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Hsiangshan Wetlands impressive array of specialised muse- broth, and Zhuqian Biscuit (Zhuqian Coastline
ums, each exploring a unique facet of is the original name of Hsinchu).
Enjoy a visit to the Hsiangshan Wetlands. Hsinchu's history. Religious sites repre- Hsinchu is famous for a number of spe- Hsinchu’s coastline is quite far from the
There are countless varieties of small an- senting a variety of creeds are open for cialty foods, especially Hsinchu rice noo- downtown. Nonetheless, the city gov-
imals here—particularly fiddler crabs, tours, and many are regularly frequent- dles, which are produced in Nanshr ernment has beautified the seaside, and
molluscs and a several species of fish. As ed by worshippers. In many cases, visi- Village, Hsinchu City. Another famous Nanliao’s old fishing harbor has been
the tide recedes, the tidal mudflats retain tors and tourists are encouraged to join product of Hsinchu is shiangfen, a tra- converted into a place for recreation.
a dense cross-section of the marine eco- in traditional customs at these religious ditional cosmetic powder which was
system in an easily viewed environment. sites, enriching cross-cultural exchange. used by women through out Taiwan be- Bicycles-only paths link Nanliao to
Bird-watching is another popular pur- fore the arrival of foreign-style cosmet- the city’s southern limits; bikes can be
suit at Hsiangshan, so be sure to bring a Chenghuang Temple ic products. The powder is also used in rented on weekends and public holi-
pair of binoculars for the children. This offerings to Qiniangma, the guardian days. If you decide to ride the whole
protected wetland environment official- Hsinchu City god Temple (Chenghuang spirit of children. Only one store, run by distance, you’ll see a variety of land-
ly stretches from the delta of Keya Creek Temple) is regarded as the highest-rank- the Tsai Family in Julian Street, still pro- scapes: beaches, windbreak forests, re-
to Hsinchu's border with Miaoli county. ing of all City God temples in Taiwan, duces this powder. Although there are claimed land, and a row of electrici-
due to the superior spiritual power of many stalls from which Hsinchu meat- ty-producing wind turbines. Hisnchu is
balls can be purchased, many are concen- famous for the “windy city“ so the wind
Cultural Activities its City God in protecting the town.
trated around the Chenghuang Temple. turbine is placed along the coastline.
Hsinchu's city centre and surrounding In front of the temple is a market
countryside are surprisingly rich in cul-
tural attractions. The city is home to an
with a lot of small stalls selling deli-
cious Taiwanese snacks, including rice
noodles, meat balls, thick cuttlefish
The city of Hsinchu was originally known
as Zhuqian. In 1733, a bamboo wall was
built around the city under Danshui vice
prefect Hsu Chih-min. In 1826, Cheng
Yung-hsi and other members of the local
gentry successfully petitioned the Qing
emperor for permission to rebuild the
wall, work on which began the follow-
Departmet of Tourism ing year. The new wall was 2,838 meters
Hisinchu City Government in circumference, 4.6 meters high, and 4.9
meters wide. It had four gates: the "Yingxi
The Municipal Glass Arts • TEL: 03-5225264 Gate" in the east, the "Yishuang Gate" in
and Craft Museum the west, the "Gexun Gate" in the south,
• Fax: 03-526-6021 and the "Gongchen Gate" in the north. All
The museum building was reconstruct- but the eastern gate were torn down in
ed from Hsinchu Civic Hall that was built • Email: 1902 to make way for road construction.
as the Japanese royalty residence and
a banquet hall in 1936. After Taiwan re- Once marking the main entry to Hsinchu,
stored in 1945, the building was uti- the East Gate sits on a granite base
lized by Takeover Committee, American pierced by an arched walkway. On the
army consultant delegation, and Hsinchu upper half of the gate is a building orig-
military police station. The Municipal inally constructed of wood and later re-
Glass Arts and Craft Museum has been built in concrete. The building is sup-
the central player in an ongoing mis-

ported by 24 columns on which sit a
sion to promote the work of local glass- double-eaved roof with a short upturned
workers. Before silicon took centre ridge that adds to the power of the de-
stage in the computer industry, glass sign. In front of the gate is a stone stele
was widely used here in the tradition-
al production of glassware. During
the annual Glass Festival, a number of
to recounting the history of the construc-
tion of the Hsinchu City wall. There is
also a public square that joins both tra-
events are held at the museum as well
as in the surrounding Hsinchu Park.
Hsinchu ditional and modern elements at the
front of this major Hsinchu landmark.

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