Study Id51495 Smart-Cities

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Smart cities


Table of Contents
Table of Contents

01 Overview
Smart city market revenue worldwide 2019-2025 02
Smart city initiative investment worldwide in 2018-2023 03
Smart city initiatives spending distribution worldwide 2020, by region 04
Smart city market share worldwide 2019, by use case 05
Global smart city index score 2019 06
Companies with the most smart city patents worldwide 2010-2019 07

02 Segments
Smart city market revenue worldwide 2019-2025, by segment 09
Global advanced energy market revenue 2011-2018 10
Global electricity and delivery management industry revenue by segment 2018 11
Connected cars: global shipment forecast 2019 & 2023 12
Smart parking: global market size 2018/2023 13
Transactional e-government service offerings 2014-2018 14
Table of Contents

E-Government Development Index (EGDI) 2018, by country 15

Global VC funding of digital health companies 2019, by category 16

03 Segment: Smart homes

Connected home devices revenue worldwide 2017-2020 18
Global shipment forecast for smart home devices 2018, 2019 and 2023, by category 19
Smart meter unit shipments worldwide 2018-2024, by region 20
Forecast comparison of global connected thermostat market size 2018-2026 21
Smart kitchen market value worldwide 2017-2027 22
Smart speaker unit sales worldwide 2014-2025 23

04 Enabling technologies
LTE mobile subscriptions worldwide 2011-2025, by region 25
5G mobile subscriptions worldwide 2019-2025, by region 26
Global LPWAN connections 2017-2023, by technology 27
Table of Contents

Internet of Things (IoT) spending worldwide 2023 28

IoT enterprise and automotive endpoint installed base worldwide by segment 2018-2020 29
Public cloud services: market size 2009-2022 30
Global CAPEX of edge computing devices and infrastructure 2019-2028 31
Big data and analytics software market worldwide 2011-2018 32

Spending on smart city projects worldwide from 2019 to 2025* (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart city market revenue worldwide 2019-2025



Spending in billion U.S. dollars

800 756.57



2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Note: Worldwide; 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 34.
2 Source(s): Statista; ID 1111626 Overview
Technology spending into smart city initiatives worldwide from 2018 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart city initiative investment worldwide in 2018-2023

200 189.5


Spending in billion U.S. dollars





2018 2019 2020* 2022* 2023*

Note: Worldwide; 2018 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 35.
3 Source(s): IDC; ID 884092 Overview
Smart city initiatives spending share worldwide in 2020, by region
Smart city initiatives spending distribution worldwide 2020, by region

Others 10%

Japan 6.1%

Asia Pacific excl. Japan 11.8% United States 25.9%

China 21.0%

Western Europe 24.7%

Note: Worldwide; 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 36.
4 Source(s): IDC; ID 884181 Overview
Smart city spending share worldwide in 2019, by use case
Smart city market share worldwide 2019, by use case

Smart grids 19.1%

Others 47.7%
Fixed visual surveillance 15%

Advanced public transit 7.3%

Intelligent traffic management 5.5%

Conntected back office 5.4%

Note: Worldwide; 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 37.
5 Source(s): IDC; ID 884130 Overview
Index score of leading smart cities worldwide in 2019
Global smart city index score 2019

Score index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Zurich (Switzerland) 7.75

Oslo (Norway) 7.63
Bergen (Norway) 7.57
Amsterdam (Netherlands) 7.55
Copenhagen (Denmark) 7.38
Stockholm (Sweden) 7.29

Gothenburg (Sweden) 7.23


Montreal (Canada) 7.22

Vienna (Austria) 7.17
Singapore (Singapore) 7.07
Boston (United States) 7.07
Trondheim (Norway) 7.02
Västerås (Sweden) 7
Munich (Germany) 6.99
Ottawa (Canada) 6.87

Note: Worldwide; 2019; >500; countries with high and medium development
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 38.
6 Source(s): EasyPark; ID 826003 Overview
Largest smart city patent owners worldwide from 2010 to July 2019, by number of active patent
Companies with the most smart city patents worldwide 2010-2019

Samsung Huawei Denso Toyota Motor Ford VW Group GM Bosch (w/o BSH) Hyundai Motor Qualcomm


Number of active patent families*




2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 July 2019
Reporting Date

Note: Worldwide; 2010 to July 25th 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 39.
7 Source(s): LexisNexis PatentSight; ID 1032965 Overview

Spending on smart city projects worldwide from 2019 to 2025, by segment* (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart city market revenue worldwide 2019-2025, by segment

Mobility Energy Public safety and security Smart infrastructure Smart building Smart healthcare Smart government


