Presentation: Submitted To Ms. Chetna Sawant Submitted by Ms. Aayushi Jain

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International Institute of

Professional Studies

Presentation on

Submitted To Submitted By
Ms. Chetna Ms. Aayushi
Sawant Jain

Internet Marketing 1
What is Internet marketing?
Past of Internet marketing
Working of Internet marketing

Internet Marketing 2
What is Internet Marketing?
Internetmarketing, refers to advertising
and marketing efforts that use
the Web and e-mail to drive direct sales
via e-commerce as well as sales leads
from Web sites or emails.

Internet Marketing 3
Past of online marketing
Internet was earlier used as Arpanet, started
in 1960s.
1st advertising email was sent in 1965.
In 1990s display ads started.
Firstly it was only online ordering.
Sell and buy became possible in 1991.
Amazon and ebay are the companies that
used transactions firstly.

Internet Marketing 4
Working of Online marketing
It works on the basis of following model..
“BCG Matrix”

Business Consumer Government

Business B2B B2C B2G
Consumer C2B C2C C2G
Government G2B G2C G2G

Internet Marketing 5

Internet Marketing 6
The Internet is really changing market.
From website designing, through search,
online advertising, e-mail marketing and so
They are presenting a vast new array of
opportunities to get in front of consumers
and deliver marketing messages.

Internet Marketing 7
Internet Marketing 8
Internet Marketing 9
Internet Marketing 9

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