Entity Relationship Diagram and Details For Online Shopping Management System - Steemit

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Entity Relationship

Diagram and details for

Online Shopping
Management System
joydhon (25) in #entity-relationship • 2
years ago

Project name: Online Shopping Management

Objective: to make a project based on online

shopping management by using JAVA, My sql

To make a project based on online shopping
management by using java and my sql. This
project mainly based on database. So that our
principle goal is to connect database with java.

a) Entity Sets:
a. Website/ Mobile Application
b. Customer
c. Product
d. Admin
e. Shopping cart
f. registration or login

b) Website/ Mobile Application:

Attributes: Domain Name/ App name

c) Customer:
a. User name (varchar 10)
b. Password (varchar 10)
c. Email address (varchar 10)
d. Mobile number (number 15)
e. Country name (varchar 10)
f. District (varchar 10)
g. Address (varchar)
h. C_id (number)

d) Products:
a. Product id (number 5)
b. P_name (varchar 10)
c. P_catagory (varchar 10)
d. P_price (number 5)
e. P_availibility (number 5)

e) Admin:
a. User name (varchar 10)
b. Password (varchar 10)
c. A_id (Number)

f) Shopping cart:
a. product id (number)
b. product name (varchar 10)
c. total price (number)
d. billing products (varchar 10)

g) Registration/ login
a. user id (number)
b. user name (varchar 10)
c. password (varchar 10)
d. forgot password (varchar 10)
e. signup (varchar 10)

If we want to create a good project, using the
database and Java, then we have to !rst design
our E-R diagram. Then we will do the practical
work e"ectively using Java and SQL.

Now we will discuss about the relationship

between entity and attribute,

If we look at the E-R diagram then we can see

that the entity mobile application and its
attribute are the domain name. This means
that this project will be created based on the

A#er this, we can see that there are many

entities such as Mobile, Shopping and Product
Relations with entity Customer. Because when
a customer wants to make a lot of shopping
online, they will be able to keep a list of what
they want to buy in the shopping cart.
Customers will be required to log in or register
before buying if they want to buy the products
a#er the shopping cart is submitted. In this
way, product, customer, shopping cart and
login entities are related to each other.

Finally, if we are going to discuss about admin,

then entity Admin has the power to do
everything that can control every entity.
Product can be updated, deleted, inserted by
this entity admin. This entity helps in
maintaining relationships with customers.
Thank you

#shopping-management #so!ware #computer-science


2 years ago in #entity-relationship by joydhon (25)

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eniolw (65) 2 years ago [-]

I like the content of your post. It's useful to practice, as an exercise. See
you later!

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