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University of Calicut

Master of Business Administration

BUS 2C 15 Management Information Systems

Module 1

Prepared By:
Mohammed Jasir PV
Asst. Professor
Course Objectives

• To understand the process of information generation and

communication in organisations
• To understand the process of IT application development and use in
• To provide a basic understanding about security issues of information
Module I
• Evolution of MIS: Concepts; framework for understanding and designing MIS in
an organisation;
• MIS and other related disciplines: MIS and Management Accounting, MIS and
Computer Science, MIS and OR, MIS and Organisational Behaviour, MIS and
• Concept of information; definition, features, types, process of generation and
communication; quality and value of information; information overload;
techniques for managing overload; summarizing; filtering; inferences and
message routing.
• System concept; definition, types and characteristics of system-control in
systems: feedback: positive and negative; negative feedback control system,
input, process and output control; law of requisite variety.
Module I

• Evolution of MIS (Basics)

• Concept of information
• System concept
• MIS and other related disciplines
Management Information System

Definition Functions Levels

Management is the • Planning

art of getting things • Organizing
done through and • Staffing
with the people in
• Directing
formally organised
groups • Controlling
Management Information System


Data is the future !! 1-212-290-490

What is needed is information, Tel +1-1-212-290-490

not mass of data !!

What ever the information is,

timeliness is matter !!
• The data which has been converted to meaningful and useful form
• Information means “The Processed Data”
Raw Data Yes, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, No, Yes, Yes

Response to the market research question-

Context “Would you buy brand X at Rs. 10?

Processing !!!

Information ?
Data is like raw material & Information is like finished goods
which having a value
Management Information System


Definition Components

A set of
components Input Processing Output
that work
together to Environment
achieve a
common goal Feedback / Control

▪ A set of components that work together to achieve a common goal
▪ Systems can be viewed as process models in terms of their inputs,
outputs, processing, and feedback/control mechanisms
▪ Derived from Greek word 'Systema’ - means an organised
relationship among functional units or components

Input Output
Involves transformation
processes that convert
input into output

Involves capturing and Involves transferring

assembling elements elements that have been
that enter the system produced to the ultimate
to be processed destination
Information System - Definition

A combination of Organised to facilitate

Hardware Planning
Software Control
Infrastructure and Coordination and
Trained personnel Decision Making

In an organisation
Information System

• Its an organized combination of people, h/w, s/w, communication

networks and data resources that collects, transforms & disseminate
information in an organization

• An information system and MIS (IS) - or application landscape - is any

combination of information technology and people's activities that
support operations, management and decision making
What is an Information System?

• Information system is defined as a collection of elements that capture

data and convert it in information and disseminate to the decision-makers
in an organization

• Management information system is a system consisting of people,

machines, procedures, databases and data models, as its elements. The
system gathers data from the internal and external sources of an
Information System –
Components of Information System

• Data
• Hardware
• System Software
• Software • Application Software
• Network
• People
• Database
1. Hardware: Physical equipment used for input, output and processing. What
hardware to use it depends upon the type and size of the organisation. It consists
of input, an output device, operating system, processor, and media devices. This
also includes computer peripheral devices.

2. Software: The programs/ application program used to control and coordinate

the hardware components. It is used for analysing and processing of the data.
These programs include a set of instruction used for processing information.
Software is further classified into 3 types:
System Software
Application Software
3. Databases
• Data are the raw facts and figures that are unorganised that are and later
processed to generate information. Softwares are used for organising and serving
data to the user, managing physical storage of media and virtual resources. As the
hardware can’t work without software the same as software needs data for
processing. Data are managed using Database management system.
Database software is used for efficient access for required data, and to manage
knowledge bases.
4. Network:
• Networks resources refer to the telecommunication networks like the intranet,
extranet and the internet.
• These resources facilitate the flow of information in the organisation.
• Networks consists of both the physicals devises such as networks cards, routers,
hubs and cables and software such as operating systems, web servers, data
servers and application servers.
• Telecommunications networks consist of computers, communications processors,
and other devices interconnected by communications media and controlled by
• Networks include communication media, and Network Support.
5. Human Resources:
• It is associated with the manpower required to run and manage the system.
People are the end user of the information system, end-user use information
produced for their own purpose, the main purpose of the information system is
to benefit the end user. The end user can be accountants, engineers,
salespersons, customers, clerks, or managers etc. People are also responsible to
develop and operate information systems. They include systems analysts,
computer operators, programmers, and other clerical IS personnel, and
managerial techniques.
Subsystems of an information system

