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Group Member
Maaze Khan (FA17-BBA-195)
Abdul Haseeb (FA17-BBA-014)
Abdul Waheed Majeed (FA17-BBA-017)
Fayyaz Ali (FA17-BBA-055)

Submitted To
Sir Farasat Bukhari

Table Of Content
Sr Description Page
1 Title 04
2 Introduction 04
3 Background History 04
4 Objective 05
5 Product Charter Document 04
6 Responsibility Assignment Matrix 07
7 Project communication plan 10
8 Risk Management Documents 12
9 Issues Management Documents 14
10 Milestone Chart 11
11 Change management Documents 15
12 Project Status plan 16
13 Lesson Learned Report 21

Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit system (Peshawar BRT )

The Peshawar BRT project is a major undertaking not just in the development of the physical infrastructure
of the city but as a catalyst for urban regeneration and growth. Successful completion of the project will lead
to greater economic activity and prosperity as well as providing the people, who live, work and visit the city a
world-class transport service. The Rs70 billion BRT project consists of a 27.5km main track and 31 stations
while the length of the feeder routes is 62km and has 146 stops. The main track is connected to seven
different areas of the city so that the people can travel from their areas in small buses to reach the main
route. Three mega commercial plazas would be completed in June 2021, but the bus parking areas are ready.

Background History
In 2013, the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa mentioned specialized help from the Cities Development
Initiative for Asia to improve Peshawar's turbulent, mismanaged, and flimsy Urban transportation network. In
2017, the CDIA finished the Urban Transport Pre-Feasibility Study that contrived a 20-year Urban vehicle plan,
with a 10-year activity plan. The CDIA considered two passages, an east-west corridor, and a north-south
passageway and suggested that the east-west passage be developed first along Peshawar's east-west axis
along the Grand Trunk Road. Development of the undertaking, under the Peshawar Development Authority
(PDA), started in 2017 and was executed by the Peshawar Development Authority. The framework was
initiated in August 2020.

Project objective
The Peshawar BRT project as following objectives ;

❖ To overall reduce travel time and delays for whole transport system of Peshawar
❖ To improve the quality of life of commuters in Peshawar
❖ Provide safe, efficient, and well-integrated mass transit system with focus on reliability, affordability,
and convenience
❖ Improve safety, energy efficiency and air quality through minimizing private vehicle use.
❖ To provide infrastructure that allows buses to ply in an efficient manner with dedicated right of way for a
significant portion of route length
❖ To introduce feeder routes along with main BRT corridor to accommodate major high capacity existing radial


Project Charter
Project Name Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit

Project sponsor Asian Development Bank Project Manager Abdul Nasir

Date of project approval 30 June 2017 Last revision Date 26 Sep 2018

Project Description

The project will construct the city's first bus rapid transit corridor with 31 stations and facilities as well as safety
features for women and children and provide safe, modern urban transport service in Peshawar. The project will
comprise two interlinked outputs:

(i) the construction of a 26-kilometer (km) BRT corridor and associated facilities, and
(ii) effective project management and sustainable BRT operations through institutional developments.

Project Scope

The BRT Project help to improve Peshawar’s urban transport system and helping to improve living standards by
providing an alternative transportation system to its residents. It aims at organizing urban growth and public space
along the selected corridor through integration of land-use and transport planning by making the city more pleasant
to live in, providing a holistic solution for integrated urban mobility, and bearing a demonstration value as no modern
mass transit system exists in Peshawar yet.

Objective/ Benefit

• The traffic congestion will be reduced

• Through this bus service people can move easily
• Traffic accident ratio will be decreased
• There are separate road tracks for metro bus so there will be no blockage of traffic
• Improving the environment
• Safer and more comfortable means of travel
• Improve the land value and promote economic development

Steering Committee

Project Officer Bertrand Goalou

Project Director Sajjad Khan

Director General Muhammad Saleem Hassan Wattoo

Chairman Javad Iqbal

Director Yong Ye

Key Assumptions

Following are the key Assumption that underpin the cost estimate and financial plan

• Exchange Rate PKR 104.83 =1$ in March 14 ,2017

• Price contingencies were calculate based on price inflation data source from ADB economic and research departments