1,000 58.7
Spending in billion U.S. dollars

800 48.6 150.4
43.9 163.9
42 135.2 156.3
36.1 121 148.5
600 35.5 105.5
30.9 107.9 140.7
31.7 96.5
95.7 132.9 206.1
125.2 189.7
117.5 79.8
400 72.1 174
64.9 158.9
58.2 144.6 332.8
131.2 296.7
118.5 263.3
200 232.5

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Note: Worldwide; 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 40.
9 Source(s): Statista; ID 1111642 Segments
Market revenue from advanced energy from 2011 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global advanced energy market revenue 2011-2018


1,600 1,532.99
1,400 1,346.32
Revenue in billion U.S. dollars

1,200 1,097.68
1,084.56 1,058.91






2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*

Note: Worldwide; 2011 to 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 41.
10 Source(s): Navigant Consulting; Advanced Energy Economy; ID 639776 Segments
Revenue of the electricity and delivery management market worldwide in 2018, by segment (in
billion U.S. dollars)*
Global electricity and delivery management industry revenue by segment 2018

Revenue in billion U.S. dollars

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Enabling ICT 43.71

Transmission 55.39

AMI 13.07

Distribution 9.53

Microgrids 7.17

Energy storage 2.4

Charging infrastructure 3.79

Note: Worldwide; 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 42.
11 Source(s): Advanced Energy Economy; Navigant Consulting; ID 877172 Segments
Estimated shipments of connected cars globally between 2019 and 2023 (in million units)
Connected cars: global shipment forecast 2019 & 2023


80 76.3

Shipments in million units






2019 2023

Note: Worldwide; as of 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 43.
12 Source(s): AP; IDC; ID 743400 Segments
Size of the global smart parking market in 2018 and 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart parking: global market size 2018/2023

4.0 3.8


Market size in billion U.S. dollars


2.0 1.9




2018 2023*

Note: Worldwide
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 44.
13 Source(s): IoT Analytics; ID 874999 Segments
Transactional online services offered by national websites worldwide from 2014 to 2018
Transactional e-government service offerings 2014-2018

Number of countries offering service

2018 2016 2014

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Utilities 104
Submit income taxes 114
Register a business 97
Pay fines 76
Apply for a birth certificate 55
Apply for a marriage certificate 53
Register motor vehicle 47
Apply for drivers license 38
Apply for personal identity card 31

Note: Worldwide; 2014 to 2018; UN Member States

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 45.
14 Source(s): United Nations; ID 421610 Segments
World e-government leaders based on E-Government Development Index (EGDI) in 2018 (index
E-Government Development Index (EGDI) 2018, by country

Index score
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Denmark 0.92
Australia 0.91
Republic of Korea 0.9
United Kingdom 0.9
Sweden 0.89
Finland 0.88
Singapore 0.88
New Zealand 0.88
France 0.88
Japan 0.88
United States 0.88
Germany 0.88
Netherlands 0.88
Norway 0.86
Switzerland 0.85

Note: Worldwide; 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 46.
15 Source(s): United Nations; ID 421580 Segments
Venture capital investments in digital health companies worldwide in 2019, by category (in million
U.S. dollars)*
Global VC funding of digital health companies 2019, by category



Value in million U.S. dollars



800 748

556 537



Telemedicine Analytics mHealth Apps Clinical Decision Support Mobile Wireless Booking

Note: Worldwide; 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 47.
16 Source(s): Mercom Capital; ID 1107279 Segments

Segment: Smart homes

Smart home devices revenue worldwide from 2017 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)*
Connected home devices revenue worldwide 2017-2020


Revenue in billion U.S. dollars

80 74





2017 2018 2019 2020

Note: Worldwide; 2017 to 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 48.
18 Source(s): IHS Markit; Omdia; Statista estimates; ID 1097118 Segment: Smart homes
Smart home device shipment forecast worldwide in 2018, 2019 and 2023, by category (in millions)
Global shipment forecast for smart home devices 2018, 2019 and 2023, by category

Video Entertainment Home Monitoring/Security Smart Speaker Lighting Thermostat Others



Shipments in millions






2018 2019 2023

Note: Worldwide; 2018 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 49.
19 Source(s): IDC; ID 920679 Segment: Smart homes
Smart meter shipments worldwide from 2018 to 2024, by region (in million units)
Smart meter unit shipments worldwide 2018-2024, by region

North America Europe APAC Rest of the world


200 7
Shipments in million units

150 98.5


37.5 40.5
50 32.5 35.5
27 30

27.5 28.5 30.4

22 23 24.5 25.5
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Note: Worldwide; 2018 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 50.
20 Source(s): IoT Analytics; Statista estimates; ID 1097889 Segment: Smart homes
Forecast comparison of global smart thermostat market size in selected years from 2018 to 2026
(in billion U.S dollars)*
Forecast comparison of global connected thermostat market size 2018-2026

