start writing our first code out. We are going to do a code that is
simple and will output something like “Try This!” for us, but it still teaches
us some of the syntaxes that we are going to need to get the best results. The
code that we can use to write out this program is below:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
court << “Use This One!”;
return 0;

You have a few options available when it comes to writing this out.
You can choose to write this out in your compiler, which will be available in
your environment, or you can choose to write it out and save it to your
computer. The second option is sometimes nice because then you would have
the code saved and cold copy and paste it any time that you would need it in
your code.

Either way, you should carefully consider the type of text editor that
you want to work with. Most of them are going to be device-specific, so you
will need to look for the one that goes with your particular computer. Some
of the options that you can go with include Windows Notepad, vlm, vl, Brief,
and EMACS. If you would like to have an editor that is able to go on more
than one platform, then the vlm and vl options are the best ones.

The C++ Variables

We can also spend some variables when it comes to C++, as well.
These will work in a similar manner to the options that we work within the C
language, but they are going to be defined in a different manner. The
definitions of the compiler are going to be there to tell the compiler how
much storage it is able to use, and where it should store and create the
variable that you have.

This definition is also good for helping to specify the type of data that
you are interested in using. You will be able to type in a variable definition
like “type variable_list” and then choose the type of variable that you would
like to use and type it up in the same manner. These are going to tell the
compiler that it is time to create the type of variable that you would like to list
out. An example of the coding that you would use for this includes the

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int. main ()
int j=10;
int k=5;
int l=j+k
cout <<l>> endl;
return 0
You should get the answer 15

It is also possible to go through and not only define, but also declare
the variables that are in the program, but it is something that we are able to
work with later on with some practice in C++. It is a good idea to get some
practice with doing this before we move on to the declaration process.

We also spend some time assigning a value to the variable that we want
to work with. If you just declare a variable, then all that you are doing is
reserving a bit of space on the computer memory, but nothing will be saved
there until you have been able to assign a value over to it. It is best to keep
this with one or two value to the variable, but you are able to do this in any
manner that you would like to make the code work.

The C++ Arrays

A new topic that we are going to look at is the arrays in C++. These are
another type of data structure that we are able to see with C++, and they are
responsible for storing elements of the same type and are of the same fixed
size. To keep it simple, they are going to be a collection of the same type of
variables. Instead of going through and using variables on an individual basis,
you would set it up in an array. To do this, you are able to use the number 0
to 99, and then each one can be accessed by the index of the array.

These are going to be similar to the variables that are found in your
memory. But, you will find that they work in a more continuous manner than
what we can do with a variable. The lowest is going to be the first element,
and then the highest element will be the last one. You have a few options to
help us with this as well. For example, you are able to work with arrays by
choosing to initialize this one by one, or we can work with more of a
statement to make it work. A good option to help with this is the following:

double balance [5]= {1000.0, 2.0, 3.4, 17.0, 50.0};

With some of this information in mind and helping us to learn more

about the arrays, we need to take a bit of time to learn how we can take all of
this and not only write out our own arrays but also use this information to
work with the arrays in the program. This program is going to be seen as
more advanced but will make some of the codes that we have work. A good
example of how we are able to use this inside of our own code includes:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <iomanip>
using std::setw;

int main ()
int n[ 10 ]; //n is an array of ten integers
// initialize elements of array n to 0
for ( int i=0; I <10; i++)
n[i] =i+100; // set element at location I to i+ 100
cout << element << setw(13) << value<< endl:
//output each array element's value
for (int j=0; j<10; j++)
cout << setw(7)<< j << setw(13) <<n[j] << endl;
return 0

Before we on to some of the other topics that we can do in this

language, we need to open up the chosen compiler that we want to work with
and write out this code. This is going to be a great way for the array to work
and will give us a lot of practice as well. this program is going to really work
with the array in order to get the function of setw() up and running so that we
are able to format the output that we are able to use.

The Switch Statement

We are going to take a bit of time to look at the conditional statements.
We will go into some of these in more detail later on when we look at some
of the other coding languages, but we are going to spend some time looking
at the conditional statement that is pretty unique to the C++ language known
as the Switch statement.

First, the conditional statements are going to be parts of code that will
ensure that the code is able to make decisions on its own, without the
programmer having to go through and think of all possibilities, and will help
the code know which decisions to make.

The Switch statements are going to help us to check out whether there
is going to be any kind of equality that is found in the variable by checking it
against the cases or the values that you outlined in the code that you are
doing. The variable that you are going to be checking with this statement is
going to be compared against a lot of other cases, depending on the code that
you are writing out. A good example of the syntax that is available for these
switch statements will include:
case constant-expression:
break; //optional
case constant-expression:
break; //optional
//you can add in as many of these case statements as you would like
Default: //Optional
When we spend time working with these switch statements, there are
going to be a few rules that we need to follow to get them to work inside of
our code. The first thing here is that the expression that we are using with this
statement has to be either an integral class or an enumerated class type. In
addition to all of this, it is also going to belong to a class that is going to have
a conversion function.

The good news with this is that when we work with C++, there will
not be a limit on how many of these cases statements that you can add in,
which can allow you to have a lot of freedom on the work that you are doing.
The important thing to focus on here is that there has to be a colon so that the
statement is going to work in the manner that we want.

How C# Is Different
C# can be classified as a general-purpose programming language that
is functional, declarative, generic, component-oriented, and object-oriented.
This language was developed by Microsoft in 2000 as part of the .NET
initiative and then was approved to meet with the international standard by
Ecma and ISO. It is a great language that is easy to organize, relies on the
ideas of OOP to keep it organized and easy to use, and more.
Like with the other two languages, we need to take a moment here
and look at how to write out code in C#. This will help us to see how the C#
language is similar to the other C languages, and how it is different. We are
going to work on a basic code that uses the C# language and a Windows
device. Notepad will be our text editor in this language (as long as you are
using Windows), so we will open that up and type in the code below:

class FirstProgram
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(“Using C# is fun.”);

Now you can access the command prompt and type:

csc FirstProgram.cs

After you have issued this command, the compiler for C# will be able
to process this file and create the .exe file in the default directory. If you
saved this file on your desktop, for example, you can head there and should
see a new program named FirstProgram.exe, to know that you did this right.
You can run this by entering into your command prompt,
and the output should be “Using C# is fun.”

The C# Data Types

Because we are working with an OOP language, we need to focus on
some of the different types of data that are common in this language. These
are easily split up into two types, the reference, and the value types. With the
value types, we will be able to pass the data over any method that we are
using. But the reference type will add in reference to the method instead
because we will place the value in another location.

There are a few types of data that we are able to work within this
language, including the following:

Bool—when you use this type, the values that you are allowed to
store can only be two. The values are going to be false and true, so
it is good for conditional statements and logical expressions.
Char—this is a data type that is only allowed to have one single
character. When you are writing the char value, you must include it
with single quotes such as writing out ‘t’ ‘b’ and so on.

Creating a Class
In C#, we are able to work with classes and objects. These help to
organize the language that we have and will make sure that nothing gets lost
in the process. We will take a look at the objects in a moment, but we need to
first set up a class that will hold onto these objects. That is the beauty of OOP
languages. They will create the classes, which are like little containers, that
hold the similar objects we have and keeps them all in one place for us to
easily access inside of our codes.

To start, when we want to create a class, we just need to use the class
keyword. Once we are able to start out with the code and work with that
keyword, it is time for us to indicate the identifier that you choose to use.
This is going to be done along with the methods and the variables that you
would like to use to get it all together and ensure that this works. We want to
make sure that this is simple, while also making sure that it actually happens,
so the main parts that we are going to see with a C# class will include the

1. Fields: These will be any of the variables that we are going to find
belonging to a particular type of data that we want to use.

2. Methods: These methods are going to be used to help us

manipulate the data we have.

3. Properties: These are going to be used in a manner that enhances

how well the fields are able to work. The property is going to
provide us with a few extra abilities for managing the information
and putting it into the fields as we want them.

Now that we know a bit more about these classes and how they work, it is
time to look at how we can actually create and work with one of these classes
along the way. We are going to look at the code below to help us get started
with this and to help us see how it is meant to work. For this class, we are
going to name it to book and then will add in the size and type properties to
make it work. The code that we need to use to make this particular class

Public class Book

Private string bookType:
Private string size;
Public string BookType
Return this. bookType;
This.bookTyupe = value’
Public string Size
Return this size;
this.size = value;
public Book()
this.bookType = “Dictionary”;
this.size = “large”;
public book(string bookType, string size)
this.bookType = bookType;
this.size = size;
public void Sample()
Console.WriteLine(“ Is this a {0}, bookType):

Now, we need to take a look at this one a little bit. When we first look
it over, it looks complicated, but it helps us to see more of the syntax and
coding with this language, and makes it easier to see how classes are going to
be created. Looking at this one, we see the book class and it is going to have
two properties that are defined. The first one is that it will describe the book
size, and the second one is the book type. These properties are set up to hold
onto values inside of the fields that have the same name, and then the code
will help us to declare the two constructors for generating on this class.

Creating Objects
Remember how we have discussed that these C languages are object-
oriented programming languages? This means that we need to take a bit of
time looking at how to take these languages and create some of the objects
that are needed, as well. this will help us to really make sure that this will
work the way we want. We can then explore how to create objects, as well.

Once we have created the book class above, we are able to actually
create some objects and add them into that class. This will help us to get the
best results possible, and actually, make sure that some of the classes contain
items. The first thing we can do when creating this class is to create the
object. We will need to set it up so that we can make up the keywords that we

In most cases, the programmer is going to choose to assign a new

object to its variable so that it will remain as the same type of data as the
class that we want to work with. It may not always be the best option, but it is
going to help us to get a variable to use as a reference to the object we are
assigning. The simple code that we are able to use here is going to be below:

Book someBook = new Book()

This is a good example because it puts a simple object that we did

before, and it is going to help us take the instance of the book we are working
with and will assign it over to the variable that has already been named
someBook. This will put that object into the class for us. We can repeat this
as many times as we need.

The C# Constructors
The next thing on the list that we can work with is the constructors.
These are going to be a bit different than what we have discussed before, but
they are still important to our coding. They are going to be some methods that
we will see when they run as the program sets itself up to create a new object.
The idea that we see with these is that they are there to initialize the data of
that brand-new object as well.

You will not be able to get much value to show up when you use the
constructor method, and it is going to use the same name as we see with the
class that called it up, so you will need to spend some time matching up a few
names along the way to make it work. You will also get the choice of going
through and assigning the right parameters to this when the constructors
come out. The constructors will then be able to set up the parameters in a
manner similar to the other methods. You can even set up two or more
constructors in the same class if you would like, but if you do this, make sure
that the constructors are going to come from different data types.

As we take some time to focus on these constructors, it is always

important to remember that there will be some a change for these to run when
you create a new object in the class. If you are working with a class that has
more than one constructor that is found in it, you may be a bit curious to
figure out which constructor is running as the object is created.

This language is going to help us to pick out the constructor that we

need based on what you plan to work with, so you will not hold onto
responsibility for coming up with that information. The compiler is going to
take over all of this because it helps you to do the organization without you
having to feel overly stressed about it.

With some of this information about the constructors ready to go and a

good understanding of it, let’s take a look at how we can handle this and get
the constructors to work in the C# below;

public class Device

private string type;
private string size;
// A constructor without any parameter
public Device()
this.type =”laptop”;
this.type = “large”;
//A constructor with two parameters.
this.type = type;
this.size = size;
The C# Loops
We can even take some time to look at how easy it is to write out loops
in the C# language. Just like we did with some of the other languages, there
are a few loops that are available as well. Remember that these allow us to
take what would usually require quite a few lines of code overall and would
help us get it done in just a few. While the loops we see in the C# language
will take a bit more work compared to what we see with Python or some
other language, compared to the amount of work they could take, they are
fairly easy to work with. To start, we are going to look at the while loop

// C# program to illustrate while loop

using System;

class whileLoopDemo
public static void Main()
int x = 1;

// Exit when x becomes greater than 4

while (x <= 4)

// Increment the value of x for

// next iteration

This is a good loop to learn because it helped us to write out the

words GeekforGeeks three times. We can definitely go through and have this
written out more times if we would like, but this is a good start. There is the
while loop, along with the condition that states how, when the listing of that
phrase is more than 3 times, it should stop. This ensures that we don’t get
stuck in an endless loop with the GeekforGeeks phrase showing up a million
times and freezing our computers.

In addition to the while loop that we did above, it is possible to handle

some of them for loops in this language as well. This uses a slightly different
option, but you will notice a few similarities to the while loop. A good
example of how the for loop is going to work in C# includes the following:

// C# program to illustrate for a loop.

using System;

class forLoopDemo
public static void Main()
// for loop begins when x=1
// and runs till x <=4
for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++)

With this one, we are also working with what is known as an exit-
controlled loops. This will help us to go through and test out the condition,
but it is shown at the end of the body of the loop. What this means is that the
loop will execute itself at least once, and then check to see whether the
condition has been met. With the other loop, if the condition is met from the
beginning, then it will never go through the loop. This can sometimes make a
difference in the kinds of codes you are writing.

Another thing that we are going to notice with the C# language, that
may not show up in some of the other types of languages is the infinite loop.
These are going to the loops that will find that the test condition is not going
to evaluate anything as false at any time. This means that when we work with
them, they are going to continue on with executing the statement that you put
in until you use some kind of external force on them.

As we can imagine, there are not a lot of situations where you will
work with this, but it is still a good idea to know what it looks like. The code
we would see when working with an infinite loop in C# would include:

// C# program to demonstrate the infinite loop

using System;

class infiniteLoop
public static void Main()
// The statement will be printed
// infinite times
Console.WriteLine("This is printed infinite times");

And finally, we also need to take a look at the do-while loop. This one
is going to be similar to the while loop, but it is going to be one of those exit-
controlled options, and the while loop is not. Some of the codings that we are
able to do with the d0-while loop that we are looking at here are below:

// C# program to illustrate the do-while loop

using System;

class dowhileloopDemo
public static void Main()
int x = 21;
// The line will be printed even
// If the condition is false
while (x < 20);

As we can see through this chapter, there are a lot of great things that
we can do when it is time to utilize the C languages, whether we are talking
about C, C++, or C#. They are going to share a lot of similarities to one
another, but there are times when we will need to go through and change up
the syntax and the method that we use on them. But when you need a high-
power program to get the work done, then these are definitely the languages
that you should consider.
Chapter 4: How to Code in Python
The next language that we are going to take a look at is the Python
language. When it comes to a multi-purpose language that is able to handle
all of the work that we want to do with coding, It was designed with the
beginner in mind, taking some of the codes that we focused on in the C
language and making them easier to work with.

There are a lot of different reasons why we will want to work with the
Python language. It is one of the best options to choose, and we are going to
take some time to look through a few of the different codes that come with
this language so you can see how simple it to code in Python. Let’s dive into
this language a bit more and see what we are able to do to make this work for
our needs.

The Benefits of Python

The first thing that we need to take a look at when it comes to the
Python language is some of the benefits that we are able to enjoy when it
comes to using this. There are a lot of coding languages out there, and we are
even spending some time looking through a few of the other coding
languages out there, and we need to take a look at some of the different
reasons why this is a great coding language that we are able to focus on.

The first benefit that we are going to see with this language is that it is
simple and easy to learn more about. This language was designed in order to
help beginners get started with coding. It may not be as complicated to work
with as some of the other options, but this makes it perfect even when
someone who has never been able to work with coding in the past will be
able to come in and get it all down in no time.

Another benefit that we are going to see with this language is that it
has a lot of power that comes with some of the codes that you try to work
with. Even though this is a language that is designed for beginners to use, you
will find that it is really going to come with a lot of power. This power can
help us to do anything from some basic coding, all the way to coding that is
more difficult, like what we see with deep learning and machine learning and
even some artificial intelligence as well.

The community that is behind Python is strong, as well. We are going

to find that this community is able to help us when we run into some of the
problems and bugs that come with coding. As a beginner, you are going to
make mistakes and run into some problems along the way with this, as well.
Being able to rely on this community is going to make some of the coding a
little bit easier to work with overall. They can answer your questions, show
you some new methods to handle the different parts of the code, and can even
make it easier for us to learn something new.

The Python language is also considered an OOP language. What this

means is that it is designed to work on the basis of classes and objects. The
classes are going to be like containers that we use with this language, and
then the objects will be the different parts that we add inside of the
containers. This is something we will find in a lot of the best coding
languages out there, but it is important to understand how it is going to work.
It basically keeps the code nice and organized and clean and will ensure that
we can pull up the right parts when it is most needed in our code.

And the final benefit that we are going to take some time to explore in
this chapter about Python is how it is able to work well with some other
coding languages as well. While the libraries that come with Python are
amazing and will have a lot of the features that you are looking for, and there
are plenty of libraries and extensions that we are able to work with that can
increase the functionality of Python, there will also be some times when this
is not going to line up, and Python needs a little extra push.

For example, Python can work really well with C# and C++ when it is time to
work with some of the different things of machine learning. This is just one
of the places where Python needs a little extra help. With the right tools, we
are able to write out the code in Python, add in those tools, and then ensure
that we are able to get it to work with the other language along the way.

Creating Your Own Class

The fact that Python is considered an OOP language is going to be
important when it comes to working with it and making it behave the way
that you would like. When we focus on these OOP languages, we get a lot of
organization, and the coding is easier since we are working with something
that is based on objects and concrete thoughts, rather than abstractions like
some of the older coding languages out there.

One of the main components that are going to help drive this idea is
the classes. These classes are like little containers that we will use to hold
onto all of the objects that we create and what to make work inside of our
codes. When we are able to create some of these classes, code writing is
going to become so much easier, and we are going to get better results than
ever before.

To help us make one of these classes, though, it is important to step in

and pick out the right keywords so that we can name the class properly. The
good news here is that we are able to give the class any name that we would
like. We just need to make sure that the name is going to be able to show up
right after the keyword, and that it is something easy to remember so we can
pull it up later on.

Once we have chosen the name that we would like to give to the class,
it is time for us to go through and name the subclasses. This is the part that is
going to be inside of the parenthesis of the class that we show a bit later on.
Make sure that when you are near the end of this first line, after you create
the class, that you add in a semicolon to help get this all finished. While this
is something that we do not technically need and you can write the code
without it, most programmers are going to see this as the traditional and
proper way to write out code, so it is often best to add this in.

Writing out some of the classes that you want to have in Python is
going to sound a bit complicated at this point, but the good news is that there
are a few steps that we are able to utilize. We are able to go through with the
code below to get a good idea of how to set up one of these classes, and what
the process of creating our own class is going to look like in the process:

class Vehicle(object):
def_init_(self, steering, wheels, clutch, breaks, gears):
self._steering = steering
self._wheels = wheels
self._clutch = clutch
self._breaks =breaks
self._gears = gears
print(“This is destructor….”)

#member functions or methods

def Display_Vehicle(self):
print(‘Steering:’ , self._steering)
print(‘Wheels:’, self._wheels)
print(‘Clutch:’, self._clutch)
print(‘Breaks:’, self._breaks)
print(‘Gears:’, self._gears)
#instantiate a vehicle option
myGenericVehicle = Vehicle(‘Power Steering’, 4, ‘Super Clutch’, ‘Disk
Breaks’, 5)


This looks rather long, but we did go through and actually created the
class that we want to work with while adding in several objects to the mix to
make it work for our needs. With that in mind, though, we need to be able to
figure out how to access some of the objects that are in our chosen class. We
already went through and made the class and added some of the objects that
we want to work with. Now it is time for us to concentrate on some of the
steps that we need to use in order to actually access these to make them work
for our needs.

The best method to use, though there are a few options that we can
choose from is with the accessor method. The code that we can use to turn
this into something that we can work with includes:

class Cat(object)
itsAge = None
itsWeight = None
itsName = None
#set accessor function use to assign values to the fields or member vars
def setItsAge(self, itsAge):
self.itsAge = itsAge

def setItsWeight(self, itsWeight):

self.itsWeight = itsWeight

def setItsName(self, itsName):

self.itsName =itsName

#get accessor function use to return the values from a field

def getItsAge(self):
return self.itsAge
def getItsWeight(self):
return self.itsWeight

def getItsName(self):
return self.itsName

objFrisky = Cat()
print(“Cats Name is:”, objFrisky.getItsname())
print(“Its age is:”, objFrisky.getItsAge())
print(“Its weight is:”, objFrisky.getItsName())

Writing the Variables

Variables are a great part of the code that we need to spend some time
on when we are in the Python language. The more that we are able to take a
look at them and learn ow this work, the better for us. These variables, to
start with, are just going to be small parts in the memory that we save back
and use to hold onto some of the different values that we would like to be
able to store.
We need to make sure that we go through and add value to the
variable, though. It is not going to do us all that much good if we go through
and do not add in any values here. This means that the variable is simply
going to hold onto a blank spot in the memory of our computer, and this is
not going to be all that efficient. But when we assign a value, and sometimes
we will assign more than one value to the same variable, it tells the computer
to place that value right in that location, and you can easily pull it up at a later
time if you choose.

The good news here is that we are able to assign any value that we
would like to a variable, as long as we use one simple symbol. And this is the
equal sign. As long as we have an equal sign between the value and the
variable, we are all set to go, and the computer will place that value where we
would like. It is that simple to work with variables in Python

The Python Loops

We took a look at some of the loops that you are able to do in a few of
the other languages out there, so now it is time to look at how we can work
with the Python loops. These have the same purposes that we will see with
loops in other languages, so we should be familiar with this by now.

The first loop that we can do in Python is the while loop. This loop is
going to be a good one to pick out when we know from the start how many
times we need the loop to go through its iterations. You would use this when
you want to create a code that can count to ten, for example. Make sure with
this one that there is a condition at the end that will tell the code when to
stop; otherwise, you are going to get stuck in a loop and will not be able to
get the computer to unfreeze without stopping the whole program. The code
that you are able to use for the while loop includes:

#calculation of simple interest. Ask the user to input principal, rate of

interest, number of years.

counter = 1
while(counter <= 3):
principal = int(input(“Enter the principal amount:”))
numberofyeras = int(input(“Enter the number of years:”))
rateofinterest = float(input(“Enter the rate of interest:”))
simpleinterest = principal * numberofyears * rateofinterest/100
print(“Simple interest = %.2f” %simpleinterest)
#increase the counter by 1
counter = counter + 1
print(“You have calculated simple interest for 3 time!”)

Then we are able to move on to the loop n Python. This one is a bit
different in how it works, and it is often seen as the more traditional form of
making loops in Python. If you are not certain which method to work with,
and if you are worried about learning all of these loops, then you need to
focus on the for a loop.

With these for loops, we are not going to allow the user to go through
and provide any of the information that the code needs for the loop to start.
Rather, with this loop, Python is going to be set up so that it can go through
the iterations in any order that you pick them out and place them in the code.
The user will have no need for adding in the input because the loop will just
go through the iteration that is set up at the time. A good example of how we
are able to work with the for loop includes

# Measure some strings:

words = [‘apple’, ‘mango’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’]
for w in words:
print(w, len(w))

Write this code into your compiler and then execute it. The for loop is
going to make sure that all the words in the line above it are shown up on the
screen, exactly how you wrote them out. If you want them in a different
order, you need to do that as you work on the code, not later on. You can add
in any words or other information that you want to show up in this kind of
loop, just make sure that you have it in the right order from the beginning.

The final type of loop that we are able to take a look at is known as
the nested loop. This is where we are able to combine together two of the
loops that we have from before. These will both start together and will not
complete until both of them are done. This can be used in situations like
creating our own multiplication table. Some of the codings that we can use in
order to help us create some of these nested loops will include:

#write a multiplication table from 1 to 10

For x in xrange(1, 11):
For y in xrange(1, 11):
Print ‘%d = %d’ % (x, y, x*x)

When you got the output of this program, it is going to look similar to

1*1 = 1
1*2 = 2
1*3 = 3
1*4 = 4

All the way up to 1*10 = 2

Then it would move on to do the table by twos such as this:

2*1 =2
2*2 = 4

And so on until you end up with 10*10 = 100 as your final spot in the

Any time you need to get one loop to run inside another loop, the
nested loop will be able to help you get this done. You can combine together
the for loop, the while loop, or each combination based on what you want to
get done inside the code. But it definitely shows you how much time and
space inside the code that these loops can save. The multiplication table
above only took up four lines to write out, and you got a huge table. Think of
how long this would take if you had to write out each part of the table!