• Data Repository: This is a subsystem which is at the core of any information

system. These structures are arranged in a way that helps in faster storage and
retrieval of data with adequate security.
• User Interface: This subsystem handles the interaction of the system with
the user and hence it has to manage issues related to the display of data on an
output medium.
• Network: This subsystem ensures communication between the different entities
of an information system.
• Computer Hardware: An IT infrastructure is needed in an effective manner.
Subsystems of an information system

• System Software : Some basic software is required for the efficient

functioning of information system
• Input/Output: I/O must be user independent
• Business rule (process): This is a set rules which governs how a system
should function to imitate the real business process
• Algorithm / program / application software: This is the actual invisible
component, which integrates all the components. The logic is defined
in the program
An Information System Framework
Types of Information System
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
• This type of information system is used to record the day to day transactions of
a business. An example of a Transaction Processing System is a Point of Sale
(POS) system. A POS system is used to record the daily sales.
Management Information Systems (MIS)
• Management Information Systems abbreviated as MIS, are used to guide tactic
managers to make semi-structured decisions. The output from the transaction
processing system is used as input to the MIS system
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
• Decision support systems are used by top level managers to make semi-
structured decisions. The output from the Management Information System is
used as input to the decision support system.DSS systems also get data input
from external sources such as current market forces, competition, etc.
Management Information System
MIS – A Concept

The MIS is an idea which is associated with man, machine,

marketing and methods for collecting information’s from the
internal and external source and processing this information for the
purpose of facilitating the process of decision-making of the
Concept - MIS

Data Computer / Information Decision
Intelligence Design Choice
Data Hardware
Data Decision Making

Database Decision Implementation


Monitoring / Feedback
Components of MIS


HW & SW People Database Networks Model base Processes

MIS Activities

• Data capturing
• Data processing
• Storage of information
• Dissemination of information
• Retrieval of data
• Control system performance
MIS Functions

The broad functions of MIS The main functions of MIS

• To improve decision making • Data Processing
• To improve efficiency • Prediction
• To provide connectivity • Planning
• Control
• Assistance
Characteristics of MIS

• Management Oriented
• Management Directed
• Integrated
• Common Data Flows
• ICT Enabled
• Strategic Planning
Characteristics of MIS

• Management oriented: - Top down design. Focus is to satisfy the information

needs of the management
• Management directed:- Management is involved in the design process,
continuous review and up gradation of MIS in order to develop a good quality
system. The system is structured. Minimizes the gap between expectation of the
management and the actual system
• Integrated:- Integrated with all the operations and functional activities of the
management. Only an integrated system can provide the complete picture of the
• Common data Flows:- Data being stored into the system, retrieved from the
system, disseminated within the system or processed by the system can be
handled in an integrated manner. Avoids data duplication, data redundancy,
and help simplify operations
• Strategic Planning:- A high degree of planning goes into creating an MIS
• Bias towards centralization:- Centralized data management helps an MIS to
exercise version control as well as provide an integrated view of data to the
• ICT enabled:- Information should be timely and accurate for effective
decision making
Advantages of MIS

• Smooth data flow

• Easy access to information
• Fast data processing and information retrieval
• Evaluation of the performance
• Cost control and time saving
• Compares budgets and actual performances
• Improved backup systems
• Takes away the uncertainty and risks
Disadvantages of MIS

• It is expensive to set up and configure

• Heavy reliance on technology
• Risk of fraud
Concept of information

• Definition, features, types, process of generation and

• Quality and value of information
• Information overload, Techniques for managing overload
(summarizing; filtering; inferences and message routing)

• The data which has been converted to meaningful and useful form
• Information means “The Processed Data”
Information – Features / Characteristics

• Improves representation of an entity • Reliability and objectivity

• Updates the level of knowledge • Relevance and appropriateness
• Has a surprise value • Completeness
• Reduces uncertainty • Level of detail / Conciseness
• Aids in decision making • Presentation
• Availability and accessibility • Timing
• Accuracy
Modes of Information Generation

