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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Inhibition Effects Of Banana And Orange Peel Extract On The Corrosion

Of Bright Steel In Acidic Media
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ICFEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012029



Vani R, Arpan Bhandari, Aishwarya Jain Y

Yenepoya Institute of Technology, Moodbidri, India .

Abstract. From the beginning of its invention, steel has become the most significant
engineering alloy used by man. However, it possesses a serious problem of corroding when
exposed to normal climatic conditions. Using organic produce from nature has become a trend
in tackling such corrosion of Steel. The main focus of this study is to produce green corrosion
inhibitor from banana and orange peel. The gravimetric method was used to determine the
corrosion of bright steel in acidic media (HCl) in which equal proportions of BPE and OPE
were added as a corrosion inhibitor. The result of this study showed that as the concentration
of inhibitor increases the rate of corrosion decreases. Maximum efficiency of 76.76% was
achieved for 1200 PPM in 0.1N HCl and 79.19% was achieved for 1200 PPM in 0.3N HCl.
The result shows that extracts of Banana and Orange peel can be used as corrosion inhibitors
more widely when compared to their counterpart that is, conventional toxic inhibitors which
are harmful to the environment.

Keywords. Orange Peel Extract (OPE), Banana Peel Extract (BPE), Bright Steel, Corrosion,
Inhibitor Efficiency, Concentration.

Steel has had a huge effect on our lives, the car we drive, the homes in which we live, and many other
things in between. It is the most important, multifunctional, and most adaptive material by far [1].
Human growth would have been unlikely, except for steel. The strength and inherent use of steel have
been the foundation of industrialized economies. But it is vulnerable to a condition called corrosion
when exposed to normal climatic conditions. In metallic structures, corrosion occurs in different
ways, such as uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, galvanic corrosion,
intergranular corrosion, cracking stress corrosion, and others Acidic solutions are commonly used in
industrial processes such as acid washing, pickling, descaling, and drilling operations in oil and gas
production, and iron and steel vessels or surfaces used in these conditions are vulnerable to corrosion
[2]. And such undesired activity leads to damage of greater magnitude creating a risk to the
environment. Therefore, a more impactful step towards controlling such an undesired effect of
corrosion on the metallic structure is to produce green corrosion inhibitors. They not only reduce the
corrosion rate but also have minimal or zero effect on the environment as far as the threat to life is
concerned. The inhibition efficiency of more than 75% in most of the cases can be achieved using
green corrosion inhibitors. And can be produced at a very low cost when compared to conventional
inhibitors. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the metallic structures can be retained without a
thick expenditure. Synthetic organic inhibitors have also been commonly used, but their use is now

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ICFEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012029

marred by their toxicity and elevated development costs. This has spurred researchers to explore other
fields to develop green corrosion inhibitors that are eco-friendly, inexpensive, and biodegradable to
replace inorganic and synthetic organic inhibitors. Efficient corrosion inhibitors have been identified
as natural products such as plant extract, amino acids, proteins, and biopolymers [3]. The performance
of these compounds depends primarily on their ability to adsorb the polar groups acting as the
adsorptive hubs on the metal surface and block the active sites so that the corrosion rate is reduced [4-
5]. Global corrosion costs have been measured using a rational approach and it is seen that India's
contribution is just 1% of the global cost of corrosion [6]. The cost of corrosion in Australia, Great
Britain, and Japan is about 3 to 4 percent of GDP [7]. Hence, using a green corrosion inhibitor proves
not only to be environment-friendly but also to ameliorate a nation's economy. Due to corrosion, a lot
of money is lost every year. Industries and governments lose around S276 dollars annually or 3.1
percent of GDP in the United States [8].

2.1. Preparation of specimen.
The bright steel used for the investigation consisted of the following composition as shown in the
table 1. The test specimen was prepared according to ASTM Standards as shown in fig 1.

Table 1. Composition of bright steel.

Element C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Cr
Percentage 0.32-0.38 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 <0.030 <0.035 <0.30 <0.20 <0.20

Fig 1. Specimen used for Gravimetric analysis.

