Title of The Project

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1. Title of the project:-


2. Objective of the project:-

Android Platform Having Following details
YouTube Video Play
You can play normal YouTube videos in App and thus you can additionally use the code
to create your own YouTube channel App too.
YouTube TV streaming YouTube URL streaming
Live TV streaming app allows you to show the live channels of YouTube. This has the
capability to show Live as well as no live show also.
Server TV streaming Server URL streaming
Live TV streaming app allows you to show the live server URL contains HLS m3u8 urls.

3. Project category:-
The Project category is ANDROID APPLICATION based developed in ANDROID

4. Language and software tool used:


● Operating System: Window 7 or Above.

●BackEnd: Firebase.

5. Modules:-
The software has different modules which help it to achieve its objectives, those are:

Category TVstreaming Category

Live TV streaming app shows all the categories of channels and their subcategories.
Admob Ads TV StreamingAdmob Ads (Banner & Interstitial)

Live TV streaming app gives user benefit to show Google banner ads and Google
Interstitial ads.

Firebase analytics TV streaming Firebase Analytics

In this app, you can keep track of user event done inside the application with firebase

Notifications TV streaming Push notification

Live TV streaming app gives you a wonderful feature that you can aware your user with
the new channel adds on the server by push notification.

Swipe to refresh TV streaming Swipe to Refresh

Live TV streaming app allows the user to get the latest data inside the app by just pull the
category downward and get the latest data.

NavigationManuTVstreaming Navigation menu

Live TV streaming app gives the user a wonderful material navigation UI to move any
place by just click on it.

Share Dialog

Live TV streaming app gives the user a powerful feature to promote his application to
other users.

Offline mode TVstreaming Offline Handling

Live TV streaming app allows the user to navigate the app with internet (need internet on
the first screen). No internet connection with try again button)(always hit API on splash if
no internet connection then show try again view refer from Smart News
Favorite TVstreaming Favorite

Live TV streaming app allows the user to set your channels as favorite and view any

Ripple Effect TV Streaming Ripple Effect

Live TV streaming app gives a shimmer kind of effect when the user clicks on list,
buttons etc.

Toast view TV streamingToastview

Confirmation Toast when the user tries to exit App (Press back again to exit).

Rateus TV streamingRate App prompt

Live TV streaming app allows the user to rate your app on play store.

Tabs TV streaming Tabs (New Channels & Categories)

Live TV streaming app allows the user to navigate between New Channels & Categories
with the material user interface.

Search view TV streaming Search view

Live TV streaming app allows the user to search TV channels or categories by using

2.1 Requirements gathering

Requirements gathering are an essential part of any project and project management.
Understanding fully what a project will deliver is critical to its success. Requirement
gathering is the process of elucidating requirements for developing of an application.
For this application the requirements are gathered from an organization and end
users. During this phase, the challenges that are faced were ambiguity and in
consistence in the requirements. Removing ambiguity had been a difficult part, check
each of the requirements and difference in perception. This helped in remembering
all the requirements and helped us prioritize the requirements.
a. Project Tools:

Platform : Android.
Others : Gradle 3.4, Android SDK 3.4.

b. Software Requirements :

Application Front-end Tools: ADT plug-in Android 2.1

Database Back-end Tools: SQL Lite.
Office Automation Tools: Microsoft office 2007.

c. Hardware Requirements(Recommended):

Application Installation: Android enabled GSM/CDMA Phone.

Internet Connection: Required.
Version: 2.1
Memory: 128MB
2.2 Technology

For the project requires technologies like Android Studio and SQL Lite Database.
About Tools and Technology

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Google’s
Android operating system, built on Jet Brains Interlay IDEA software and designs specifically
for Android development. It is placement forth the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT)
as the primary IDE for native Android application development. It was in early access preview
stages starting from released in June 2014. The currents table version is 3.2.1, which was
released in October 2020.

SQL Lite

SQL Lite is a relational database management system contained in a C programming

library. In contrast to many other database management systems, SQL Lite is not a client-server
database engine. Ruther, it is embedded into the end program. SQL Lite is an in-process library
that implements a self-contained, server less, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database
engine. D.Richard Hipp designed SQL Lite.