The for loop, the nested loop, and the while loop are all going to be
common loop types that we are able to work with as a beginner and can help
us to clean up some of the codings that we are doing with Python in the first
place. Knowing how these works and how we are able to put them together is
going to make a world of difference in some of the coding that we can do,
can clean things up, and is definitely a benefit when it comes to doing some
of this work in Python.

The Importance of Conditional Statements

There are three main types of conditional statements that we are able
to work within the Python language. Each one is going to step in and help us
get more work done as well, based on what our goals are and how this is all
supposed to work together. The three main statements are going to include
the if statement, the if else statement, and the elif statement.

The nice thing about these conditional statements is that they are set
up to make sure that the code is able to make some decisions, on its own,
based on the conditions that you set from the beginning. This makes the
program more interactive and can help it respond to the user, even when you
are not able to make predictions on everything that will happen.

First, we are going to look at the if statement. This one is going to

help us give a response only if the input that we get from the user is true. This
will allow us a way to keep the program running when our conditions are met
but can provide some limitations when we are working with a situation where
the user does not put in the statement that we wanted to be based on our
conditions. We will look at how we can fix that issue in a moment, but our
first goal here is to look at an example of the if statement. We can see how it
works below

age = int(input(“Enter your age:”))

if (age <=18):
print(“You are not eligible for voting, try next election!”)
print(“Program ends”)

Now, with this one, if the user puts their age as under or equal to 18,
they are going to get the message that is in the parentheses below. But what
happens when the user comes in and is 42, or some other age that is higher
than 18? The if a statement is not going to be able to handle this. That is why
we can move on to the if else statement.

The if else statement is a lot nicer to use in Python because it helps us

to handle any answer that the user hands to us. This means that if they put
their age in as 42, the else statement of this would be able to handle it. We
can also expand it out, allowing for different actions or messages for a variety
of answers, but we are going to keep it pretty simple right now.

We can add the if-else statement to the code that we did above. This
helps us to have something happen to our program, whether the user says that
their age is over or under 18. The code that we are able to use to make this
happen in our Python code includes:

age = int(input(“Enter your age:”))

if (age <=18):
print(“You are not eligible for voting, try next election!”)
print(“Congratulations! You are eligible to vote. Check out your local
polling station to find out more information!)
print(“Program ends”)

as we can already see here, this is a much better option to work with. It can
handle any answer that the user has, and will provide them with some kind of
information no matter what they use for the program.

We can take this to the next level, though, if we would like, and this
would include the elif statements. These are kind of similar to what we will
see with the if else statement, but we will present the answers to the user.
They will receive a type of menu, similar to what we will find in games, and
then they can choose from one of those options. A good example of how
these elif statements are going to work will be below:

Print(“Let’s enjoy a Pizza! Ok, let’s go inside Pizzahut!”)

print(“Waiter, Please select Pizza of your choice from the menu”)
pizzachoice = int(input(“Please enter your choice of Pizza:”))
if pizzachoice == 1:
print(‘I want to enjoy a pizza napoletana’)
elif pizzachoice == 2:
print(‘I want to enjoy a pizza rustica’)
elif pizzachoice == 3:
print(‘I want to enjoy a pizza capricciosa’)
print(“Sorry, I do not want any of the listed pizza’s, please bring a
Coca Cola for me.”)

These conditional statements are going to be great options that help us

to make sure our codes are able to handle making decisions for us without
having to worry about programming for all of the different inputs that the
user may try to put in. Each of these can be used in different types of codes
that we want to write in Python and learning how each one works, and when
we want to make them additions into some of our codes can be important.

The Python Inheritances

The final thing that we are going to work with, and is a unique feature
when we are looking at an OOP language like Python, is the idea of an
inheritance. This is where we are able to take some of the code that we
worked on earlier in the program, and reuse it. Then the second part, which is
known as the derived class, can be modified, added to, taken away from, and
more, and there will not be issued with the original class or the base class.

This helps us to maintain some order in the coding that we do and will
keep things organized, allows us to reuse some of the features that we want,
and prevents us from having to rewrite the same parts of the code over and
over again. This will make it easier for us to keep the code organized and
ready to work with.

During the process of creating one of these inheritances, we will want

to take on our original parent code and then copy it over, so it is ready to go
in another part of our program. This new code is going to be known as the
derived code or the child code, and it is one that we are able to make any
changes to that we would like. None of these changes are going to have any
effect on the parent code at all, so you will not need to worry about that.
Sometimes just doing this process one time is going to be enough, but other
times, you may need to do it a few times, and that is possible with
inheritances as well.

To help you to make more sense out of these inheritances, and how
they are all going to work, and how they are so important to the code while
keeping it clean and organized, all while saving time, we need to look at an
example of how an inheritance will work in Python below:

#Example of inheritance
#base class
class Student(object):
def__init__(self, name, rollno): = name
self.rollno = rollno
#Graduate class inherits or derived from Student class
class GraduateStudent(Student):
def__init__(self, name, rollno, graduate):
Student__init__(self, name, rollno)
self.graduate = graduate

def DisplayGraduateStudent(self):
print”Student Name:”,
print(“Student Rollno:”, self.rollno)
print(“Study Group:”, self.graduate)

#Post Graduate class inherits from Student class

class PostGraduate(Student):
def__init__(self, name, rollno, postgrad):
Student__init__(self, name, rollno)
self.postgrad = postgrad

def DisplayPostGraduateStudent(self):
print(“Student Name:”,
print(“Student Rollno:”, self.rollno)
print(“Study Group:”, self.postgrad)

#instantiate from Graduate and PostGraduate classes

objGradStudent = GraduateStudent(“Mainu”, 1, “MS-Mathematics”)
objPostGradStudent = PostGraduate(“Shainu”, 2, “MS-CS”)

When you type this into your interpreter, you are going to get the results:

(‘Student Name:’, ‘Mainu’)

(‘Student Rollno:’, 1)
(‘Student Group:’, ‘MSC-Mathematics’)
(‘Student Name:’, ‘Shainu’)
(‘Student Rollno:’, 2)
(‘Student Group:’, ‘MSC-CS’)

This may look like a lot of code to work with, but in reality, it is
taking care of a lot of different parts at once. We are writing the original part
of the code that we want to use, and then moving it down and making some
modifications, all while still getting some new things added or taken away
from it so that the code behaves in the manner that you would like.

Working with the Python language is a great choice, no matter what

kind of coding you would like to concentrate your efforts on. It is simple to
use while still providing us with some of the power that we need to handle
some of the rest of the tasks that you want, like artificial intelligence and
machine learning, to name a few. When you are ready to learn more about the
Python language and start using it for some of your own needs, make sure to
check out the codes above to make it easier.
Chapter 5: SQL Programming
The final language that we are going to spend some time on is SQL.
This is going to stand for the Structured Query Language, and it is going to
help us to access and manipulate any of the databases that we want to work
with. This is one of the most common options that we are able to work with
when it comes to handling any of the databases that we would like, though
there are other options in coding languages that can help as well. It is also
part of the standards set by the ANSI and ISO organizations along the way.

There are a lot of things that we are able to use this SQL language to
help us out with. For example, it is meant to help us get a lot of the work
done that we need with the database. It will help us to execute queries on our
database, get data insert some new records or update the records that are
already there, delete some records if we no longer need them, create a new
database or some of the tables that are inside of the database, store any of the
procedures that we want in that database, create some new views, and even
set some of the permissions that we need in relations to the database.

As we can see, there are a ton of things that we are going to see
happen when it comes to working with SQL programming. We are able to
use it to help us with anything that relates back to the database that we are
working with, and this is part of what makes it so powerful.

Since so many companies are collecting data from so many sources,

and many times these databases are needed just to handle the website and
other information about customers for the company, it is critical to have
something that is simple and effective when it is time to look through and use
that database. The SQL programming language is going to be able to handle
some of the work that we are doing here and can make any of the work that
we want to do with this database a bit easier.

The Benefits of SQL

From here, we need to take a look at some of the benefits that we are
going to see when it is time to work with the SQL programming option. This
is a unique language in that it is designed to work well with some of the
databases that we want to handle along the way. But we need to be aware of
how it works, and why it is considered one of the best options, out of many,
when it is time to handle our databases as well.

There are numerous advantages that we are going to see when it comes to
working with the SQL language, and it is important for us to recognize some
of these and learn how we are able to make them work for our needs. Some
of the main advantages that we are going to see with this language include:

1. You don’t need to work with coding: It is possible to work with the
standard SQL and get through the database system, doing all of the
tasks that you want, without having to use much coding. In fact,
most of the things that you want to do with SQL will just require a
few lines or less of code in this language.

2. The standards are well defined: The standards that are followed in
SQL have been around for a long time, and this makes them more
reliable and easier to work with. There are none of these standards
found in databases that do not rely on SQL.

3. It is portable: It is possible to use SQL in any program that is on

mobile phones, laptops, servers, and PCs if we would like.

4. Interactive language: This domain language is going to be used

when we would like to communicate with the database and then
receive answers to the questions that are more complex, doing all
of this in a matter of seconds.

5. Multiple views of the data: With the help of this language, the
users are able to make different views of the database structures
and databases for the different users.

These are just a few of the advantages that you are able to see when it is
time to work with this language overall. And it will not take long working
with it, along with your own database, to learn how well this can help us out
with getting work done. Whether you are creating some of your own tables,
changing up the database, or doing some of the other options allowed here,
you will find that SQL is going to be a great coding language to focus on.

Common Commands in SQL

Working with the SQL language is going to be a bit different compared to
some of the other languages. There are often one or two-word commands that
are able to handle all that we want to do when it comes to working on our
databases with this language. Some of the most common commands that we
are able to focus on with SQL will include:

1. ALTER TABLE: This one is going to make it easier to add in

columns to the specific table that you are focusing on in the

2. AND: This one is going to be one of the operators that we can use
that is set up to combine together two conditions. Both of the
conditions have to be true for the row before it is added in with the
result set.

3. AS: This is going to be a keyword in this language that is going to

help us to rename a column, or even a table, with an alias to keep it

4. AVG(): This one is going to be an aggregate function that will

return for us the average value that we see in a numeric column.

5. BETWEEN: This is going to be an operator that is used to filter

the result set so that it falls within a certain range. The values that
we are going to get with this one is dates, text, or numbers.

6. CREATE TABLE: We will see this option show up in the next

section when we are exploring what we are able to do with some of
the processes of creating a table. But it is going to be the one that
we use to create a new table in our database. It also helps us to
specify what name we would like to give to the table, and we can
even name the columns that are in the table.
7. DELETE: This is going to be the one that we will use when we
want to remove some of the rows in our table.

8. GROUP BY: This is going to be an SQL clause that is going to be

used when we have the aggregate functions. It is going to often be
used along with the SELECT statement in order to arrange some of
the data we have that is identical into groups to work a little bit

9. INSERT: This is going to be the statement that we will use when it

is time to add in a new row to whatever table we are working with.

10. IS NULL/ IS NOT NULL: This is going to be the operators that

we can use in order to test whether there are some values that are
seen as empty. This is going to rely on the WHERE clause.

11. LIKE: This is actually a special type of operator that we will

use along with the WHERE clause to help us search out for a
specific pattern in our column.

12. LIMIT: This is another clause that is important because it will

allow us to specify the maximum number of rows that the set of our
results is going to show for us.

13. MAX(): This is going to be a function that is going to take the

name of or column and turn that into the argument. Then it is going
to return the largest value over to that column as well.

14. MIN(): This is going to be a function that is going to be similar

to above, but it is going to return to us the value that is the smallest
in that column.

15. OR: This is an operator in SQL that is going to filter out the
results that we get, and then we will only include the rows where
either condition is seen to be true.

16. ORDER BY: This is going to be a clause that will indicate what
you want to sort the result set by a particular column. You can
choose to do this numerically or alphabetically based on the
information that we are working with.

17. ROUND(): This is going to be a function that is going to take

the name of a column and will have it as the integer and as the
argument. It is then able to round the values in the column to the
number of decimal places that re-specified by our chosen integer.

18. SELECT: This is a statement that we are going to use in order

to fetch some of the data that is inside of the database, as long as it
is there. Each of the queries that we will do in a minute is going, to
begin with, this statement.

19. SELECT DISTINCT: This one is going to specify that the

statement is going to be a query that is able to return values that are
unique in the specified columns that we choose.

20. SUM: This is another function that we are able to work with
that is going to take as the argument the name of our columns, and
then will return the sum of each and every value that is found in
that particular column along the way.

21. UPDATE: The next option on our list is going to be the

UPDATE statement. This will allow us to make some edits to the
rows that are on our table if we would like.

22. WHERE: This is a clause that we can use that will indicate that
you would like to filter the result set, only including the rows where
the conditions that you have set are going to be true.

23. WITH: This is a clause that is going to help us store the results
of our query in a table that is temporary and using an alias. You are
also able to define more than one table using a comma and one
instance with this keyword. The WITH clause is often going to be
known as a CTE, or the common table expression and the subquery
How to Create a Table
The next thing that we are going to take a look at is how to actually
take some of the commands that we did above and putting them to good use.
And the first option is taking a look at the CREATE TABLE statement. At
some point, you are going to have a database and will want to be able to
create at least one table, though sometimes many tables, inside of that
database. These tables are able to hold onto some of the important
information that you want to deal with when it comes to working in SQL, and
this is why they are important to work with.

To make one of your own tables, we will simply want to use the
statement of CREATE TABLE to make it happen. The basic syntax that we
are going to use for this one will be below:



The parameters of the column that we have been able to go through

and set up here are important because they are where we will find all of the
names that we want to give to the columns of that table. Then we are able to
see the parameter of the datatype and see how this is going to specify the type
of data the column is able to hold onto. This could include the date, integer,
varchar, or something similar.

Keep in mind here that there are actually quite a few different types of
data that we are able to use. We will see a lot of the same types of data that
showed up in the other coding languages. We have to choose which one is the
most important for our needs as well.

From there, we are able to take this a bit further and actually create
one of our own tables. We are going to work on creating a table that we will
label as “Persons’ and then we are going to add in some of the identifying
information about these people as well. the code that we would be able to use
to make this one happen includes:


PersonID int,
LastName varchar(255),
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)

The column that we are working with for the PersonID is going to be
a type int, and then it is going to hold onto the integer. For example, on the
other hand, we do not want numbers in some of the other columns that we
created above. So this means that the other columns are able to hold onto
characters or are type varchar, and then we set the maximum length for these
all to be at 255 characters, which should be plenty to hold onto some of the
information that we want about names and addresses.

With the information that we did above, we have basically just

created a one-row table that is empty, but we have to start somewhere, and
this is going to help us to see some of the codings that we need to do with this

There is one final thing that we are going to take a look at doing while
we are on the topic of creating tables. This one is where we are going to
create a table with the help of another table that is already in existence. This
means that a copy of one of our other tables can be used to help create a new
one, using the same command as before.

The new table that we are trying to make is going to end up with the
same definitions of columns. And we can choose to work with all of the
columns in this manner or some of the specific columns as well. if you want
to create this new table with the help of the table we already have, then we
will find that the new table is going to be filled up with all of the same
existing values that we are going to find from that original table as well. the
syntax that we are able to find with this one will include:


WHERE ....;

We can take this a bit further and look at an example of how this can
all be set up for our needs. The following option is going to help us to create
a brand-new table, which we are going to call “TestTables” and it is going to
be a copy of the table that is known as Customers. The code that we can use
to make this happen will include:


SELECT customer name, contact name
FROM customers;

Modifying Your Tables

At some point, there is going to be something in the code that you are
doing with SQL that needs to be changed. You already went through and
created some of the tables that you would like to work with, but a new
customer came on, or their information changed, or there was something else
that happened, and you need to make some changes to the work that you were
doing as well. This is where learning how to modify your tables will happen.

To help us to make some of the changes that we would like in our

database, we need to just use the statement of ALTER TABLE. This
statement is going to be fine for helping us to modify, delete, or add columns
that are in one of the tables that we already have. This statement is also going
to be used to help us to add and drop some of the different constraints that are
going to be found on one of the existing tables.

The first thing that we can do is make sure that we are adding in a
new column to one of the tables that we have. We are going to want to use
two commands here. We will start out with the ALTER TABLE and then tell
the compiler that we want to ADD to it. The syntax that we are able to work
with here will be below:


Now, we can stick with this same kind of idea when we are working
with other things in our code. But instead of working with the ADD
statement, we can put in the DROP COLUMN, the ALTER or MODIFY
column, and more. The ALTER TABLE is meant to help us go through and
make sure that this code is going to work the way that we would like, and can
make any of the changes that we want to a table that we created in the past.

Doing a Query
The final thing that we need to take a look at when it is time to work
with SQL is that we want to be able to do a query. If we have a database that
is pretty large, it is important that we are able to go through and find the
information that we would like. You do not want to go through this and try to
manually figure out what is going on or how you can use it. You want to be
able to do a quick search, and the queries in SQL, or the SELECT statement,
will make sure that this is able to happen.

With this in mind, we need to take a moment to look at some of the

codings that we are able to do with these queries, and how we can make them
work for our needs. Within the SQL editor that is online, it is possible to go
through and work with this kind of code, as well.

To make this make it simple, we need to take a look at what a query is

in the first place. A query of a database is going to be there to help us take out
the information that is in any database that we use, and then we can format it
into a form that is much easier for us to really read through and understand.
We need to be able to write out this into the right syntax so that the database
knows what we would like. Each database that we focus on is going to be a
bit different, but many times they will work with SQL, and rely on these
kinds of queries, so it is a good idea for us to knowhow to make them work.

These SQL queries, with the help of a Data Manipulation Language,

is going to come in with four different blocks. The first two are not going to
be optional, so we need to make sure that they are there. These are going to
tell the compiler what we are hoping to bring out and where it is going to be
found. And often, this is going to include the SELECT command to help us
get it all done. At the most basic form, we will find that the SQL query is
going to look like the following:
SELECT X from Y;

In this one, the SELECT keyword is going to help us identify what

information we would like to display out of the database, and then the FROM
keyword is going to help us to identify where the data is going to come from
and how these data sources are going to associate with each other.

There is so much that we are able to do when it comes to working

with this particular language, especially when we are trying to handle some
of the databases that are so important to the work many companies try to
handle. When you are ready to get started with this language, then take a look
through this guidebook and see how easy it can be.
Thank you for making it through to the end of Computer
Programming for Beginners: C, Python, SQL, let’s hope it was informative
and able to provide you with all of the tools you need to achieve your goals
whatever they may be.

The next step is to get started with some of the programmings that we
are able to work with. There are a lot of great coding languages that are
available out there for us to work with. But some of the best options to work
with, the ones that are going to really help us to handle most of the coding
that we want to accomplish, including C, Python, and SQL. This guidebook
is going to take some time to look through these languages, along with
computer programming in general, to help us to really learn more about
programming and how to get started as a complete beginner.

The next few sections we looked at took some time to explore what is
going on with some of the most common languages out there. We explored
some about the C languages, which include the C, C#, and C++ language,
how they are similar, and how each one is different from one another. We
then moved on to looking at the Python language and how this is often the
language that is preferred by many new programmers who have never had a
chance to work with coding in the past. And finally, we took a look at some
of the work that we are able to do with the SQL language and how this can
come into play when we want to handle our databases and make them as
strong as possible.

There are so many cool things that you can do when it is time to focus
on computer programming, and with some of the tips and tricks that we
discussed I this guidebook, you will be able to learn these programming
languages in just a few days, and sometimes even in just a day, rather than
wasting time and spending years on the basics. When you are ready to learn
more about computer programming and some of the most common coding
languages, make sure to check out this guidebook to help you get started.

Finally, if you found this book useful in any way, a review on Amazon is
always appreciated!
Computer Programming:

A step-by-step guide to learn the basic concepts of
Python programming language with practical

Tony Chan

Python is a well-known high-level object-oriented programming language

which is used globally by many software developers, game developers,
website developers, data scientists and so on. Mr. Guido van Rossum
developed and structured this language in 1991, and Python Software
Company is responsible for its further development. Despite the face, there
were many OOP languages, the principal reason to build up Python was to
underscore code coherence, and logical or numerical processing, for instance,
NumPy, SymPy, Orange, etc. Moving forward, Python's syntax is simple and
short. Python is an open-source, object-oriented and versatile language that
supports a large number of standard libraries. Python is also well known for
Data Science. Organizations worldwide are using Python to collect bits of
knowledge from their scattered databases and using it more effectively by
implementing the logics of python programs specified for Big Data
Management. In modern age, every organization is dependent on data
collection and extraction of beneficial information out of it. So, the
importance of Python Programming Language is increasing day by day.
In this book you will learn the basic concepts of Python programming. It is a
step by step guide, which makes sure the understanding of Python
programming. First of all, there is a need to know the sentence-structure and
syntax of Python, along with the basic expressions. Then, it guides the major
“Functions” such as mathematical manipulation and Standard Library.
Moreover, there are complete guidance about the selection making of
operators and logical data, concepts of Arrays, Pointers, Classes and Strings
in Python.
This guide is designed for beginners who want to learn the basic concepts of
Python in 7 or few days. You will find this language easy if you develop your
own programs while reading this book.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Python
If we're talking about Python's roots, we've got to talk about the ABC
programming language used in the early 1980s. Mainly, it was the influence
of the ABC programming language that led to the development and rise of
Python, which is now a day one of the most influential programming
Mr. Van Rossum, who was a computer scientist and mathematician, used to
serve as an implementer of the programming language called ABC at
Centrum Voor Wiskunde en Informatica in the early 1980s. In the late 1980s,
while working on a new distributed operating system called AMOEBA, Van
Rossum began searching for a scripting language with a syntax like ABC but
can access system calls from Amoeba. So, Van Rossum, himself, began
designing a new simple scripting language that could overcome ABC
programming language's flaws.
Finally, in the early 1990s, Van Rossum eventually released the first version
of his own programming language. Initially, his programming language
carried the Modula-3 module system. Today, we call this programming
language "Python."
People usually assume that the Python was named after a snake or Python,
even the Python's insignia depicts two snakes, first one blue and the second
one yellow, in their logo. But very few people among them know the real
story behind Python's name. In the 1970s, there was a very popular comedy
television show on BBC called Monty Python's Fly Circus. Van Rossum
happened to be a massive fan of that show. So, Rossum named his project
"Python" after Monty Python's Fly Circus.