Allied Market Research (2019) Global Market Insight (2019) Mordor Intelligence (2019) IMARC (2019)


Market size in billion U.S. dollars


3 2.86

2.0 1.36

0.0 0 0 0 0 0
2018 2019 2024 2025 2026

Note: Worldwide; 2018 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 51.
21 Source(s): Allied Market Research; Global Market Insights; Imarc; Mordor Intelligence; ID 1097943 Segment: Smart homes
Smart kitchen market revenue worldwide from 2017 to 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart kitchen market value worldwide 2017-2027


45 43.4

Market revenue in billion U.S. dollars

25 22.45
20 17.42
13.66 14.47
15 13.29


2017 2018 2019* 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024* 2025* 2026* 2027*

Note: Worldwide; 2017 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 52.
22 Source(s): The Insight Partners; ID 1015395 Segment: Smart homes
Smart speaker unit shipments from 2014 to 2025* (in millions)
Smart speaker unit sales worldwide 2014-2025


350 332.7

Unit shipments in millions



200 180.5

150 136.9

2.2 9
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Note:2014 to 2018; including Chinese unit sales (Alibaba, Xiaomi)

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 53.
23 Source(s): Loup Ventures; ID 1022809 Segment: Smart homes

Enabling technologies
Number of mobile 4G/LTE subscriptions worldwide by region from 2011 to 2025 (in millions)
LTE mobile subscriptions worldwide 2011-2025, by region

Latin America North America Western Europe Central & Eastern Europe Middle East & Africa North East Asia South East Asia & Oceania India, Nepal, Bhutan


Subscriptions in millions





2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Note: Worldwide; 2011 to 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 54.
25 Source(s): Ericsson; ID 521572 Enabling technologies
Forecast number of mobile 5G subscriptions worldwide by region from 2019 to 2025 (in millions)
5G mobile subscriptions worldwide 2019-2025, by region

Latin America North America Western Europe Central & Eastern Europe Middle East & Africa North East Asia South East Asia & Oceania India, Nepal, Bhutan


Subscriptions in millions





2019 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024* 2025*

Note: Worldwide; 2018 to June 2020

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 55.
26 Source(s): Ericsson; ID 521598 Enabling technologies
Number of LPWAN connections by technology worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in millions)
Global LPWAN connections 2017-2023, by technology

LoRa Sigfox NB-IoT LTE-M Other



Number of connections in millions








2017 2018 2019* 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023*

Note: Worldwide; 2017 to 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 56.
27 Source(s): IHS; ID 880822 Enabling technologies
Prognosis of worldwide spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) from 2018 to 2023 (in billion U.S.
Internet of Things (IoT) spending worldwide 2023


Expenditure in billion U.S. dollars





2018 2019* 2022* 2023*

Note: Worldwide; 2018 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 57.
28 Source(s): IDC; ID 668996 Enabling technologies
Enterprise and automotive Internet of Things (IoT) endpoint market installed base worldwide from
2018 to 2020, by segment (in billion units)
IoT enterprise and automotive endpoint installed base worldwide by segment 2018-2020

2018 2019* 2020*



Installed base in billion units

0.98 0.95
0.8 0.7

0.6 0.53
0.49 0.47
0.44 0.44
0.4 0.4 0.37 0.37 0.37
0.33 0.36 0.36 0.36
0.4 0.31
0.27 0.28 0.29
0.23 0.21
0.06 0.07 0.08

Utilities Government Building Physical security Manufacturing & Automotive Healthcare Retail & Information Transportation
automation natural resources providers wholesale trade

Note: Worldwide; 2018 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 58.
29 Source(s): Gartner; ID 1044596 Enabling technologies
Size of the public cloud computing services market from 2009 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)**
Public cloud services: market size 2009-2022


Market in billion U.S. dollars

150 130.7

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2021* 2022*

Note: Worldwide; 2009 to 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 59.
30 Source(s): Gartner; ID 273818 Enabling technologies
Edge computing device and infrastructure capital expenditure (CAPEX) worldwide from 2019 to
2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global CAPEX of edge computing devices and infrastructure 2019-2028

IT equipment on the device edge IT equipment on the infrastructure edge



CAPEX in billion U.S. dollars


45.5 45.5 46.5
40 32.6 34.7

19.8 19.8
20 13.1
6.4 8.5
3.9 4.9 5.4

2019 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024* 2025* 2026* 2027* 2028*