The surface of the specimen was finely machined and ground with emery paper.
2.2. Preparation of inhibitor (Banana and Orange peel extract).
The banana and orange peels were dried for about a week under sunlight. And it was heated at 100°C
in a microwave oven. The dried peels were then finely powdered separately in a blender and passed
through a 53-micron grit.
2.3. Methods.
The experiments were conducted on bright steel samples of standard specimen that were washed with
acetone and heated prior to the experiment. 0.1N HCl and 0.3N HCl solutions were prepared for
conducting tests. Equal quantities of prepared banana and orange peel powder were added at varying
concentrations for a variety of tests, such as 500 PPM, 800 PPM, 1200 PPM, 1600 PPM and 2000
PPM. The initial weight of all the test specimen was noted down after cleaning with acetone. Initially
the bright steel specimen were dipped in a 40 ml blank solution of 0.1N HCl and 0.3N HCl in a
beaker as shown in fig 2.

ICFEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012029

Fig 2. Specimen dipped in 0.1N & 0.3N HCl without inhibitor.

The specimen were taken out after 24 hours of immersion and weighed to understand the loss of
material due to corrosion. The same procedure was followed for the following specimen immersed in
HCl solutions with different concentration of the inhibitors (BPE 50% + OPE 50%).

2.4. SEM analysis.

In order to create a magnified image for study, scanning electron microscopy is a test method that
scans a sample with an electron beam. During research, the signals generated produce a two-
dimensional image and disclose sample information, including surface topography, chemical
composition, when used with the EDS function, and alignment of the sample materials.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Weight Loss analysis.
The steel specimens were suspended for 24 hrs at room temperature in 40 mL of HCl solution with
and without the inhibitor. The cleaned specimens were weighed before and after immersion into the
corrosive solution. The specimens were removed and dried. The weight loss of the steel samples was
measured by an analytical balance with an accuracy of 1 mg. The percentage inhibition efficiency (IE)
was obtained from the following equation:
𝑊ₒ − 𝑊ₗ
𝐼𝐸 = × 100,
Where 𝑊ₒ and 𝑊ₗ are the weight of the bright steel in the absence and in the presence of inhibitor.
The initial and final weights of the steel sample immersed in 0.1N & 0.3N HCl without the presence
of inhibitor is shown in table 2.

Table 2. Variation in the weight of samples.

0.1N HCl 0.3N HCl
Initial Weight 58.459 grams 57.485 grams
Final Weight 58.289 grams 57.211 grams
Weight Loss (𝑊ₒ) 0.17 grams 0.274 grams

Fig 3. Specimen taken out from HCl in the absence of inhibitor.

ICFEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012029

The initial and final weights of steel samples immersed in 0.1N HCl solution in the presence of
inhibitor is shown in table 3.

Table 3. Weight loss of specimen and efficiency of inhibitor in 0.1N HCl.

Concentration of inhibitor in Loss in weight in grams 𝑊ₒ−𝑊ₗ
Inhibitor efficiency 𝑊ₒ × 100 %
PPM (𝑊ₗ)
500 0.1320 22.35
800 0.0635 62.64
1200 0.0525 69.11
1600 0.0460 72.94
2000 0.0395 76.76

The table 3. Validates the significant increase in the inhibitor efficiency with increase in concentration
of inhibitor when tested on bright steel specimen at room temperature. The linear increase in inhibitor
efficiency can be clearly analysed in fig 4.
Amount of Inhibitor Used in PPM v/s Inhibitor


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Fig 4. Graph indicating amount of inhibitor used V/S efficiency.


1000 800
500 170 132 63.5 52.5 46 39.5
1 2 3 4 5 6

Weight Loss in milligrams Amount of inhibitor Used in PPM

Fig 5. Graph indicating comparison between inhibitor concentration and weight loss.

Fig 5. Shows the decrease in loss of weight in steel specimen immersed in acidic media in the
presence of different concentration of banana and orange peel extract corrosion inhibitor.
The initial and final weights of steel samples immersed in 0.3N HCl solution in the presence of
inhibitor is shown in table 4.

ICFEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012029

Table 4. Weight loss of specimen and efficiency of inhibitor in 0.3N HCl.

Concentration of inhibitor in Loss in weight in grams 𝑊ₒ−𝑊ₗ
Inhibitor efficiency 𝑊ₒ ×
PPM (𝑊ₗ)
100 %
500 0.02630 4.01
800 0.2520 8.02
1200 0.0980 64.23
1600 0.0395 70.80
2000 0.0570 79.19

Unlike the results obtained for steel specimen immersed in 0.1N HCl solution the steel samples in
0.3N HCl showed some interesting characteristics. The inhibitor efficiency did not show any drastic
increase until 1200 PPM. But as soon as 1200 PPM of inhibitor was employed the efficiency leaped
from 8% to 64%. Despite being a stronger corrosive medium compared to 0.1N HCl the inhibitor
exhibited improved efficiency as shown in table 4.
The increase in efficiency with an increase in inhibitor concentration in a corrosive environment can
be visualized in g 6.