1.1 Steps to learn Python

Python is one of the most significant programming languages every
developer should know about. This language is used by most programmers to
build websites, create learning algorithms, and execute other programming
tasks. Firstly, it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and a challenging task to
try to learn Python, mainly if you are not sure how to approach the tools and
One of the things you might find most frustrating about is how familiar are
all the learning resources. If you are interested in understanding reading and
learning Python, you will see that every learning resource wants you to spend
a very long time on Python syntax before you can even think about doing
what interests you.
This inconsistency made it somewhat difficult for many programmers to
learn Python. Programmers which are experienced often throw snippets at
you like this one. "Oh, man! It's too easy to learn Python!" Sometimes,
they're even going to promise you this. But, in reality, even a couple of
apparently simple lines of code can be incredibly confusing. For example,
why does even one line of code gets you confused! What does "django.http"
means in Python! Why there parentheses in some lines of code! It can be very
hard to understand how everything works together when you don't know
much about Python.
The problem is that to create something interesting, and you need to
understand the Python building blocks. The above-mentioned code snippet
"django.http" uses the popular MVC architecture to generate a view of a
website, which is one of the main building blocks for a website. If you are
unaware of writing the code to construct a view, creating a dynamic website
isn't possible for you, after all.
Most of the tutorials and courses on Python Programming assume you'll need
to learn all about Python syntax before you can start doing anything. That is
what results in spending your months of time just on syntax, when what you
really want to do is analyze data, build a website, or create an autonomous
Typically, spending all your time on learning the syntax leads to fade away
your motivation. Here, we would like to think of it as a "boring wall." Many
tutorials and courses says that you need to be willing enough to climb the
"wall of boringness" to make it to "the land of interesting things you're going
to work on" but, believe us, that's not the only way to learn Python!
After facing that "wall of boringness" a couple of times and walking away,
one may find a process that works better for him or her. In particular, he may
find a way to combine learning of basics with creating interesting ideas and
programs. He walks around the "wall of boringness" in a way, and heads
straight up to the top. He may spend as little time learning the basics as
possible, and then immediately jumping into making things that interest him.
In this point, we are going to show you how to replicate this process step by
step, no matter why you want to learn Python. All of this begins with finding
your motivation!
● Motivation to learn Python
It's worth asking yourself why you want to learn Python before you start
plunging into it, as it's going to be a long and sometimes painful journey to be
a Python Master. You won't be making it through without enough
Motivation matters a lot!
Most people sleep through the programming classes in high school and
college, where they have to memorize syntax, and they are not motivated. On
the other hand, when they need to use Python to build a website to generate
essays automatically, they stay working many nights studying Python to
finish it.
So, if we put it in another way, we may say, learning Anything is much easier
when we have a reason to learn.
If you are able to figure out what motivates you, it is going to help you find
out the ultimate goal, as well as a path that will get you there without being
frustrated. You don't have to map out a specific project. You can pick a
general area in which you're interested in, while you plan to learn Python.
Python offers many fields that may interest you. You may choose a field
you're interested in, such as:
● Data science
● Machine learning
● Mobile apps
● Websites
● Games
● Hardware / Sensors / Robots
● Automation scripts

You may choose one or more areas you're interested in and willing to follow.
You will focus your learning in your field of interest and ultimately will be
able to build projects in those areas.
● Learning the basic syntax
Sadly, you can not skip this specific step while learning Python. You must
learn the very basics of Python syntax before plunging more profound into
your area of interest. We know that, on this, you want to spend as little time
as possible, since it's not inspiring or motivating. In this book, we are going
to help you learn some basics of Python syntax.
● Making Projects
Once you have learned the basic syntax, you can start making your own
designs. Developing your own Projects is a great way to learn because it let
you transfer your knowledge into something productive. You should
remember that it will be difficult to gain more knowledge unless you apply
your own. Projects will improve your skills help you to understand and learn
new things, and help you build a portfolio for potential employers to present.
But, at this stage, very freeform projects will be difficult. You are going to
get stuck a lot, and have to return to the paperwork and reading. Due to this,
developing more formal projects is usually better before you feel comfortable
enough to construct projects entirely under your own. Most of the tutorial
websites or books provide organized projects so that you may learn from
them. After editing these projects a bit, it allows you to create things that are
interesting in the area you care about while stopping you from getting lost.
You might be involved in Python because you'd like to make a game, or work
in technology, or do Anything else. So, we are going to look at the future of
Python at the end of this book.
● Work on Projects on your own
It is the time to work on your very own projects after you've completed some
organized projects offered by different tutorial websites, as mentioned above.
It's hard to figure out how much you really learned on your journey to learn
and understand Python before you step out and try to develop a project on
your own. No one is perfect, so we know that you're still going to consult
resources and learn new concepts of Python programming as your work
continues but, at this time, you're going to work on Anything you want to
work upon.
As mentioned in the earlier point, you should be comfortable with debugging
errors and problems within your program before you plunge into developing
your own Python projects. But, here are some helpful resources that you may
consult while having an issue in your project.
● Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is a forum where you may question about your issue and can
get a helpful answer from someone else. Most people discuss programming
related issues on Stack Overflow.
Moving forward, Python-specific questions can be answered here as there are
thousands of Python developers that visit it daily. If you need to, you can
always ask your question, but usually, a search on Stack Overflow will show
that someone has already asked about the issue you're facing and got a nice
● Google
Second, on the list is Google. We have to believe that Google is the
programmer's most widely used tool and search engine. You may find
Google quite helpful when attempting to debug or fix a programming error.

● Official Python Documentation

Python documentation is a very good way to look out for the Python-specific
material. If you have a powerful grip on debugging and resolving errors, it's
time to immerse yourself in your own projects, and if you're stuck into
something, its time to consult the Official Python Documentation. You may
consult with stuff you are interested in, there. For example, the concept of
automated stock trading may interest you. That is something, what got you
motivated! So, quite shortly, after you understand the basics of Python
programming, you'll start working on some resources that may help you
develop a project that may help you to automatically make trades in the stock
● Keep Working

Once all the above-mentioned phases have been completed, you should keep
increasing the complexity and variety of your projects in Python
programming. If you're entirely comfortable with what you're designing, it
means it's time for you to try something more complex and quite more
complicated. You may consider starting a new and tougher project or adding
some complexity to your recent project, or maybe, you may bring your
project to a completely different kind of challenge. For this! You have to
remember that practice makes a man perfect!
The following are some suggestions to raise the complexity of your projects
to make sure you're really making progress in learning Python.
● You may try to teach a noob how did you manage to build your
project. Nothing better can help you to learn a subject as to teach
● You should think about the processes that may increase the
capability of your project.
● You may consider working on the efficiency of your project.
● You may think of ways to make your project more user-friendly.
● You may consider ways to publicize your project.

1.2 Basics of Python

You have to learn the basics of Python's syntax before you begin to write
your very first Python program, which is typically known as "Hello World".
In this point, we'll talk about the basics of Python programming and its
syntax, which will surely help you to start building your career as a Python
Developer. Now let's compose the very basic Python program first.
● Writing your First Python program
You may print and compile the Python programs, usually, in two manners
● Interactive mode
In interactive mode, a programmer may write and compile a Python program.
● Script mode
In script mode, you may run your Python program, which is usually a ".py
file", already saved on your device.
Let's see them both in practice.
● Hello World! In Interactive mode
To write your first program, you should enter the below-mentioned command
in your Terminal in the interactive mode of Python programming.
$ python
If you've entered this command to your terminal, you're in the interactive
mode of Python now.
On the other hand, if you are using an IDE, you don't have to type the above-
mentioned command to get yourself into the interactive mode of Python.
Following is the syntax of Basic Python programming to compile your first
Program. Typically, the first program is known as "Hello World!", but we'll
change the odds. We will be writing our first program as "Hello to the World
of Python Programming!".
Your IDE should display "Hello to the Word of Python Programming!" when
you write your program and press enter. You should remember that Anything
you write in parentheses ""will be printed on your IDE. In our case, it is
Hello to the World of Python Programming.

print("Hello to the world of Python Programming")

After compiling this command, you will see a message "Hello to the World
of Python Programming!" on your computer screen.
● Hello World! In Scripting mode

Let's say you've saved your written program Hello to the World of Python
Programming project as a Python file, i.e., ".py file". Now, on your device,
you should look out for a ".py" extension file. Just say that you've saved your
project as "Hello to the", here's how your code will work in the
scripting mode of Python.
At first, the project file that you've written and saved must be functional and
executable. Typically, programmers do this preferably by using the

$ chmod +x

Now, if your file is functioning and executable, you may run your program in
Python's scripting mode.

$Python Hello to the

Once this command is executed, you'll see "Hello to the world of Python
Programming!" written on your Computer Terminal or console. One "Hello,
to the world of Python programming" is executed, you've learned your first
Python Syntax.
● Keywords and Identifiers In Python
In Python Programming, there is a total number of thirty-one keywords and
five significant identifiers.
Identifiers and keywords are something that you'll become used to
effortlessly while you focus on your Python programming skills.
● Python Identifiers
A Python Identifier is typically a function, a module, a variable, a class, or
something else. In Python programming, you assign an object a name, and
this is known as an identifier. Typically, a valid identifier begins with either
an uppercase letter(A-Z), a lowercase letter (a-z), or an underscore (_).
Usually, these are followed by underscores, zero, letters, or numbers (ranging
from 0 to 9).
In Python programming, there are five basic types of identifiers:
● Functions
● Modules
● Class
● Variables
● Other Objects

Moving forward, we should take a look at the keywords that are available in
Python's syntax.
● Basics Python Syntax Keywords
To see all thirty-one keywords in Python, you have to open your IDE and
type the following command:

>>> import keyword

>>> keyword.kwlist

When you’ll enter these commands, your IDE will print this:

['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue',

'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if',
'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return',
'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']

These mentioned keywords can change with every new version of Python.
Now, there are a few more things that you should keep in mind while
working with Python as a programming language
● Keywords are fixed, and we can not use them as our Identifiers.
● Keywords in Python are case sensitive. Typically, we call these
keywords as reserved words.
● Python Statements
The very next things you should keep in mind are Lines and Indentation
before we further move with the basic concepts of Python Syntax.
In Python, indentation is the primary support in organizing code blocks or
modules. Moreover, it's rigidly enforced, and it makes your Python code
readable, scannable, and reviewable.
We have to remember that under each situation, the space that goes with the
indentation varies. To understand this, we have to observe the following

>>> person=["Cindy", "Nida", "Malia"]

>>> for n in person:
>>> if n== "Nida": print(n)
>>> else: print("Not Nida")

In the following code, you have to note that how the "for statement" has one
space, i.e., indentation and "if statement" has two spaces.
In Python, when you finish a line using a semicolon, you terminate a
Moving forward, in Python, you may also declare multiple statements
effectively in a single line. For example:

person="Faheel Nasir";age=25;location="Lahore"
● Command Line Arguments
We basically used a command-line argument in "Hello to the" and
in the interactive script. So, it is the easiest manner to introduce you to the
command line arguments. These are an essential part of the fundamentals of
Python programming syntax, which you should learn about.
● How to create a Virtual Environment
Virtual Environments will be one of those things you're going to create for
every new project. In Python, you may also work on new projects without
having to create new virtual environments. However, doing that would mean
that you will end up in a situation where
● You can not improve/optimize dependencies. For example, you
may not upgrade the default version of Python (from 2.7 to 3.8).
To develop a new virtual environment, you should go to your Terminal and
type the following command
$virtualenv newevironment
In this command, the name of the virtual environment we just developed is
"newenvironment". Now, type the following command to start your new
source newenvironment
● Taking User Input
You could find two common types of Python syntax which may request the
user input
● raw_input
● input ()
Each of them prompts a user to enter their inputs.
● raw_input ()
In Python 3, this is no longer true or valid. Instead, input() is the new input
● Input()
To understand this concept, we have to look at the following example:

user_input_request= input("Enter your imaginary friend’s name:")

After entering this, your IDE will allow you to enter your imaginary friend's

Chapter 2: Python's Irresistible Attributes

By now, we have about as many programming languages as we could count
on our fingers. There are so many programming languages and every
computer programming language carries its own unique features, and it is the
features of a language that makes it unique and separates a language from
others. Ultimately, because of a language's features, a language may get
passed or chosen for the larger projects. So, before starting the concepts of
Python, in detail, it will be good if we take a look at Python's features,
uniqueness, and applications, etc. In the following chapter, you will be able
to learn the basic concepts, features, applications, and design of Python,
which makes it unique and powerful as compared to many other languages.

2.1 Unique Features of Python Programming

To start this, we will begin with the unique features of Python.
● Python is Easy
When we are using the word "Easy" for Python programming, we have to
take it in a very different context.
● Easy to Code
We have discussed this in our first chapter, after developing our first
program, we may say that it's really easy to code in Python. In the next
sections, we will compare Python with other programming languages such as
C, C++, Java, and HTML. We will see that as compared to the other
programming languages, Python is more comfortable to code. Anyone having
a programming background may learn Python's syntax in a very few hours.
Although, to become a master of Python programming with all of its
concepts, modules and packages will require time. So, in other words, we
may say that Python is a developer-friendly language.

● Easy to Read and Understand

We've read earlier that Python is a high-level language. Mostly, you may find
Python's code the same as English, with very few keywords and identifiers.
By looking at the code, any programmer or even a non-programmer may tell
that what this code is going to do.
In addition, Python is typed dynamically, and this mandates indentation. This
feature makes Python's code more reliable and easy to understand.
● Expressive Language
At first, let's focus on a question; what is expressiveness in a computer
programming language!
Let's say you have two computer programming languages, consider the first
"N" and the second one "M," and by using the local transformations you can
use and convert all programs that are written in M to N., There may be,
however, many programs that can be written using the language M but you
will be unable to transform them into language N, using the local
Now! You may say that the language M is more expressive as compared to
language N. So, as far as Python is concerned, it offers us a multitude of
constructs that may help us focus more on the solution of a problem than on
the syntax. This expressiveness is one of the many unique features of Python
that may tell you the reason and gives you the motivation to learn Python
● Open-Source and Free Language
First of all, you need to know that Python is free, and it is available on many
platforms. The most reliable source to download and install Python is its own
official website, i.e.

The second thing in this concern is that Python is an Open-Source

programming language. Open-Source means that the public can access
Python's source code at any time. Python can be downloaded, modified, used
and distributed by a layman even. This kind of software or language is
commonly called FLOSS "Free Libre and Open Source Software".
In the world of Python, all the Python developers are moving toward a single
goal, i.e., the betterment of Python and its features. For this, Python made its
source code an Open-Source.
● High-Level Language
Since the very beginning of our book, we have been addressing this point that
Python as a language is a high-level computer programming language.
As a developer, you don't need to care or to remember the architecture of
your machine or system. Your code can be used globally, for any computer,
for any machine, or for any device, written in Python. You won't be worrying
about the system's memory, either. This feature makes Python easier to write
and code in. So, as mentioned earlier, we may call Python a "Developer-
Friendly language."
● Portable Programming Language
Let's say that you've developed a Python program or app for your Windows
OS oriented machine. And, let's say you just want to execute that program on
a MAC OS oriented device. Now, you won't need to make too many
improvisations to your Python code.
In simple, you will take your Python code from your Windows OS oriented
device and will run it on any machine having MAC OS. So, if you're using
Python, you do not need to code differently for different tools or Operating
Systems. This feature of Python makes our concerned language, a very
portable programming language. In this concern, you have to keep one thing
in mind, and you have to avoid every system-dependent feature.
● Interpreted Language
If you are already a developer of C++ or Java or any other programming
language, or you are familiar with programming languages, you must know
that you have to compile your code at first. Then it will be able to run or to
perform tasks. But, your code doesn't require to be compiled at first, when
you select Python as your programing language. Inside the system, Python
transforms your source code into an immediate form, which is known as
bytecode. In other words, you have to run your source code, written in
Python, without thinking about connecting to the concerned libraries or any
other major thing.
When the machine or device is reading your Python code, you may say that
the source code is executed every line to another line, and not all of the code
at once. This feature of Python makes debugging your Python code easier.
On another point, it's true that Interpreting makes Python a bit slower than
other languages, such as Java, but that doesn't matter when compared with
the advantages of Python.
● Object-Oriented Paradigm Programming Language
We are discussing this point as well from the beginning that Python is able to
re-shape the real world, and because of this, it is an Object-Oriented
Paradigm programming language. An OOP language focuses on the objects
and brings together the data and its functions.
Contrary to this, every procedure-oriented language rotates around the
functions; Functions are the codes that can be used again and again. Python is
a language that supports both procedure-oriented programming and object-
oriented paradigm programming, and this feature makes Python the most
unique programming language. In comparison to Java Python is a language
that supports multiple inheritance in a single code. Moreover, a class in
Python is a map for an object like this. It is an abstract type of data, which
contains not so much importance.
● Extensible
Let's say you are a developer of any other programming language, and you
need to write a Python code; for this, you can also use different commands of
other programming languages, such as C++, in your Python code.
This feature of Python makes It a very extensible programming language,
which means it can be expanded and extended to include other programming
languages in it.
● Embedded language
In the previous point, we've discussed that in our Python source code is able
to accept code and commands from other languages as well. However, you
can also put your Python code into a source code of any other programming
language like C++. This enables us to integrate the scripting capabilities of
other programming languages into our code.
● Large Standard Library
You can download Python with more extensive packages and libraries so that
you don't need to write the entire code for every single thing of your program.
There are more extensive libraries for regularly used expressions, for
identifying different generations of documents, for testing units, for
developing websites and web-browsers, for threading, for development and
maintenance of databases, for Common Gateway Interface, for developing
and maintaining email, for many types of image manipulations, and for many
other features.

● Graphic User Interface Programming

Any program or software can not be considered user-friendly until you
develop its Graphic User Interface (GUI). Any user who is using your
developed software may communicate with your software easily through
your software's graphic user interface. Python offers a variety of libraries to
enhance the graphic user interface of your program, software, or applications.
Most common among these features are wxPython, JPython, and Tkinter.
Python offers these toolkits, and they allow you to build or develop your
program's GUI very efficiently and quickly.
● Dynamically Typed Language
Python is a programming language that is typed dynamically. This means that
your machine or device will decide the type for any value just at runtime, not
before that. Therefore, in Python, we do not need to define the data type
when defining or declaring it.

2.2 Versions of Python

● Phase 1
In the first phase of Python, Python developed and announced its first
version, i.e., Python 1.0, in January 1994. In this version, the major features
that were introduced were the functional programming tools such as reduce,
filter, lambda, and map. The last version that was released while Mr. Van
Rossum was still at CWI was Python 1.2. This version was released in the
year of 1995.
In 1995, Mr. Van Rossum was working on his own created language, Python,
at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives. From there, he launched
many other versions of Python. On the release of Python 1.4, Python acquired
many new and unknown features of its own. The most popular among these
features was Modula-3. Modula-3 was to inspire keyword-arguments. In
Python 1.4, they also introduced a basic form of data hiding by the use of
name mangling.
Van Rossum's also launched Computer Programming for Everyone, which is
known as CP4E. His mission was to make programming accessible to
laymen, with the necessary know-how of many computer programming
languages. In this regard, Python played an important role. The reason was
that Python has a clear and easy syntax.
The next version of Python was Python 1.6. In Python 1.6, they introduced a
new CNRI license. Python 1.6 released another version of itself with some
bug fixes.
● Phase 2
In the second phase of Python, Python released its version Python 2.0. It was
released in October 2000. In this version, Python introduced list
comprehensions. This was a feature that Python borrowed from the other
functional computer programming languages. After that, Python introduced
Python 2.1, which was a close relative to Python 1.6.1 and was closely linked
to Python 2.0.0. The release of Python 2.1 introduced a fundamental change
to support the nested scopes so that it may compete with other statically
scoped programming languages.
Moving forward, the next version of Python was Python 2.2. Python 2.2 was
released in 2001. In this version, Python was able to introduce a major
change; unification of Python's types i.e., different classes into a single
hierarchy. This change was the fundamental, due to which Python became
object-oriented paradigm programming language. The next version of Python
was Python 2.5. Python introduced this version in September 2006. The
necessary change in this version was statements, which were able to enclose
any code block with a context manager.
The next versions that Python, released in its Phase-2 were Python 2.6 and
Python 2.7. Python 2.6 was made to support Python 3.0, and there were some
bugs, warnings, and syntax errors that were debugged with the release of
Python 3.0. On the other hand, Python 2.7 was released to support Python
● Phase 3
In Phase-3 of Python development, Python released Python 3.0. Python 3.0 is
also known as Py3K or Python 3000. Python 3000 was released in 2008.
Moreover, Py3K was developed to overcome the Python's flaws.
Python 3.0 is considered a multi-paradigm language. However, developers
may still use it as a structured, functional, and object-oriented paradigm
programming language as compared to other programming languages.
So after reading this, we may say that Python is continuously being updated
with newer versions, supports, and components. You may find this table
helpful if you want to learn about the versions of Python and their release

Python’s Version Releasing Date

Python 1.1.0 January 1994

Python 1.5.1 December 1997

Python 1.6.1 September 2000

Python 2.0. October, 2000

Python 2.0.1 April 2001

Python 2.2.3 December 2003

Python 2.3.7 July 2003

Python 2.4.6 November 2004

Python 2.5.6 September 2006

Python 2.6.9 October 2008

Python 2.7.17 July 2010

Python 3.0.1 December 2008

Python 3.1.5 June 2009

Python 3.2.6 February 2011

Python 3.3.7 September 2012

Python 3.4.10 March 2014

Python 3.5.9 September 2015

Python 3.6.10 December 2016

Python 3.7.6 June 2018

Python 3.8.1 October 2019

Python 3.9.0 Alpha 1 May 2020 (Expected Date)

2.3 Applications of Python

Python is an open-source computer programming language that is known for
its largely useful nature that separates it from other programming languages.
Python as a language can be used in every discipline of computer
programming in many ways.
● Web Application Development
You may use Python to create many kinds of web applications. Python
provides you many libraries to develop and to handle websites and web
applications. For example, Email Handling, beautiful soup, demand, JSON,
XML, HTML and many other. Additionally, Python provides you with many
built-in frameworks, for example, Pyramid, Flask, Django (we talked about
this in chapter 1), and many more to handle and develop software and web
● Desktop Graphical User Interface Applications
Python provides you with many Graphical User Interface libraries to create
User Interface in Python-based applications. Some of the tools and
applications in this regard are Kivy and wxWidgets. You may use these tools
in many developmental stages. You should remember that the Kivy is
commonly used to develop multi-touch applications.
● Software Development
You may use Python for the advancement of computer programming
procedures. Python works as a supporting language, and it may be utilized for
software testing, fabricating control, and the board.
● Scientific and Numeric Usage
Python is a mainstream language and is commonly utilized to figure out the
logical and numerical problems. In this regard, you may find many Python
bundles and Python libraries useful, such as IPython, Pandas, SciPy, etc.
● Business Applications Usage
Many developers use Python for the manufacturing and maintenance of their
business software or applications. Many developers use Python to maintain
their e-commerce websites.
● Console Based Application
Python can be used to develop support based applications. For example, you
may use IPython to create different applications that are support based.
● Audio or Video-based Application Programming
Python is a great language to do many video or audio-based assignments.
Many developers use Python to develop different kinds of media
applications. For this, you may use a feature of Python, known as cplay.
● 3D based Computer-Aided Drafting Applications
Many Python developers use Python to create and develop 3D based
Computer-Aided Drafting applications. For developing such kind of
applications, Fandango is a very useful Python-based application that allows
you to view full highlights of CAD.
● Enterprise Applications
Many Python developers use Python to develop many applications that one
can utilize inside an organization or in an enterprise. In this regard, Tryton
and Picalo are the most well-known applications.

2.4 Installing Python

As we've said earlier, Python and its source code are available on the internet
and can be approached by many sources. The best way to approach and
download Python is from its own website, i.e.
● Installation on Windows
To install Python on Windows, you should go to the link:
This will help you in downloading the latest version, released by Python. If
you're using this method, the link, as mentioned earlier, will redirect you to a
new window where you may find a list of many versions of Python. From
there, you may download the latest version of Python, i.e., Python 3.8.1. All
you have to do is to download and save the recent release of Python. After
downloading and saving it, double click on the executable file. After this, a
new window will open. Just click on the "Customize Installation" and let it
install on your system.
After that, a new window will pop up, depicting all the optional features of
Python. You need to install all the optional features, and you need to select or
check them all. After this, click on the next button to continue the procedure.
A new window will pop up with the advanced options for the installation of
Python. You just need to check the "select all" button for the better
installation, and then you have to click the "Next" button.
After clicking the "Next" button, Python 3.8.1 will start installing it to your
After the installation, you have to run Python on your system's CMD, aka.
Command Prompt. To check if Python is installed right, just write the
following command in your command prompt.
When you press enter, your command prompt may show an error. Usually,
this happens because the path of the Python has not been set correctly.
Now, to set the path of Python correctly, you just have to go to your desktop,
right-click on "My PC" and go to its "Properties." After selecting properties,
go to "Advanced" and then proceed towards "Environment Variables". You
will see that a new path will be added in the user variable section. In your
"Environment Variables", you may set Python's path as the variable name and
to the installation directory of Python. When the path for Python is set, you
may now run Python on your local station.
Now, just reset your command prompt and type the following command
Finally! The Python interpreter will open where you may start writing and
executing the Python commands and statements.
● Installation on MAC
Python 2.7 is built-in in Mac OS X 10.8 by Apple itself. If you want to install
the latest version of Python, you can do it by going to the website:
From this website, you may get the recent version of Python, as well as many
of its components. For this, you have to download the package for Python
from the concerned website.
After downloading the package, a folder will be downloaded to your
"Application Folder" with the name of "Python 3.8.1". Here, you may find
the developmental environment for Python, i.e., IDLE.
Your system will also download a framework, known as "Python
Framework." This framework usually has different libraries for Python
programming and many other executable files.
Chapter 3: Compilers, IDEs and Text EDITOR
In Python programming, Python compilers, IDEs, and Text Editors play a
vital role. Like other programming languages, for compiling Python's syntax
in a very simplified manner, there are many applications, compilers and text
editors that we may use. In this chapter, we will be studying about Compilers,
Text Editors, and IDEs.

