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A Micro Project of Study and Analyze Gmail Software

Diploma IV Semester
Software Engineering (22413)

Submitted By:
Shreyas Varadkar - 61
Shreyash Yadav - 66
Jay Mankar – 56

Guided by:


Dr. D.Y Patil, School of Polytechnic, Vidyanagar,
Sec-7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400 706.
Sector – 7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai-400 706

This is to certify that
Mr. /Miss. / Mrs. ____________________________________________

Class______________________________ Roll no. ________________

has completed the micro project work satisfactorily in the course of____

prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education in the
academic year 2019-2020 in the program of______________________

_______________________________________________________of the

Date ______________

Teacher__________ In charge Dep. __________Principal__________

I take this opportunity to express deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks
for the invaluable guidance that I have received at the worthy hands of
Mrs. Smita. Mane.

I express my sincere thanks to our H.O.D. Prof. Umesh Patil for permitting
me to do this project and also to the entire staff member who have helped
me directly or indirectly.

I also express my thanks to my friends for their underlying support shown

during the preparation of this project.



DYPP, Nerul.


Dr. D.Y Patil, School of Polytechnic, Vidyanagar,

Sec-7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 400 706


Part A

Sr no. Topic Page no.

1. Aims/Benefits of microproject 1
2. Proposed Methodology 2-3
3. Action Plan 4
4. Resources required 5
Part B
1. Rationale 1.
2. Aims/benefits of microproject 2.
3. Course outcomes achieved 2.
4. Literature review 3.
5. Actual methodology followed 4-14.
6. Actual resources Used 15.
7. Skills Developed 16.
8. Evaluation sheet (Part A) 17.
9. Evaluation sheet (Part B) 18.
Aims/benefits of microproject:
Aim: Study and analyze Gmail software.

∑ Huge Storage Space.
∑ Online Anywhere Access.
∑ Cheaper and Less Manpower to Maintain.
∑ Synchronization with Outlook.
∑ Easy Search and Organization.
∑ Security of Data.

Course Outcomes Addressed:

a) Select suitable Software process model for software development.
b) Prepare Software requirement specifications.
c) Use software modelling to create data designs.
d) Estimate size and cost of software product.
e) Apply project management and quality assurance principles in software

Proposed Methodology:
Our micro project review problem Statements, requirement engineering (RE)
steps, SRS function point, decision table and COCOMO model which analyses
the development of software Email. Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a
method of exchanging messages ("mail) between people using electronic
devices. Invented by Ray Tomlinson, email first entered limited use in the
1960s and by the mid-1970s had taken the form now recognized as email. Email
operates across computer networks, which today is primarily the Internet. Some
early email systems required the author and the recipient to both be online at the
Same time, in common with instant messaging. Today's email systems are based
on a store. and forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver, and store
messages. Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online
simultaneously; they need to connect only briefly, typically to a mail server or a
webmail interface for as long as it takes to send or receive messages.
Originally an ASCII text-only communications medium, Internet email was
extended by Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) to carry text in
other character sets and multimedia content attachments. International email,
with internationalized email addresses using UTF-8, has been standardized, but
as of 2017 it has not been widely.

Characteristics of the Micro-project:

On April 1, 2004, Gmail was launched with one gigabyte (GB) of storage space,
a i Significantly higher amount than competitors offered at the time.
On April 1, 2005, the first anniversary of Gmail, the limit was doubled to two
gigabytes of storage. Georges Harik, the product management director for
Gmail, l stated that Google would "keep giving people more space forever."
On April 24, 2012, Google announced the increase of storage included in Gmail
from 7.5 to 10 gigabytes "and counting") as part of the launch of Google Drive.
On May 13, 2013, Google announced the overall merge of storage across
Gmail, Google Drive, and Google+ Photos, allowing users 15 gigabytes of
included storage among the three services.
Users can buy additional storage, shared among Gmail, Google Drive and
Google l Photos, through a monthly subscription plan from Google One. As of
2018, storage of up to 15 gigabytes is included, and paid plans are available for
up to 30 terabytes for personal use.11)
There are also storage limits to individual Gmail messages. One message,
including all attachments, cannot be larger than 25 megabytes.2iThis was
changed in March 2017, to allow receiving of email up to 50 megabytes, with
the limit for sending email staying at 25 megabytes, 13 In order to send larger
files, users can insert files from Google Drive into the message.