Amount of Inhibitor Used in PPM v/s Inhibitor


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Fig 6. Graph indicating inhibitor efficiency V/S amount of inhibitor used.


1000 800
0.274 0 0.263 0.252 0.098 0.08 0.057
1 2 3 4 5 6

Weight Loss in milligrams Amount of inhibitor Used in PPM

Fig 7. Graph indicating comparison between inhibitor concentration and weight loss.

Fig 7. Shows the decrease in loss of weight in steel specimen immersed in 0.3N HCl solution for 24
hrs in the presence of a different concentration of corrosion inhibitor of banana and orange peel
Some of the rich sources of antioxidant compounds in banana and orange peels are delphinine,
cyaniding, polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamins C and E, and anthocyanin. It has been shown that
phenolic compounds, particularly anthocyanin, possess significant antioxidant activity, which is
mainly based on their structural characteristics. Abundant sources of pectin, which is a structural
heteropolysaccharide, are also found in banana and orange peels [9-14]. Banana peel is also made up
ICFEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012029

of a complex polyphenol compound called Tannin, which is adsorbed to form a thin film on the metal
surface. This layer is not visible to naked eyes, but the corrosion process in metal is halted [15].
3.2. Surface Analysis.
The surface morphology of bright steel samples immersed in 0.1 N and 0.3N HCl was analysed in the
absence and presence of 2000 PPM of inhibitor at room temperature for 24 hours, with a scanning
electron microscope (SEM) working at a voltage of 5.00 kV.
Fig.8 and Fig.9. Shows the SEM micrographs of the metal surface after exposure to acidic
solution in the absence and presence of an inhibitor. After immersion in a corrosive solution, Fig.8
displays the abraded bright steel surface and exposes the SEM image of a bright steel surface
immersed in 0.1 N HCl solution in the absence of an inhibitor. In comparison, Fig.9 displays the SEM
image of the specimen immersed in a 0.1N HCl solution with an inhibitor of 2000 PPM. It is seen
from Fig.8 that the metal surface has been heavily corroded due to the presence of a corrosive
solution. However, after the incorporation of the inhibitor, the appearance of the bright steel surface is

Fig.8. The specimen in absence if inhibitor Fig.9. The specimen in presence of inhibitor

Fig.10 and Fig.11 shows the SEM micrographs of the metal surface after exposure to acidic solution
in the absence and presence of an inhibitor. After immersion in a corrosive solution, Fig.10 displays
the abraded bright steel surface and exposes the SEM image of a bright steel surface immersed in
0.3N HCl solution in the absence of an inhibitor. In comparison, g. 11 displays the SEM image of the
specimen immersed in a 0.3N HCl solution with an inhibitor of 2000 PPM. It is seen from Fig.10 that
the metal surface has been heavily corroded due to the presence of a corrosive solution. However,
after the incorporation of the inhibitor, the appearance of the bright steel surface is different. In
comparison with the 0.1N HCl solution, the inhibitor provides more conclusive evidence in inhibiting
the corrosive action when mixed with 0.3N HCl by forming an anti-corrosive lm on metal surface
which can be observed precisely in Fig.11.

ICFEST 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1065 (2021) 012029 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1065/1/012029

Fig 10. The specimen in absence if inhibitor. Fig 11. The specimen in presence of inhibitor.

4. Conclusion
The Banana and Orange peel extracts in HCl solution serve as a green inhibitor for the prevention of
corrosion in bright steel. The efficiency of inhibition increases with the rise in inhibitor concentration.
The SEM analysis also shows conclusive evidence supporting the efficiency of the green inhibitor
against corrosive action.
The usage of such inhibitors to prevent corrosion of bright steel proves to be more economical and
eco-friendly in comparison with toxic inhibitors such as 2-5 zinc phosphates, 6 polyphosphates, lead
oxide, etc.
The accessibility of banana and orange peel throughout the year makes it more beneficial and cheap to
be prominently used as green corrosion inhibitors.

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