3.1 Compilers for Python Programming

If you have a programming background, you have to know that a compiler is
a code translator application or a simple software that converts your written
code from high- level computer programming language to machine language,
so that your computer may understand this. For Python, many compilers are
available, having their own specific computer programming language
conversion systems. Many programmers use these compilers to debug their
programs or to make their code executable or to develop algorithms for their
For Python programming, PyCharm is one of the best IDEs that most of the
Python programmers prefer.
We will discuss some of the best compilers here.
● The Nuitka Compiler
Nuitka is a very well-known compiler for compiling and executing your code
in Python. Nautika takes your code written in Python as an input, and it
transforms your code to C to compile and execute it. You may access Nuitka
on about every OS and every platform. Nautika updates regularly, and it's
becoming very user-friendly to Windows, MAC, UNIX, and other operating
Another feature of Nautika is that you may code on it, without having
installed Python on your workstation.
Nautika is a Python- Based compiler, which does not support any other
language, in general. So, it has various features and libraries available for
Python development. Developers also use Nautika for developing programs
for the field of Artificial Intelligence and Information Sciences.
● The PyJS Compiler
The PyJS compiler for Python is a compiler that is used by many professional
programmers and software development companies. It is a different kind of
compiler. Its most well-known feature is that it translates your Python code to
JavaScript. Most of the website developers prefer this compiler, because of
its unique nature for web programs.
If we talk about the unique feature that PyJS provides, PyJS provides the
runtime support to code. That's why web developers mostly recommend it for
web-based applications and programs. It provides support to those who are
hoping to write their code in Python and wants to execute it directly in their
internet browsers. The PyJS also interprets your Python code to a debugged
JavaScript code that may execute and run in your desired internet browser.
Moving forward, PyJS is a very lightweight compiler. Additionally, PyJS
also provides Runtime support for debugging the runtime blunders.
● The SKULPT Compiler
The SKULPT compiler also executes the written Python code in your web
browser, directly. It makes your Python code more executable. SKULPT is
recently introduced in a blog on a website page. SKULPT can also be used to
convert your Python code to HTML. It is also eligible to compile your code,
having a JavaScript structure to your web-browser.
As we have discussed that SKULPT is a program used by Python, you do not
need any extra modules, files, or server settings to execute Python in your
internet browser. Every Python code, which is written in SKULPT, will be
directly executed in your internet browser.
SKULPT is also used by many web-engineers and web developers who want
to develop some web-based applications that may allow users to execute
Python programs directly to an internet browser.
● The BRYTHON Compiler
BRYTHON is considered as one of the compilers for Python. It also converts
your Python code to the code of JavaScript. This compiler has some unique
features that may transform your code and program as a third-party editor to
achieve extraordinary results in the least of the time. Furthermore, this
compiler offers live assistance for many of the modules having support with
CPython. The point to remember is that this compiler supports many other
languages and their newer versions, as well. Most of the times, BRYTHON is
used for the user-side web-based programming. This compiler is a
compression for the Python browser.
Moving forward, you may also use BRYTHON for 3D based application
development in Python.
● The Shed Skin Compiler
The next on the list is the Shed Skin compiler for Python programming. The
primary feature of this compiler is that it changes your Python oriented code
to a C++ program. The only draw-back of the Shed Skin compiler is that it
does not offer live assistance for many normal bugs and issues. Moreover, it
supports a very few Python libraries and modules.
Most of the Python developers use the Shed Skin compiler to extract their
statically written code of python to obtain the revised code of C and C++.
You may find Shed Skin compiler beneficial because this compiler presents
basic display support.

3.2 IDEs of Python

For Python Development, you may use an IDE, which is known as the
Integrated Development Environment. Mostly an IDE is used for these
● An IDE can be used to deal with code.
● You may use IDEs to execute, develop, debug, or manufacture
your code, compiler, or apparatus.
● IDE may control scripts and sources on your code and compilers.
Most of the IDEs provide a more significant number of programming
formats, and they contain many specific highlights. However, you will
require information to utilize IDEs properly.
IDE stands for Incorporated Development Environment. An IDE is
considered as a coding tool or apparatus which helps to mechanize the marvel
of assembling, testing, altering, and in many other ways, in an SDLC.
Moreover, it gives a path to a developer to execute, develop, and compile his
Here is a list of some of the best known Python IDEs.
● PyCharm
● Spyder
● PyDev
● Atom
● Wing
● Jupyter Notebook
● Thonny
● Microsoft Visual Studio
● Eric Python
PYCHARM is a cross-stage IDE, i.e., cross-stage Integrated Development
Environment. This tool is ideally intended for Python. PYCHARM is the
most utilized tool worldwide, and it is accessible in both forms; in paid form
and free, open-source form as well. PYCHARM saves too much of your time
while dealing with your everyday life job.
Moving forward, PYCHARM is a very useful IDE for Python. It provides
you with many special features such as brisk venture route, auto code
fruition, remote advancement support, quick mistake checking and remedy,
database, and many more.

Special Features:
● Effective debugging.
● It provides an efficient code route.
● Highlights errors significantly.
The SPYDER IDE is the best IDE for the developers of data science. It is an
open-source IDE. The full form of SPYDER is "Scientific Python
Development Environment." SPYDER is compatible with Windows OS,
MAC OS X, and LINUX OS oriented machines. SPYDER usually includes
the Anaconda bundle director dispersion, so that you may rely upon your
The fascinating fact about SPYDER is that it is used to intend the interest
groups of information researchers using Python. SPYDER coordinates well
with standard Python information science libraries like Matplotlib, SciPy, and
SPYDER has a vast number of the basic IDE functions that you may
imagine. For instance, SPYDER is a Python code manager having a durable
feature for language structure. Moreover, it INCLUDES fulfillment for
Python's code, and it's even an IDP, i.e., Incorporated Documentation
Moving forward, a different element that you may not see in other Python
IDEs is that SPYDER contains a "variable voyager". It enables you to display
information, while utilizing a table-based design, inside your IDE.
Special Features:
● IPython Integrated
● Proper quality Syntax
The PYDEV IDE is one of the highly demanded python IDEs in the world.
As far as the Python developers are concerned, they prefer PYDEV for so
many reasons. PYDEV has a feature that incorporates "django" combination,
shrewd indents, programmed code fruition and square indents, and many
PYDEV is accessible at Windows OS, MAC OS X, and Linux OS oriented
machines. We may consider PYDEV as the accepted open-source IDE for
Java-based advancement as well. It includes a commercial center for
additional and expansion items. This feature makes PYDEV helpful for a
broad scope of improvements and exercises.
Special Features:
● Contain PyLint combination, remote debugger, Unit test joining.
● Code inspection and verification.
● The Atom IDE
Atom IDE is the most popular IDE for Python, developed by GitHub. It is a
cross-platform and open-source IDE.
In Atom IDE, the initial and instructional exercises brief you all about the
functions of the concerned IDE, step-by-step. A coordinated advancement
tech enables you to start a highly integrated working between two different
platforms. That is why Atom IDE is highly recommended for cross-platform
program management and effective and efficient editing for your Python code
while executing the live programs.
Atom IE has a draw-back as well. The developers, using Atom IDE, consider
it the least secure tool. But, it is considered as the best tool for amateurs and
beginners. However, apart from its pros and cons, Atom IDE is one of the
best tools for information science that enables you to work with high-level
computer programming languages.
Special Features:
● It has a module "Markdown Preview Plus".
● It shows up the results in runtime windows.
● The Wing IDE
Firstly, Wing IDE is open-source and free. It has a few highlights in it that
may allow syntax structure featuring auto-fulfillment, investigating, and
It has a paid version as well, named as Wing Pro. The advantage of using
Wing Pro is that it provides debugging, highlights, and many more to your
Python code.
Special Features:
● It supports remote advancement, test-driven improvement
alongside the unit test.
● It's customizable, and it can have expansions too.
● Jupyter Notebook IDE
Jupyter IDE is an IDE that is created for the server-client structure. It enables
you to develop and control notepad reports for your Python-based program.
Jupyter Notebook was released for IPython in October 2014. It is a web
application that depends upon the server-client structure, and it also enables
you to develop, customize, and control the reports that are made on Scratch
Pad or Notepad.
However, Jupyter Notebook proves to be a fundamental part of every Python
information researcher's toolbox. It is outstanding for the development of
prototypes and is also useful for imparting scratchpad to a representable
Special Features:
● In this IDE, your code can be generated and changed easily.
● Jupyter notebooks include a feature for supporting markdowns.
● This IDE is best for beginners in the field of data science.
● Thonny IDE
If you are a beginner in Python programming and you want to learn and
master the Python programming language, Thonny IDE is one of the best
ways of doing it. Thonny IDE is the most used IDE by the beginners of
Python and is considered as easiest to understand IDE. It possesses a very
common and simple development environment for the Python data science
Special Features:
● In this IDE, debugging is really easy and straightforward.
● Thonny IDE contains the feature of auto code finishing along with
debugging blunders.
● Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
Microsoft Visual Studio IDE is the best suitable IDE for investigating and
improvising web-based activities. This IDE is an open-source code generator,
and it has its market. Furthermore, this IDE is created by Microsoft.

Special Features:
● It IDE allows you to code in Python in the visual studio
environment, which is a very unique feature of this IDE.
● This IDE is available in both forms; paid form as well as free.
● Why IDEs and Code Editors!
The question arises! Why do you need a code editorial manager or an IDE!
Generally! By using a code editorial manager or an IDE, you may give
directions to a terminal so that you may be able to execute your code and
We have to mention that adopting the same process for huge codes and
lengthy programming tasks can disappoint you. Mostly, it will disappoint you
if you do not know how to use direction line translator applications.
Moving forward, using an IDE can make programming or coding more
straightforward, easy to understand, and a fun thing. IDEs are basically
coding devices or instruments that allow you to write, test, execute,
troubleshoot, debug, compile, and run your code. IDEs and code editor
applications are the best approach for beginners for speedy work. These IDEs
can provide code auto-finishing and may allow you to understand the
sentence and syntax structure.

3.3 Python Interpreters

There are many interpreters in Python that may be used to align, align, and
refine your Python codes. You may execute Python in many different ways.
It is impossible to carry out Python programming without the help of a larger
quantity of interpreters. Python, as a high-level computer programming
language, is really easy to understand, and it is executable with the help of its
As far as the interpreters are concerned, interpreters are usually considered as
programs that allows to execute the guidelines written as a code.
The interpreter, CPYTHON, supports the newer versions of Python. It
supports up to Python 3.7. CPYTHON is the most easily available interpreter
of Python programming. Moreover, it provides an outside capacity for many
other software. Usually, CPYTHON can be considered as a compiler as well.
Usually, CPYTHON is really supportive to many other platforms, and it
provides a smooth experience to most of the users. This interpreter is highly
demanded by the professionals, software developers, and computer-oriented
language experts.
● Jython
Jython is a well-known Python interpreter that was once called JPYTHON.
Jython is usually implemented on the platform of Java and JavaScript. It was
developed and announced in the late 1990's so that it was able to change C
with Java and JavaScript for better performance. Jython contains many
unique extensions and features. It includes a feature of static and dynamic
compiling. Due to this feature, it allows software developers to do multi-
tasking. Programming in Jython uses JavaScripts and modules instead of
Python's modules. Another unique feature of Jython is that it can link Python
database to Java Virtual Machinery.
Jython allows it's users to import any class of Java as it's a Python module.
Developers may write code first in Java and then can transform their code to
Python. Due to this ability, Jython is considered one of the best choices for
software developers throughout the world.
● Stackless Python
Stackless Python is a very efficient kind of Python interpreter. It was released
and announced in 1998. It also supports the newer versions of Python, up to
Python 3.7. This interpreter avoids using C and C stack. However, it uses C
stack at some points, but it first ensures that the call for functions must be
clear and straightforward.
Stackless Python has a unique feature for micro-threading. This feature
allows the user to avoid the burden of the overhead, which is associated with
the typically used operating system threading. Stackless Python also assists
with the routine tasks scheduling and communication channels. Stackless
Python is mostly used by the game developers. It also utilizes many Python
● PyPy
Pypy is one of the most used interpreters. It is swift and can be used as an
alternative for Python as a language. Pypy was developed and released in
PyPy's primary feature is that it exhibits closeness to the CPython in context
to display and execution. Pypy's recent version is also more efficient than
CPython. We have to remember that CPython just acts as an interpreter, and
PyPy can be utilized as a language or compiler. You may use Pypy as it is
more versatile, flexible, and speedy than CPython.
Pypy can support many syntax and codes for Python as well as various other
languages. It also supports many of the python frameworks quite effectively.
Sometimes, Pypy may give support to other dynamic languages as well.
Usually, Pypy is used by the developers to increase the performance of their
code, and it is also used for working with various dialects of Python code.

3.4 Python Text Editor

● Sublime Text
For Python programming, sublime text editor is one of the best-known text
editors for Python programming. It is full of the best functionalities that a text
editor can have. This text editor was basically developed in the C++
programming language, but you may also use it to support Python.
Its updated version is eligible to support many programming languages. Jon
Skinner was the one to create it, and it approached the market in mid-2007.To
develop this text editor, he followed these three basic rules.
● Its content isn't concealed by the windows.
● It uses all the available space anywhere on your screen that could
sensibly be normal, as full-screen usage makes it better for easy
● It's irrelevant and discreet interface is one of the key points that he
kept in mind. In this tool, you have the alternative to prioritize
content, and you may avoid multiple tools.
Key Benefits:
● It's quick and has a minimal number of bugs.
● It is able to open gigantic records.
● It supports many programming languages and their dialects.
● GNU/Emacs Text Editor
It is a highly recommended GNU Text Editor by many of the developers.
This text editor was developed by Richard Stallman, and it remained the most
popular text editor among the software developers and programming
professionals for more than twenty years. Mr. Richard Stallman, who is the
owner of this text editor, made it free of cost for every user.
GNU Emacs text editor mostly uses unique customization for a progressive
approach in many of the computer programming languages.
The Elpy extension is an extension used by this text editor. This text editor
has many features that separate it from other text editors. For example, it
provides a sentence structure that separates record segments and spaces
between the texts to have the best formation in an archive.

Key Benefits:
● It is free of cost, and it provides a totally movable programming
● It provides automatic expansion of segments that are required for
the record structure.
● It supports multiple Operating Systems having a 24-bit color

CHAPTER 4: Comparison of Python with other Languages

Python is usually compared to other high-level computer programming
languages and their dialects. In this chapter, we will talk about the
comparison of Python with other major computer programming languages
and dialects. This relation and correlation of Python with other programming
languages will motivate us to select Python over other Programming
languages. Because of this comparison, you will be able to know that other
certifiable high-level computer programming languages usually direct
Python. We understand that these points are exceptional factors, but you may
learn to use different computer programming languages while using Python.
Because of this, this relation and correlation are essential.

4.1 Comparison of Python and C++

Both Python and C++ (C plus plus) are the computer programming languages
with their own dialects. Both are used for broadly useful purposes. You have
to remember that both Python's dialect and C++ dialects vary from each other
with respect to many points of view. C++ is the advanced form of the
language C with many useful updates and upgrades. A specialty of C++ is
that it provides the component of gathering the data and uses it into one class.
On the other hand, Python's dialect is globally useful and is one of the most
high-level computer and software programming dialects. In Python, we may
utilize a variable straightforwardly and clearly without declaring and
describing it while writing a program's code.
As far as C++ is concerned, in C++, any code or program requires to be
called on each and every working framework on which your code is to be
In this regard, Python allows you to "write once - run at anyplace and
platform." This feature provides uniqueness to Python to keep executing on
each and every working framework. You just have to introduce Python to that
C++ is inclined towards memory spills. This means that it doesn't provide
you trash gathering. Furthermore, C++ uses pointers to a very high level of
Python provides you an inbuilt trash accumulation. Moreover, it provides a
dynamic memory portion process, which gives an opportunity to proficient
memory to utilize the board.
Moving forward, nowadays, C++ is mostly used for planning equipment and
to develop embedded projects. This concept was first introduced with the
upgraded version of C++, which developed the concept of structured
programming and introduced the concept of embedded systems and the use of
C++ in them.
In this regard, you may say that the Python is mostly used as a scripting
language, and in many cases, you may use Python for non-scripting reasons
as well. You have to keep in mind that Python possesses an independent
executable application, including the assistance of some of the instruments
that provide you an opportunity for non-scripting programming as well.

4.2 Comparison of Python and C#

We know that Python was first introduced to look like the English language.
In Python, these more significant numbers of articulations are a bit difficult to
peruse. Particularly in this regard, you may utilize appropriate variable
names. Furthermore, due to the basic grammar syntax, there are no entangled
developments, in Python. For example, countless word-modifiers, syntactic
sections C and C++ like a developmental framework, and many other
approaches to introduce several factors. You may say that everything, in this
regard, makes Python's code easy to understand, learn, and to write.
Parallel to this is C# (C-sharp). Because of the language inheritance, C# has
inherited a lot of concepts from C++, JavaScript, and Java. These concepts
are first utilized in the "C-type" sentence structure. Also, the C# language
structure dialect makes it important to adhere to the specific standards when
trying your techniques on the language or to acquire classes, which is mostly
joined by other groups of programmers and programming experts. You
should not disregard the dialects of code, which is to be enclosed in
parentheses or props. Unlike C#, Python does not possess all of this. Python
uses a different kind of shift, which allows the code to look perfect.
Furthermore, as far as the content composition as concerned, it is mostly
worth referencing any project. Python says that contents are just contents,
you may simply record them with your code that can be effectively executed
by a compiler, IDE, or a text editor. You may open them to your preferred
manager and start working with them. And just after that, you may quickly
run it once more. For this, you will be in a largely favorable position if there
is no compiler or IDE close by. Also, while using Python as a mode of
programming, it will be a lot simple to compile a cross-stage and cross-
platform content. You won't be in need to recompile it on another platform or
You should know that C # requires an IDE for writing, compiling, and
executing a typical programming code. As one or more of C#, it possesses
quite solid help for different versions of the Windows OS oriented framework
when you are developing content for Windows OS. Let's say you have to
work on several devices so that you may work with their libraries, WMI,
WMI, etc. C# also enables you to utilize the "WinForms." It makes C#
extremely straightforward to create a graphical user interface if it requires all
things considered.
Maybe, you may ask which language is better! C# or Python! There is no
such answer!
Both languages have their pros and cons, but Python is simpler to learn and
understand. Moreover, Python has a more significant number of its open-
source libraries as compared to C#. However, you may say that the basic
library of C# is superior and much better as compared to Python's.
Additionally, you have to keep in mind that C# is more highlighted language
and the presentation, it possesses, is advanced, much higher and quick, as
compared to Python, as a mode of programming.

4.3 Comparison of Python and Java

If we compare the execution speed of Java programs to the speed of Python!
Java programs possess faster execution speed than python programs.
However, it takes lesser effort in Python to develop programs as Python's
code is straightforward and comparatively easy. In Python, it is easy to work
at different levels and data types. For example, in Python, when you assess
the articulation, it does not try to gather time. At that time, Python creates a
fitting expansion activity, which is a whole production number.
Therefore, you may consider Python a thoroughly improved language, while
most of the developers consider Java as a low-level execution language.
Furthermore, both Python and Java together make an extraordinary
partnership. Most of the Segments of Python can be used in Java
programming, and after combined with Java codes, you may use them to
shape sentence structure in Python. On the other hand, Python can be utilized
to develop and structure the parts so that the Python structure can be used in
Java programming.
To help this kind of inheritance and advancement, a Python's sentence
structure written in Java is another work in progress, which allows calling the
Python code while programming in Java and the other way around. In such
execution, Python's source code is used as the Java bytecode.
If you possess a programming background, you already know that Java is
considered as a carefully embodied language. It means that the variable
names in Java should be unequivocally proclaimed. On the other hand, we
have another language which is progressively composed; Python. In Python
programming, no affirmation is needed. There are many questions about the
most powerful and measured composing in various programming syntax and
dialects. But, one idea of it is to be noted. Python is a widely adaptable
computer programming language with the most clear sentence structure. This
makes Python an extraordinary programming language for composing
content and steadily developing various applications for many fields.
Furthermore, Java also enables you to develop cross-stage and cross-platform
applications, while Python is perfect for developing about all cutting edge
working frameworks. So, you may say that Java is so much complex for
tenderfoots contrasted as compared to Python.
Furthermore, when we use Java with Python, it simply makes your code
easier. When you want your code to be executed from any other platform, it's
better to pick Java as a mode of programming. The additional benefit of using
Java, as your mode of programming is that it allows you to develop organized
applications while Python cannot perform in such a way.
Moving forward, Java as a language is so much more convoluted than
Python. When you do not have any specialized resources for learning Java. It
won't be simple to understand! Again, Java is used to program in various
extreme conditions and to resolve some programming issues; only Java may
help you.

4.4 Comparison of Python and JavaScript

As we know, Python is an object-oriented programming language. You may
compare Python's object-based subset to the sentence structure of JavaScript.
The same as JavaScript, Python possesses a programming style that uses the
fundamental limits and factors without even manipulating the class
Regardless of this, for JavaScript, there are so many issues and complexities
in its syntax and code formation. On the other hand, Python supports you to
make much greater programs and allows you to better reuse your code
through a veritable orchestrated programming dialect, where classes and
inheritance expect a critical activity.

4.5 Comparison of Python and Go Programming language

Go programming language is quite an adaptable language, just as Python.
Both languages do not require excessive instructional syntax exercises, and
both are easy to write, understand, and execute. Go programming language is
also known as Go language, and it was developed and published by Google
in mid-2009.
On the other hand, Python possesses many ideal models for computer
programming and has a very large library of its own. Python's ideal models
include object-situated, basic, practical, and procedural modes of
Go programming language holds up multi-worldview, such as simultaneous,
practical, and procedural. Its sentence structure is somehow similar to C.
However, it has introduced a lot of upgrades to enhance highlights such as
effortlessness and security.
Moving forward, it is observed that Python and Go programming language
have too many differences. For example, Go programming language doesn't
have the feature of "try-except," instead, it allows a function to resolve its
problems simultaneously with its conclusion. Therefore, before using any
function, it is necessary to check that any logical or syntax error will not be
called or repeat itself.
Moving forward, Python is commonly utilized in the development of web
applications, whereas Go programming language's basic focus is to be a
system language. However, we can use the Go programming language to
develop some of the web-based applications. Also, Python possesses no
memory management, but Go programming language provides its users an
efficient memory management. Another difference is that in Python, you do
not have a concurrency mechanism, whereas, in Go programming language,
there is a built-in concurrency mechanism.
In terms of safety, Python is a better option. Python is a strongly typed
language with a perfect sentence structure, which is compiled, so that it may
add an extra level of security whereas, in Go programming language each
factor must have a sort related with it. It implies that a developer can't let
away the subtleties, because they will cause bugs in the long run. Python has
a more extensive number of libraries as compared to the Go programming
language. Python's syntax is more concise than the Go programming
language. We may say that Python is the best-known option for basic
programming and development, but sometimes it gets difficult to write
complex programs using Python as a mode of Programming. However, Go
programming language is far better for complex programming.
Apart from this, there is another major difference between Python and Go
programming language. Python is a language that can be typed and used
dynamically, whereas Go programming language is not dynamic.
Due to this, Python programmers are able to quickly understand the Go
programming language's syntax, without any significant problem. Here are
some of the other differences between both languages.
● Python programming focuses on clear, simple, and easy to
understand syntax and spotless grammatical facts, while Go
programming language works correctly just with high clarity and

● The static composing of Go programming language lines up with

the standard syntax and sentence structure of Python.
So, after all this, we may say that Python is the best-used option for software
developers and engineers across the globe. But, Python is a dynamically
written language; its performance is a bit less than the Go programming
language. Therefore, we may suggest you use both the programming
languages simultaneously. You should give priority to Go programming
language for your codes, and you should use Python otherwise.

4.6 Comparison of Python and Node.js

First of all, we should know that Node.js is not a computer programming
language like Python. We may consider Node.js as a runtime domain for
JavaScript. So, writing your code in Node.js means that you're using a very
similar language on the front end of your program and the back end as well.
● Favorable circumstances of Python over Node.js
At a more detailed level of development, JavaScript can be hard to use and
understand for the developers with less Node.js experience. There may be
some fundamental errors, hindering advancement simultaneously. This is not
the situation with Python. Since Python is very simple to use for the less
experienced programmers.
● More applications
Node.js is usually used for the part of a program, which is used for the web-
based applications, while the uses and effects of Python are far more
noteworthy. The point to remember is that all-inclusiveness and flexibility of
Python are most common among the top reasons why Python is perfectly fit
for advancements. For example, data science.
● Better usage
JavaScript frameworks and runtime conditions actualize the language
extraordinarily and unexpectedly, i.e., Node.js is no exemption. To be very
honest, the ecosystem and framework of JavaScript is somehow a wreck.
On the other hand, Python doesn't have this specific issue, which is the reason
Python is more straightforward and simpler to code in. This specialty makes
Python quicker to code in, even though Node.js is not slow at all.
Furthermore, you need to have the necessary know-how of JavaScript to use
Node.js as a mode of programming, since you are working on a very similar
language on the front end and the back end of your program.
● Less obstinate ecosystem
As far as the ecosystem of Node.js is concerned, libraries for Node.js are
usually very basic, and they stick to a single cause whatever they were made
to perform. This allows developers to select what they need to use in their
program and when they need to use it.
● Quick development and a vast network
Since 2012, Python is well known for its reliable and incredible network and
support system. Nowadays, after some upgrades, JavaScript is considered
reliable as well. JavaScript is continuously developing without any symptoms
of halting, and it is leading the group of the most powerfully growing
sentence structures and computer programming dialects in the software
development business.
● Advancement history of Python and JavaScript
JavaScript has seen a lot of developmental stages. It used just coding and
sentences when it was first being developed, and its old adaptations are
making some very similar issues, even to this day.
So, the developmental prominence of JavaScript has carried a constant swarm
of updates and critical documentation issues with it. This is the only reason
for the damage to the nature of Node.js.
Moving forward, Python has the high ground here when compared to
Node.js. Both inclusion and documentation are better in Python than Node.js.
This is the reason, because of which Python has consistently been leading
● Execution and speed
Node.js tries to battle with executing a very large amount of assignments at
the very same time. In the mentioned event, if your code is not composed
properly and perfectly overall, your program will prove to be ineffective and
will work gradually.
This may likewise happen in Python as well. Still, Python frameworks, for
instance, Django, accompanies instant user support to assist in your code,
sentence structure, and program, withstanding a higher burden. This is
another primary reason for Python making life simpler for its developers.