Note: Worldwide; 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 60.
31 Source(s): State of the Edge; Statista estimates; ID 1104591 Enabling technologies
Big data and analytics software revenue worldwide from 2011 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)*
Big data and analytics software market worldwide 2011-2018



Revenue in billion U.S. dollars


40 37.93 37.51




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Note: Worldwide; 2011 to 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 61.
32 Source(s): IDC; SAS Institute; ID 472934 Enabling technologies

Spending on smart city projects worldwide from 2019 to 2025* (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart city market revenue worldwide 2019-2025

Source and methodology information
Global spending on smart city projects from cities, companies and private persons amounted to more than 608
Source(s) Statista billion U.S. dollars in 2019. The spending is forecast to grow rapidly, reaching more than a trillion U.S. dollars by
2024 worldwide.
Conducted by Statista

Survey period 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista

Publication date January 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Revenues include city spendings as well as spendings of companies and

private persons. Forecast from 2020 to 2025.

Back to statistic

34 References
Technology spending into smart city initiatives worldwide from 2018 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart city initiative investment worldwide in 2018-2023

Source and methodology information
Technology spending on smart city initiatives worldwide is forecast to more than double between 2018 and 2023,
Source(s) IDC increasing from 81 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 to 189.5 billion in 2023. Smart cities use data collected through
sensors to automate a range of services in order to bring about better performance, lower costs or reduced
Conducted by IDC
environmental impacts. A smart city is a vertical of Internet of Things (IoT) - a term used to define a network that
Survey period 2018 to 2019 not only connects people, but also the objects around them. The ´smartest` of ´smart` cities As of 2019, Oslo,
Norway was ranked as one of the smartest cities to live in with an index score of 7.63. This index was calculated
Region(s) Worldwide by looking into different categories such as transport and mobility, sustainability, innovation economy, living
standard and expert perception. The index included the provision of smart parking and mobility, recycling rates,
Number of respondents n.a. blockchain ecosystem and other factors that improve the standard of living to give a top index score of 10. Next
to Oslo is another Norwegian city Bergen, as well as Amsterdam, with index scores of 7.57 and 7.55
Age group n.a.
Special characteristics n.a.

Published by IDC

Publication date February 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast

Back to statistic

35 References
Smart city initiatives spending share worldwide in 2020, by region
Smart city initiatives spending distribution worldwide 2020, by region

Source and methodology information
The statistic shows the spending on smart city initiatives worldwide in 2020 by region. The U.S. is the largest
Source(s) IDC regional market, making up for around 26 percent of global spending into smart city technology initiatives.
Conducted by IDC

Survey period 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by IDC

Publication date February 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

36 References
Smart city spending share worldwide in 2019, by use case
Smart city market share worldwide 2019, by use case

Source and methodology information
The statistic shows the global smart city spending share in 2019, by use case. Smart grids is the leading smart
Source(s) IDC city use case, accounting for a share of 19.1 percent of the market in that year worldwide.
Conducted by IDC

Survey period 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by IDC

Publication date March 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

37 References
Index score of leading smart cities worldwide in 2019
Global smart city index score 2019

Source and methodology information
Based on a wide variety of categories, the top major global smart cities were ranked using an index score, where
Source(s) EasyPark a top index score of 10 was possible. Scores were based on various different categories including transport and
mobility, sustainability, governance , innovation economy, digitalization, living standard, and expert perception. In
Conducted by EasyPark
more detail, the index also includes provision of smart parking and mobility, recycling rates, and blockchain
Survey period 2019 ecosystem among other factors that can improve the standard of living. In 2019, Zurich, Switzerland was ranked
first, achieving an overall index score of 7.75. Spending on smart city technology is projected to increase in the
Region(s) Worldwide future . Smart city applications Smart cities use data and digital technology to improve the quality of life, while
changing the nature and economics of infrastructure. However, the definition of smart cities can vary widely and
Number of respondents >500 is based on the dynamic needs of a cities` citizens. Mobility seems to be the most important smart city
application for many cities , especially in European cities. For example, e-hailing services are available in most
Age group n.a.
leading smart cities. The deployment of smart technologies that will incorporate mobility, utilities, health, security,
Special characteristics countries with high and medium development and housing and community engagement will be important priorities in the future of smart cities.

Published by EasyPark

Publication date July 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: The company analyzed 500 cities around the world and ranked them
across 24 categories. Ranking is based on the source's own methodology.

