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1. Đảo ngữ với các trạng từ phủ định:
Never/ Rarely/ Seldom /Little/ Hardly/ Scarely/ Barely…+ auxiliary+ S+ V
(Chưa bao giờ/hiếm khi ….)
Eg: Never in my life have I been in such an embarrassing situation.
Hardly ever does he speak in the public.
Little did he know the truth.
2. Đảo ngữ với NO và NOT: không
a. No + N + auxiliary( trợ động từ) + S + Verb
Not any + N + auxiliary + S + Verb
Eg: No money shall I lend you from now on.
= Not any money shall I lend you from now on.
b. At no time: Không bao giờ (= never)
Eg: At no time/Never did he suspect that his girlfriend was an enemy spy.
c. On no condition = On no account + auxiliary+ S+ V: Dù bất cứ lý do gì
cũng không
Eg: On no account must this switch be touched. 
On no account should you be late for the exam.
d. Under no/ in no circumstances: Dù trong bất cứ hoàn cảnh nào cũng
Eg: Under no circumstances should you lend him the money. 
e. For no reason: Không vì lý do gì
Eg: For no reason will we surrender.
f. In no way: Không sao có thể 
Eg: In no way could I believe in a ridiculous story.
g. No longer: Không còn nữa
Eg: No longer does he make mistakes.

h. By no means: Hoàn toàn không
Eg: By no means does he intend to criticize your idea. 
i. No where: không nơi nào, không ở đâu
Eg: No where can the key be found.
3. Đảo ngữ với ONLY
a. Only after + N auxiliary+ S+ V: Chỉ sau khi
Only after + S + V + auxiliary+ S+ V : Chỉ sau khi
Eg: Only after his father’s retirement did he take over the company.
Only after all guests had gone home could we relax
b. Only by V-ing/ N + auxiliary+ S+ V: Chỉ bằng cách
Eg: Only by practising English everyday can you speak it fluently.
c. Only when+ S + V + auxiliary+ S+ V: Chỉ khi
Eg: Only when her friends told me did I know she had been well-known.
Only when you grow up can you understand this matter.
d. Only with+ N + auxiliary+ S+ V: Chỉ với
Eg: Only with the bank's loan could he buy the car.
e. Only if + S + V + auxiliary+ S+ V: chỉ nếu
Eg: Only if you promise to keep secret will I tell you about it.

4. Đảo ngữ diễn tả 2 sự viêc̣ liên tiếp xảy ra:
No sooner + had + S + VpII/Ved + than + S + V(past simple)
Hardly/ Barely/ Scarcely + had + S + VpII/Ved + when + S + V(past simple)
(Vừa mới...thì đã...)
Eg: Hardly had I arrived home when the telephone rang.
(= I had hardly arrived home when the telephone rang.)
Scarcely had she finished reading when she fell asleep.
(= She had scarcely finished reading when she fell asleep.)
Barely had they won the match when the coach had a heart attack.
(= They had barely won the match when the coach had a heart attack.)
No sooner had the company launched its new product than it went bankrupt.
(= The company had no sooner launched its new product than it went bankrupt.)
5. Đảo ngữ với Not only....... but......also.....: không những…….mà còn…..

Not only + auxiliary+ S+ V + but + S also + V…
hoặc Not only + auxiliary+ S+ V + but.... also..........
Eg: Not only is he good at English but he also draws very well.
Not only does he sing well but he also dances perfectly.
6. Đảo ngữ với SO…THAT………
So+ adj/ adv + auxiliary + S+V+ that + S + V : quá….đến nỗi mà…
Eg: So hard does he study that he always gets good marks.
            So interesting is the film that I have seen it twice.
            So many books did he buy that he couldn't read them all.
* Lưu ý: Dùng SO + MANY/FEW/MUCH/LITTLE + NOUN, không dùng

7. Câu đảo ngữ có chứa “SUCH” mang cấu trúc như sau:

Such + tobe + (a/an) + adj + N + that + clause
Such + (a/an) + adj + N + tobe + that + clause
( quá….đến nỗi…)
Eg: Such is a beautiful dress that I want to buy it.
Such a beautiful dress is that I want to buy it.
Such was a boring lecture that I felt sleepy.
           Such was an expensive book that I couldn’t buy it.
Lưu ý: trong trường hợp BE SO MUCH/GREAT đổi thành SUCH BE
Eg: The force of the storm was so great that trees were uprooted.
= Such was the force of the storm that trees were uprooted.
8. Đảo ngữ với until/ till
Not until/ till+ clause/ adv of time+ auxiliary+ S+ V
(mãi đến khi…)
Eg: I didn’t stop worrying about my daughter until she call me.
=> Not until my daughter called me did I stop worrying about her.
I didn't know that I had lost my key till I got home
= Not until/ till I got home did I know that I had lost my key.
9. Đảo ngữ với câu điều kiện
a, Câu đk loại 1: If clause = should+S+(not) V(bare inf)