Internet access is the process of connecting to the internet using personal computers, laptops or
mobile devices by users or enterprises. Internet access is subject to data signaling rates and users
could be connected at different internet speeds. To run the android application we need Internet

Table 3.1 Functional Requirements

FR1 Start Page The Start page is what which

displays the logo and version
of the application while in the
back ground the application is
FR2 Home Page After the successful loading
of the application, the home
page opens
FR3 Navigation Pane The navigation pane is like a
menu bar which displays
options like profile, about,
sharing of the app etc.
FR4 View Comments and Ratings The Admin has the authority
to view the comments and
ratings of the user but the is
unable to do the modification
of the students comment, here
read-only method is applied.
FR5 Category and Channels page This is where the user can
view different categories of
desired channel and can
choose which channel he

Table 3.2 Non Functional Requirements

NFR1 Usability The Android application is
simple and easy understandable
by the end user

NFR2 Performance The system should run the

project with perfect inputs and
generates require error message
when the user provide wrong
NFR3 Reliability It has the ability to behave
consistently in a user acceptable
with the environment for which
it is intended.
NFR4 Security The home page of this
application should load only for
the trusted user and any form of
illegal activities is restricted.


The analysis and design gives graphical representation of project.

i. About existing system:

Live TV streaming is available in market .Its contains feature such as display

different types of categories and also display different types of channels and
information related to developers customer .it is also facilitates to seeing online

ii. Feasibility study:

 Operational feasibility:

By feasibility study we mean study of the current operational systems and

brief consideration of alternative methods computerizing these tasks. The
purpose of the feasibility study is to investigate the present system,
evaluate the possible application of computer based methods, select at
enactive system, and evaluate the cost and effectiveness of the proposed
system, evaluated the impact of the proposed system on existing personal
and ascertain the need for new personnel.
For the user point of view, a live TV streaming here is easy to operate
because it is only use simply step by step to perform any task.
Theapplication simple for smart phone user. So it no needs to give any
instruction on how to use these systems. There is no need to learn any
special command and training to use this system.

 Technical feasibility:

Technical feasibility refers to the ability of the process to take advantages

of the current state of the technology in pursuing further improvement.
The frontend tool proposed is easily compatible with the current hard
ware configuration in the organization. The back end tool proposed has
the capacity to hold the data required for using the new system.
Live TV streaming use the existing technology only. Now a day these
technologies are improved day by day. So it’s convenient to us these
technology. So there is no need to develop any hard ware to provide these
facilities. Live streaming cart is run on android operation system which is
available in most of smart phone devices. So there is no need to install
any software or driver to smart phone devices. So there is no need to
install any software or driver to run this application.
 Economical feasibility:

For declaring that the system is economically feasible, system will be cost
effective and budgetary constraints, it should be cheap and quick. There is
any extra requirement of peripheral or software for development of
system as it can be completed with the available resource.

4.1 Architectural Design

(SQL Lite)
Channel categories and sub categories Admin access Channel list

View channel and categories Like and Play channel

View and play views

End user (Subscribers)

4.2. Tables

Table 4.2.1 Admin Control

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint
Add Categories Varchar 10 Unique
Add c\Channel Varchar 50
Settings Varchar 50

Table 4.2.2 Comment Section

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

Comment Varchar 50
Ratings Int 5

Table 4.2.3 Live TV Streaming

Field Name Data Type Size Constraint

Categories List Varchar 50 Unique
Channel List Varchar 100
Favorites Varchar 50
About Varchar 50
Share Varchar 50

4.3 Flow Diagram of the Project:


Admin Login

View Categories

Admin Control

View channels

Add Categories and Channel


View Feedback



Hardware requirement:-
1. Processor: Intel i3 or more.
2. Ram: 1 GB Ram or more.
3. Monitor: 15 VGA Color or more.
4. System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHZ.

Software requirement:-
1. Operating System Server: Windows 7 or more.
2. Coding Language: PHP, JAVA, HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT
3. IDE: Eclipse ADT, Android SDK.
4. Database: MySQL5.1.
6. Android Version: Kit-Kat.

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