Stakeholder Communication Strategy

Project information and Means of communication Who will provide Target audience
activities to be information

Project information on Public information / KPUMA, Trans Peshawar General public

advantages of the BRT awareness raising Company, PMU Director,
system and encouraging campaigns; various media PMU Social and Gender
the general public, (such as video on social Expert
especially women, to use media)
the BRT, are disseminated.
Project team presentation Face to face dialogues ADB Project stakeholders (public,
of project preliminary PDA private entities, concerned
design and impacts on government entities)

EIA Report ADB website, PDA and ADB PDA and DCO General public and project
DCO website, public affected persons
consultation and leaflets
for affected persons
Consultations and Dialogues with potentially PDA and DCO on behalf General Public
negotiations to address displaced persons and of KPUMA, until KPUMA
resettlement issues project affected is fully established
Approval Signing Date Effectivity date Closing

Original Revised Actual

30 June 2017 12 Sep 2017 15 Nov 2017 31 Dec 2017 - -

Responsibility assignment matrix (TABLE A,B,C,D)

Project Implementation Organizations: Roles and Responsibilities

Project Economic Affairs Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar Development TransPeshawar BRT Asian Development
implementation Division Urban Authority Company Bank
organizations: under Ministry of Mobility Authority
Finance (KPUMA)
Management roles Representative of Executing Agency Implementing Agency Implementing Agency Provide financing
and responsibilities: Borrower • KPUMA’s Board • Review and • Review and • Guide the
of Directors will approve inputs approve EA, IAs,
act as the overall of EPCM inputs of PMU and
Project Steering consultants ODBM PIUs during
Committee under the PDA consultants project
• TMTD will loan under the implement
provide • Establish a PIU PDA ation
administrative for project • Establish a • Review
and secretariat coordination, PIU for and
support to account project approve all
KPUMA through maintenance, coordination, procureme
the PMU and loan account nt and
with support of disbursement, maintenance, consultant
the PMCCB safeguards loan recruitmen
consultants implementatio disbursement t actions
• Responsible for n, audit and , audit, and • Monitor
overall reporting to reporting to compliance
coordination of ADB ADB with all
the project • Implement • Oversee loan
• Ensure construction procurement covenants,
availability and phase of of bus fleets including
timely release of project and safeguards
counterpart implementatio intelligent • Review
funds n, including transport annual
compliance system audit
with equipment reports and
safeguards • Implement follow-up
requirements operations of on audit
• Prepare and BRT recommen
submit dations
report to ADB
with copy

Key Management Officers Involved in Implementation:

Responsibilities Executing Implementation Implementation ADB Mission Leader
partner 1 partner 2
Departments/ Khyber Peshawar Development TransPeshawar Urban Development -
authorities Pakhtunkhwa Authority and Water
Urban Division
Mobility Authority
Officers details Sajjad Khan Muhammad Saleem Javed Iqbal Staff Name: Yong Ye Staff Name: David
Position: Project Hassan Wattoo Position: Chairman Position: Director Margonsztern
Director (PMU) Position: Director Telephone: Telephone: +632 632 Position: Senior Urban
Telephone: +92 General Email address: 4444 Development Specialist
342 9800360 Telephone: +92 91 921 Email address: (Transport)
Email address: 9217035 Telephone: +632 632 Email address: 4444
m Email address:

Project management unit (PMU) and Project implementation unit (PIU) Functions and Responsibilities:

PMU under PIU under PDA PIU under
KPUMA TransPeshawar
Directors detail: PMU Director PIU Director PIU Director
Procurement Specialist Financial Manager
Financial Manager Procurement Specialist
Safeguards Specialist
Responsibilities/ Responsible for overall coordination Procurement Procurement
functions: of the project • Submit bid documents and bid • Submit bid documents
evaluation report to ADB for civil and bid evaluation
works procurement report to ADB for
• Submit consultant recruitment procurement of goods
form requests to ADB
Contracts Management Contracts Management
• Monitor implementation of • Monitor
contracts of contractors and implementation of
consultants contracts of suppliers
• Submit request for contract • Submit request for
variation to ADB, if needed contract variation to
• Oversee overall construction ADB, if needed
progress and consultants’ inputs • Oversee delivery and
acceptance of goods
Finance and Audit Finance and Audit
• Maintain financial records and • Maintain financial
documents relating to the Project records and documents
and PIU operations relating to the Project
• Submit withdrawal applications to and PIU
ADB (TransPeshawar)
• Submit annual audited project operations
financial statements • Submit withdrawal
applications to ADB
• Prepare annual
(special) project
financial statements