(Lưu ý: Dùng SHOULD để nói về khả năng xảy ra ít chắc chắn hơn)
Eg: If you go to the market, you will see Allen working there.
= Should you go to the market, you will see Allen working there.
If you don’t believe what I said, ask your mother.
= Should you not believe what I said, ask your mother.
b, Câu đk loại 2: If clause= Were S +(not) to V(bare inf)/ Were+S
(Lưu ý: Dùng WERE TO để nói về khả năng xảy ra ít chắc chắn hơn)
Eg: If I were you, I would work harder = Were I you, I would work harder.
If I knew her, I would invite her to the party = Were I to know her, I........
If she were not shy, she would have a good time at the party.
= Were she not shy, she would have a good time at the party.
c, Câu đk loại 3: If clause = Had+S+(not) V3/ed
Eg: If I had closed the door before I left, the butterflies would not have been
able to fly inside.
= Had I closed the door before I left, the butterflies would not have been able to
fly inside.
If you had listened to what I was saying, you would have known how to get out
of your trouble.
= Had you listened to what I was saying, you would have known how to get out
of your trouble.
12. Đảo ngữ dạng rút gọn chỉ sự tán thành hay không đồng ý
- So: dùng để thể hiêṇ sự đồng tình với mô ̣t câu khẳng định
So + auxiliary + S
Eg: - A: I am a student.
B: I am a student, too. = So am I.
- Lan: I like English very much.
Nam: I like English, too. = So do I
- Neither/ Nor dùng để thể hiêṇ sự đồng tình với mô ̣t vâu phủ định
Neither + auxiliary + S
Eg: - Tom: I’m not good at mathematics.
John: I’m not good at mathematics, either. = Neither am I.
- A: I can’t play tennis.
B: I can’t play tennis, either. = Neither can I.

13. Trong câu có các mệnh đề với “as, though, no matter how,
however” . Thường đưa : Noun/Adj/Verb/Adv lên trước .
Eg: Child as he is, she knows a great deal.
Youngest as he is, he studies best in our class.
However tired he is, he continues to work.
Again as he tired, he failed.
Hard as he works, he makes little progress.
Try as he does, she will never pass it.
Search as they would, they could find no sign.
14. Các trường hợp đảo ngữ với cụm giới từ
• Khi một mệnh đề mở đầu bằng các thành ngữ chỉ nơi chốn hoặc trật tự
thì động từ chính có thể đảo lên chủ ngữ nhưng tuyệt đối không được sử
dụng trợ động từ trong trường hợp này.
Clause of place/ order + main verb + S (no auxiliary)
Eg: David began to open the parcels. A dictionary was inside the first.
= David began to open the parcels. Inside the first was a dictionary.
His father sat in an armchair.
= In an armchair sat his father.
First came the ambulance, then came the police.(Thoạt đầu là xe cứu
thương chạy đến, tiếp sau là cảnh sát.) 
Lưu ý: Không đảo ngữ khi chủ từ là đại từ.
(sai): In an armchair sat she.
• Tương tự với các câu mở đầu bằng các phó từ “here, there, now, then, in,
out, down, up, back, over ,away, off,…”
Now comes my turn.
Here is a letter for you.
Then followed three days of heavy rain.
In came the teacher, and the lesson began.
Off went the horses.
Up went the arrow into the air.
Away they went.

*Chú ý: các ví dụ trên có thể diễn đạt bằng một V-ing mở đầu cho câu và động
từ to be đảo lên trên chủ ngữ:
Eg: Hanging from the rafters were strings of onion.
Standing in the doorway was a man with a gun.
Sitting on a perch beside him was a blue parrot.
Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way
that it means the same as the sentence printed above it.
1. He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.
Not only_______________________________________________________
2. He had hardly left the office when the telephone rang.
 No sooner _____________________________________________________
3. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
 Hardly _______________________________________________________
4. He didn’t finish his work until the bell rang.
 Not until ______________________________________________________
5. We only began to see the symptoms of the disease after several months.
 Only _________________________________________________________
6. I have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.
 Never ________________________________________________________
7. A sleeping dog was lying under the table.
 Under the table _________________________________________________
8. His brother had rarely been more excited.
9. The facts were not all made public until later.
10. If I had realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.
11. The response to our appeal was so great that we has to take on more staff.
 Such__________________________________________________________
12. Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.
Not only ______________________________________________________

13. The police didn’t at all suspect that the judge was the murderer.
 Little _________________________________________________________
14. If you do happen to see Helen, could you ask her to call me?
15. The bus driver can not be blamed for the accident in any way.
 In ___________________________________________________________
16. The snowfall was so heavy that all the trains had to be cancelled.
 So ___________________________________________________________
17. If the government raised interest rates. They would lose the election.
18. As soon as I got into the bath, someone knocked at the door.
 No sooner _____________________________________________________
19. There was so much uncertainty that the financial markets remained closed.
20. It’s not common for there to be so much rain in March.
21. You won’t allowed in until your identify has been checked.
22. Just after the play started there was a power failure.
23. The Prime Minister has hardly ever made a speech as inept as this.
24. We had only just arrived home when the police called.
25. Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage.
 On no_________________________________________________________
26. The way so much money has been spent to so little purpose must be a
 Never before___________________________________________________
27. The judge was taken ill just after the trial proceedings began.
 Barely________________________________________________________

28. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted.
–> So ……………………………………………………………………….

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