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Chapter 8: OD interventions: Strategy and structure

Techno-structural intervention

A change program focusing on the technology and

structure of organizations.

 Techno-structural intervention deal with techno-

structural issues including how the overall work of
the organization is divided into units, who reports to
whom, methods of control, arrangements of
equipment and people, workflow arrangements, Types of structural design:
and changes in communications and the authority.
 Techno-structural interventions concerned with 1. Functional structure
restructuring organizations.  Organization is divided into functional units
 3 types of techno-structural interventions: such as marketing, operations, R&D, Human
i. Structural design Resource, Finance etc.).
ii. Downsizing  Based on early management theories
iii. Reengineering regarding specialization, line and staff
TYPE 1: STRUCTURAL DESIGN relations, span of control, authority and
Definition of restructuring:  The major functional units are staffed by
specialists from those functions.
Interventions aimed at structural design include moving
from traditional organizational design to more integrative
and flexible design.

Organization structure:

 The hierarchical arrangement of lines of

authority, communications, rights and duties
of an organization.
 OS describes how the overall work of the
organization is divided into subunits and
how these subunits are coordinated for task
accomplishment. 2. Divisional Structure
 Also known as product or self-contained-
Structural design:
unit structure.
 Concerns the organization’s division of  It groups organizational activities on the
labour - how tasks are subdivided into work basis of products, services, customers or
units and how those units are coordinated geography.
for task completion.  All or most of the resources and functions
 Includes moving from traditional structural necessary to accomplish a specific
designs (e.g. functional, self-contained unit, objective are set up as a division headed
and matrix structures) to more integrative by a product or division manager.
and flexible forms (e.g. process-based,
customer-centric, and network-based

3. Matrix Structure components and products, and manage the
 A combination of functional and self- supply chain.
contained unit.  The organization develops the best solution for
 It superimposes a lateral structure that the customer by offering a customized bundle
focuses on product or project coordination of products, services, support, and education.
on a vertical functional structure.  Their core structures focus attention and
 Now widely used in manufacturing, resources on customers with market-facing
service, non-profit, governmental, and units organized around large individual
professional organizations. customers or customer segment teams that
attempt to maximize customer profit and loss.
6. Network Structure
 Manages the diverse, complex and dynamic
relationship among multiple organizations or
 Organizations that use network structures
have been called shamrock organizations
and virtual, modular, or cellular corporations.
 4 basic types of networks:
i. Internal market network – exists when
a single organization establishes each
unit as an independent profit centre that
is allowed to trade in services and
resources with each other as well as
with the external market.
ii. Vertical market network – composed
4. The Process Structure of multiple organizations linked to a
 A structure consist of multidisciplinary teams
focal organization that coordinates the
around CORE/MAJOR processes such as
movement of resources from raw
product development, customer support etc.
materials to end consumer.
 “Process Owners” are identified to manage the
iii. Intermarket network – represents
process. alliances among a variety of
 Emphasizes on lateral relationships.
organizations in different markets and is
 There are several hierarchical levels, and the
exemplified by the Japanese “keiretsu”
senior executive is relatively small, typically
the Korean “chaebol”, and the Mexican
consisting of CEO, COO, and the heads of a
few key support services such as strategic iv. Opportunity network – most advanced
planning, human resources, and finance. form of network structure. It is a
temporary combination of organizations
brought together to pursue a single
purpose. Once accomplished, the
network disbands.

5. The Customer-Centric Structure

 A structure focuses subunits on the creation of
solutions and the satisfaction of key customers
or customers groups.
 These customer or market-facing units are TYPE 2: DOWNSIZING
supported by other units, manufacture