Back to statistic

38 References
Largest smart city patent owners worldwide from 2010 to July 2019, by number of active patent
Companies with the most smart city patents worldwide 2010-2019

Source and methodology information
As of July 2019, Samsung was the biggest owner of active robotics patent families. The company owned over
Source(s) LexisNexis PatentSight 2,000 patent families, which is over 600 patent families more than the next company. Huawei owned the second
most active families and Denso the third most. Just this year, Denso was surpassed by Huawei. Samsung's
Conducted by LexisNexis PatentSight
growth has been much faster in recent years than that of most competitors. The statistic is based on data
Survey period 2010 to July 25th 2019 provided by PatentSight .

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by LexisNexis PatentSight

Publication date July 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * A patent family is defined as a group of patent documents all of which

have the same set of priorities. I.e., it is a group of patent documents that
protect the same invention across authorities. The owner of a patent
includes all patents owned by a company and its subsidiaries (by at least
50%) b [...] For more information visit our Website

Back to statistic

39 References
Spending on smart city projects worldwide from 2019 to 2025, by segment* (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart city market revenue worldwide 2019-2025, by segment

Source and methodology information
Mobility is the largest segment of the global smart city market, with spending from cities, companies and private
Source(s) Statista persons worldwide reaching more than 115 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. Energy and smart building are two other
large smart city market segments, with forecast spending amounting to 206 and 183 billion U.S. dollars
Conducted by Statista
respectively by 2025.
Survey period 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista

Publication date January 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Revenues include city spendings as well as spendings of companies and

private persons. Forecast from 2020 to 2025.

Back to statistic

40 References
Market revenue from advanced energy from 2011 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global advanced energy market revenue 2011-2018

Source and methodology information
This statistic displays the revenues generated by the advanced energy market worldwide from 2011 to 2018,
Source(s) Navigant Consulting; Advanced Energy Economy with an estimate for 2018. In 2018, the global advanced energy market is estimated to generate about 1.6 trillion
U.S. dollars globally.
Conducted by Navigant Consulting; Advanced Energy Economy

Survey period 2011 to 2018

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Advanced Energy Economy

Publication date April 2019

Original source Advanced Energy Now 2019 Market Report, page 5

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Estimate Figures have been rounded.

Back to statistic

41 References
Revenue of the electricity and delivery management market worldwide in 2018, by segment (in
billion U.S. dollars)*
Global electricity and delivery management industry revenue by segment 2018

Source and methodology information
This statistic displays the revenue generated from the electricity delivery and management sector worldwide in
Source(s) Advanced Energy Economy; Navigant Consulting 2018, by segment. In 2018, the industry's transmission segment was estimated to have generated 43.71 billion
U.S. dollars in revenue.
Conducted by Navigant Consulting

Survey period 2018

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Advanced Energy Economy

Publication date April 2019

Original source Advanced Energy Now 2019 Market Report, page 17

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * All figures are estimates. Figures were rounded. AMI: advanced
metering infrastructure ICT: information and communications technology

Back to statistic

42 References
Estimated shipments of connected cars globally between 2019 and 2023 (in million units)
Connected cars: global shipment forecast 2019 & 2023

Source and methodology information
It is projected that connected car shipments will exceed 76.3 million units globally by 2023. This figure compares
Source(s) AP; IDC to a little over 50 million units in 2019. Between 2018 and 2019, the connected car market grew by a staggering
45 percent.
Conducted by IDC

Survey period as of 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by AP

Publication date May 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: The figures are projections

Back to statistic

43 References
Size of the global smart parking market in 2018 and 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart parking: global market size 2018/2023

Source and methodology information
This statistic represents the global smart parking market size in 2018, with a forecast for 2023. The global smart
Source(s) IoT Analytics parking market is expected to grow to some 3.8 billion U.S. dollars by 2023, at a CAGR of 14 percent.
Conducted by IoT Analytics

Survey period 2018

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by IoT Analytics

Publication date December 2018

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast

Back to statistic

44 References
Transactional online services offered by national websites worldwide from 2014 to 2018
Transactional e-government service offerings 2014-2018

Source and methodology information
This statistic presents the transactional online services most commonly offered by e-government websites
Source(s) United Nations worldwide from 2014 to 2018. During the most recent survey period, it was found that 139 countries enabled
their citizens to submit income taxes via national website.
Conducted by United Nations

Survey period 2014 to 2018

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics UN Member States

Published by United Nations

Publication date July 2018

Original source UN E-Government Survey 2018, page 99

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

45 References
World e-government leaders based on E-Government Development Index (EGDI) in 2018 (index
E-Government Development Index (EGDI) 2018, by country