Safeguards -
• Implement and monitor
Environment Management Plan
during construction
• Implementation and monitoring
Finance and Audit
• Maintain financial records and
documents relating to the Project
and PIU (TransPeshawar)
• Submit withdrawal applications to
• Prepare annual (special) project
financial statements

Reporting Reporting
• Prepare and submit quarterly • Prepare and submit
project progress reports to ADB quarterly project
and KPUMA progress reports to ADB
• Submit safeguards monitoring and KPUMA
reports (Environment)
• Submit safeguards monitoring
reports (LARP) to ADB


• R=RESPONSIBLE Economic Khyber Peshawar TransPeshawar Asian Development

• A=ACCOUNTABLE affairs Pakhtunkhwa Development BRT Bank
• C=CONSULATED division Urban Authority Company
• I=INFORMED under Mobility
ministry of Authority PARTNER 1 PARTNER 2
finance (KPUMA)
Executing I RA C C I
Procurement I C RA RA I
Finance and Audit I C RA RA R
Reporting I R A A R
Safeguards I I R C RI
Contracts Management I I R R CI

• Project communication plan

What information? Mode of Responsible of Targeted audience Frequency

communication Information
• Project information on Public information, KPUMA, public During project
advantages of the BRT television, social TransPeshawar design and
system and media etc Company, implementation
encouraging the PMU Director,
general public, to PMU Social
Use the BRT. and Gender
• Project team Face to face ADB Project During project
presentation of project dialogues PDA stakeholders design
preliminary design and (public, private
impacts on entities,
stakeholders concerned
• Results of satisfaction Survey tools, PIU General Public During first year
survey on use of BRT questionnaires, TransPeshawar of operation
Results of satisfaction interviews etc
survey for women on
safety of BRT
• EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment ADB website, PDA ADB General public Monitoring
(report) and DCO website, PDA and DCO and project reports are
public consultation affected persons updated semiannually.
and leaflets for EMP
affected persons will be prepared
before civil works
and implemented
• LARP = land acquisition and ADB website, PDA ADB public LARP posted on
resettlement plan and DCO PDA and DCO and project ADB website on
websites, public on behalf of affected persons ___ April 2017
consultation and KPUMA, until
leaflets for affected KPUMA is fully
persons established
• Project RRP (report and recommendation Asian development Posted no later public
of the President) bank website than 14 days from
ADB Board
• Project legal public

Milestone Chart
2017 2018
Milestone Description Jan Feb Mar April May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May
Mobilization of EPCM, PMCCB and
ODBM consultants and completion
Peshawar’s first BRT corridor is constructed
Conduct climate risk and vulnerability assessment
Prepare detailed design under PDA and tender
Complete land acquisition and obtain environmental clearances
Bid process for civil works
Complete full restructuring of Peshawar BRT corridor
Effective Project Management leading to sustainable BRT operations
Recruit staff and prepare business models of KPUMA
Complete the BRT operations’ and communication’s plans
Conduct negotiations with existing private bus operators
Train bus drivers and test BRT operations
Start BRT operations
Conduct awareness campaigns on traffic rules and safety in BRT
Management Activities
Environment management plan key activities
Communication strategy key activities