Functions of the Micro-Project:

∑ Server side
∑ Computer platform minimum P4
∑ 800 MHz of processor 128 MB of RAM
∑ Networking
∑ Minimum 500mb of free space
∑ Keyboard and Mouse

Client Side
∑ Computer platform minimum P4
∑ 800 MHz of processor
∑ 128 MB of RAM
∑ Minimum 2 GB of free space Should be connected network(server)
∑ Keyboard and Mouse


Sr. No Details of Activity Planned Planned Name of the

Start date Finish date Responsible Team

1 Searched topic for micro- Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay

2 Took the topic for micro Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay
3 Discussed with group Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay
member about the micro

4 Collected the gathered the Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay

required data and
components for the micro-

5 Confirming the material Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay

with faculty
6 Made required changes Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay
under the guidance of the
7 Planned the outline of the Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay
micro project
8 Submitted the micro Shreyas,Shreyash,Jay

(Signature of faculty)

Resources Required:

Sr. Name of
No. Resource/ Specifications Qty. Remarks
1 System Computer: -Hp 1
Name Processor: -Intel core i5
(Laptop Ram: -8 GB
2 Operating Windows 7 1

3 Book 1. Book Name-Software Engineering-A 1

Practitioner's Approach.
Author: - Roger S. Pressman
Publication: -BACKLIST

2. Book Name: -Fundamentals of Software

Author: - Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandriol,
Carlo Ghezzi
Publication Year: -1991

4 Internet . https://www.techopedia 1
com/definition/25106/a android-operating-

Our micro-project review problem statements, requirement engineering (RE)
steps, SRS function point, decision table and COCOMO model which analyses
the development of software Email. Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a
method of exchanging messages “mail" between people using electronic
devices. Invented by Ray Tomlinson, email first entered limited use in the
1960s and by the mid-1970s had taken the form now recognized as email. Email
operates across computer networks, which today is primarily the Internet. Some
early email systems required the author and the recipient to both be online at the
Same time, in common with instant messaging. Today's email systems are based
on a store- and-forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver, and store
messages. Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online
simultaneously; they need to connect only briefly, typically to a mail server or a
webmail interface for as long as takes to send or receive messages.
Originally an ASCII text-only communications medium, Internet email was
extended by Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) to carry text in
other character sets and I multimedia content attachments. International email,
with internationalized email addresses using UTF-8, has been standardized, but
as of 2017 it has not been widely adopted.

Aims/benefits of microproject:
Aim: Study and analyze Gmail software.

∑ Huge Storage Space.
∑ Online Anywhere Access.
∑ Cheaper and Less Manpower to Maintain.
∑ Synchronization with Outlook.
∑ Easy Search and Organization.
∑ Security of Data.

Course Outcomes Addressed:

a) Select suitable Software process model for software development.
b) Prepare Software requirement specifications.
c) Use software modelling to create data designs.
d) Estimate size and cost of software product.
e) Apply project management and quality assurance principles in software

Literature Review:
1. Book Name: - Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach
Author: - Roger S. Pressman
Publication Year: - 2015
The chapters aptly discuss the concepts using ample examples and programs
following al step-wise approach which makes the book a treat for the readers. In
view of complex naturel of topics, the author has designed the book as a self-
study material for the students in his signature style.
Salient Feature:
∑ A guide to software engineering, it focuses on widely used software
engineering methods and will de-emphasize or completely eliminate
discussion of secondary methods, tools and techniques.

2. Book Name: - Fundamentals of Software Engineering

Author: -Mehd Jazayeri, Dino Mandrill, Carlo Ghezzi
Publication Year: -1991
This book provides selective, in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of software
engineering by stressing principles and methods through rigorous formal and
informal approaches.
Key Features:
∑ Provides numerous approaches examples for software engineering
requirements which can also be used for conducting lab sessions.
∑ Includes case studies on different types of software's, design models,
procedures and customer's requirements.

Actual Methodology:
Identify the problem statement:
A person intending to build a house typically estimates the overall size of the
house in number of square feet. While buying an office table, you may specify
the size as Length x Breadth x Height. Almost every object used in daily lie can
be sized by using one or more parameters. Because software is "soft," It is always
quite difficult to size it as accurately as other material products like a house, a
car, or a television. Software professionals traditionally have been measuring, the
size of software applications by using different methods; Lines-o-Code (LOC) is
the oldest and most popular method used. Whatever the level of approximation,
LOC does give some sense of software size.
Function Point Analysis Method
The Function Point Analysis (FPA) methodology-based estimation model
designed by Allan Albrecht of IBM in 1979, and now owned and continuously
upgraded by IFPUG [2 International Function Point Users Group), is perhaps the
nearest to separating the functions delivered by a product rom the technology
platform on which the product is developed and hence the path to deriving the
total effort and cost to deliver the application. The uniqueness of this FPA
method enables the estimator to clearly size the software application (product)
based purely on the functions that are expected to be delivered by the application.
Perhaps it is due to this unique feature in the FPA method that its popularity and
usage, as compared to other estimation methods, is the highest in the software
developer community. To understand the uniqueness of the FPA method,
consider the example of a mobile phone, as shown in Figure 7.1. From a mobile
phone user's perspective, the various functions the user expects to experience are
∑ To be able to communicate with contacts, friends, and family at will,
irrespective of
physical location and environment
∑ Instant, online access to the directory of contact numbers
∑ Provision to send SMS (text) messages to anyone, any tire
∑ Internet browsing facility
∑ Storing and playing music