Source and methodology information
Over recent years, the presence of online government services has become increasingly common. In 2018,
Source(s) United Nations Denmark was ranked first with a near-perfect E-Government Development Index (EGDI) rating of 0.9150. The
EGDI assesses e-government development at a national level and is based on three components: online service
Conducted by United Nations
index, telecommunication infrastructure index and the human capital index. E-government development and the
Survey period 2018 persisting digital divide According to the UN, e-government is a key factor in order to advance the
implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Public services should be accessible for all and e-
Region(s) Worldwide government has to harness existing and new technologies in order to ensure that. There is a risk of a new digital
divide, as low-income countries with insufficient infrastructure are lagging behind, leaving already vulnerable
Number of respondents n.a. people even more at risk of not being able to gain any advantage from new technologies. Despite some
investments and developmental gains , many countries are still unable to benefit from ICTs because of poor
Age group n.a.
connectivity, high cost of access and lack of necessary skills. These factors have a detrimental effect on the
Special characteristics n.a. further development of e-government in low EGDI-ranked regions such as Africa as the pace of technological
progress intensifies. E-government services Transactional services are among the most common features
Published by United Nations offered by e-government websites worldwide. In 2018, it was found that 139 countries enabled their citizens to
submit income taxes via national websites. The majority of countries enable citizens to access downloadable
Publication date July 2018 forms , receive updates or access archived information about a wide range of sectors such as education,
employment, environment, health and social protection.
Original source UN E-Government Survey 2018, page 89

Website URL visit the website

Notes: 40 countries have a "very high EGDI" with index values in the range
of0.75 to 1.00.

Back to statistic

46 References
Venture capital investments in digital health companies worldwide in 2019, by category (in million
U.S. dollars)*
Global VC funding of digital health companies 2019, by category

Source and methodology information
Telemedicine drew the highest amount of venture capital funding amongst digital health companies in 2019 with
Source(s) Mercom Capital more than 1.7 billion U.S. dollars in VC funding. The other major digital health investment categories are
analytics, mHealth apps, clinical decision support, mobile wireless, and booking. Total global venture capital
Conducted by Mercom Capital
funding of digital health companies worldwide amounted to 8.88 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. After strong
Survey period 2019 increases in VC funding in 2017 and 2018, the investments in digital health companies were down by almost 6.5
percent in 2019 compared to the previous year.
Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Mercom Capital

Publication date January 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Includes private equity and corporate venture capital

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47 References
Smart home devices revenue worldwide from 2017 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)*
Connected home devices revenue worldwide 2017-2020

Source and methodology information
The worldwide market revenue for connected home devices was forecast to continuously increase over the
Source(s) IHS Markit; Omdia; Statista estimates period from 2017 to 2020. The revenue is expected to grow to around 101.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, lower
than the previous expectation of 120.6 billion due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. For
Conducted by IHS Markit; Omdia; Statista estimates
further information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, please visit our dedicated Facts and Figures
Survey period 2017 to 2020 page.

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista; Omdia

Publication date March 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast data for 2019 to 2023

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48 References
Smart home device shipment forecast worldwide in 2018, 2019 and 2023, by category (in millions)
Global shipment forecast for smart home devices 2018, 2019 and 2023, by category

Source and methodology information
The global shipment total for smart home devices is expected to reach around 814.8 million units in 2019, with
Source(s) IDC 339.8 million of those coming from the video entertainment category alone. Of the specifically described types of
devices, home monitoring/security is the section that is expected to grow the most between 2019 and 2023. A
Conducted by IDC
man's home is his (well-watched) castle Home monitoring and security devices include items such as video
Survey period 2018 to 2019 surveillance cameras and video doorbells. With strong product offerings such as Google's Nest and the Arlo Pro
devices (Arlo is no longer a Netgear company), the network video surveillance market was estimated to have
Region(s) Worldwide around 1.1 billion U.S. dollars in revenue at the end of 2018. Closely overlapping with home security cameras
are video doorbells, a comparatively young smart home market expected to reach 1.4 billion U.S. dollars in
Number of respondents n.a. spending by 2023. What smart devices are in the "other" category? The "other" category of smart home devices
is another segment anticipated to reach high numbers of shipments. This section includes sensors and detectors
Age group n.a.
as well as smart switches and digital health devices. One reason this section of various devices could increase is
Special characteristics n.a. that, as the smart home market grows, more devices that were previously not connected will be developed to
have smart capabilities. For example, the use of robotic vacuum cleaners increased in recent years.
Published by IDC

Publication date September 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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49 References
Smart meter shipments worldwide from 2018 to 2024, by region (in million units)
Smart meter unit shipments worldwide 2018-2024, by region

Source and methodology information
The smart meter shipment worldwide amounted at 23 million units in North America and 30 million units in
Source(s) IoT Analytics; Statista estimates Europe in 2019. The volume was forecast to grow in the following years, reaching more than 30 million units
shipped in North America, 44 million in Europe and 122 million in Asia Pasific by 2024.
Conducted by IoT Analytics; Statista estimates

Survey period 2018 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista

Publication date February 2020

Original source n.a.