4.7 Comparison of Python and PHP

From a developmental and improvised perspective, PHP is a web-situated
and web-oriented computer programming language. A PHP application is
very similar to a lot of individual contents that maybe with a solitary
semantic section or point.
Again, Python is a thoroughly adaptable language which can be additionally
used to develop web-based applications. In Python, a web application
dependent upon an undeniable application stacked into the memory with its
inside state. To select between PHP and Python for web-based application
development, we have to focus on these two qualities.
● Python and PHP for web improvement correlation
In computer programming, prevalence and patterns mean a lot these days.
About all the users and item proprietors need to use the most famous and
advertised advancements for their products. In such a case, you can be proved
as a talented programmer without any clients and occupations, just by the use
of your imagination.
● Frameworks
The assortment of your machine, tool, and the device is likewise critical
while you are picking up your project. It characterizes the clarity,
straightforwardness, readability, understandability, and accommodation of
your project. There is a chance that a project offers many frameworks for
various assignments. A software or web developer should be certain that he
won't need to do everything without any framework. These frameworks may
enable you to make amazing and outstanding applications.
Again, Python does not have so many frameworks. The most used
frameworks for web-based application development are Django and Flask.
But we may assure you that this will change soon because of the developing
network and upcoming frameworks of Python.

Chapter 5: Variables, Operators, and Data Types of Python

Data types, variables, and operators are the fundamental concepts of Python,
as a programming language, they are considered as the basic building blocks
of this high-level computer programming language. Usually, we use them to
program our projects and to obtain the required results through their
functionality. Data types are the most essential concept among these
concepts, and no one can understand the Python programming without having
command over these basic concepts. In this chapter, we will discuss some
essential variables, operators, and data types of Python, as a computer
programming language.

5.1 Variables of Python

Variable is another name for Python identifiers. Variable is a term that is used
to imply a memory zone of a machine or device. In Python, you don't need to
decide these kinds of factors as Python is a kind of infers programming
language and is astute enough to get its variables sort.
Moreover, we may say that the Variables in Python are memory locations,
having different data types, such as integers or characters. Variables in
Python are just changeable and manipulable because they use a set of various
In any case, variables need a letter or an underscore to get initialized. It is
suggested to use lower-case letters as the variable names. In Python, sledge,
and Mallet, both are two exceptional elements.
● The naming of Variables or Identifier
Factors are the situations of identifiers. A variable is used to conceive the
literal coefficients and the integers used in your program. For Python, the
standards to name a variable are given below.
● The essential character of an identifier must be a letter altogether,
or an underscore "_".
● Each one of the characters besides the essential characters may be
a letter arranged by lower case "a-z," capitals "A-Z," underscores
or digits "0-9".
● A variable's name must not contain any void or empty zone, or any
special or extraordinary character, such as, "! @, #, %, ^, and, *".
● A variable's name must not resemble any catchphrase portrayed in
your Python program's syntax.
● In Python, variables are case sensitive. For example, i'm cool, and
I'm cool isn't proportionate.
● Instances of considerable identifiers: n696, _v, v_69, etc.
● Instances of invalid identifiers: 5a, v%69, x69, etc.
● Multiple Assignments
Python enables one to maintain an incentive to various identifiers in an only
explanation, which is usually called various assignments. It can be applied in
two different ways either by declaring out a solitary incentive for multiple
identifiers at the same time or relegating various qualities to numerous
variables at different times.

Example - 1:
Open the Python console or IDE and write the command to declare variables.
>>> n=v=w=69
>>> print
>>> print (n, v, w)
When you type the command to print the value of variables, the output will
be something like this.
>>> 69, 69, 69
Example – 2:
>>> n, v, w = 69, 74, 36
>>> print
>>> print (n)
>>> print (v)
>>> print (w)
For output,
When you will type your command
>>> print (n)
Your console will print "69"
When you will type your command
>>> print (v)
Your console will print "74"
When you will type your command
>>> print (w)
Your console will print "36"

5.2 Operators in Python

In general, operators are the language-specific syntactic tokens that require
some action to be performed. Operators are mainly derived from the concepts
of Mathematics. For example, "Sign of Multiplication (*)" is an operator used
in Python programming. It is used to multiply two numbers.
In Python, operators are portrayed as a symbolic representation of a function
that does a particular act between two operands to achieve some specific and
desired results. Operators are viewed as the mainstays of a program on which
your program works in an individual computer programming language. The
assortment of operators given by Python is portrayed as pursues. Here are
some commonly used operators to perform specific operations:
● Arithmetic Operators
● Comparison Operators
● Assignment Operators
● Logical Operators
● Bitwise Operators
● Membership Operators
● Identity Operators

We are going to discuss some of the above mentioned operators in this part.
● Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform particular arithmetic operations to
get the desired results. In this case, two operands are taken, and between
them, activity through an operator is performed, resulting in some desired,
specific, and absolute value.
Here are some of the critical and useful arithmetic operators, which are
commonly used in Python.
● Addition "+"
● Subtraction "-"
● Division "/"
● Multiplication "*"
● Remainder "%"
A detailed description of these operators:
● Addition Operator "+"
This operator is used to perform addition or sum function between two
>>> n, v = 25, 69
>>> n + v
Your console will print “94”, in this case.
● Subtraction Operator "+"
This operator is used to take the first operand and subtracts the second
operand from the first one.
>>> n, v = 69, 25
>>> n - v
Your console will print “44”, in this case.
● Division Operator "/"
This operand takes the second operand and divides the first operand on the
second operand, and gives quotient, as your output.

>>> n, v = 4, 2
>>> n / v
Your console will print “2.0”, in this case.
● Multiplication Operator "*"
As explained earlier, this operator performs the multiplication operation
between the first operand and the second.
>>> n, v = 4, 2
>>> n * v
Your console will print “8”, in this case.
● Remainder Operator "%"
This operator is responsible for the operation of division, and it gets the
remainder as your output.
>>> n, v = 4, 2
>>> n % v
Your console will print “0”, in this case.
● Comparison operator in Python
Comparison operators, in Python, are used to compare two operands and
returns a Boolean type, i.e., TRUE or FALSE, respectively.
● ==
True: This operator is used if and only if the values are logically equal and
● !=
True: This operator is used when the values are true but unequal.
● <=
True: This operator is used when the first operand is smaller than or equal to
the second operand.
● >=
True: This operator is used when your first operand is greater than or equal to
the second operand.
● <>
True: This operator is used if and only if the values are not equal.
● >
True: This operator is used when your first operand is greater than the second
● <
True: This operator is used when your first operand is less than the second
● Assignment operators in Python
In Python, we use assignment operators to assign the value to the left
operand, of the right-side expression.
● =
Frequently, this operator is used to assign the value of the right expression to
the left operand.
● +=
This operator is used to build the estimation of the left operand by the
estimation of the correct operand and appoint the altered an incentive back to
the left operand.
>>> n = 2, v = 4
>>> n += v
This will be equivalent to
>>> n = n + v
>>> print (n)
And your console may print the value if n as "6".
● -=
As far as this operator is concerned, it diminishes the estimation of the left
operand by the estimation of the correct operand and dole out the changed an
incentive back to the left operand.
>>> n, v = 4, 2
>>> n -= v
This will be equivalent to
>>>print (n)
And your console may print the value if n as "2".
● *=
It increases the estimation of the left operand by the estimation of the correct
operand and appoint the altered an incentive back to the left operand.
>>> n, v = 4 , 2
>>> a * = b
This will be equivalent to
>>> print (n)
And your console may print the value if n as "8".
● %=
This operator is responsible for Divides the estimation of the left operand by
that of the correct operand and appoint the update back to the left operand.
>>> n, v = 4 , 2
>>> a % = b
This will be equivalent to
>>> print (n)
And your console may print the value if n as “0”.
● Logical Operators in Python
As far as our real lives are concerned, sometimes, we have to make tough
choices based upon logical data, i.e., true or false. For example, let us say if
someone calls you and asks you, "Are you at home?" You would have two
choices, "Yes! I am home" or "No! I am not." This would lie under 0 (false)
and 1 (true), in programming. This is known as logical data.
In Python, Logical operators are used to evaluate the expressions to obtain
some specific decisions. These operators are highly helpful to write any logic
reasonably. Here is the list of logical operators with a brief description to
build a better understanding with these operators in Python.
Logical Operator Description
● And Operator
If an expression "n" is true, and another expression "m" is true as well, then
the result will be true. In any other case, the result will be false.
This table may help you to understand "and operator", in a better way.

n v n and v

True True True

True False False

False True False

False False False

● Or Operator
This will result in false, if and only if both operands are false. Consider an
expression "n" is true, and another expression "v" is false, then the result will
be true.
This table may help you to understand "and operator", in a better way.

n m n or m

True True True

True False True

False True True

False False False

5.3 Data Types in Python

A data type defines a set of operations and values that can apply to the
concerned values. For example, a switch of a light bulb can be compared to a
computer system as it has two different values; True as on and False as off.
Since the bulb switch contain just these two values, we can consider its size
as two. There are only two operations that can be done with a bulb switch:
● We can turn it On
● We can turn it Off
In Python, Factors may hold estimations of various data types. Python is a
progressively composed computer programming language so. Therefore, we
need not characterize the type of all the variables while declaring and
defining them. The variables tie the incentive with their sort.
Moreover, Python enables its developers to check the type of variable that is
used in the program. Python provides us with the "type ()" framework, which
returns the type of the variable, which is passed. You may consider the
accompanying guide to characterize the types of numerous data types and to
check their type.

>>> n = 69
>>> v = "Hi Python"
>>> w = 17.5
>>> print ( type (n));
>>> print ( type (v));
>>> print ( type (w));

When you will type the command
>>> print ( type (n));
Your console will print
<type 'int'>
When you will type the command
>>> print ( type (v));
Your console will print
<type 'str'>

When you will type the command

>>> print ( type (w));
Your console will print
<type 'float'>
● Standard data types
In Python, identifiers may withstand various kinds of qualities. For instance,
any individual's name must be put away as a string while its “id” must be put
away as a whole number.
Python provides us with different standard data types that characterize the
capacity technique on each one of them. The normally used data types
characterized in Python are named below.
● Numbers
● String
● List
● Tuple
● Dictionary

Now we are going to explain some of them with examples below.

● Numbers
In Python, Number, as a data type, stores the numeric values. Python
generates a numeric object whenever a number is assigned to a variable or

>>> n = 69
>>> v = 96
In the above-mentioned example, n and v are the numeric objects
Four different types of numeric data are supported by the Python
● Integer (int)
Int signs integers, such as 69, 96, 22, etc.
● Long Integers (long)
Long integers are used for a relatively higher range of integer values, such as
-0x19292L, 908800L, etc.
● Float (float)
In Python, float is used to store floating-point values, such as 1.9, 69.1902,
262.2, etc.
● Complex
This type, in Python, supports complex numbers, such as 12.14j, 2.0 + 12.3j,
Moving forward, Python allows using a lower-case "l" to be used with the
long integers. But you must ensure that always an upper-case "L" is used for
clarity and basic understanding.
Moreover, a complex number always consists of an ordered pair, such as n +
iv where n and v denote the real and imaginary parts, respectively.
● String
In Python, we may describe string as a sequence of characters that are
represented in the quotation marks. Moreover, single, double, or triple quotes
can be used to define a string.
String handling is a simple, understandable, and very clear task since there
are many in-built functions and operators that are provided by Python to
execute this task. For string handling in Python, the operator "+" is used to
concatenate two strings as the operation
"Hi" +" Mr Faheel Nasir"
"Hi Mr Faheel Nasir".
Furthermore, the operator "*" is commonly known as a repetition operator as
the operation
"Mirror" * 2
"Mirror Mirror"
You may understand string handling in Python, with the help of the following

>>> string1 = "Hi Mr. Faheel Nasir"
>>> string2 = “How are you”
>>> print (string1 [0:2]) #printing first two character using slice operator
>>> print (string1 [4]) #printing 4th character of the string
>>> print (string1 * 2) #printing the string twice
>>> print (string1 + string2) #printing the concatenation of string1 and

When you write the first command and press enter, i.e.
print (string1 [0:2])
Your console will print the first two characters of your string using a slice
operator. So, in this case, your console will print, "Hi".
When you write the second command, i.e.
print (string1 [4])
Your console will print the fourth character of your string. So, in this case,
your console will print, "r".
When you write the third command and press enter, i.e.
print (string1 * 2)
Your console will print your first string twice. So, in this case, your console
will print, "Hi Mr. Faheel Nasir Hi Mr. Faheel Nasir".
When you write the fourth command and press enter, i.e.
print (string1 + string2)
Your console will print the concatenation of string1 and string2. So, in this
case, your console will print, "Hi Mr. Faheel Nasir How are you".

● String Operators
Addition Operator "+":
In Python, the Addition operator "+" is used to join the strings in a program.
Multiplication Operator "*":
In Python, the Multiplication operator with the symbol "*" is used for the
generation of multiple copies of the same string to perform and to call a
Slice Operator "[ ]":
In Python, the slice operator is used to make a sub-string available, out of a
specified string.
Range Slice Operator "[:]":
In Python, we may use the range slice operator to perform a function and to
call or get characters.
In Operator "In":
This is a membership operator. It returns a value against the presence of a
specific substring in the main string.
Remainder Operator "%":
The remainder operator, in Python, is used to perform string formatting.
● Lists
In Python, we use lists as we use arrays in C or C++. But, the list may contain
data of various types. The stored items in a list are separated by a comma ","
and enclosed within square brackets "[ ]"
Slice operators "[:]" may be used to access the list's elements. The addition or
concatenation operator "+" and repetition or multiplication operator "*" work
with the list in the same way as they work with the strings.

>>> l = [1.5, "Hello", "Python", 7]
>>> print (l [3 :]);
>>> print (l [0:2]);
>>> print (l);
>>> print (l + l);
>>> print (l * 3);

When you write the first command and press enter, i.e.
print (l [3 :]);
Your console will print will print, “[7]”.
When you write the second command and press enter, i.e.
print (l [0:2]);
Your console will print, "[1.5, 'Hello']".
When you write the third command and press enter, i.e.
print (l);
Your console will print, "[1.5, 'Hello', 'Python', 7]".
When you write the fourth command and press enter, i.e.
print (l + l);
Your console will print, “[1.5, 'Hello', 'Python', 7, 1.5, 'Hello', 'Python', 7]”
When you write the fifth command and press enter, i.e.
print (l * 3);
Your console will print will print, “[1.5, 'Hello', 'Python', 7, 1.5, 'Hello',
'Python', 7, 1.5, 'Hello', 'Python', 7]”
Python List Built-in functions Description:
Built-in function of Python Description of the functions

len(list): Length of the list.

max(list): Maximum element of the list.

min(list): Minimum element of the list.

cmp(list1, list2): Comparing the elements of both the


list(seq): Sequence to the list.

● Tuple
Tuple, in Python, is identical to the list in several ways. Similar to lists, tuples
also possess the collection of different elements of numerous data types. The
components of the tuple are separated with the help of a comma "," and
enclosed in parentheses "( )."
Moreover, the system cannot modify the size, value, and numbers of the
elements in a tuple by itself.

>>> t = ("Hello", "Python’s world", 69)
>>> print (t [1 :]);
>>> print (t [0:1]);
>>> print (t);
>>> print (t + t);
>>> print (t * 3);
>>> print (type (t))
>>> t [2] = "hello";
When you write your first command and press enter, i.e.
print (t [1 :]);
Your console will print will print, “('Python’s world', 69)”.
When you write your second command and press enter, i.e.
print (t [0:1]);
Your console will print "('Hello',)".
When you write your third command and press enter, i.e.
print (t);
Your console will print, "('Hello', 'Python's world', 69)".
When you write your fourth command and press enter, i.e.
print (t + t);
Your console will print, "('Hello', 'Python's world', 69, 'Hello', 'Python's
world', 69)".
When you write your fifth command and press enter, i.e.
print (t * 3);
Your console will print, “('hello', 'Python world', 69, 'Hello', 'Python’s world',
69, 'Hello', 'Python’s world', 69)”.
When you write your sixth command and press enter, i.e.
print (type (t))
Your console will print, "< type 'tuple'>".
When you write your seventh command and press enter, i.e.
t [2] = "hello";
Your console will print will print;
Trace back (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in <module>
t [2] = "Hello";
Type Error: 'tuple' object does not support assignment
Chapter 6: Regular Expressions, Expression Statements, Loops in
Like other computer programming languages, Python also possesses regular
expressions, statements, and loops. But, Python's expressions and loops are
unique and the totality of python programming.
All of these methods, functions, loops, and statements play a vital role in
building up an effective program for data analysis and for performing other
tasks as well, in Python. There is a various number of reasons behind the
additions and updates of these operational runners in the libraries of Python.
In this chapter, we will discuss the importance and functionalities of these
methods, while using Python, as a mode of programming.

6.1 Python's Regular Expressions

The regular expressions in Python are also known as a regex. Regex works to
analyze the pattern in a string. There are various numbers of regex
functionalities that can be inherited, called, or import to bring in use. For
importing these functions, we can use the command
● Regex Functions
● Split
Split is used to split our desired string.
● Sub
We use the sub to replace the matches in a string.
● Match
In Python, Match evaluates the regex pattern and returns it as a Boolean type,
i.e., True or False.
● Findall
Findall is used in Python to restore all the matches in a string.
● Search
Search is utilized to find all the matches in a string.
6.2 Python's Statement Expressions
The token '='; "the equals sign" is used to represent an assignment statement.
In Python's sentence-structure and dialect, assignment statement works
differently than in other primary computer programming languages and
dialects, and this basic system, counting the idea of Python's form of factors,
enlightens numerous different highlights of Python language. If we consider
this task in the C programming language, it will be, let's say, v = 2, which
means that there is a composed variable named "v," and it has a duplicate of
numeric worth 2. In this case, the right-hand side or esteem is replicated into
an assigned stockpiling area for which the left-hand side variable name is the
emblematic location. The memory allocated to the variable "v" is vast enough
for the pronounced sort.
In the most explicit instance of Python task, let's use a very similar model, v
= 2, means "(nonexclusive) name v gets a reference to a different,
progressively assigned object of numeric or integer "int" type of significant
worth 2."
In this, we are going to discuss the basic statements that are used by the
Python, in routine.
If statement
In Python, if statement restrictively executes a square of code, alongside else
and elif, which is a compression of else-if.
For statement
In Python, for statement emphasizes an article. It catches every component to
a nearby factor for use by the connected square.
While statement
While statement, in Python, executes a square of code as long as its condition
is valid.
Try statement
In Python, try statement permits some special cases raised in their respected
and connected code square to be gotten and taken care of by except
requirements; this likewise guarantees that tidy up to code in and at long last
square will consistently be run paying little mind to how the square exits.
The raise statement
Python employed raise statement to raise a specified exemption or re-raise
many special cases.
The class statement
In Python, due to class statement, you may execute a square of code and
appends its nearby namespace to a class, so that you may use it in item
arranged programming.
Def statement
In Python, def statement is a statement that describes a capacity or technique.
Pass statement
In Python, pass statement is a statement that fills in as a NOP, i.e., "no
operation." Due to this statement, it is linguistically expected to make a
vacant code square.
Assert statement
Assert statement is usually utilized during troubleshooting or debugging
process to check for conditions that should apply.
Yield statement
In Python, a yield statement is a statement that restores an incentive from a
generator work. From Python 2.5, the yield is additionally considered as an
administrator. This form of the statement is commonly used to actualize co-

Import statement
In Python, the import statement is a statement that is generally utilized to
import the modules whose capacities or factors can be utilized in the present
program. There are three different ways of utilizing
>>> Import:
>>> import <module name>
>>> [as <alias>].
>>> Print statement
The print statement was changed to the print () framework work in Python
with the release of Python 2.7
Explanation of some of the most used statements is as follows
● If-else statements in Python

Usually, any decision statement in a computer is known as a two-way

selection. The decision is presented to the computer, a conditional statement
and computer can answer it as true or false.
In such conditions, if the answer is true, an action or a set of actions is
performed. On the other hand, if the answer is false, different action or set of
actions is performed.
In Python, decision making is a primary part of the dialect and language
components. As the name implies, decision making permits your code to
execute a specific block of code for a specified decision. However, mostly on
the validation of a particular condition, the choices are made. Condition
checking acts are the backbone of decision making. In Python, we may
perform them by the following statements.
● If Statement
If statement is used to test for a specific condition. For Example, if this
condition (ice-cream) is valid, the function proceeds.
● If - else Statement
If - else statement is somehow identical to the if statement except for the fact
that it also gives the insights and checks the validity of code, either it is true
or false. Due to this reason, the else statement will be executed if the
condition given in the if statement is false.
● Nested if Statement
Nested if statements enable us to use if-else statement inside an outer if
We have learned that the if-else statements may be any statements; it can
include other if-else statements as well. So, when an if-else statement
includes another if-else statement, this is known as a nested if statement.
There is no specific limit for how many levels in an if-else can be nested.
● Indentation in Python
For the simplicity of Python programming and to accomplish
straightforwardness, Python doesn't permit the usage of enclosures for the
square level code. In Python, indentation is utilized to pronounce a square.
On the off chance that two statements are at a similar indentation level, at that
point, they both are the piece of the same square.
By then, four spaces are given to indent the statements, which are a common
measure of indentation in Python. Indentation is the most used component of
the Python language since it proclaims the square of code. Each one of the
statements of one square is proposed at a similar level indentation. We will
perceive how genuine indentation happens in basic leadership and other stuff
in Python.
● The if statement
An if statement is used to test a specific condition, and if the condition is
valid, it executes a code known as if block. The condition, if statement, can
be any substantial, coherent articulation that can be either assessed as true or
The syntax of if else is as follows:
Example – 1:
>>> number = int (input ("Enter your desired number = "))
>>> if number % 2 == 0:
>>> print ("Your entered number is an even number")

When you will execute this code, your console screen will print a line as,
Enter your desired number =
After entering your number, if your entered number is an even number, your
program will print,
Your entered number is an even number:

Example – 2:
>>> n = int (input ("Enter first integer"));
>>> v = int (input ("Enter second integer "));
>>> w = int (input ("Enter third integer"));
>>> if n > v and n > w:
>>> print ("n is largest");
>>> if v > n and v > w:
>>> print ("v is largest");
>>> if w > n and w > v:
>>> print ("w is largest");

After compiling and executing this program, your computer will print this on
your console screen,
Enter first integer
Let’s say you have entered 69 as your first integer, i.e. “n”.
Your computer will now print another statement on your console screen,
Enter second integer
Let's say you have entered 70 as your second integer, i.e. "v."
Now, your computer will print another statement on the console screen,
Enter third integer
Let's say you have entered 69 as your third integer, i.e., "w."
In the above mentioned case, it will display this statement as our output.
v is largest
● The if-else statement
The if-else statement provides an else block in addition to the if statement,
which is executed in the false case of the first condition. When the condition
is true, then the if block is executed. Otherwise, the else block will be
considered true.
In Python, syntax for if else statement is as follows
>>> if condition:
>>> (block of statements)
>>> Else:
>>> (Block of else statements)

Example - 1:
>>> voterage = int (input ("Enter your age = "))
>>> if voterage >= 18:
>>> print ("You are eligible to cast vote!");
>>> else:
>>> print ("Sorry! You have to wait!");

When you will execute this program, your system will print the following
line to your console screen.
Enter your age =
If you enter an integer, which is equal or greater than 18, your screen will
display a message,
You are eligible to cast vote!
If you enter an integer, which is lower than 18, your screen will print this
Sorry! You have to wait!

