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Bulacan State University

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Sarmiento Campus





After reading “The Introduction to Educational Administration” by Eric Amadi

Kindly answer the following in detail
1. What do you mean by educational administration?
Education administrators define pedagogical standards and goals, as well as the rules and
strategies that will help them be met. Managers, support staff, instructors, counsellors,
librarians, trainers, and other personnel are also under their supervision. The goal of
educational program is to establish and maintain conditions that promote, encourage, and
sustain high quality education within higher education institutions.

2. Define it with the help of various scholars' quotations. Also conclude your views.
Educational administration is viewed as the technique of assimilating the adequate
resources and personnel that are made accessible and potent for attaining organizational
objective of an educational institution's program. Educational administration is
responsible for proper administration in many ways and it is also largely a social
enterprise, focusing on human resources rather than monetary resources.

3. What are the characteristics of educational administration? Which of these characteristics

are the most important ones according to you? And why?
The labor and jobs within a system of education that are not directly involved in the
educating of students are referred to as education administration. Typically,
administrators seek to verify that instructors are capable of doing their duties and
properly instructing learners, as well as manage budgeting difficulties for a school and
district, and set curricular standards and achievement targets for children in a district.
Education administration is usually done by people who have previously worked as
teachers or who have a master’s in education.

Individual schools are in charge of education administration, which is often administered

by principals and vice principals. These persons are in charge of ensuring that an
institution runs smoothly, which often includes creating and managing the education
budget, dealing with serious behavioral concerns, and assuring that teachers and students
perform effectively. Former administrators and teachers, as well as those with master's
and doctoral degrees in education, may serve as administrators at this level. They are
frequently in charge of ensuring that budgets are correctly prepared and adhered to by the
various districts in the state. Additionally, district administrators are in responsible for the
hiring and discharging teachers, but principals are frequently involved in this process.
Curriculum standards and goals for students and instructors are often defined by
education administration at the local and state level.
It's indeed significant since school administrators maintains direct touch with the society,
offers education and support, and creates an atmosphere that academically qualifies
learners, ultimately contributing to the community at large success and upgrading their

4. Enumerate the scope of educational administration and its scope.

 The educational administration is responsible for all educational levels within its
domain. Curriculum development is responsible for determining the type and
structure of management including all stages of education.
 It applies to all types of schooling. The educational administration establishes
administrative structures in conformity with the goals and dynamics of all school
 It incorporates all administrative techniques and approaches, including the
aforementioned: a. Democratic Administration b. Autocratic Administration c.
Nominal Administration d. Real Administration
 In its jurisdiction, educational administration encompasses the main components
of management: a. Planning b. Organizing c. Directing d. Coordinating e.
Supervising f. Controlling and g. Evaluating
 Various degrees of educational administration exist. At the institutional level,
educational administration has its own actuality and significance. Since it just
provides a comprehensive setting in which to assess the importance of curriculum
implementation in practice.