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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50 References
Forecast comparison of global smart thermostat market size in selected years from 2018 to 2026
(in billion U.S dollars)*
Forecast comparison of global connected thermostat market size 2018-2026

Source and methodology information
The market size of smart thermostat was projected to reach over eight billion U.S. dollars by 2026. The figures
Source(s) Allied Market Research; Global Market Insights; Imarc; Mordor Intelligence for 2018 varied between 1.3 billion U.S. dollars and three billion U.S. dollars, according to different research
agencies. This data was complied from various sources to provide a comparison of different market projections
Conducted by Statista
regarding smart thermostats.
Survey period 2018 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista

Publication date February 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Years provided in Characteristics descriptions are years of publication.

Base years are as follows: Allied Market Research: 2019; Global Market
Insight: 2018; Mordor Intelligence: 2019; IMARC: 2018 Some figures have
been rounded.

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51 References
Smart kitchen market revenue worldwide from 2017 to 2027 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Smart kitchen market value worldwide 2017-2027

Source and methodology information
The size of the global smart kitchen market is projected to reach 14.47 billion U.S. dollars in 2019, an expected
Source(s) The Insight Partners increase of around a billion from the previous year. The market is expected to grow through 2027, reaching up to
43 billion U.S. dollars by then. What`s in a smart kitchen? Of all the various smart home major appliances,
Conducted by The Insight Partners
refrigerators are projected to have the second-largest share of the market by 2020, at 28 percent. Wi-Fi or
Survey period 2017 to 2019 Bluetooth capabilities are the typical ways kitchen appliances become connected. The connected kitchen
appliances often considered the most successful are those with product design that doesn't involve overly heavy
Region(s) Worldwide app usage while cooking, but instead streamline the cooking process. "Alexa, how many cups are in a quart?"
The kitchen is one of the most popular locations to place a smart speaker in a home, and as such, the smart
Number of respondents n.a. speaker can become a part of the smart kitchen experience. Smart speakers often have assistant capabilities ,
with Alexa and others providing informational assistance or background music to the cooking process.
Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by The Insight Partners

Publication date May 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast

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52 References
Smart speaker unit shipments from 2014 to 2025* (in millions)
Smart speaker unit sales worldwide 2014-2025

Source and methodology information
It is estimated that in 2019, over 98 million units of smart speakers will be shipped worldwide. Smart speaker unit
Source(s) Loup Ventures shipments are increasing and are predicted to reach up to 409.4 million units in 2025. A smart speaker is a voice
command device with an embedded virtual assistant and can provide control over home automation devices.
Conducted by Loup Ventures
Growing use of smart speakers Parallel to this increase in units shipped, the revenue for the smart speaker
Survey period 2014 to 2018 market is expected to grow consistently through 2025 as well. Smart speakers play music but are also used for a
variety of other tasks, as they are often supported by a smart assistant. Smart assistants can perform online
Region(s) Worldwide searches looking up information on a product or responding to questions asked by users. Concerns with using
voice assistants As the use of voice assistants has become more frequent, a majority of non-users had several
Number of respondents n.a. apprehensions regarding their usage. Many misgivings were about the security of one's personal data. Others
touched upon the problem of smart assistants not recognizing certain strong accents or dialects, and this could
Age group n.a.
cause a barrier to effective use of the speaker. As smart assistants are used in a number of extensive contexts,
Special characteristics including Chinese unit sales (Alibaba, Xiaomi) the impact of their design's accessibility and treatment of user privacy is consequential.

Published by Loup Ventures

Publication date June 2019

Original source Smart Speaker Outlook: 2014-2025

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *2019 to 2025 figures are estimates

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53 References
Number of mobile 4G/LTE subscriptions worldwide by region from 2011 to 2025 (in millions)
LTE mobile subscriptions worldwide 2011-2025, by region

Source and methodology information
The statistic shows the number of LTE subscriptions worldwide from 2011 to 2025, by region. For 2020 the
Source(s) Ericsson number of LTE mobile subscriptions is forecast to amount to around 351 million in North America.
Conducted by Ericsson

Survey period 2011 to 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Ericsson

Publication date July 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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54 References
Forecast number of mobile 5G subscriptions worldwide by region from 2019 to 2025 (in millions)
5G mobile subscriptions worldwide 2019-2025, by region

Source and methodology information
The statistic shows the forecast number of 5G subscriptions worldwide from 2019 to 2025. For 2020 the number
Source(s) Ericsson of 5G mobile subscriptions is forecast to rise to around 18 million in North America.
Conducted by Ericsson

