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Subject: POM
Submitted by:
Maryam Tariq
Submitted to:
CASE: French Restaurant

How much volume or variety should be considered at each step, what strategy should be use at
what point? Tell owner how to ensure his company grows for future continuity.


“To provide outstanding French fine dining for the people of Chicago”

Process Strategies

1. Product focus
2. Process focus
3. Repetitive focus
4. Mass customization


 Introduction
 Growth
 Maturity stage

1st Quadrant 2nd Quadrant
Product Focus strategy Process Focus strategy
Low variety-High volume High Variety- low Volume

4th Quadrat 3rd Quadrant

Mass customization strategy Repetitive focus strategy

High Volume- High Variety Moderate volume-Moderate

Introductory stage: Product Focus strategy
High volume & limited Variety

Step 1: At first step high volume and limited variety should be considered. Because when we
start any business, we need to focus more on product instead of variety. Facilities are organized
by product here. In this, Long, continuous production runs enable efficient processes.

Alexander Case: Same as an institutional kitchen, he could also use this option to produce high
volumes of food with a limited variety. But as his mission is to provide outstanding dining then
this approach is not appropriate. But if his mission is to reduce the variety of food products than
this strategy is appropriate. Or we can say if he is out of budget he can start with this one.





Growth stage: Process Focus strategy

High Variety & Volume low

Step 3: At this stage, more variety and low volume should be considered. The main focus is on
equipment’s and skilled operators. At this stage, goods are not stored. Here is high degree of
product flexibility

Alexander Case: This approach is appropriate for Alexander. He can design a process that
requires little automation but high variety. As this process strategy is flexible, so by using this
strategy he can build an extremely flexible kitchen with variety of custom meals catering to each
customer. With little automation, such a process would be suitable for a huge variety. As this
process strategy will support his mission and desired product differentiation. By using this he can
provide the fine French-style dining which he wants.




Maturity stage: Repetitive focus strategy

Moderate volume and variety

Step 2: At second stage, both volume and variety should be considered moderately. This
process is less flexible and more efficient. It required low inventory.

Alexander Case: if he chooses this strategy, he could produce more variety and lower volumes.
In this he can use prepared modular components for meals same like a fast-food restaurant does.
But again, he neglects this strategy because it is inappropriate for his mission.

But if Alexander mission were to offer less expensive meals & reduce the variety offered than
this strategy is appropriate.



Mass customization strategy
High Volume & High Variety

Step 4: AT this stage large variety and large quantity should be considered. It is a flexible
process design. It is basically imaginative product design process.

Alexander case: In this process he can produce a high volume of customized meals, but you
know what it is not easy for Alexander or for anyone else to customized gourmet meals. So,
simply, we neglect this strategy for now.




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