 Refers to interventions that are aimed at reducing  Re-engineering will permit entirely new ways of
the size of the organization. producing and delivering product/services – how to
 Reducing the size of the organization can be done produce products and services.
through decreasing the number of employees such  Reengineering has been applied to work processes
as layoff, early retirement, VSS, reducing the in manufacturing and service industries, in
number of organizational unit and managerial level. business firms, not-for-profits, and government
agencies; and in diverse global settings.
Application stages:
Implementation Steps:
i. Clarify the organisation’s strategy (e.g. Major
restructuring of MAS) i. Prepare the organization – assess the
ii. Assess downsizing options and make relevant competitive environment, strategy and
choices (Who, how) objectives.
iii. Implement the changes (plan execution) ii. Fundamentally rethink the way work gets done –
iv. Address the needs of survivors and those who understand the business process, work process,
leave (e.g. reskilling, redeployment) value chain and plan for change to the new
v. Follow through with growth plans (formative
business process.
evaluation e.g. quarterly) iii. Restructure the organisation around the new
Downsizing Tactics (Cameron, Freeman and Mishra, business processes – changing the
1991) Figure 8.6 organization’s structure to support the new
business process.


Definition: Creating jobs and work groups that generate

high levels of employee fulfilment and productivity.

Three Approaches to Work Design:

I. Engineering approach
 Focuses on efficiency and simplification and
results in traditional jobs (usually repetitive
work done by individual) and work groups
Results of Downsizing redesigns (member perform jobs relatively
routine jobs and interrelated task).
i. Negative consequences e.g. employee  Most prevalent approach to design a job –
dissatisfaction, lower productivity. based on engineering concepts and methods.
ii. Positive consequences e.g. reduce cost etc.  It proposes that the most efficient work designs
 The way (how) in which downsizing is conducted can be determined by:
i. Clearly specifying the tasks to be
may explain these divergent outcomes.
performed (task identity)
 Following a well-planned application of the process
ii. Work method to be used (how to perform
seems to improve outcomes. the job)
TYPE 3: REENGINEERING iii. Workflow among individuals (task
 A radical redesign of core business processes in II. Motivational approach
order to achieve dramatic improvements in  Uses motivational theories
performance.  Job enrichment – Focuses on enriching the
 It transforms how organizations traditionally work experience by give more opportunity for
produce and deliver goods services. autonomy, responsibility and performance
 Re-engineering frequently takes advantage of new feedback.
information technology e.g. teleconferencing,  The motivational method provides people with
expert system, shared database and wireless opportunities for autonomy, responsibilities,
communication. closure (that is doing a complete job), and
performance feedback.

 Example: For example, let's say Molly works as III. The Sociotechnical Systems Approach
a receptionist at a beauty salon. Because Molly (Self-managed team)
is also a marketing arm of the salon, the  Seeks to optimise both the social and
manager might assign Molly to do research technical aspects of work systems
and develop new promotional campaigns each  Require employee involvement and innovative
month to increase the amount of clients that work design.
come into the salon. Molly's manager would  Work design based on STS derived from
need to also give Molly the authority to make action research.
decisions relating to promotional campaigns.  Also refers to self-directed, self-regulating,
high performance work systems – member
Job Enrichment: Obstacles and Results performing interrelated tasks.
 Not all people react in similar ways to job STS Conceptual Background
enrichment interventions.
 Individual differences can impact negatively: STS theory is based on two fundamental
i. a worker’s knowledge and skill levels premises: sociotechnical system and
ii. growth-need environmental relationship.

Four system level barriers have also been identified: (1) Sociotechnical system:

i. Technical system - The first assumption suggests that

- The technology used by an organization whenever human beings are organized to
can limit job enrichment by constraining perform tasks, a joint system is operating
the number of ways job can be changed. – sociotechnical system.
- For example, long-linked technology like - This system consists of two independent
that found on an assembly line can be but interrelated parts: a social part (the
highly programmed and standardized thus people performing the tasks and the
limiting the amount of employee discretion relationships among them); and technical
that is possible. part (the tools, techniques, and methods
ii. Personnel system for task performance).
- HR systems can constrain job enrichment - The social part operates according to
by creating formalized job descriptions biological and psychosocial laws, where
that are rigidly defined and limit flexibility technical part functions according to
in changing people’s job duties. mechanical and physical laws.
- For example, many unions demand - It will produce two kinds of outcomes:
specific job descriptions in collective products (goods and services); and social
bargaining. This will restrict an employer and psychological consequences (job
to conduct job enrichment. satisfaction and commitment).
iii. Control system
- Control systems, such as budgets (2) Environmental Relationship
production reports, and accounting
practices, can limit the complexity and - The second major premise underlying
challenge of jobs within the system. STS theory is that such systems are open
- For example, a company working on a to their environments.
government contract may have such strict - Open systems must interact with their
quality-control procedures that employee environments to survive and develop.
- The environment provides the STS with
discretion is effectively curtailed
necessary inputs of energy, raw materials,
iv. Supervisory system and information, and the STS provides the
- Supervisors determine to a large extent environment with products and services.
the amount of autonomy and feedback
that subordinates can experience.
- To the extent that supervisors use
autocratic methods and control work-
related feedback, jobs will be difficult to

 When technical uncertainty is high and people
must process more information and make
decisions, work should be designed for high-
levels of employee self-control, as might be
found in professional work and hospital
emergency room.

(2) Personal Factors

1. Social needs
 The desire for significant social
 Determines whether work should be
STS Application Stages: designed for individual jobs or work
1. Sanction the design effort – support (top groups.
 People with low needs for social
management, union, expert) to diagnose the
relationships are more likely to be
work system
2. Diagnose the work system satisfied working on individualized jobs
3. Generate appropriate designs than in interacting groups.
4. Specify support systems (e.g. for self-managed  People with high social needs are more
team require team performance evaluation likely to be attracted to group forms of
instead of individual performance appraisal). work than to individualized forms.
5. Implement and evaluate the work design 2. Growth needs
6. Continually change and improve  Determines whether work designs should
be routine and repetitive or complex and
Effective work design: Depends of technical and
personal factors  People with low growth needs are not
(1) Technical Factor attracted to jobs offering complexity and
challenge but more satisfied performing
1. Technical interdependence routine forms of work that do not require
 Extent to which cooperation among workers is high levels of decision making.
required to produce a product or service  People with high growth needs are
 Determines whether work should be designed satisfied with work offering are satisfied
for individual jobs or for work groups. with works offering high levels of
 When interdependence is low, there is little discretion, skill variety, and meaningful
need for worker coordination. feedback.
 When interdependence is high, employees
must coordinate their task activities (e.g., oil Employee Involvement in techno-structural
refining, assembly lines, and major surgery). intervention

2. Technical uncertainty  Employee involvement (EI) refers to participation

 Amount of information processing and and commitment in decision making process that
decision-making that employees must do to affect the organization performance and employee
complete a task. well-being.
 Determines whether work should be designed  Seeks to increase members’ input into decisions
for external forms of control, such as that affect organization performance and employee
supervision, scheduling, and standardization, well-being.
or for worker self-control.  Four key element of employee involvement:
 When technical uncertainty is low an little i. Power to make decision
information has to be processed by employees - Providing people with enough authority to
during task performance, work can be make work-related decisions.
ii. Access to information in making decision
designed for external control, such as might be
- Access to relevant information is vital to
found on assembly lines and in other forms of
make effective decisions.
repetitive work.

- Can include data about results, business I. They can improve communication and
plans, competitive conditions, and etc. coordination among employees and
iii. Employees have requisite skills and knowledge organizational departments, and help integrate
to make decision the different jobs or departments that
- Employees should have requisite skills contribute to an overall task.
and knowledge to make good decisions. II. EI interventions can improve employee
- Provide training if employees lack of skills motivation, particularly when they satisfy
and knowledge. important personal needs.
iv. Linking reward to the contribution and - Motivation is translated into improved
performance performance when people have the necessary
- Rewards can encourage people to get
skills and knowledge to perform well and when
involved in the organization.
the technology and work situation allow people
- Internal rewards: feelings of self-worth
to affect productivity.
and accomplishment.
III. EI practices can improve the capabilities of
- External rewards: pay and promotions
employees, thus enabling them to perform
How Employee Involvement Affects Productivity better.


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