Example - 2:
>>> number = int (input ("Enter your desired number :"))
>>> if number % 2 == 0:
>>> print ("Your entered number is an even number!")
>>> else:
>>> print ("Your entered number is an odd number!")
When you execute this program, your screen will print a message,
Enter your desired number :
If you enter an even number, it will print,
Your entered number is an even number!
If you enter an odd number, it will print,
Your entered number is an odd number!
● The elif statement
The elif statement helps us to run multiple levels of conditions at the same
time. It must have if-and-if levels to perform the tasks, specified by the
program. It works only by taking up a series of 'True' conditions.
The syntax of elif statement is as follows
>>> if (expression 1):
>>> (block of statements);
>>> elif (expression 2):
>>> (block of statements);
>>> elif (expression 3):
>>> (block of statements);
>>> else:
>>> (block of statements);
● Python break statement
The break statement has its own unique importance in Python loop-oriented
programming. It shifts the execution pattern to the next lines by breaking up
the loop from the previous codes. With simple syntax, it gives back the
control to the required loops in the same larger program. Its syntax is simple.
● Python continue Statement
In Python, this statement gives control of a program to the start of a loop. It
allows an individual to skips the rest of codes, and execution comes back to
the beginning. It has an important role in skipping and executing in special
The syntax of continue statement is as follows
>>> loop statements
>>> continue;
>>> (the code to be skipped);
Example – 1:
>>> v = 0;
>>> while v != 10:
>>> print ("%d"%v);
>>> continue;
>>> v=v+1;
In this case, output will be an infinite loop.
Example - 2:
>>> n=1;
>>> for n in range (1,10):
>>> if n == 15;
>>> continue:
>>> print (%d"%n);
In this case, output will be a list of integers.

● Python’s Pass Statement

In Python, pass statement is considered as a non-executable part of program.

It just appears to justify the syntax and provides only null operation. It is
generally used when the code is not a part of a program, but written
somewhere outside of the program. We use this statement, as its syntax.


>>> for v in [1,2,3,4,5]:
>>> if v == 4:
>>> pass
>>> print "(pass when value is)",v
>>> print (v);
1 2 3 Pass when value is 4
● Import statement in Python
This statement is considered as the most valuable statement in python
programming. It makes possible the access of one module's functionality to
another module. Without import statement, Python is not able to perform up
to the mark. We use this statement, as its syntax of import statement.
import module;

>>> import document;
>>> last name = input("input your last name :")
>>> document.displayMsg(last name)
When you execute this program, your system will print a message to your
computer screen,
Input your last name :
For instance, you entered "Nasir", it will print,
Hi Nasir

6.3 Loops in Python

Computer Programming is all about the flow of some commands and
functions over and over again. Sometimes, the same code has to repeat many
times to get the desired results. It is a very common practice in the general
programming world. To make this easier for Python programmers, there are
many loops that are used by professionals to save time and keep the syntax
easy to read and understand. These loops repeat the required code several
times with only a small block of code. In Python, these loops are much
necessary to build predictive model programs and to obtain results.
In Python, loops are very helpful in reducing the complexity of your code.
The syntax of these loops is very easy to understand and is necessary to
maintain the flow of the program. It avoids repetition of the same code, and
through a simple loop, one can easily repeat the same code many times.
Here are some important loops in Python.
1- for loop
2- while loop
3- do-while loop
4- Python 'for' loop
● For Loop
As far as the for loop is concerned in Python, its syntax is as follows
>>> for iterating_variable in sequence:
>>> {statements);
>>> v=1;
>>> number = int (input ("Enter your desired number:"));
>>> for v in range(1,11):
>>> print ("%d X %d = %d"% (number,v,number*v));
When you execute this program, your console will print,
Enter your desired number
Let’s say you entered “10”, as your number. Your console will print,
10 X 1 = 10
10 X 2 = 20
10 X 3 = 30
10 X 4 = 40
10 X 5 = 50
10 X 6 = 60
10 X 7 = 70
10 X 8 = 80
10 X 9 = 90
10 X 10 = 100
● Nested for loop
In Python, nested for loop is about nesting a ‘for loop’ inside another ‘for
loop’ to execute it several times.
Nested for loop’s syntax is as follows
>>> for iterating_variable1 in sequence:
>>> for iterating_variable2 in sequence:
>>> (block of statements)
>>> (Other statements)
>>> v = int(input("Enter your desired number of rows"))
>>> v,w=0,0
>>> for v in range(0,n):
>>> print ()
>>> for w in range(0,i+1):
>>> print("*",end="")

When you execute this program, your console screen will print this,
Enter your desired number of rows
Let’s say you’ve entered “6”. It will print,
● Else statement with for loop
The else statement is an essential part of many conditional statements. It is
also used in many other programming languages for the satisfaction of a
condition. In Python, the else statement can be executed inside a 'for loop.'
Example - 1:
>>> for v in range(0,8):
>>> print(v)
>>> else:print("Excluding break statement therefore for loop completely
In this case, your console screen will print,
Since there is no break, for loop completely exhausted
Example – 2:
>>> for v in range(0,5):
>>> print(v)
>>> break;
>>> else:print("for loop is exhausted now!");
>>> print ("break statement is used therefore loop gets broken")
#The break statement is stopping the execution of the else statement.
In this condition, your console will print,
the break statement is used therefore loop gets broken
● Python while loop
In general, a while loop is responsible for enabling a part of the code to be
executed as long as the given condition is true. It is usually used in the case
where the iteration's quantity is not known in advance. While loop's syntax is
as follows.
>>> while expression:
>>> (statements);
Statement expression must be any valid Python expression concluding into
true or false. The True is any non-zero value, in this case.

Example – 1:
>>> v=1;
>>> while v<=11:
>>> print(v);
>>> v=v+1;
In this condition, your console will print a list of all integers, till 11.
● Infinite while loop in Python
If the condition provided in the while loop doesn't become false, the while
loop will never end, and the result will be an infinite while loop. To have a
True Condition, we use a non-zero value in while loop, and zero value to
indicate the False Condition
>>> variable = 1
>>> while variable != 2:
>>> v = int(input("Enter your desired number :"))
>>> print ("Entered value is %d"%(v))
In this results will be,
Enter your desired number : 67
Entered value is 67
Enter your desired number : 69
Entered value is 69
Enter your desired number : 68
Entered value is 68
Enter your desired number : 76 …
It will be an infinite loop.
● Else with Python while loop
Python empowers its developers to use the while loop with the while loop
inside it, as well. It executes the else square when the condition given in the
while articulation turns out to be false. Like for loop, on the off chance that
the while loop is broken using the break statement. At that point, the else
square won't be executed, and it will execute the announcement present after
an else square.

Example - 1:
>>> v=1;
>>> while v<=4:
>>> print(v)
>>> v=v+1;
>>> else:print("The while loop is broken");
In this case, your console will print,
The while loop is broken
Example – 2:
>>> v=1;
>>> while v<=5:
>>> print(v)
>>> v=v+1;
>>> if(v==3):
>>> break;
>>> else:print("The while loop is broken");
In this case, your console will print,
CHAPTER 7: Python Functions and File Handling
Python functions and file handling are the most important part of Python
programming. Without using these functionalities, no program can achieve
the desired results. Functions are easy to understand codes that can be called
anywhere in the main body of your program.

7.1 Functions in Python

Python's functions are highly useful small bundles of codes that may be
called to perform a specific task. They are used in programs to perform
special roles. Basically, they are some unique statements that are enclosed by
{}. In Python, you may call functions as many times as you require.
● Advantage of Python functions
Following are some major advantages of python functions:
● By the use of functions, we may avoid the repetition of the code.
With a single statement, the whole function can be called. It saves
a lot of time!
● They are reusable, and their reusability is a very attractive feature.
They may be called a number of times in a program.
● By using these functions, a larger program can be divided into
multiple functions. It enhances usage.
● Functions of Python
There are so many functions in the Python programming language. They can
be called from interpreter package to use in any program. Without these
functions, this Python has no attraction for the software community.
Nowadays, they are being used across the world to perform all major
programming tasks.
● The abs ( ) Function
This function is mainly used for numeric values. It gives back an absolute
value when we enter any integer in our program. It is specifically for getting
absolute values against one single argument. Here are some examples of
absolute numbers to understand the concept.
# int number
>>> integer = -25
>>> print(‘ abs value of -25 is', abs(integer)
#float number
>>> float = -55
>>> print(‘abs value of -55', abs(float)
abs value of -25 is: 25
abs value of -55 is: 55
These results show that how abs( ) function works.
● The bin ( ) Function
This function, bin( ), returns the binary results of an integer. The binary
output has prefix 0b at the start of value.

>>> n=20
>>> v= bin(n)
>>> print(v)
In this case, your console will print,
● The bool ( ) Function
This function gives an output in Boolean type value by using truth testing
methods. It is an essential built-in function of Python. If there is any value
input, the result is true; otherwise, it prints false.
>>> v1=[5]
>>> print(v1, ‘is',bool(v1)
>>> v1= No-value
>>> print(v1, ‘is',bool(v1)
[5] is True
No-value is False
● The bytes ( ) Function
In Python, the bytes ( ) function is very helpful to get object in bytes. It
belongs to the command byte-array. Mostly, Python programming
professionals get help by generating objects through this command.

>>> string= "Hi Friend."
>>> array= bytes(string, ‘utf-8')
>>> print(array)
Hi Friend
● The callable ( ) Function
The concerned function investigates and shows up True when an object
seems callable otherwise, it shows False. This function may save time by
notifying the user about the availability of an object with just a single
>>> v= 12
>>> print (callable(v))
● The compile ( ) Function
This function, compile ( ), works on the source code by using the compilers
of Python, and ultimately generate an object with that code. Later, we may
execute this code by using another function exec ( ) in the same program.
>>> yourcode_str= v=10\n w=15\n print("sum=",v+w)'
>>> yourcode=compile(yourcode_str, "','exec')
>>> print(type(yourcode))
>>> exec(yourcode)
>>> exec(c)
sum = 25
● The exec ( ) Function
The exec() function has a bit extra importance within the built-in functions of
Python. It runs the programs of python and produces the output. Without this
function, python programs cannot execute.
>>> v = 12
>>> exec('print(v==12)')
>>> exec('print(v+4)')
● The sum ( ) Function
In Python, when we work with arithmetic operations while using numerical
data, the Sum() function becomes inevitable. We use this function to perform
addition of values available in the list.

>>> v = sum([2, 5,4 ])
>>> print(v)
>>> v = sum([4, 2, 4], 10)
>>> print(v)
● The any ( ) Function
The any () function in Python provides the result or output in Boolean type
value which may be true or false.
It prints true when there is any value True on the list. But if there is no value
true, it gives False. It is also a very useful function for data scientist which
works on big data projects.
>>> V=[4, False,9]
>>> Print(any(V))
>>> V=[]
>>> Print(any(V))
● The ascii ( ) Function
The ascii() function has an important role in Python. The output value of this
function is always a string. We have to remember that it doesn't print other
ascii characters.

>>> vQ= 'Have a good day'
>>> print(ascii(vQ))
>>> wQ= 'Have a nice day'
>>> print(ascii(wQ))
>>> print(‘Have\xf6n a good day')
'Have a good day'
'Have\xf6n a good day'
'Have a nice day'
● The bytearray ( ) Function
The bytearray () function plays an important role in Python programming. To
create an object, this function helps users or software professionals with no
wastage of time.
>>> string1= "Computer Programming"
#string1 with encode ‘utf-8'
>>> array1= bytearray(string, ‘utf-8')
>>> print(array1)
bytearray(b'Computer Programming')
● The eval ( ) Function
The eval ( ) function plays an additional role in python programming. This
function executes itself in a running program to help the code manager to get
work done in speed.
>>> w= 6
>>> print(eval(‘w+1')
● The format ( ) Function
This format ( ) function in Python, makes the coding easier for every
programmer. By formatting the values and other given data, it saves the time
of a programmer.
>>> d, f and b are a type
# integer
>>> print(format(515, "d"))
# float arguments
>>>print(format(515.7898, "f"))
# binary format
>>> print(format(15, "b"))
● The frozenset ( ) Funcion
The frozenset() function, in Python programming, provides a changeable
frozen-set object. This is a very useful function for Python programming.
>>> letter = ('j', 'k', 'l', ‘m', 'p')
>>> frozset = frozenset(letter)
>>> print('Frozen set:', frozSet)
>>> print('set with no value:',frozenset())
Frozen set: ({'k', 'p', 'j', 'm', 'l'})
Set with no val: frozenset()
● The getattr ( ) Function
This function plays a very important role in python language. With the help
of this function, the user is able to get object’s attribute. Software
programmers use this function to assign names to the objects.

>>> class Details:
>>> age = 25
>>> name = "faheel"
>>> detail = Details()
>>> print('age:', getattr(detail, "age"))
>>> print('age:', detail.age)
age: 25
age: 25
● The globals ( ) Function
The globals ( ) function enables the user to get the table of global symbols,
with all the information of variables and methods. It is a mandatory function
to have all the symbols ready to use in any python program.
Id = 72
globals()['Id'] = 72
print(' My id :', Id)
My id : 72
● The hasattr ( ) Function
Hasattr ( ) function is based on Boolean type returns, i.e. True and False.
>>> v = [0, False, 5]
>>> print(any(v))
>>> v = []
>>> print(any(v))
● The iter ( ) Function
The iter ( ) function is commonly used as it deals with the values inside an
object mostly list. It prints the values in a list one by one.

# list of numbers
>>> list = [6,7,8,9,}
>>> listIter = iter(list)
# prints '6'
>>> print(next(listIter))
# prints '7'
>>> print(next(listIter))
# prints '8'
>>> print(next(listIter))
● The len ( ) Function
It is a very simple but extremely important function for python programming.
The users or programmers are able to measure the length of items by using
this function.

>>> stringW = '…Data…'
>>> print(len(stringW))
● The list ( ) Function
The list ( ) function is one of the most commonly used functions to generate a
complete list of set of given instructions.
>>> print(list())
#for empty list
# string
>>> String = 'abcde'
>>> print(list(String))
# tuple
>>> tuple = (1,2,3,4,5)
>>> print(list(Tuple))
# list
>>> list = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> print(list(list))

● The locals ( ) Function

The locals ( ) provides a Boolean type result against the input (True or False).
It takes two inputs and returns true or false according to your defined

>>> def localsBeta():
>>> return locals()
>>> def localstSenior():
>>> Alpha = True
>>> return locals()
>>> print('localsNoAutority:', localsBeta())
>>> print('localsHighAuthority:', localsAlpha())
localsBeta: {}
localsAlpha: {'present': True}
● The map ( ) Function
Them map ( ) function is really important as you can get an item’s list
processed under this function.
>>> def calculateAddition(n):
>>> return n+n
>>> numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4)
>>> result = map(calculateAddition, numbers)
>>> print(result)
# converting map object to set
>>> numbersAddition = set(result)
>>> print(numbersAddition)
<map object at 0x7fb04a6bec18>
● The delattr ( ) Function
This function is the most important as compared to all other functions. On
every step, a developer or user needs to delete attributes from a class and
shows error on calling the same attribute.
>>> class jobholder:
>>> ID= 76
>>> name= "Hiziya"
>>> email= ""
>>> def getinfo(self):
>>> print(,,
>>> J=jobholder()
>>> e.getinfo()
>>> delattrib(jobholder, ‘Job Description')
>>> e.getinfo()
76 Hiziya
● The divmod ( ) Function
This function performs a numerical operation on the given values. The
arguments that this function uses, are numeric values. In all numeric
operations. In Python, this function is frequently used and preferred.
>>> V = divmod(30,5)
>>> print(v)
(6, 0)
● The enumerate ( ) Function
The enumerate ( ) function is based on the sequence of index numbers.
Through using element’s sequence and index, it may generate an object
having numerical values.
>>> W = enumerate([4,5,6])
>>> print(W)
>>> print(list(W))
[(0, 4), (1, 5), (2, 6)]
● The dict ( ) Function
This function returns a dictionary. This function generates three types of
● Empty Dictionary: When there is no argument passed.
● Identical Key-value pair Dictionary: When there is a potential
argument given.
● Keyword and Value added Dictionary: When there is a keyword
>>> N = dict()
>>> V = dict(c=4,d=5)
>>> print(result)
>>> print(result2)
>>> {} #empty dictionary
>>> {'c': 4, 'd':5} #dictionary with values
● The filter ( ) Function
The filter ( ) function is used for the filtration of values by providing two
arguments, functions and variables. In case of (none) function, it returns only
>>> def filterdata(w):
>>> if w>4:
>>> return w
>> result = filter(filterdata,(1,2,7))
>>> print(list(result))

● The hash ( ) Function
The hash ( ) generates the numeric value through hash algorithm, in Python.
These values may be integers used for comparison of dictionary keys.
>>> V = hash(35)
>>> W = hash(35.6)
>>> print(v)
>>> print(W)

● The help ( ) Function
The help ( ) function is responsible to call help to assist the process of object
passage. Through additional parameters, this function share the help data
with you.

Information = help()
Help Centre!
● The min ( ) Function
The min ( ) function helps get the smallest or the most basic elements by
taking two arguments as input, elements list and Keywords list.
>>> V = min(2100,221,225)
>>> W = min(1000.25,2025.35,5625.36,10052.50)
>>> print(V)
>>> print(W)

● The set ( ) Function
The set ( ) function generates an object by using itereable objects. This
function of python programming is considered as the base of programs.
>>> v = set('25')
>>> w= set('python')
>>> print(v)
>>> print(w)
{'2', '5'}
{'y', 'o', 't', 'h',', 'p', 'n'}
● The hex ( ) Function
The hex ( ) function converts the integer argument into hexadecimal string
value. This function makes the conversion easy for all programmers, software
developers, engineers and professional Python experts.

>>> n = hex(4)
>>> v= hex(140)
>>> print(n)
>>> print(v)
● The id ( ) Function
The id ( ) function generates an identity integer by the use of an argument.
>>> N = id("Python")
>>> V = id(1500)
>>> W= id([95,236,92,3225])
>>> print(N)
>>> print(V)
>>> print(W)

● The setattr ( ) Function
This function is responsible for setting of an attribute of an object. It takes
different values and after execution of the function, it returns nothing.
>>> RollNo = 0 #RN- roll number
>>> Name = ""
>>> def_init_(my, RollNo, Name):
>>> my.RollNo = RollNo
>>> self.Name = Name
>>> V= Student(33,"Faheel")
>>> print(V.RollNo)
>>> print(V.Name)
>>> print( product error
>>> setattr(V, 'email','') # adding new attribute
>>> print(
● The slice ( ) Function
The slice ( ) function gives slice from a group of elements. Initially it takes a
single argument, but a second function requires three arguments to proceed.
>>> V = slice(7)
>>> W = slice(0,7,3)
>>> print(V)
>>> print(W)
● The sorted ( ) Function
We use this function for the sorting of elements. Sorting, due to this function
is in ascending order. To proceed, this function uses normally four values.
V = "python"
W = sorted(V) # sorting string
● The next ( ) Function
The next ( ) function enables to get next element from the given group.
Through two arguments, this function produces with a single element.
>>> V = iter([128, 16, 42])
>>> W= next(V)
>>> print(W)
>>> W = next(V)
>>> print(W)
>>> W= next(V)
>>> print(W)
#V is a number
#W is an item
● The input ( ) Function
The input ( ) function is specially used for taking instructions from the
programmer or software developer or the user. After getting information, it
converts that value into program required data format.
>>> value = input("Please insert your desired value: ")
>>> print("You entered:",value)
Please Insert your desired value: 22
You entered: 22
● The int ( ) Function
The int ( ) function is designed to get integers, normally users use it to
converts strings and other data structures into specified integral values.

>>> n = int(15) # integer
>>> v = int(15.52) # float
>>> w = int('15') # string
>>> print("Int val:",a, b, c)
Int val : 15 15 15
● The pow ( ) Function
We use pow ( ) function to compute number’s power to define it for some
specific results needed for the project or program. It is really an important
function to carry out many algebraic solutions for numbers.
>>> Positive v, Positive w (v**w)
>>> print(pow(2, 3))
>>> Negative v, Positive w (-v**w)
>>> print(pow(-2, 3))
>>> Positive v, Negative w (v**-w)
print(pow(2, -3))
>>> Negative v, Negative w (-v**-w)
print(pow(-2, -3))

● The print ( ) Function
The print ( ) function responsible to print an element or object on screen.

>>> print("Hello! To the world of Python Programming!")
>>> v = 7
>>> print("v =", v)
>>> w = v
>>> print('v =', v, '= w')

Hello! To the world of Python Programming!
● The range ( ) Function
The range ( ) function provides the sequence that begins at 0 in general, it
increases by 1 and stops on some specific number.

>>> print(list(range(9,12)))
>>> range(start, stop)
● The reversed ( ) Function
The reversed ( ) function returns the reverse sequence of a given sequence.

>>> string = 'Hello'
>>> print(list(reversed(string)))
>>> tuple = ('H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o')
>>> print(list(reversed(tuple)))
>>> range = range(10, 12)
>>> print(list(reversed(range)))
>>> List = [1, 2, 7, 7, 9]
>>> print(list(reversed(List)))
['o', 'l', 'l', 'e', ‘H']
● The round () Function
The round ( ) function is mostly used when there are decimals used in the list
of numbers.
>>> print(round(8))
>>> print(round(10.4))
>>> print(round(6.6))
● The str ( ) Function
The str ( ) transforms any value into string. This conversion function helps
user to get things done quickly.
>>> str('6')
● The tuple ( ) Function
The tuple ( ) function generates an object through any function. This function
allows users to get their required object by just writing a simple syntax.
>>> n = tuple()
>>> print('n=', n)
>>> v = tuple([2, 8, 10])
>>> print('v=', v)
>>> n = tuple('Python')
>>> print('n=',n)
>>> n = tuple({4: 'four', 5: 'five'})
>>> print('n=',n)
n = ()
v= (2, 8, 10)
n= ('P', 'y', 't', 'h','o','n')
n= (4, 5)
● The type ( ) function
The type ( ) function is normally applied to understand the data type on an
element. With three arguments, the type function gives an object.

>>> V = [4, 5] #LIST
>>> print(type(V))
>>> W = {4: 'four', 5: 'five'} #Dictionary
>>> print(type(W))
>>> class Python:
>>> n = 0
>>> InstanceOfPython = Python()
>>> print(type(InstanceOfPython))
<class 'V'>
<class 'W'>
<class '__main__.Python'>
● The vars ( ) function
The vars ( ) function returns the attributes which belongs to the dictionary. It
is most commonly used function of python.

>>> class Python:
>>> def _init_(my, v = 7, w = 9):
>>> my.v = v
>>> my.w = w
>>>InstanceOfPython = Python()
{'w': 9, 'v': 7}
● The zip ( ) Function
The zip ( ) function gives an object having the same index with several
containers. Through this function, results can be produced in an achieved or
zip form.
>>> numericalList = [4,5, 6]
>>> stringList = ['four', 'five', 'six']
>>> V = zip()
>>> VList = list(V)
>>> print(VList)
>>> V= zip(numberList, stringList)
>>> VSet = set(result)
>>> print(VSet)
7.2 File Handling of Python
Python supports file handling and it also enables clients to deal with reading
and writing of any document, alongside various methods to deal with the
available file or document. The concept of file handling is present in many
different computer programming languages, however the usage of file
handling is either muddled or protracted in other languages. In Python, the
idea of file handling is similar yet different. In Python, file handling is really
Python provides multiple unique features and functions to handle the files. It
distinguishes other high-level computer programming languages on the basis
of the structural organization of file handling and management. It is easy to
learn and implement coding module in Python. We should begin with
Reading and Writing the files. For this, the syntax is mentioned below.
open(filename, mode)
● File Opening Using Function open()
We use open () function for reading and writing the file. As mentioned
earlier, it restore an object in file format. Generally, open ( ) works alongside
two contentions, that acknowledges file management. It's syntax is mentioned
Object File= open(<name>, <mode>, <buffering>)
● Closing of File Using Function close ()
After the completion of the program, the programmer must close the file by
using python’s script, close ( ).
It secures the file from external threats and prevents the manipulation of
functionalities. It’s syntax is mentioned below.
if filenvw:
print("opened successfully")
Chapter 8: OOP Concepts in Python
Python object-oriented programming concepts are playing a vital role in the
software industry. It has all the concepts of object-oriented programming.
There are many other languages of the same core programming family, but
python is based on OOP concepts from the very beginning. Here, a software
expert has the liberty to call functions, objects, and classes to perform any
programming task. This language is highly recommended for data science

8.1 OOP Basic Concepts

Let’s discuss some important parts of OOPs Python:
● Object framework- Quality and methods in python
● Class- Collection of Objects
● Method- Capacity of an object
● Inheritance- Inherits the qualities of the parent object
● Object framework
This framework has a similar concept in programming as in the real world.
Any existing substance with some quality is an object. In python, there is
everywhere object-oriented approaches, and all these objects have some
specific qualities and functions. Having some defined capacity, the object
contains all the important information that is being used to make a piece of
comprehensive result-oriented information out of it.
● Class
Class is about a group of objects. These classes have elements with specific
attributes. Like in real life, we define classes in the programming world as
well. For example, we can have a class of students, workers, officers, and a
lot more. All classes have some similar traits within the class. The syntax to
create a class is as follows.
>>> class Name of Class:
>>> (statement-1)
>>> (statement-2)
>>> (statement-X)
● Method
The method is not something like the way to perform in python language;
rather, it is about the capacity of an object defined in a program. It is based
on how many methods an object can have. It is frequently used in python
● Inheritance
It is an integral part of the Python programming language. In OOP, it is
similar to the traditional inheritance system in human biological existence.
The younger object has all the traits and methods. Through this framework,
we can develop classes to use the properties of one another. It helps in getting
results by using a single code for every class. It also saves time and simplifies
the syntax.