5. What are the aims and objectives of educational administration? Discuss them in detail.
Aims and objectives are specified, and the methods for achieving them vary substantially
based on the educational institutions or degree, as well as between educational
environments. Educational administration seems to be a methodology for maximizing the
efficiency and effectiveness of a school's or college's manpower and resources in order to
implement quality and well-organized pedagogy. The administration of educational
institutions is critical to their smooth operation. The as a whole goal of educational
development is to establish and sustain atmospheres within academic institutions that
encourage, endorse, and stabilize effective teaching and learning.
Also, answer the following questions in brief statement
1. What are the classifications of educational administration? Discuss them in brief.
 Educational management is the result of the centralization of power and responsibility of
educational administration, guidance, and regulate, and on the other hand, educational
management is the result of the division and distribution of powers and responsibilities of
educational administration, supervision, and control. Decentralized educational
management is the acknowledged part of an educational management in contemporary
new knowledge economy among these two aspects of the educational management. The
reason for this is that any division and arrangement of authorities, responsibilities, and
obligations can constitute any binding strength.
 The characteristics, causes, and assisting institutions that give chances and facilities for
the seamless management of educational programs from an external perspective are
referred to as external management of educational programs. External administration of
educational programs refers to the people or components who are indirectly involved in
its management from a humanitarian standpoint. Apart from internal management,
professional employees are responsible for overseeing, arranging, coordinating,
regulating, managing, executing, and assessing the tasks that have been given to them.
Additionally, Internal management is far more important than external management in
practice. The reason for this is because internal management elements are participating
actively throughout the processes, and management success is dependent on colleagues.
 Authoritarian/autocratic administration is when power and control are concentrated in the
hands of a single person, group, or institution. The rights of this management are absolute
and ultimate, and educational management is monopolistic. Every area of education is
managed by one person under this style of educational management and curriculum
development develops centralized, governed by bureaucratic system, which maintains
power by enforcing severe laws, rules, and regulations. Democracy in the 20th century is
universally viewed and embraced as a manner of life. This remark emphasizes that
democratic principles, beliefs, including ideals must be followed or acknowledged in all
stages of development. As a result, it must be affirmed and applied in the sphere of
administration. To put it another way, democratic inclusive education seems to be the
necessity of the day for promoting wholesome development and learning to every
 Lassiez faire Educational Management is the functionaries or individuals involved in this
kind of administration have more independence. It indicates that, in order to ensure
proper management of educational programs, everyone should be given as much freedom
as possible and feasible, and they must exercise this autonomy in a desirable and
reasonable way.
2. What are the functions of educational administration?
It supplies and administers a variety of aspects in the teaching-learning scenario,
including students, educators, educational system, and the social and economic
environment. In a school management system, there are various administrative functions.
Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling are the four steps.
3. What are the factors included under execution?
Methodologies are centered on either innovation or increased efficiency. The former
could be linked to the implementation of a new pedagogical foundation or any other
interruptive educational trend. The latter is connected to any aim to optimize an existing
service, teaching technique, or human resource strategy. Management in general, and
education management in particular, is no exception. For a variety of reasons, strategy
execution is difficult to accomplish, but one major roadblock to success is that execution
is rarely viewed as a set of techniques and preventative measures. As a result, successful
strategies necessitate not only proper management but also swift execution.
4. Discuss the difference between administration and supervision.
Educational administration provides the services these various elements of the learning
environment, and educational supervision's role is to constantly assess their sufficiency
and make necessary improvements.
Administration executes, directs, and guides, enhances, explains, leads, and guides, while
supervision advises, stimulates, directs, and guides. In order to improve instruction,
administration makes decisions and orders execution, while supervision assists in making
decisions and orders execution.
5. Mention in brief the features of educational administration.
Educational administration is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of
schools at all levels, including day care centers and preschools, secondary and post -
secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities. They focus on providing
leadership in times of hardship and offer up hopeful aspirations for educational
institutions' long term.
6. What are the principles of democratic educational administration? Discuss them in brief
The principles are: Structural Democracy, Operational Democracy Justice Equality of
Opportunity Prudence and Adaptability, Flexibility and Stability.
 Structural Democracy
It refers to democracy's "exercise of control." In this context, the significance of exercise
of control should be such that it assists students as existing leaders in meeting their
expectations and demands related to self-realization, as well as safeguarding democratic
government and welfare of the country at the local, nation, and state levels. By treating
each human being as a "living, growing, and potentially flowering organism," this
exercise of control refers to the meaning of democracy. As a result of this principle of
educational administration, educational administration must adhere to democratic
principles in both structural and functional forms.
 Operational Democracy
This educational administration principle emphasizes the practical aspects of democracy
as a way of life and a form of government, the essence of democracy is to value each
individual's dignity while also assisting him in understanding himself. Democracy is
viewed as a matter of spirit, way of life, and mode of behavior. An educational
administrator's task and responsibility is to focus on daily events in relation to democratic
society from an educational perspective that are relevant in a broader sense.
 Justice
In particular, justice involves providing each person their due in society while respecting
their individual identity. The nature of democracy is this definition of justice. Fairness is
considered as an important principle of democratic educational administration because it
is one of the fundamental defining characteristics of democratic administration in both
form and discipline. Giving due benefit and connect to each individual for his
accomplishments is necessary for implementing justice in educational management.
 Equality of Opportunity
In the field of educational administration, the principle of uniformity should not be
practiced or maintained because equality does not imply uniformity. The reason for this is
that opportunity refers to providing adequate facilities or scope for each individual's
development. In order to maintain equality of opportunity in the field of education,
curriculum development plays a critical role. For this reason, greater emphasis needs to
be placed on educational opportunity fairness in order to speed up the process of
constructing an egalitarian human society in which long-standing social utilization is
reduced to a minimal.
 Prudence
To improve the system performance in the education sector, educational administration
must spend money on education and accept it as a human resource investment. Prudence
is defined as the act of planning or thinking long term. Being contextual in methodology,
it could be said that the sector of administration requires a futuristic outlook, vision, and
forward thinking.
 Adaptability, Flexibility and Stability
An educational establishment must've been adaptable to changing circumstances by
meeting evolving education to enhance its day-to-day interactions with those involved.
Versatility is a term used to describe an institution's ability to change. It must deal
differently to various human beings in the way of accomplishing its learning outcomes,
such as educators, family members, and the general public, who are all affected in some
way by the process or its products. Flexibility is the term for this tendency.
The educational institution, on the other hand, must be flexible to cope without causing
any dislocation or instability in its processes and outcomes. Stability is the way of
referring to this estate. These three components are required for an institution to be
capable of meeting its strategic goals and also to give due consideration to all parties
involved at some point.

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