Risk management plan

Risk description rating Mitigation measures responsibility
Political/ organizational
(i) Political pressure to S All possible advance actions have been Government
fast-track project taken to help the provincial government of Khyber
implementation before deliver the main bulk of civil works Pakhtunkhwa
the mid-2018 general before the mid-2018 elections. ADB
elections undermines Large consulting teams have been All PDA
the quality of the mobilized ahead of loan approval under consultants
project design and the PDA. The DED is ongoing and 75%
implementation. completed. Most tender bid documents
have been shared and reviewed by
ADB, and the first civil works packages
have been advertised in May 2017.
Works are expected to start as soon as the
project loan is declared effective in
September 2017 (this date is tentative).
Retroactive financing will be used to
shift utilities ahead of loan approval.
s(ii) M A strong communication team has been Government
Politicalcompetition recruited as part of the PMCCB of Khyber
and rivalry build on consulting teamto support the provincial Pakhtunkhwa
flawed comparisons government in designing and PMCCB
between existing BRT implementing a project communication consultants
projects in Pakistanand strategy, and engaging with the media
the proposed project, and various civil society stakeholders
derailing the project

(iii)The delayed S Parliament has already approved the legal Government

operationalization of framework establishing the KPUMA, and of Khyber
the KPUMA and TransPeshawar is already licensed as a Pakhtunkhwa
TransPeshawar fails to Section 42 (nonprofit) public company. KPUMA
provide necessary The government,as part of their TransPeshawar
critical mass to commitment, has already approved an ADB
implement the project annual allocation for the KPUMA’s PMCCB
and capacity building. operations. ADB will consultants
operational expenditures for 3 years.

2. Governance

(iv) Pakistan’s score for M Federal and provincial governments have Government of
control of corruption, initiated reforms to strengthen Pakistan
government governance. The Right to Information, Government of
effectiveness, and the Ehtasab Commission (which was Khyber
regulatory quality established in 2014 to promote Pakhtunkhwa
remains low. accountability), and the Citizens’ Right to ADB
Public Services have all been
operationalized in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
In addition, several federal-level anti-
corruption watchdogs (e.g., the
NAB and ombudsman) comprise
provincial divisions. Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa is also working on a 10-
year governance program for long-term
systemic reform.
(v) Due to potential for M Several partners, including the DFID, EU, Government of
corruption and political GIZ,and World Bank, are providing Pakistan
interference (notably support for legal and judicial anti- Government of
with regard to corruption reforms. The projects Khyber
appointments of the will be effectively insulated from Pakhtunkhwa
ombudsman and corruption risks in accordance with ADB
chairperson of the ADB’s Anticorruption Policy by the
NAB), oversight building of compliance requirements into
institutions are not the financing agreements and close
perceived to be monitoring of their implementation.

3. Technical
(vi) Delays due to the M EPCM consultants have been hired in Government
complexity of the advance under the PDA and initial of Khyber
design and surveys for both the design and relocation Pakhtunkhwa
implementation in of utilities have been Cantonment
the city center and completed. Traffic management and Board
cantonment area. alternate routes have been identified, and EPCM
the packaging and phasing of consultants
procurement and implementation
have been synchronized accordingly.

(vii) Public transport S The PPTA consultants estimated demand TransPeshawar

users do not utilize and ridership by following a proven but ODBM
BRT simplified methodology. These estimates consultants
at projected levels. will be further updated and confirmed
through detailed additional surveys by
ODBM consultants underthe PDA. The
actual ridership at system opening
will depend on the final project design,
and quality of the construction and
operations management by
4. Social and Environmental Risk

(viii) Unemployment of M The project design includes dedicated TransPeshawar

existing private bus cost and consultancy support to facilitate ODBM
drivers and other the bus industry transition through consultants
workers capacity building to operate
the BRT system. This includes training
existing drivers and bus industry workers,
who will be given employment
preference to operate the
BRT system. The BRT system is
expected to generate around 4,000 jobs
ix) High traffic H EPCM consultants under the PDA are Peshawar
congestion leading to currently developing a detailed and Development
delays in vehicular comprehensive traffic management plan Authority
movement (including that will ensure the utilization of EPCM
ambulances), along alternative routes to minimize traffic consultants
with an increased risk congestion and reduce traffic and
of accidents during the pedestrian movement along the proposed
construction phase of project corridor construction sites. In
the project. addition, a comprehensive set of
mitigation measures to manage traffic
related issues during construction is being
developed and will be implemented and
H = high, L = low, M = moderate, S = substantial.ADB = Asian Development Bank; BOR = Board of Revenue; BRT =
bus rapid transit; DED = detailed engineering design; DFID = Department for International Development; EPCM =
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management; EU = European Union; FMM = financial management manual;
ICB = international competitive bidding; KPUMA = Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Urban Mobility Authority; NAB = National
Accountability Bureau; ODBM = Operations Design and Business Model; PAM = project administration manual; PC-1 =
Planning Performa One;PDA = project design advance; PIU = project implementing unit; PMCCB = Project
Management, Coordination,and Capacity Building; PMU = project management unit; PPTA = project preparatory
technical assistance.Source: ADB