Survey period 2018 to June 2020

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Ericsson

Publication date July 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *forecast

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55 References
Number of LPWAN connections by technology worldwide from 2017 to 2023 (in millions)
Global LPWAN connections 2017-2023, by technology

Source and methodology information
The statistic shows the number of LPWAN connections worldwide by technology from 2017 to 2023. LoRa
Source(s) IHS connections are expected to reach about 123.3 million in 2019.
Conducted by IHS

Survey period 2017 to 2018

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by IHS

Publication date June 2019

Original source IHS Markit Unlocking Captive Value, page 6

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast

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56 References
Prognosis of worldwide spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) from 2018 to 2023 (in billion U.S.
Internet of Things (IoT) spending worldwide 2023

Source and methodology information
The global spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) is forecast to reach 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022. New
Source(s) IDC technologies such as 5G is expected to drive the market growth in the coming years.
Conducted by IDC

Survey period 2018 to 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by IDC

Publication date June 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast. For 2022 the source states the following "Worldwide IoT
spending is forecast to pass the $1 trillion mark in 2022".

Back to statistic

57 References
Enterprise and automotive Internet of Things (IoT) endpoint market installed base worldwide from
2018 to 2020, by segment (in billion units)
IoT enterprise and automotive endpoint installed base worldwide by segment 2018-2020

Source and methodology information
Worldwide installations of enterprise and automotive Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints is estimated to increase
Source(s) Gartner from 2018 to 2020. The utilities segment is forecast to have the largest increases, with installations increasing
from 980 million units in 2018 to 1.37 billion units in 2020. The increasing use of electricity smart metering is
Conducted by Gartner
estimated to boost the adoption of IoT among utilities, contributing to its large installed base. IoT is a term used
Survey period 2018 to 2019 to define a network that not only connects people, but also the objects around them. IoT consists of a vast
network of smart objects working together to collect and analyze data, and autonomously perform actions.
Region(s) Worldwide Expected global growth in revenue from IoT verticals The total installed base of IoT connected devices is
projected to amount to 21.5 billion units worldwide by 2025. With more people using IoT technology, the different
Number of respondents n.a. verticals that make up IoT are forecast to increase in revenue over the next few years, with some segments
growing more rapidly than others. For example, global revenue of the IoT managed services market is forecast
Age group n.a.
to increase from around 30 billion U.S. dollars in 2018 to more than 130 billion in 2027, while revenue in the IoT
Special characteristics n.a. sensors market is estimated to increase from around nine billion U.S dollars in 2018 to over 65 billion in 2027.

Published by Gartner

Publication date August 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast

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58 References
Size of the public cloud computing services market from 2009 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)**
Public cloud services: market size 2009-2022

Source and methodology information
The statistic shows the size of the public cloud computing market worldwide from 2009 to 2022. This
Source(s) Gartner encompasses business process, platform, infrastructure, software, management, security, and advertising
services delivered by public cloud services. In 2020, the public cloud services market is expected to reach
Conducted by Gartner
around 257.9 billion U.S. dollars in size and by 2022 market revenue is forecast to exceed 364 billion U.S.
Survey period 2009 to 2019 dollars.

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Gartner

Publication date July 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast **The cloud advertising segment was removed from Gartner's
public cloud services forecast segments starting from 2017.

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59 References
Edge computing device and infrastructure capital expenditure (CAPEX) worldwide from 2019 to
2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global CAPEX of edge computing devices and infrastructure 2019-2028

Source and methodology information
The global annual capital expenditure (CAPEX) for the edge computing device and infrastructure equipment is
Source(s) State of the Edge; Statista estimates forecast to reach around 146 billion U.S. dollars by 2028. Spending on infrastructure edge equipment makes up
a bulk of the overall edge CAPEX.
Conducted by State of the Edge; Statista estimates

Survey period 2019

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Statista

Publication date March 2020

Original source n.a.

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Forecast

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60 References
Big data and analytics software revenue worldwide from 2011 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)*
Big data and analytics software market worldwide 2011-2018

Source and methodology information
This statistic shows big data and analytics software revenue worldwide from 2011 to 2018. In 2018, the
Source(s) IDC; SAS Institute worldwide revenue from business analytics software amounted to 60.66 billion U.S. dollars.
Conducted by IDC

Survey period 2011 to 2018

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by SAS Institute

Publication date October 2019

Original source Worldwide Big Data and Analytics Software 2018 Market Shares, page 3

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *The market was named as the business analytics software market prior to
the 2016 report. The addition of continuous analytics software,
cognitive/AI software platforms, and search systems market segments led
to the change in the market name.

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61 References

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