The FPA method is built on the premise that the function point (FP) count finally
determined is based totally on the user's perspective of the functions expected to
be delivered with the final product.
Waterfall model of Gmail:
Gmail is a free email service developed by Google. Users can access Gmail on
the web and using third-party programs that synchronize email content through
POP or IMAP protocols. I Gmail started as a limited beta release on April 1,
2004 and ended its testing phase on July 7, 2009
At launch, Gmail had an initial storage capacity offer of one gigabyte per user, a
significantly higher amount than competitors offered at the time. Today, the
service comes with 15 gigabytes of storage. Users can receive emails up to 50
megabytes in size, including l attachments, while they can send emails up to 25
megabytes. In order to send larger files, users can insert files from Google Drive
into the message. Gmail has a search-oriented interface and a "conversation
view" similar to an Internet forum. The service is notable among website
developers for its early adoption of Ajax.
Google's mail servers automatically scan emails for multiple purposes,
including to filter spam and malware, and to add context-sensitive
advertisements next to emails. This advertising practice has been significantly
criticized by privacy advocates due to concerns over unlimited data retention,
ease of monitoring by third parties, users of other email providers not having
agreed to the policy upon sending emails to Gmail addresses, and the potential
for Google to change its policies to further decrease privacy by combining
information with other Google data usage. The company has been the subject of
lawsuits concerning the issues. Google has stated that email users must
"necessarily expect" their emails to be subject to automated processing and
claims that the service refrains from I displaying ads next to potentially
sensitive messages, such as those mentioning race, religion, sexual orientation,
health, or financial statements. In June 2017, Google announced the upcoming
end to the use of contextual Gmail content for advertising purposes, relying l
instead on data gathered from the use. its other services.

The relevant waterfall model as per the assigned project Gmail is seen as



System and

on And unit

Integration and
system testing

Operation and

Require incents definition: Thief sateen s service. Constrains, and goals are
established by consolation with system lusts. They are then destined in detail and
serve as a system specification.
System and software design: The systems design process allocates the
requirements to either hardware or software system by establishing on overall
system architecture.
Implementation and unit testing: During this stage, the software design is
realized as a set of programs units.
Integration and System testing: The individual program units or program are
integrated and tested as a complete system to ensure that the software
requirements have been met.
Operation and Maintenance: Maintenance involves correcting errors which
were not discovered in earlier stage of the life cycle.
identify application specific requirements by following RE steps:
1. Feasibility study: (Software and Hardware requirements)
Requireme Windows Linux MacOS Android
CPU Pentium 4 Any x86-64 ARM and

Memory 512 MB/ 2 GB for the 64-bit version 384 MB


Hard disk 200 MB 50MB

drive free
7 or later Minimum: OS X 10.9
server 2008 R2 ∑ GTK+ 3.4 or newer
Operating or later or newer
system ∑ Glib 2.22 4.1 or
or newer newer
Recommended: newer
∑ DBus 1.0
or newer
∑ Pulse

2. Requirements elicitation and analysis:

Requirement Bad Quality Good Quality

Atomic ∑ A quick link to the ∑ A quick link to the
Google search engine Google search
and other search engine.
engines ∑ And also, quick link
to the other search
Complete The ability to search multiple The ability to search
search engines multiple search engines
Uniquely Spell checking, session Test Id: T01
identified restore and "live titles” 1. Spell checking
2.Session restore
3.Live titles

Testable Fully tested. Fully tested by QA.

Requirements validation:
Validation Does the system achieve Satisfy end users
business goals? requirements?

Operation Yes Yes

System Yes No

SRS of Gmail software

∑ Firefox 62.0 System Requirements
1) Windows
∑ Operating Systems (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
∑ Recommended Hardware
Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2
512MB of RAM /2GB of RAM for the 64-bit version
200MB of hard drive space
2) Mac
v Operating Systems
maco5 10.9
macOS 10.10
macOS 10.11 8.
macOS 10.12
macOS 10.13
∑ Recommended Hardware
Macintosh computer with an Intel x86 processor
512 MB of RAM
200 MB hard drive space