• Processing of Data
• Observation
• Thought Process and Imagination
• Experimentation
• Events
• Evolution
• Dream
Forms of Information

• Oral Form
• Sign Language
• Hand-written Form
• Pictorial Form
• Printed Form
• Digitised Form
• Condensed Form
• Coded Form
• Simplified Form
• Translated Form
Forms of Information

• Oral Form (Talking, Phone)

• Information in Sign Language (Hands, Fingers & parts of body)
• Hand-written Form (Written form of information)
• Pictorial Form and Printed Form
• Digitised Form (Recorded using only two digits 0 and 1)
• Condensed Form (Abstracts and summaries)
• Coded Form (Numbers, letters and symbols)
• Simplified Form (Laymen, school children)
• Translated Form (Oral to Oral, Oral to written, Written to oral,
Written to written)
Types of Information

Primary Secondary Tertiary

• Diaries • Bibliographies • Almanacs

• Interviews • Biographies • Encyclopedias
• Letters • Books • Fact books
• Original Documents • Journal Articles
Primary (Think of this as Firsthand)

• Primary information is comprised of original materials that were created first

• This type of information is from the time period involved and has not been
filtered through interpretation.
• Examples are:
• Diaries, Interviews (legal proceedings, personal, telephone, email), Letters,
Original Documents (i.e. birth certificate or a trial transcript), Patents,
Photographs, Proceedings of Meetings, Conferences and Symposia., Survey
Research (such as market surveys and public opinion polls), Works of
Secondary (Think of this as Second Hand)

• Secondary information is made up of accounts written after the fact with

the benefit of hindsight.
• It is comprised of interpretations and evaluations of primary information.
Secondary information is not evidence, but rather commentary on and
discussion of evidence.
• Examples are: Biographies, Books, Commentaries, Dissertations, Indexes,
Abstracts, Bibliographies (used to locate primary & secondary sources),
Journal Articles
Tertiary (Think of this as Third Hand)

• Tertiary information is a distillation and collection of primary and

secondary information.
• Examples are: Almanacs, Encyclopedias, Fact books
Role of Information in Decision Making

• Identification and structuring of problem: One needs information to

identify a problem and put it in a structured manner.
• Putting the problem in a context: Without information about the context in
which the problem has occurred, one cannot take any decision on it. In a
way , the context defines the problem.
• Generation of alternatives: Information is a key ingredient in the
generation of alternatives for decision-making.
• Choice of the best alternative: Based on the information about he
suitability of the alternatives, a choice is made to select the best
Process of Information Generation and Communication

• Data processing can be defined as the processing of data to make it

more usable and meaningful and thus converting into information.
• It covers all activities required for generating information from data
Steps in the process of generation and communication of information

1. Origination Source of records

2. Input •• Input
Sales of data stored on these source
•• Fed into the
Purchase computer for processing
3. Processing • Sorted and verified before processing
• Employee time cards
4. Storing •• Calculation, comparison,
Kept for future reference filtering and
• Search and retrieve files records
5. Data retrieval
6. Production of documents • Copies of documents and reports are
7. Data communication prepared
• On-line transmission of information
• Origination :- The main source of records used in data processing is sales orders, purchase
orders or employee time cards stored in magnetic tapes, disks and terminals.
• Input:- The input of data stored on these source documents into the data processing
system. The data records stored in secondary devices is now fed into the computer for
• Processing :- Computer and other electronic devices are used for processing data. Data
should be sorted and verified before processing. Processing involves calculation,
comparison, filtering and modification of data according to user’s requirements.
• Storing :- The result of processing of data must be kept for future reference. This function is
called storage
• Data retrieval:- With the introduction of information technology users will be able to search
and retrieve files records on-line with direct access devices
• Production of documents:- Copies of documents and reports are prepared as an output of
the information system.
• Data communication:- On-line transmission of information is possible in electronic data
processing system.
Quality and value of information
Quality and Value of information

• The quality and value of information can be described as

how it contributes for effective decision making
• The quality of information is high, if it creates managerial
impact leading to attention, decision and action
Value of Information

• Timeliness
• Presentation
• Accuracy
• Completeness
• Integrity
The quality of information can be measured on the four dimensions