Issue management plan

issue severity impact
timeliness high The impact could be of greater extent. The project was
supposed to be completed in six months but 3 years has
been passed but the project took 3 years to complete.
irregularities high The impact could be of the greater extent. In the report, the
AGP said that changes made to the design of the mega
project has increased its cost by Rs17 billion (from Rs49
billion to Rs66 billion).
Inferior quality high Pakistan's provincial government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
material (K-P) has used inferior quality material in the PKR 70
billion Peshawar metro bus project and made "critical"
deviations from the planned design that may put lives at
risk, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has said.

Collision of buses high The ADB has warned in clear words that BRT buses could
collide at stations number 10, 12, 15 and 26 during
operations because the lane width is less than the minimum
requirement of 6.5 metres.
Compromising on medium While compromising on the safety of passengers, the
safety of passengers. provincial authorities have used slippery floor tiles
Compromising on medium The station roofs are not built as per the design and at many
design stations the passengers will be exposed to rain during
boarding. The road marking is also defective.

Change management document

PROJECT: Peshawar Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit DATE:30 JUNE 2017
Corridor Project
CHANGE REQUESTOR: senior management CHANGE NO: N/A
DESCRIBE THE REASON FOR THE CHANGE: The project manager has found some complain therefore they are
requesting to change .

DESCRIBE Risks to be Considered for this Change:

Estimate Resources and Costs Needed to Implement this Change:



Abdul Nasir
Asian Development Bank

Project Status Plan


Following are all revisions and updates of the PAM during implementation of the project.

Procurement Plan

Basic Data

Project Name: Peshawar Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Project

Project Number: 48289-002 Approval Number:

Country: Pakistan Executing Agency: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Urban

Mobility Authority (KPUMA)

Project Procurement Classification: B Implementing Agencies:

Peshawar Development Authority (PDA)

Trans Peshawar (The Urban Mobility Company)

Procurement Risk: High

Project Financing Amount: $587 million

ADB Financing: $335 million19

Financing (ADB administered): $75 million

Financing (non-administered): $75 million

Non-ADB Financing: $102 million

Loan Closing Date: 30 December 2021

Date of First Procurement Plan: 22 March 17 Date of this Procurement Plan: 30 May 2017

1. Methods, Thresholds, Review and 18-Month Procurement Plan

1.1 Procurement and Consulting Methods and Thresholds

Except as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) may otherwise agree, the following process

thresholds shall apply to procurement of goods and works.

Procurement of Goods and Works

Method Threshold Comments

International Competitive Bidding (ICB) for Works $15,000,000 and



Prior Review

International Competitive Bidding for Goods $2,000,000 and above Prior Review

National Competitive Bidding (NCB) for Works Below $15,000,000 Prior Review

National Competitive Bidding for Goods Below $2,000,000 -do-

Shopping for Works Below $100,000

Shopping for Goods Below $100,000

Consulting Services

Method Comments

Least Cost Selection Audit Services package

Single Source Selection or Quality Cost-Based


Construction Supervision Consultants package

1.2 Goods and Works Contracts Estimated to Cost $1 Million or More

The following table lists goods and works contracts for which the procurement activity is either

ongoing or expected to commence within the next 18 months.


Attachment 1:




Lesson Learned Report

Lessons Learned Report

Bus Transit System Peshawar (BRT)

Project Name:
Prepared by: N/A

Document Revision/Release Status

Revision Date Description of Changes Author / Editor


BRT is Bus Transit System which ia based in

Great Peshawar Region
BRT 1-Oct-17 Peshawar, capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KP
Mass Transit
The construction of the sight began back in 2017
under Peshawar Development Authority and was
Venue 13/08/2020 Zu Peshawar
executed be the PDA as well. The system was
inaugurated in August 2020.