3) GNU/Linux
∑ Software Requirements
Please note that GNU/Linux distributors may provide packages for your
distribution which have different requirements.
v Firefox will not run at all without the following libraries or packages:
GTK+ 3.4 or higher
Glib 2.22 or higher
Pango 1.22 or higher
X.Org 10 or higher (1.7 or higher is recommended)
libstdc++ 4.6.1 or higher
v For optimal functionality, we recommend the following libraries or
Network Manager 0.7 or higher
DBus 1.0 or higher
GNOME 2.16 or higher
Pulse Audio
Evaluate size of the project using Function Point Metric:
Following information domain characteristics are used for measurement of
function point:
Number of user inputs- 30
Number of user output-42
Number of users inquires-08
Number of external interfaces-06
Assume that all complexity adjustment values are moderate.
measurement Count Weight Factor Total
parameter (Average)

Number of user input 30 4 6

Number of user output 42 5 7
Number of user 08 4 6
Number of external 06 7 10

Function point (FP)= UPF x CAF

Unadjusted Function Point = 30*4+42"5+8-4+6.7
= 120+210+32+42
= 404
UFP = 404
Complexity Adjusted Factor (CAF)= 0.65 + [0.01 x (F I)]
=0.65 + [0.01 x (2x14)] = 1.33
Here we take 2•14 because total no. of ques. = 14
For moderate = 2
FP= UFP x CAF = 404 x 1 33
FP = 537. 32
FP = 537

Used test case to validate requirements of project
v Test case on: -- Gmail
Project Name: Gmail
Project Name: Email


Test Case ID: MF_01 Test Designed By:

1.Krishna Bandgar
2.Parth Hindurao
3.Tanishq Dhepe
Test Priority (Low/Medium/high): Test Designed Date:

Module Name: Email Test Executed By:

1.Krishna Bandgar
2.Parth Hindurao
3.Tanishq Dhepe

Test Title: Testing the operation of Test Execution Date:


Description: Test and verify that

works smoothly as per design and

Pre-conditions: The browser Email works smoothly.

Dependencies: Internet access.

step Test steps Test data Expected data Actual Status
result (Pass/Fail)

1 Enable Internet The desktop should be Pass

internet connection connected to internet Run
access to launch the Mozilla
2 Launch Web browser Browser must load Pass
Email open on being clicked Run
on the icon
3 Click on Web browser Main nav and drop- Pass
main nav down links take user Run
links and to
drop downs Those sections
4 Click on Web browser Pass
magnifying Enable the user to Run
glass icon of access and type in the
search Search bar

5 Enter search Web browser Search will take user Pass

tern and to search result page Run


Compos Spell


User draft

Notificatio Browser
New email
notificatio Google
ER – Diagram for Gmail

Name ID Name ID

User Order Company


Make Feed back video



Inquiry Manages Admin


Data Flow Diagram
Level One


Mailing System


Level Two

Instructor Student Login

Details Details Details





Actual Resources Required:

Sr. Name of
No. Resource/ Specifications Qty. Remarks
1 System Computer: -Hp 1
Name Processor: -Intel core i5
(Laptop Ram: -8 GB
2 Operating Windows 7 1

3 Book 1. Book Name-Software Engineering-A 1

Practitioner's Approach.
Author: - Roger S. Pressman
Publication: -BACKLIST

2. Book Name: -Fundamentals of Software

Author: - Mehdi Jazayerli, Dino Mandriol,
Carlo Ghezzi
Publication Year: -1991

4 Internet . https://www.techopedia 1
com/definition/25106/a android-operating-

Skills Developed:
a) Select suitable Software process model or software development.
b) Prepare Software requirement specifications.
c) Use software modelling to create data designs.
d) Estimate size and cost of software product.

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet (PART-A)

Name of student: Enrollment no:

Name of program: Computer Engineering Semester: IV
Course Title: Software Engineering Code: 22413
Title of the Micro Project: Study and Analyze Gmail Software.
Course Outcomes Achieved (Cos):
a) Select suitable Software process model for software development.
b) Prepare Software requirement specifications.
c) Use software modelling to create data design.
d) Apply project management and quality assurance principles in software development.
e) Estimate size and cost of software product.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
No. assessed (Marks 1- (Marks4- (Marks6- (Marks 9-10)
3) 5) 8)
(A) Process and product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1. Relevance to the course

2. Literature Survey
/Information collection

3. Completion of the target as

per project proposal

4. Analysis of data and


5. Quality of prototype/model

6. Report preparation

(B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)

7. Presentation
8. Viva

Signature: ______________
Micro Project Evaluation Sheet (PART-B)

(A) (B) Total marks

Process an Product Assessment Individual Presentation/Viva (10)
(6 marks) (4 marks)

Comments/Suggestion about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Any other Comment:


Name of the teacher: SMITA MANE

Signature: ……………………………………………………….

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