8.2 Python Class and Objects

A class is an assumed element that contains a number of objects. It is a
virtual thing that gives meaning to us when we look at it with reference to
objects and their properties. For example, assume a hospital building. It has
rooms, beds, medical equipment and so on. The hospital building is a class,
and all the parts of the building are its objects.
In this area of the instructional exercise, we will talk about creating classes
and objects in python. We will likewise discuss how a characteristic is gotten
to by using the class object.
● Creating classes in python
Python has a straightforward syntax for creating classes. A non-technical
individual can also make a class by just typing simple commands. The syntax
to create a class is as follows.
>>> class ClassName:
>>> (statement_suite)
Consider the following guide to make a class Employee which contains two
fields as Employee id, and name.
The class likewise contains a capacity show(), which is utilized to show the
information about the job holder.
>>> class jobholder:
>>> id = 78;
>>> name = "hiziya"
>>> def display (self):
>>> print(,
Here, self is utilized as a source of perspective variable which alludes to the
present class object. It is consistently the main argument in the capacity
definition. Be that as it may, using self is discretionary in the capacity call.
● Creating an instance of the class
A class should be instantiated on the off chance that we need to utilize the
class characteristics in another class. It can be instantiated by calling the class
using the class name.
>>> id number = 78;
>>> name = "Nasir"
>>>print("ID number: %d \nname: %s"%(,
>>> emp = Employee()
>>> emp.display()

ID number: 78
Name: Nasir

8.3 Python Constructor

It is a special type of method (function) which is used to initialize the
specified members in class.
There are two types of Constructors:
● One is Parameterized Constructor
● Second is non-parameterized Constructor

Its definition is executed when we create an object of this class. Constructors

verify that there are measurable resources for the object to perform a task for
the start-up.
● Creating the Constructor in python
In python, the method __init__ generated the Constructor of the class. This
method is used when the class is instantiated. We can pass a number of
arguments at the time of making the class object, using __init__ definition.
Every class should have a constructor, even if it is simply the default

>>> class Student:
>>> count = 0
>>> def __init__(self):
>>> Student.count = Student.count + 1
>>> s1=Student()
>>> s2=Student()
>>> s3=Student()
>>> print("The number of students:",Student.count)
The number of students: 3

● Python In-built class functions

Python has multiple in-built class functions. Let's try to understand its
functionality through an example.

>>> class Workers:
>>> def __init__(my,name,age):
>>> = name;
>>> my.age = age
>>> W = worker("Cindy",115,22)
>>> print(getattr(W,'name'))
>>> setattr(W,"age",27)
>>> print(getattr(s,'age'))
>>> delattr(s,'age')
>>> print(s.age)

AttributeError:There is no attribute 'age' in Student' object.
● Built-in class attributes
A class in Python also contains some class attributes (built-in) which give
information about the class.
Here is the list of built-in class attributes:
It is for providing the dictionary containing information about the class
It is to contain a string which has the class documentation
It accesses the class name.
It accesses the module in which this class is defined.
It is used to obtain a tuple.
>>> def __init__(my,name,roll number,age):
>>> = name;
>>> my.rollbumber = roll number;
>>> m.age = age
>>> def display_details(my):
>>> print("Name:%s, Roll Number:%d, age:%d"%(,my.roll
>>> Y = Student("Jack",10,17)
>>> print(y.__doc__)
>>> print(y.__dict__)
>>> print(y.__module_)
{'name': 'Jack', 'Roll number': 10, 'age': 17}

8.4 Python Inheritance

Python inheritance is a very unique feature of programming language. It
improves the useability of program and development. In this framework, a
child class can access the qualities and functionalities of parent class. The
syntax for inheritance is as follows.
>>> class derived-class(base class):
>>> <class-suite>
>>> class derive-class(<base class 1>, <base class 2>, ..... <base class n>):
>>> <class - suite>
>>> class Animal:
>>> def speak(self):
>>> print("Animal Speaking")
#child class Dog inherits the base class Animal
>>> class Dog(Animal):
>>> def bark(self):
>>> print("barking dog")
>>> d = Dog()
>>> d.bark()
>>> d.speak()

barking dog
Animal Speaking

● Python Multi-Level inheritance

This inheritance has multiple levels in python as similar it has in other
programming languages. This object-oriented feature is very useful to derive
data from one class and to us it in another. The syntax of multi-level
inheritance is as follows.
>>> class class1:
>>> <class-suite>
>>> class class2(class1):
>>> <class suite>
>>> class class3(class2):
>>> <class suite>

>>> class Animal:
>>> def speak(self):
>>> print("Speaking Animal")
#The child class Dog inherits the base class Animal
>>> class Dog(Animal):
>>> def bark(self):
>>> print("barking dog")
#The child class Dogchild inherits another child class Dog
>>> class DogChild(Dog):
>>> def eat(self):
>>> print("Bread eating...")
>>> d = DogChild()
>>> d.bark()
>>> d.speak()

barking dog
Speaking Animal
Bread eating...
Chapter 9: Modules, Exceptions and Arrays in Python
Python’s modules, exceptions and arrays are most important components of
object-oriented Python programming. In Python, we use them both, time by
time to have a better understanding with the usage of code in a very logical
way. These programming methods are also used in other high-level computer
programming languages, and they possess many popular frameworks.
Because of their usage it’s easy to transform the complexities of
programming into simple coding. Let’s discuss them one by one.

9.1 Modules in Python

Python modules are some programs that are consist of programming codes of
Python. They contain all the variables, classes and functions of the Python
language. Modules enable developers to organize their codes in a proper
manner that is logically valid. Modules can be imported to use the
functionality of one module for another.
Here is a module, named as It contains a function “func” that has a
code to print some message on the console screen.
So let’s generate the module,
#displayMsg prints a message to the name.
>>> def displayMsg(name)
>>> print("Hi "+name);
Now it is required to add this module into the main module to call the method
function. displayMsg() defined in the module named file.
● Loading the module in a python code
In order to use the functionality of python code, modules are loaded.
Generally, Python provides two types of statements as mentioned below.
● The import statement
● The from-import statement
● Built-in Modules of Python’s Standard Library
There is an unlimited number of Python’s Built-in Modules, we will discuss
some of the most important modules, such as,
● Random
● Statistics
● Math
● Datetime

To import any module among them, we use the following syntax

>>> Import[module_name]
For better understanding, you may say, for example, Import [math].
● Random module in Python
In Python, this module is generally used to generate numbers. By using the
command random ( ), we can generate the floating-point numbers. The range
of these floating-point numbers lies in between 0.0 and 1.0.
Below are some of the most important random functions used in random
● The Function random.randint ()
This is used for generating random integers.
● The Function random.randrange ()
This is used to generate the randomly selected elements.
● The Function random.choice ()
This module is used to randomly selected elements from non-empty modules.
● The Statistics module of Python
Static module is a very useful module in python. It provides processed
numerical data after performing statistics functions over it. Below is a list of
some very important and most used functions of static module.
● The mean() function
The mean ( ) function is used to take the arithmetic mean of the list.
>>> import statistics
>>> listofdata = [5, 2, 7, 4, 2, 6, 8]
>>> v= statistics.mean(listofdata)
>>> print("The Anathematic Mean will be:", v)
The Anathematic Mean will be: 4.857142857142857
● The median () function
This function is used to find the middle value of your list.
>>> import statistics
>>> setofdata = [4, -5, 6, 6, 9, 4, 5, -2]
>>> print("Median of data-set is : % s "
>>> % (statistics.median(setofdata)))
Median of data-set is: 4.5
● The mode () function
This function provides common data from the list.
>>> import statistics
>>> setofdata =[2, 4, 7, 7, 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 8]
>>> print("Calculated Mode % s" % (statistics.mode(setofdata)))

Calculated Mode 2

● The stdev () function

This function is used to calculate the standard deviation of your data.

>>> import statistics
>>> data = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
>>> print("Standard Deviations of sample data is: % s "
>>> % (statistics.stdev(data)))
Standard Deviation of sample data is: 1.5811388300841898
● The median_low ()
The median_low ( ) function is used to return the low median of numeric data
in your given list.

>>> import statistics
# simple list of a set of integers
>>> setofdata1 = [4, 6, 2, 5, 7, 7]
# Print low median of the data-set
>>> print ("data-set Low median is % s "
>>> % (statistics.median_low(setofdata1)))

Low median of the data-set is 5
● Median_high ()
The median_high () function is used to calculate the high median of numeric
data in your entered list.
>>> import statistics
# list of set of the integers
>>> setofdata = [2, 1, 7, 6, 1, 9]
>>> print("High median of data-set is %s "
>>> % (statistics.median_high(setofdata)))
High median of the data-set is 6
● The Math module of Python
The Math module of Python contains the mathematical functions to perform
most of the mathematical calculations.
There are two constants as well:
● Pi (π)
Pi is a well-known mathematical constant and is defined as the ratio of
circumstance of a circle to its diameter. Its value is or approximately
● Euler's Number (e)
Euler’s Number is the base of natural logarithmic, and its value is
approximately 2.718281828459045.
A few most used Math modules are elaborated below:
● The math.log10() function
This function is used to calculate base 10 logarithm of the number.
>>> import math
>>> v=13 # small value of x
>>> print('log10(v) is :', math.log10(v))
log10(v) is : 1.1139433523068367
● The math.sqrt () function
This function calculates the root of number.

>>> import math
>>> n = 20
>>> v = 14
>>> w = 17.8995
>>> print('square root of 20 is ', math.sqrt(n))
>>> print('square root of 14 is ', math.sqrt(v))
>>> print('square root of 17.8995 is ', math.sqrt(w))

square root of 20 is 4.47213595499958
square root of 14 is 3.7416573867739413
square root of 17.8995 is 4.230780069916185
● The math.expm1() function
This function is used to calculate “e” raised to the power of any number
minus 1. “e” is the base of natural logarithm.
● The math.cos() function
This function is used to calculate the cosine of any number in radians.

>>> import math
>>> angleInDegree = 60
>>> angleInRadian = math.radians(angleInDegree)
>>> print('Given angle :', angleInRadian)
>>> print('cos(x) is :', math.cos(angleInRadian))

>>> Given angle : 1.0471975511965976
>>> cos(x) is : 0.5000000000000001
● The math.sin() function
This function is used to calculate the sine of any number, in radians.
>>> import math
>>> angleInDegree = 60
>>> angleInRadian = math.radians(angleInDegree)
>>> print('Given angle :', angleInRadian)
>>> print('sin(v) is :', math.sin(angleInRadian))
Given angle: 1.0471975511965976
sin(v) is: 0.8660254037844386
● The math.tan() function
This function is used to return the tangent of any number, in radians.
>>> import math
>>> angleInDegree = 60
>>> angleInRadian = math.radians(angleInDegree)
>>> print('Given angle :', angleInRadian)
>>> print('tan(v) is :', math.tan(angleInRadian))
Given angle : 1.0471975511965976
tan(v) is : 1.7320508075688767
● The Sys module of Python
The sys module provides access to system-specific functions. It changes the
Python Runtime Environment to enable the user to get parameters, variables
and articles.
● Importing sys function
First of all, we need to import the sys module in the program before starting
the use of functions and before calling any function.
● The sys.modules’ function
These functions are used to perform some really important tasks on system
and Python Runtime Environment in python programming.
● Function of sys.argv:
This function is used for arguments.
● Function of sys.base_prefix:
This function is used for startup.
● Function of sys.byteorder
This function is used to get byterorder.
● Function of sys.maxsize
This function is used to get large integer.
● Function of sys.path
This function is used to set the path.
● Function of sys.stdin
This function is used to restore files.
● Function of sys.getrefcount
This function is used to get reference count of an object.
● Function of sys.exit
This function is used to exit from Python command prompt.
● Function of sys executable
This function is used to locate the python in system.
● sys.platform
This function is used to identify Platform.
● The Collection Module in Python
Collection module plays an important role as it collects major data formats or
data structures such as list, dictionary, set and tuple. This function is
responsible to improve the functionality of the current version of python.
It is defined as a container that is employed to conserve collections of data,
for example, list.
● The function of namedtuple() in Collection Module
This function produces a tuple object without causing any issue of indexing.
>>> Faheel = (Faheel', 25, 'Male')
>>> print(Faheel)
('Faheel', 25, 'Male')
● OrderedDict() function
This function generates dictionary object with key that can overwrite data
>>> import collections
>>> d1=collections.OrderedDict()
>>> d1['N']=15
>>> d1['V']=20
>>> d1['W']=25
>>> d1['T']=30
>>> for k,v in d1.items():
>>> print (k,v)
N 15
V 20
W 25
T 30
● Function defaultdict()
This function produces an object similar to dictionary.
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> number = defaultdict(int)
>>> number['one'] = 1
>>> number['two'] = 2
>>> print(number['three'])

● Counter() function
This function counts the hashable objects after reviewing the elements of list.

>>> A = Counter()
>>> Vlist = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,5,9,6,10]
>>> Counter(Vlist)
>>> Counter({1:5,2:4})
>>> Wlist = [1,2,4,7,5,1,6,7,6,9,1]
>>> c = Counter(Wlist)
>>> print(A[1])
● The function deque()
This function facilitates addition and removal of elements from both ends.

>>> from collections import deque
>>> list = ["n","v","m"]
>>> deq = deque(list)
>>> print(deq)
deque(['n', 'v', 'm'])
● Python OS Module
Python’s OS module provides functions utilized for interacting with the
operating system and also gets the related data about it. The operating system
comes under Python's standard utility modules. Python operating system
module allows us to work with the files, documents and directories. Some of
OS module functions are as follows,
This function provides the name of the operating system module it imports.
It can register 'posix', 'nt', 'os2', 'ce', 'java' and 'riscos'.

>>> import os
>>> print(

● os.getcwd()
This function restores the Current Working Directory (CWD) of the file.

>>> import os
>>> print(os.getcwd())
● os.error
The functions in this module defines the OS level errors in case of invalid file
names or invalid file path.
>>> import os
>>> filename1 = 'PythonData.txt'
>>> f = open(filename1, 'rU')
>>> text =
>>> f.close()
>>> print('Difficult read: ' + filename1)
Difficult read: PythonData.txt
● os.popen()
This function opens a file, and it gives back a file object which contains
connection with pipe.
● The datetime Module
This is an imported module that allows to create date and time objects. It
works to conduct many functions related to date and time.
>>> import datetime;
#returns the current datetime object
>>> print(
2018-12-18 16:16:45.462778
● The Comma Separated values (CSV) File
This is a simple file format that arranges tabular data. It is used to store data
in tabular form or spreadsheet that can be exchanged when needed. This is a
Microsoft excel supported data form.
● The CSV Module Functions in Python
This module helps in reading and writing CSV files. It takes the data from
columns and stores it to use in future.
● The function csv.field_size_limit
This function is used to maximize field size.
● The function csv.reader
This function is used to read information or data from a csv file.
● The function csv.writer
This function is used to write the information or data to a csv file. This
functions have major role in CSV module.
9.2 The Exceptions in Python Programming
Exceptions are basically interruption that stops a running program. They are
mistakes, bugs or errors in a code. In python, they are handled differently.
● The Common Exceptions in Python
Here are some common exceptions that may occur in python. Every
professional Python programmer is very well familiar with these errors or
● The exception of ZeroDivisionError
This exception occurs when a number is divided by zero.
● The exception of NameError
This exception occurs when a name is not found.
● The exception of IndentationError
This exception occurs when incorrect indentation is given.
● The exception of IOError
This exception occurs when Input Output operation fails.
● The exception of EOFError
This exception occurs when the end of the file is reached, and still operations
are being performed.
● Unhandled Exceptions
>>> n= int(input("Enter a:"))
>>> v = int(input("Enter b:"))
>>> w= a/b;
>>> print("x/y = %d"%c)
>>> print("Hello I am a teacher")
Enter a:10
Enter b:0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
c = a/b;
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
● The finally block
This exception is used to run a code before the try statement. It’s syntax is as
>>> try:
>>> (block of code)
>>> (this may throw an exception)
>>> finally:
>>> (block of code)
>>> (this will always be executed)
>>> try:
>>> fileptr = open("file.txt","r")
>>> try:
>>> fileptr.write("Hi I am good")
>>> finally:
>>> fileptr.close()
>>> print("file closed")
>>> except:
>>> print("Error")
file closed
● The Exception Raising in Python
The raise clause in python is used to raise an exception. It’s syntax is as
Raise exception_class,<value>
● The Custom Exception in Python
This exception enables programmers to generate exceptions that has already
been launched with the program.
>>> class ErrorInCode(Exception):
>>> def __init__(self, data):
>>> = data
>>> def __str__(self):
>>> return repr(
>>> try:
>>> raise ErrorInCode(2000)
>>> except ErrorInCode as ae:
>>> print("Received error:",
Received error: 2000

9.3 Python Arrays

In Python and in general, array is a set of elements that are used to work on
specific data values. The advance level programming allows developers to
deal with multiple functionalities over data structures. Using an array,
Python’s code can be simplified. Additionally, it saves a lot of time.
● Array Element
Array elements are data element, which are stored in an array.
● Array Index
Array index specifies the position of an element in an array.
● Array Declaration
The declaration of array can be done in many different manners. We should
keep these steps in mind, while declaring an array, in Python.
● Array’s Index start with 0.
● Elements may be located with the help of their respective index
● The length of an array defines the storage capacity of that array.
● Array operations in Python
Some of the basic operations in an array are as follows:
● Traverse
This operation is used to print all the elements one by one.
● Insertion
This operation is used to add elements in Index.
● Deletion
This operation is used to delete an element at index.
● Search
This operation is used to search an element.

● Update
This operation is used to update an element at the given index.
● Array Generation
>>> array import *
>>> MyarrayName = array(typecode, [initializers])
● Accessing array elements
The array elements accessibility can be done by using the respective indices
of the concerned elements.

>>> import array as arr
>>> a = arr.array('i', [1, 3, 5, 87])
>>> print("First element:", a[0])
>>> print("Second element:", a[1])
>>>print("Second last element:", a[-1])

First element: 1
Second element: 3
Second last element: 8
● We have to remember that the arrays are changeable, and elements
can be changed in a similar to lists.
● A combination of arrays makes the process fast and saves time.
The array can reduce code's size.
● Deletion can be done by using the del statement, in Python.
● Length of an Array
The length of an array can be described as the number of elements in an
array. It returns an integer value that is equal to the total number of the
elements present in the concerned array. It’s syntax is as follows,

>>> n=arr.array('d',[1.2 , 2.2 ,3.2,3,6,7.8])
>>> v=arr.array('d',[4.5,8.6])
>>> w=arr.array('d')
>>> w=n+v
>>> print("Array w = ",w)

Array w= array('d', [1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 3.6, 7.8, 4.5, 8.6])

>>> import array as arr
>>> x = arr.array('i', [5, 10, 15, 20])
>>> print("First element:", x[0])
>>> print("Second element:", x[1])
>>> print("Second last element:", x[-1])

First element: 5
Second element: 10
Second last element: 15
Chapter 10: Libraries in Python
In the previous chapters, we studied the important concepts of Python, such
as data structures, built-in functions, variables, exceptions, methods, for
loops, and statements. In the following chapter, we will deeply study the
modules, libraries, and packages of Python that can be important for any of
the projects. To import is the most important concept within Python. So, by
the use of this concept, we can call millions of the libraries that can be used
in Python.
Moreover, Python programming and data science are parallel to each other.
Python is an unbelievable language for data science, and it's important for
individuals who need to begin in the field of data science. It provides
countless cluster libraries and systems to provide a decision for working with
data science in a spotless and very productive manner. The different systems
and libraries accompany a particular reason for use and should be picked by
your prerequisite.
10.1 Python General Libraries
Python is known as a "batteries-included programming language." Python
essentially implies and accompanies various pre-packaged libraries. In any
case, there is a number of different libraries accessible for the translated,
abnormal state. Moreover, Python is a universally useful programming
Among different elements that are being added to the prevalence of Python,
they have a humongous gathering of libraries is a noteworthy one. Most
libraries and bundles are a bundle or group of many programming languages,
which provides developer access. Here are some of the most important
languages that are used in Python.
One of the most important general Python libraries is "Requests." It intends
to make HTTP demand increasingly human-accommodating and less
difficult. This library is authorized under the Apache2 permit and written in
Python; Requests is a true standard used by Python developers for making
HTTP demands while using Python.
Using the Requests library for sending HTTP solicitations to a server, it
additionally permits including structure information, content, header, multi-
part documents, and so forth with them. With the library, designers do not
need to add a question to the URL or structure encode the POST information
The Requests library abstracts the various complexities of making HTTP
demands in a basic API so developers may concentrate more on
communication with the administrators. This library, additionally, offers
authority support for Python 2.7, Python 3.4, or more and works perfectly
with PyPy as well.

Special Features:
● It allows multi-part record transfers and spilling downloads.
● It automatically substances the disentangling and programming
● It's browser-style is SSL confirmation.
● In this library, features can be modified and improved according to
● This library keeps-alive and provides Pooling Supports
international domains and URLs.
PIL or Python Imaging Library is a free Python library that adds a picture
capacity to the Python variables. In basic terms, PIL permits controlling,
opening, and sparing different picture records that are being organized in
Python. This library was developed by Alex Clark and Contributors. Pillow is
a sub-set of the PIL library.
Furthermore, this library offers incredible picture handling abilities; PIL
offers a powerful inward portrayal and broad record organization support.
The concerned central Python library is intended for offering quick access to
information put away in a couple of fundamental pixel designs.
Special Features:
● This library is effective in investigating bolsters by utilizing the
show() strategy.
● This library is Ideal for group handling applications.
● In the concerned library variables and peruses a huge scope of
picture document designs.
● PIL additionally offers BitmapImage, PhotoImage, and Windows
DIB interfaces.
● This library supports the relative discretionary changes, shading
space transformations, separating with a lot of implicit
convolution parts, picture resizing and turn, and point activities.
● In this library, the histogram technique is permitted hauling a few
measurements out of a picture, can be utilized for programmed
differentiate upgrade and worldwide factual investigation.
● Scrapy
Scrapy is also a free and open-source Python structure that is broadly utilized
for web and various different assignments, including mechanized testing and
information mining. Initially, Scrapy was developed for web-based
scratching, yet it has updated to satisfy different purposes over its course.
This library also offers a quick and abnormal state strategy for creeping sites
and separating organized information from websites.
This library is written in Python. Scrapy is worked around errors and bugs
that are essentially independent crawlers, which are given with too many
guidelines. Complying with the DRY standard, Scrapy makes it simpler to
assemble and scale undeniable web slithering undertakings.
Special Features:
● Scrapy is easy to compose a bug to slither a site and concentrate
● It follows the DRY rule.
● This Python library offers a web-slithering shell that enables
engineers to test a website's conduct.
● This library supports sending out scratched information utilizing
the direction line
● Tkinter
When we work with Tkinter, Python offers a simple and quick path for the
development of GUI applications. This library is considered as the standard
GUI library for Python programming. It offers an amazing item situated
interface for the Tk GUI toolbox. We should remember that developing a
GUI application while utilizing Tkinter is simple. You just have to pursue
these basic advances:

Special Features:
● This library comes with a scope of gadgets that help geometry the
executive's strategies.
● It provides eases while creating GUI applications.
● Tkinter supports a powerful object-situated interface.
● Six
We have to admit the fact that six is the simplest of Python libraries. It is an
amazing Python library that is intended to smooth out the contrasts between
Python 2 and Python 3 forms.
Six is developed for supporting codebases that can work on both Python 2
and Python 3 without any requirement of adjustment.
The Six libraries considered super-simple to use on account of being offered
as a solitary Python document. Consequently, Six is absurdly simple to
duplicate a library into a Python venture. The name Six reflects Python 2 x
Python 3.
Special Features:
● Six is simple to utilize the capacities for making Python code
perfect with both Python 2 and Python 3.
● This library supports each version of Python, since Python 2.6.
● It is too easy to use Six as contained in a solitary Python
● Pygame
Pygame is an open-source and free Python library that is intended for
achieving video-based and sound-based application improvement in Python.
Particularly it supports two-dimensional gaming ventures. So, it is mostly
used by both new and expert Python game developers.
In a Python compiler or IDE, Pygame utilizes the SDL, i.e., Simple
DirectMedia Layer library. Like the SDL library, the Pygame library is
profoundly convenient, and it offers help for a wide number of stages and
working frameworks.
Pygame is conceivable to escort applications created utilizing Pygame on
Android-based gadgets, like cell phones and tablets. For many reasons, you
should prefer pgs4a, which is a Pygame subset for Android.