• Utility
• Satisfaction
• Error
• Bias
1)The utility Dimension

• The utility dimension has four components namely the form, the time, the
access and the procession
• If the information is presented in the form of manager requires, then its
utility increases
• If it is available(time) when needed, the utility is optimized
• If the information is easily and quickly accessible through the online
access system, its utility gets an additional boost
• If the information is processed by the manager who needs it, then its
utility is the highest.
2) Satisfaction Dimension

• The degree of satisfaction would determine the quality of

the information
• If the organization has a high degree of satisfaction, then
one can be safe in saying that information systems are
designed properly to meet the information needs of the
managers at all the levels
2) Error Dimension

The error creep in on account of various reasons, namely:

• An incorrect data measurement
• An incorrect collection method
• Failure to follow the prescribed data processing procedure
• Loss of data or incomplete data
• Poor application of data validation and control systems
• A deliberate falsification
• The data should be avoided of errors, care should be taken that the information
is processed after ensuring the correctness of the data in terms of time and the
number of document, and the transactions in the period
4) Bias Dimension

• The procedure of communicating the information should be such that

the system is able to detect the degree and the nature of the bias and
correct the information accordingly
Information Overload
Information Overload

• It is a term popularized by Alvin Toffler

• Information overload occurs when the
amount of input to a system exceeds its
processing capacity
• It is simply the inability to digest and apply
all of the information provided
• It results in anxiety and stress, delay in
decision making, lack of job satisfaction,
waste of time and working longer hours
Information Overload

• It refers to difficulty of a person can have understanding an issue and

making decisions that can they caused by the presence of too much
• It is a situation where a manager is given too much information and as a
result his is confused and cannot make optimal decisions
• Information overload occurs when the amount of input to a system exceeds
its processing capacity
Causes of Information Overload

Irrelevance or
Too much Difficult to manage
unimportance of
information information

Lack of time to
Multiple sources of
Causes of Information Overload

• Increasing new information

• Duplication and transmission
• Increase channels of incoming information
(e.g. telephone, e-mail, instant messaging)
• Historical information
• Contradictions and inaccuracies
• A low signal-to-noise ratio
• A lack of comparing and processing
Causes of Information Overload

• A rapidly increasing rate of new information

• The ease of duplication and transmission of data across the Internet
• An increase in the available channels of incoming information (e.g.
telephone, e-mail, instant messaging)
• Large amounts of historical information to dig through
• Contradictions and inaccuracies in available information
• A low signal-to-noise ratio
• A lack of a method for comparing and processing different kinds of
Tips to solve information overload problem

1. Focus and specialize in one thing

2. Take Control
3. Follow only valuable sources
4. Unsubscribe from most of the unwanted subscription
5. Organize the time
Techniques of Managing Overload

1. Data summarizing
2. Message modification or filtering
3. Inferences
4. Message routing
Data Summarizing

• Reduction of data to a meaningful and

concise form
• Summarization reduces the amount of
data transmission with out changing the
essential meanings of the original
Data Summarizing

• Reduction of data to a meaningful and concise


• Summarization is a commonly used method of

data reduction and it refers to the reduction of
data to a meaningful and concise form

• Summarization reduces the amount of data

transmission with out changing the essential
meanings of the original message
2. Message modification or filtering

• It refers to the removal of unwanted and irrelevant data so as to

make the information more useful to the recipient

• Under this method the meaning of the message is altered before

it is transmitted

• In order to prevent information overload, the data can be

reduced to a manageable size through the process of filtering
3. Inferences

• Process of reaching a conclusion based on facts or evidence

• “Conclusion based on facts“

• “This must be either a new pencil or one which has not been used a lot”
“a long pencil with an eraser”

• “This must be either an old pencil or one which has been used for a long period”
“a small pencil without an eraser”
“The boy is crying”
“The boy is hurt in knee”

The boy must have fallen

3. Inferences

• Process of reaching a conclusion based on facts or

evidence The boy is crying
• Inferences are drawn form a large volume of data and The boy is hurt in knee
these inferences are transmitted or communicated in the
organization instead of original data The boy must have fallen
• This process reduces the volume of data considerably
• Inferences may be based on quantitative data such as
statistical inference or may be more subjective
• The quality of inference depends on the ability and skill
of the person who makes the inference
4. Message Routing