Modify the text of this document to fit your project.

1. Project Lessons-Learned Checklist

No. Lesson Learned Yes No N/A


1 2 3 4 5
Place your cursor in the appropriate boxes and type an X. (Insert additional rows as needed.)
Project Planning
1 Business Objectives were specific, measurable, attainable,
ü ✓
results-focused and time-limited.
2 Product concept was appropriate to Business Objectives. ü ✓
3 Project Plan and Schedule were well-documented, with ✓
appropriate structure and detail.
4 Project Schedule encompassed all aspects of the project. ü ✓
5 Tasks were defined adequately. ü ✓
6 Stakeholders (e.g., Sponsor, Customer) had appropriate input
into the project planning process.
7 Requirements were gathered to sufficient detail. ü ✓
8 Requirements were documented clearly. ü ✓
9 Specifications were clear and well-documented.. ü ✓
10 Test Plan was adequate, understandable, and well- documented. ü ✓
11 External dependencies were identified, agreements signed. ü ✓
12 Project budget was well defined. ü ✓
13 End of Phase Criteria were clear for all project phases. ü ✓
14 Project Plan had buy-in from the stakeholders. ü ✓
15 Stakeholders had easy access to Project Plan and Schedule. ü ✓
Project Execution & Delivery
16 Project stuck to its original goals. ü ✓
17 Changes in direction that did occur were of manageable
frequency and magnitude. ü ✓

18 Project baselines (Scope, Time, Cost, Quality) were well-

managed (e.g., changed through a formal Change Control ü ✓
19 Design changes were well-controlled.
ü ✓

20 Basic project management processes (e.g., Risk Management,

Issue Management) were adequate. ü ✓

21 Project tracked progress against baselines and reported accurate

ü ✓
22 Procurement (e.g., RFP, Contract with vendor) went smoothly. ü ✓
23 Contracted vendor provided acceptable deliverables of
ü ✓
appropriate quality, on time, and within budget.
24 Stakeholders were satisfied with the information they received. ü ✓
25 The project had adequate Quality Control.
ü ✓
26 Requirements – specifications – Test Plan were well- managed
(e.g., Requirements Management System was used). ü ✓
27 Risks were manageable. ü ✓
Human Factors
28 Project Manager reported to the appropriate part of the
organization. ü ü
29 Project Manager was effective. ü ✓
30 Project Manager was not a contracted resource. ü ✓
31 Project Team was properly organized and staffed.
ü ✓
32 Project Manager and staff received adequate training. ü ✓
33 Project Team’s talent and experience were adequate. ü ✓
34 Project team worked effectively on project goals. ü ✓
35 Project team worked effectively with outside entities ü ✓
36 There was good communication within the Project Team. ü ✓
37 Management gave this project adequate attention and time. ü ✓
38 Resources were not over-committed. ü ✓
39 Resources were consistently committed to project aims. ü ✓
40 Functional areas cooperated well. ü ✓
41 Conflicting departmental goals did not cause problems. ü ✓
42 Authority and accountability were well defined and public. ü
43 Initial cost and schedule estimates were accurate. ü ✓
44 Product was delivered within amended schedule. ü ✓
45 Product was delivered within amended budget. ü ✓
46 Overall Change Control was effective. ü ✓
47 External dependencies were understood and well-managed. ü ✓
48 Technology chosen was appropriate. ü ✓
49 The project was a technological success. ü
50 Customer’s needs/requirements were met. ü ✓
51 Customer was satisfied with the product. ü ✓
52 Project Objectives were met. ü ✓
53 Business Objectives were met. ü ✓

2. Project Lessons-Learned Checklist – Agreement Form / Signatures

Project Name: Bus Transit System, Peshawar (BRT)
Project Manager: Mr. Tariq Mehmood

I have reviewed the information contained in this Project Lessons-Learned Checklist and agree.

Name Title Signature Date


Project Director Abdul Nasir AN N/A

Principal Engineer Gul Hameed Khalid GHK N/A

Project Manager Mr. Tariq Mehmood TM N/A

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