Special Features:
● This library doesn't request OpenGL.
● It helps you in a simple way to utilize a multi-center CPU.
● While using this library, no GUI is required for utilizing every
single accessible capacity.
● This library provides support for a wide scope of stages and
working frameworks.
● This library is simple to utilize.
● Pygame uses Assembly Code and advanced C code for actualizing
the central capacities.
● Bokeh
Bokeh is an instinctive portrayal library for the Python programming
language; It grants imagining data in a stunning and critical course inside
contemporary web programs. The data portrayal library encourages the
creation of dashboards, data applications, and keen plots.
Despite offering a brief and lovely improvement of versatile plans, the Bokeh
library in like manner extends its capacity with the best of knowledge over
spilling or tremendous datasets and databases.

Special Features:
● While using this library, authentic plots with clear headings can be
built easily without any complexity.
● Bokeh portrayals can be successfully introduced into two of the
most standard. Python frameworks, Django and Flask.
● It provides the capacity to make dazzling and natural data
recognitions in multiple computer programming language dialects.
● Asyncio
This library is utilized for composing simultaneous code by utilizing the
async and anticipates grammar by the developers. In the larger part of the
program, the asyncio library is perfect for IO-bound and high-level organized
system source code.
Asyncio has been utilized for the structural difference of Python non-
concurrent frameworks that offer database association with the libraries,
circulated undertaking lines, elite system, and web servers, and significantly
much more. The concerned library accompanies various high-level and low-
level APIs.

Special Features:
● This library is used for the implementation of protocols by
employing transport.
● While using this library, you will find Python codes easy and
● Asyncio helps in the generation of many different loops.

10.2 Python Data Science Libraries

Python libraries are getting more accessible and useful day-by-day. As they
are an open-source set of languages, there are millions of data scientists who
are enriching the Python with tools and libraries through advanced coding.
Now, there are extremely advanced packages and libraries that data scientists
are using for multiple data analysis tasks. A brief description of some of the
best Python Data Science libraries is given below
● Numpy
NumPy is a very Important Python Data Science library, which is implied for
logical registering. It provides support for an amazing N-dimensional exhibit
item and broadcasting capacities.
Moreover, this library offers Fourier changes, arbitrary number capacities,
and devices for coordinating C and C++ and FORTRAN code. Having a
working information of NumPy is necessary for full-stack developers
associated with Artificial Intelligence ventures utilizing Python.
Numpy is the fundamental and a perfect bundle for working with information
in Python. Since different bundles for information investigation are based
over Numpy and the sci-kit-learn package, which is utilized to assemble
Artificial Intelligence applications and works perfectly with Numpy too.
Initially, Numpy provides the phenomenal array of objects, n-dimensional
clusters. In an 'ndarray' object, otherwise known as 'exhibit', you can store
various things of similar information kind. The offices around the exhibit
object make Numpy so advantageous for performing Math calculations and
for information controls.

Special Features:
● Numpy is a very interactive library, and it's easy as well.
● While using Numpy, Mathematical problems are solved with ease.
● Pandas
In Python, we use two-dimensional tables to analyze the data like in SQL or
Excel. Initially, Python did not have this feature. But then Pandas was
introduced. Without a doubt, Pandas is the "SQL of Python." In short, Pandas
is the library that may help us to handle two-dimensional data tables in
Python. In many cases, it's similar to SQL, though.
Moreover, Pandas is based on the NumPy bundle, which means a great
amount of the structure of NumPy is used or duplicated to develop Pandas.
Information in pandas is frequently used to bolster factual examination in
SciPy, plotting capacities from Matplotlib, and machine learning calculations
in Scikit-learn.
Also, Jupyter Notebooks offer a decent situation for utilizing pandas to
perform information investigation and demonstrating, yet pandas can
likewise be used in content tools simply.
Jupyter Notebooks enables a developer to execute code in a specific cell
instead of running the whole record. This spares a ton of time when working
with enormous datasets and complex changes. Scratchpad likewise gives a
simple method to imagine pandas' DataFrames and plots. Indeed.
Pandas is mostly known for giving information outlines in Python. This is an
outstanding library for information examination, contrasted with other area
explicit dialects like R. By using Pandas; it's simpler to deal with missing
information, bolsters working with contrastingly filed information assembled
from numerous various assets, and supports programmed information
Furthermore, it provides devices the information examination and
information structures like consolidating, molding, or cutting datasets, and it
is additionally exceptionally viable in working with information identified
with time arrangement by giving hearty apparatuses to stacking information
from Excel, level documents, and databases.
Utilizing the Pandas library makes it simpler and instinctive for programmers
to work with named or social data. It also offers expressive, quick, and
adaptable data structures. Pandas are made to fill in as the essential elevated
level structure shut for doing data examination, which is utilized while using
Python as a mode of programming.
One of the most prominent and dominant features of Pandas is to interpret
complex data activities utilizing negligible a couple of directions. Also, the
Artificial Intelligence library has no shortage of work in techniques for
consolidating, separating and gathering data. It additionally
Highlights time-arrangement usefulness.

Special Features:
● While using Pandas, operations of custom type can be completed
● With the use of Pandas, data manipulation becomes simpler and
● When Pandas is used with other Python libraries and tools, it
provides excellent results.
● The Matplotlib
Matplotlib is a two-dimensional plotting library with extraordinary
representation modules for Python. It is equipped for delivering top-notch
figures in various printed version organizations and intelligent cross-stage
conditions. Besides being utilized in Python shell, Python contents, and
IPython shell, Matplotlib can likewise be utilized in:
● Jupyter Notebook
● Web application servers
● GUI tool boxes

As said by the official site of Matplotlib, this Python library tries to "make
simple things simple and hard things conceivable." The 2D plotting Python
library permits producing bar graphs, mistake diagrams, histograms, plots,
scatter plots, and so on with fewer lines of code.
Maybe, the best advantage of representation is that it permits us visual access
to enormous measures of information in effectively absorbable visuals.
Matplotlib comprises a few plots like line, bar, and disperse histogram, and
so forth.
Matplotlib is a Mathematical Plotting Library in Python. It is a library that is,
for the most part, utilized for information representation, including 3D plots,
histograms, picture plots, scatterplots, bar graphs, and power spectra with
bright highlights for zooming and searching for gold in various printed copy
designs. It bolsters practically all stages, for example, Windows, Mac, and
Linux. This library likewise fills in as an augmentation for the NumPy
library. Matplotlib has a module pyplot which is utilized in representations,
which is frequently contrasted with MATLAB.
These libraries are the best for amateurs to begin information science
utilizing the Python programming language. There are numerous other
Python libraries accessible, for example, NLTK for standard language
preparing, Pattern for web mining, Theano for profound learning, IPython,
Scrapy for web scratching, Mlpy, Stats models, and the sky is the limit from
Special Features:
● It has handy properties, font properties, line styles, etc. through an
object-oriented interface.
● MATLAB interface supports the simple plotting of data.
● It has secondary x/y axis support to represent two dimensions.
● This library supports multiple operating systems.
● Scikit-Learn
Scikit-learn gives a scope of administered and solo learning calculations by
means of a predictable interface in Python. It is authorized under a lenient
rearranged BSD permit and is dispersed under numerous Linux
disseminations, empowering scholastic and business use. The library is based
upon the SciPy (Scientific Python) that must be introduced before you can
utilize sci-kit-learn.
There are a few Python libraries that give strong executions of the scope of
machine learning calculations. Outstanding amongst other known is Scikit-
Learn, a bundle that gives proficient adaptations of countless basic
calculations. Scikit-Learn is described by a perfect, uniform, and streamlined
API, just as by extremely helpful and complete online documentation. An
advantage of this consistency is that once you comprehend the fundamental
use and language structure of Scikit-Learn for one sort of model, changing to
another model or calculation is extremely direct.
Undoubtedly the fanciest things in Python are Machine Learning and
Prescient Investigation. Also, the best library for that is Scikit-Learn, which
essentially characterizes itself as "Machine Learning in Python." Scikit-Learn
has a few techniques, fundamentally covering all that you may require in an
initial couple of long periods of your information profession: relapse
strategies, characterization strategies, and bunching, just as model approval
and model determination.
This prevalent library is utilized for AI in information science with a different
order, relapse, and grouping calculations, which offers help vector machines,
innocent Bayes, angle boosting, and sensible relapse. SciKit is intended to
interoperate with SciPy and NumPy.

Special Features:
● Capability to extract features from images and text
● Can be utilized again in several contexts
● Scipy
There are scipy library and scipy stack. The vast majority of the libraries and
bundles are a piece of the Scipy stack (that is for logical processing in
Python). And one of these parts is simply the Scipy library, which gives
proficient answers for numerical schedules (the math stuff behind AI
models). These are incorporation, introduction, improvement, and so forth.
Scipy gives the center scientific strategies to do the unpredictable AI forms in
It is an open-source library utilized for registering different modules, for
example, picture preparing, joining, insertion, unique capacities,
enhancements, straight variable based math, Fourier Transform, grouping,
and numerous different undertakings. This library is utilized with NumPy to
perform a proficient numerical calculation.

Special Features:
● Comfortably handles mathematical operations
● Provides effective and efficient numerical routines, such as
numerical integration and optimization, using sub-modules
● Supports signal processing
● TensorFlow
Anyone engaged with AI machine learning tasks utilizing Python must have,
at any rate, knew about TensorFlow. Created by Google, it is an open-source
representative math library for numerical calculation utilizing information
stream diagrams. The scientific activities in a normal TensorFlow
information stream diagram are spoken to by the chart hubs. The chart edges,
then again, speak to the multidimensional information exhibits, a.k.a.
Tensors, that stream between the diagram hubs.
TensorFlow parades an adaptable design. It enables Python engineers to
convey calculation to one or numerous CPUs or GPUs in a work area, cell
phone, or server without the need for revising code. All libraries made in
TensorFlow are written in C and C++. Broadly utilized Google items like
Google Photos and Google Voice Search are constructed utilizing
TensorFlow. The library has a convoluted front-end for Python. The Python
code will get accumulated and, after that, executed on TensorFlow conveyed
execution motor.

Special Features:
● Allows preparing various neural systems and numerous GPUs,
making models exceptionally productive for enormous scale
● Easily trainable on CPU and GPU for disseminated figuring
● Flexibility in its operability, which means TensorFlow offers the
choice of taking out the parts that you need and leaving what you
● Great level of network and designer support
● Unlike other information science Python libraries, TensorFlow
improves the way toward imagining every single piece of the
● Keras
It is recognized as one of the coolest AI (Algorithm) Python libraries; Keras
offers a simpler tool for communicating neural systems. It additionally
features extraordinary utilities for accumulating models, preparing datasets,
imagining charts, and significantly more. Written in Python, Keras can keep
running over CNTK, TensorFlow, and Theano. The Python AI library is
created with an essential spotlight on permitting quick experimentation. All
Keras models are compact.
Contrasted with other Python AI libraries, Keras is moderate. This is because
of the way that it makes a computational diagram utilizing the backend
framework first and, after that, uses the equivalent to perform activities.
Keras is extremely expressive and adaptable for doing creative research.
Special Features:
● Being totally Python-based makes it simpler to troubleshoot and
● Modular in nature.
● Neural system models can be joined for growing increasingly
complex models
● Runs easily on both CPU and GPU
● Supports practically all models of a neural system, including
convolutional, inserting, completely associated, Pooling, and
● Seaborn
Fundamentally an information perception library for Python, Seaborn, is
based over the Matplotlib library. Additionally, it is firmly incorporated with
Pandas information structures. The Python information perception library
offers an abnormal state interface for drawing appealing just as useful factual
The primary point of Seaborn is to make representation an imperative piece
of investigating and getting information. Its dataset-arranged plotting
capacities work on exhibits and information edges containing entire datasets.
The library is perfect for inspecting connections among numerous factors.
Seaborn inside makes all the significant semantic mapping and measurable
collection for creating educational plots. The Python information
representation library additionally has devices for picking among shading
palettes that guide in uncovering designs in a dataset.

Special Features:
● Automatic estimation just as the plotting of direct relapse models.
● Comfortable perspectives on the general structure of complex
● Eases building complex representations utilizing abnormal state
deliberations for organizing multi-plot matrices.
● Options for picturing bivariate or univariate disseminations.
● Specialized support for utilizing clear cut factors.

● Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

A valuable for common language preparing and design acknowledgment
undertakings, and which can be utilized to create intellectual models,
tokenization, labeling, thinking and different assignments helpful to AI

Special Features:
● Comes with a linguistic structure tagger
● Supports lexical assessment
Chapter 11: Future of Python

11.1 Career Opportunities Associated With Python

In this powerful present-day world where everything changes at a quick rate,
the prevalence of Python seems never happen to stop. Today, Python
Certification is very popular. It has a lot of libraries that help data
investigation, control, and representation. In this manner, it has advanced as
the most favored language and viewed as the “Following Big Thing” and an
“Absolute necessity” for Professionals.
With a wide range of programming languages accessible, Python has
enormously outraced different dialects. Vocation openings related to Python
have additionally developed fundamentally as its fame has expanded by 40%.
Numerous IT organizations are searching for more applicants with experience
and aptitudes in Python programming languages. This has shown the better
vocation scope for the Python software engineers sooner rather than later.

11.2 Increasing Popularity of Python

Python is ruling the world of modern technology, and due to its uniqueness
has left other languages like C++, Java, etc. far behind it. It contains dynamic
and versatile features due to which it is highly utilized throughout the world.
Python, with its great utility, is promising a very bright future. Python has
gone thought 25 years of continuous amendments with improved and better-
updated versions so that it can serve as the fastest and most reliable
programming language. Python provides the best quality, that is why it
catches the eye of every developer. It is known that almost 126,424 websites
have been made utilizing python. A plethora of decision-making associations
have developed applications using Python. This elaborates that Python is the
language of today and the future as well.
Python growth is achieved with a huge amount of effort. Continuous hard-
work done with the upgrading of this language has brought fruitful results
and did justice to that effort. Python has a primary role in future conditions
such as ML and Al. Python features will continue to increase in the upcoming
versions, and it will become a more reliable and quick software that will
eventually become a demand for future surely.

● Profiles of Python Developers

The Python people group is as assorted as the language and its applications.
Python clients go broadly in age, yet most of the respondents are in their 20s,
and a quarter is in their 30s. Strikingly, very nearly one-fifth of Python clients
are under age 20. On the off chance that we contrast the Python designers’
age ranges and the general developer’s age extents recognized by Stack
Overflow in its most recent review, the appropriation appears to be
comparative, with the Python overview detailing somewhat more engineers
younger than 18. This can be clarified by the way that numerous understudies
use Python in schools and colleges, and it’s a typical first language.
The greater part of the respondents work all day as designers, and one of
every five engineers twofold as information investigators, draftsmen, or
group leads. Contrasting our information with the Stack Overflow overview,
we can see Python designers are more outlandish than engineers by and large
to be utilized full time (52% of Python engineers versus 74% everything
being equal) and bound to act naturally utilized or specialists (13% of Python
engineers versus 9.7% everything being equal).
The Python review respondents report a wide scope of experience; 22% have
short of what one year of experience, a similar rate has over 11 years of
experience, and there’s a smooth conveyance in the center. This demonstrates
there’s a decent harmony among newcomers and experienced engineers,
making Python a manageable language.
It’s prominent that Python has a lot higher level of newcomers than different
dialects by and large. As per Stack Overflow information, 30% of engineers
have under two years of expert experience, contrasted with 41% in the
Python designers review.
Enormous designer gatherings are unprecedented in Python. In our overview,
56% of Python engineers state they take a shot at undertakings freely, and
40% work in a group typically of two to seven individuals. About a large
portion of the respondents chip away at one principle venture with a bunch of
side activities, while about a quarter center around each task in turn.
● General Python utilization
Right around four out of five Python designers state it’s their fundamental
language, a four percent expansion from 75% in JetBrains’ 2016 overview.
Different research demonstrates the quantity of Python engineers, just as the
portion of designers utilizing Python as their primary language, is developing
consistently step by step. In Stack Overflow’s review, Python fame has
expanded from 32% in mid-2017 to 38.8% toward the year’s end. This can be
clarified by the quickly developing notoriety of Python for information
science, as this section of clients is developing a lot quicker than the others.
Python is regularly joined with different dialects:
Half of all engineers utilizing Python as their principal language likewise use
JavaScript. JavaScript is utilized by 79% of web engineers, yet just 39% of
those engaged with information investigation or AI.
The breakdown is somewhat unique for the individuals who use Python as
their auxiliary language, as fewer of them use JavaScript (46%) and a lot
more use C/C++ (42%), Java (41%), and C# (24%).
● Some important companies that use Python as Data Science
● Google
Google, considered as the biggest IT giant, has supported Python from its
start. Google utilizes Python in their web crawler.
● Facebook
Production engineers of Facebook are highly keen on utilizing Python in the
Production Engineering department.
● Instagram
Instagram engineering team revealed in 2016 that the world’s largest
deployment of the Django web framework driven by them is completely
written in Python.
● Netflix
Netflix utilizes Python in a very similar manner to Spotify, depending on the
language to power its data analysis on the server-side.
● Dropbox
This cloud-based storage system employs Python in its desktop client.

11.3 Factors behind the Python growth in Modern World

The growth of Python is becoming prominent and is improving day by day.
Software engineers and developers prefer this language due to its versatility
and ease of use. Various other factors that are behind its growth are as
● Good support and community
Programming languages most often face support issues. Moreover, they lack
complete documentation in them due to which difficulties occur when used
by programmers. Python has no such issue and is well supported. A plethora
of tutorials and documentation is available to assist programmers in the best
possible ways.
Complementing to this, it has a good and active community whose function is
to give assistance to developers. Experienced programmers help beginners
and students in this regard.
● Easy To Code and Write
If we compare Python to other programming languages like Java, C, or C++,
Python possesses a simple and readable code Coding is expressed in a
relatively easy manner to let the beginners understand it completely.
Even though to learn the advanced level of Python programming, a lot of
time and effort is required, but for beginners, it is an easy task. Users can
easily identify the purpose of code even after looking at it.
● Python is the Language of Education
The utilization of PCs in instruction has changed fundamentally as of late.
Previously, understudies may have figured out how to type alongside
essential introduction aptitudes on the off chance that they were fortunate.
These days, innovation use includes numerous types of instruction, with
coding assuming its legitimate position in numerous study halls around the
Python is an easy language to use. It possesses functions, expressions,
variables, and all other elements that students can easily understand and
practice. Close by the lucidity the language brings; it is the standard
programming language for the Raspberry Pi, a PC structured in view of
training. This broadens well past more youthful years training as well.
Colleges show Python, in PC sciences as well as to arithmetic understudies.
Also, Matplotlib (a prominent Python library) is utilized in subjects at all
levels to express complex data. Python is one of the quickest developing
dialects on Codecademy as well, and thus is anything but difficult to adapt
● Simple to Code and Write
Python has a straightforward and discernible code when contrasted with other
programming languages like Java, C, or C++. The code is communicated in a
simple way, which can be essentially deciphered even by a novice software
In spite of the fact that to ace Python programming, it will require a ton of
exertion and time, however, to take in this language without any preparation
is simple for a tenderfoot. Nonetheless, taking a gander at the code, he can
determine what the code should do.
● Python Is Perfect For Building Prototypes
Python not only allows the users to write fewer codes but it also provides the
utility to build prototypes and idea very quickly
Brainstorming or ideation is an important aspect of web development, which
is mostly overlooked, so the capability to think about prototypes that can
function faster becomes much more pivotal.
● Integration and execution is quick
Python is considered a high-class language. It is the quickest language when
it comes to execution and integration and saves quite a lot of time for
With projects like PyPy and Numba, the speed is enhanced evermore, and
such projects tend a making it the fastest language with each passing day
● Python has a Standard Library
Python contains libraries that eliminate the burden of composing a code by
the programmer. These libraries possess a huge quantity of built-in functions
and already available codes, so every time it shouldn’t be compulsory to
generate a code.

● Cross-Platform Language
One more of the best include about Python is that it is very various with
regards to the working framework. In straightforward words, Python can be
utilized for a working framework; for example, Linus, Windows, Ubuntu,
and so forth.
Thus, one can undoubtedly keep running off a product without agonizing
over framework support. It very well may be translated into the language
with the assistance of a convenient component that makes it gainful to utilize.
To sum things up, compose code on the Mac stage and run it easily on
Windows also.
Since the highlights and motivations to utilize Python are clear, give us a
chance to push ahead to the eventual fate of Python. There is no uncertainty
that Python has figured out how to beat different dialects that are taking it to
the top.
Subsequently, it has a wide arrangement of chances that can be taken into
consideration in the future. In the event that anything, it has expanded with
time and has gone over 45% in only a couple of years. There are quantities of
organizations that are subject to python developers to upgrade client

● Provides a plethora of tools

It contains a huge standard library collection, which reduces the effort for
writing codes or functions. Libraries in Python always have pre-written codes
in them.
Some of the tools are as follows: Tkinter (a GUI development), file format,
built-in function, custom python interpreter, internet protocols and support,
module, etc. This large collection increases the usefulness of Python as a
programming tool for data science.
● Python is Free
Saying Python is free may not bode well from the start. All things considered,
regardless of which language you choose to seek after, just utilizing the
language doesn’t cost anything.
Because Python is open-source, it is also free to use. Python since its creation
is still run by Guido van Rossum. It is totally Open Source and GPL.
Python’s pledge to these beliefs probably won’t strike you as significant.
However, open-source programming has officially changed the world.
Python’s no hidden obligations status makes it an ideal device for all to
Congratulations! If you've made it this far. We hope that you have truly
begun to understand the basic concepts and complexities of Python
Programming. At this point, we suppose, you should be able to read almost
any code written in Python with confidence and understanding.
We have tried to cover a fair number of important Python concepts and
features in this book, including some of the concepts of object-oriented
programming, which is also known as "OOP". Furthermore, we have tried to
make writing clear and easy to understand, and this book includes many
theoretical, practical, and explained examples.
In the world of computer science and computer programming, you may find
many academic books. Many of them are designed for students, and there
you may find some other books which are purposely destined for the
professional developers who need personal advice for how to resolve syntax
problems and runtime problems, in the code, when developing a program. If
you learn by coding, indeed, in this book, few pages do not have source code
for Python, but every concept is demonstrated by at least one coding sample.
The code samples are very well-formatted, easy to read, and clean so that you
may find Python programming easy.
Moving forward, if you are a beginner in learning Python, just read this book
out as this book contains eight chapters so that you may have a better
understanding of Python within a week.
Some people may say that this book is not for beginners! Just look at its size!
This book is just too overwhelming for a beginner like you!
Do not listen to them!
You should go for an easier one if you find one. Well, we cannot tell you
whether this book is right or wrong. We guess that everyone's understanding
is quite different. We can suggest that this book is suitable for a person who
is a noob in computer programming, but a business graduate!
I thank you for purchasing this book, I hope it was useful and you enjoyed it.
If you want to leave a review on Amazon, thank you very much, I love you.

Tony Chan.
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