• The message should be distributed to only those persons

or departments which really require information to
make decision or initiate an action
4. Message Routing

• The message should be distributed to only those

persons or departments which really require
information to make decision or initiate an action

Eg: Copies of purchase order should be sent to

production, distribution and billing sections because
these departments have to take direct action based
on this order.
The copy of purchase order need not be sent to
marketing department since they do not require
information containing in the order
System concept

Definition, Types & Characteristics of System

System Concept

• Derived from Greek word 'Systema’ - means an organised relationship

among functional units or components
• Definition :- A system is an orderly grouping of interdependent
components linked together according to a plan to achieve a specific

• A system is a group of interrelated components, with a clearly defined

boundary, working toward the attainment of a common goal by accepting
inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process
• It can be defined as a set of interacting entities with interrelationships /
interconnections amongst each other forming an integrated whole
• A set of components that interact to accomplish goals
• Systems can be viewed as process models in terms of their inputs, outputs,
processing, and feedback/control mechanisms
What is a System?

A system is…
o A set of interrelated components
o With a clearly defined boundary
o Working together
o To achieve a common set of objectives
o By accepting inputs and producing outputs
o In an organized transformation process

Definition Components

A set of
components Input Processing Output
that work
together to Environment
achieve a
common goal Feedback / Control

System - Examples

• Inputs: Students, Faculty, Textbooks
• Processing mechanisms: Teaching, Research, Service
• Output: Graduates
• Goal: Acquisition of knowledge
System - Examples

Toyota Plant
• Inputs: raw materials, components
• Processes: assembly line
• Output: mini-vans, cars etc
• Feedback: customer surveys, quality reports
Characteristics of A System

• Have a specific structure

• Have inputs and outputs
• Have measures of performance
• Has an environment
• Has a purpose
• A model of reality
Elements or components of a system & its role

 Input - Capturing and assembling

 Processor - Transformation
 Outputs - Value to user
 Controls - Guides the system
 Feedback - Actual against standard
 Environment - Super system
 Boundaries and interface - Limits when interfaces with another
Basic Functions

Input Processing Output

• Input:- Involves capturing and assembling elements that enter the

system to be processed
• Processing:- Involves transformation processes that convert input
into output
• Output:- Involves transferring elements that have been produced
by a transformation process to their ultimate destination
Types of Systems

1. Closed and Open system

2. Deterministic, Probabilistic and Random systems
3. Human, Machine and Human-machine system
4. Adaptive and Non-adaptive systems
5. Simple and Complex Systems
6. Abstract and Concrete Systems
Types of Systems (Contd..)

1. Closed and Open system

• A system is said to be closed if it does not interact with

the environment in which it exists
It is in the state of isolation

• A system is said to be open when it interacts with the

environment in which it exists
It exchanges inputs and outputs with the environment
Types of Systems (Contd..)

2. Deterministic, Probabilistic and Random systems

• A system is deterministic if its outputs are certain and fully known

• A probabilistic system is one where the output from the system

behaves probabilistically, ie, the output is predictable according to
probability values

• Random systems are completely unpredictable systems

Types of Systems (Contd..)

3. Human, Machine and Human-machine system

• A human system consists of humans as components

It is an open system exhibiting probabilistic behavior
Eg: Department
• A machine system is composed entirely of machines and machine
It is deterministic and relatively closed
Eg: Fire alarm system.
• A human-machine system which consist of humans and machines
Eg: information system
Types of Systems (Contd..)

4. Adaptive and Non-adaptive systems

• A system is said to be adaptive if it modifies itself with the changes

in its environment

• A non-adaptive system does not react to changes in its environment

Types of Systems (Contd..)

5. Simple and Complex Systems

• A simple system is one in which there are few interrelated entities

• A complex system is one in which there a lot of components with a

lot of interrelations amongst them
Types of Systems (Contd..)

6. Abstract and Concrete System

• An abstract system is an ordered arrangement of concepts

It can be procedural or conceptual

• Concrete systems are systems in which at least two

components are objects
It can be physical or social systems
Control in Systems

Feedback (Positive & Negative)

Input, Process and Output Control

• The mechanism of feedback has a very simple definition: "the return

to the input of a part of the output"
• It is data about the performance of a system
• The information measuring the goals and providing control to the
• It provides a perfect regulatory mechanism

• Feedback generally as "information about the gap between the

actual level and the reference level of a system parameter which
is used to alter the gap in some way",
Mechanism of Feedback
Types of feedback

• Positive feedback

• Negative feedback
Positive Feedback

• Positive feedback is defined as a positive loop gain around a feedback loop

• Positive feedback is in phase with the input, in the sense that it adds to
make the input larger
• Positive feedback tends to cause system instability
• Positive feedback is also known as regenerative feedback
Negative Feedback

• Negative feedback is also known as degenerative feedback

• Feedback that reduces the output of a system
• Negative feedback tends to make a system self-regulating
• It can produce stability and reduce the effect of fluctuations
Negative Feedback Control

Negative feedback control is system means keeping the

system operating within certain limit of performance
Input, Process and Output Control
Input, Process and Output Control

Input Process Output


• Taking data from an external source and entering it into the system.
• Can be done either
• Manually / Automatically
• Manually: - Keyboards are often used to enter data into a system
• Automatically: - Data is sometimes fed into a system using hardware such as
OMR and Sensors

• An action performed on the data such as:

• Search
Process • Sort
• Calculations
• Processing data is important as it leads to useful output from the system
• Data can be outputted from a system in a variety of ways:
Output • Printed, On Screen, Sound, Light
• Output essentially deals with any data that is leaving the system

• If data doesn’t need to be output immediately after processing it may be

saved for later use
• Stored data may use to process new – the combination of data forming
Storage new outputs
• It is often kept on a storage medium such as a hard drive
• If data is saved to a disk then it becomes an output
• Stored data on a disk and using it later then it becomes an input
• When data is processes and output it is sometimes fed back into the
• These are often used in real-time systems such as autopilot systems
• If no user interaction is required when data is fed back into the system
then this is an open loop
• If a user is prompted to do something when data is fed back into the
system then this is known as a closed loop
Law of Requisite Variety
Law of Requisite Variety

• “Only variety absorbs variety”

• Rosh Ashby
• The variety of regulator has to match with
the variety of system
Law of Requisite Variety

• It’s the basic notation of system control theory, to obtain control

• This has various rigorous formulations, but a commonsense, understanding
is that to control each possible state of system elements
• This means also that the control for the system must be able to determine
of variables and send system change instructions for each change
• The Law of requisite variety needs that for a system to be control, every
controller (human/machine) must be provided with enough control
responses (what to do in each case) to cover all possible condition the
system may face
• The law of requisite variety means that for a system to be controlled, every
controller(human and machine) must be provided with:-
1. Enough control responses (what to do in each case) to cover all possible
conditions the system may face
2. The decision rules for generating all possible control responses or
3. The authority to become a self organizing system in order to generate control
• Enumerating all responses is possible in simple cases. In complex systems providing
control responses is very difficult
Evolution of Information System
Evolution of Information System

• Office Automation Systems (OASs) : such as word processing

systems were developed to support office and clerical
• Management Information Systems (MISs): these systems
access, organize, summarize and display information for
supporting routine decision making in the functional areas
• Decision Support Systems (DSS) : were developed to provide
computer based support for complex, non-routine decision
• End - user computing: The use or development of
information systems by the principal users of the systems’
outputs, such as analysts, managers, and other professionals
Structure of MIS
Sources of MIS
Management Information System
Assignment 1

Topic:- Relation with MIS and other subjects

• MIS and Management

• MIS and Management Accounting
• MIS and Organisational Behaviour
• MIS and Computer Science
• MIS and OR

Submission Date: 10-04-2021

Module I
• Evolution of MIS: Concepts; framework for understanding and designing MIS in
an organisation;
• MIS and other related disciplines: MIS and Management Accounting, MIS and
Computer Science, MIS and OR, MIS and Organisational Behaviour, MIS and
• Concept of information: definition, features, types, process of generation and
communication; quality and value of information; information overload;
techniques for managing overload; summarizing; filtering; inferences and
message routing.
• System concept: definition, types and characteristics of system-control in
systems: feedback: positive and negative; negative feedback control system,
input, process and output control; law of requisite variety.

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