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The Online Ratings and Comments of Guests of a Standard Class

Hotel in Bacolod City: Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Study

Joereyn Gonzalodo
Bianca Hechanova
Carolyn Lasugas
Bea Jezzel Macahilig
Keith Iriz Patacsil
Phoebe Kate Tugaff

A Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty of School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
La Consolacion College Bacolod
Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

March 2021


This Thesis entitled “ The Online Ratings and Comments of Guests of a Standard

Class Hotel in Bacolod City” prepared and submitted by Joereyn Gonzalodo, Bianca

Hechanova, Carolyn Lasugas, Bea Jezzel Macahilig, Keith Patacsil and Phoebe Kate

Tugaff in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Tourism Management, has been examined and recommended for Oral Examination.



Panel of Examiners

Approved by the committee on the Oral Examination with a rating of ________.







Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management.

SHTM Dean Vice President of Academic Affairs


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents who have been our

greatest inspiration throughout this work and the one who gives us encouragement,

guidance that is never ending, who continually provide their moral, spiritual and

emotional support.

To our brothers, sisters, relatives, mentors, friends and classmates who have

shared our thoughts and knowledge, we are also the one who guides us to accomplish this


To our Alma Mater, La Consolacion College Bacolod; for shaping us to be

excellent students, and the one who develop our skills in order to succeed in life.

And lastly, we dedicated this book to our Almighty God who is always watching

over us. We thank you for the guidance, power, and strength and for giving us blessing

with our parents in order to sustain our needs to achieve what we have right now, for the

skills and healthy life. All of these, we offer everything we do to you.


First and foremost, we would like to express our deepest gratitude and special

thanks to our adviser Carmen Menes, PhD for the guidance and continuous support for

our research; for her patience, motivation, keenness, and immeasurable knowledge that

led us to the right path. Her guidance helped us in all the time of research and writing of

this thesis. Hence, we consider ourselves as fortunate individuals, as we were provided

with an opportunity to have the best adviser and mentor for our research study.

We extend our sincere thanks to all members of jury; Theresa Jennifer H.

Mendoza, CGSP, LPT, PhD, Ismael A. Haguisan III, CGSP LPT, PhD, and Leane Adele

L. Linaugo, CGSP, MBA for taking the time to improve our study and for always giving

us constant encouragement and advice, despite of the busy agendas. Moreover, we thank

them for offering us valuable suggestions for this study and for agreeing to read the

manuscript and to participate in the defense of our thesis entitled “The Online Ratings

and Comments of Guests of a Standard Class Hotel in Bacolod City”.


Online consumer reviews have come to fulfill a very important role as the source
of information in the acquisition of a service or booking in the hospitality sector and they

are used considerably by consumers to inform them of accommodation. This study

intended to vividly describe the comments of guests in a Standard Hotel in Bacolod City.
A mixed methods research design was used. Trustworthiness or truth value of qualitative
research and transparency of the conduct of the study are crucial to the usefulness and
integrity of the findings. These criteria include credibility, dependability, confirmability,
and transferability. The quantitative results and themes for qualitative that the researchers
gathered from the methodology and its much-needed inferences for the research
formulation of hypothesis. The guests’ rates and comments are highly based on subjective
manners wherein, in terms of sex as the used independent variable of the study still
yielded equal results in 3 different samples in accordance to men, women, or neuter

Keywords: Online Consumer, Booking, Hospitality, Trustworthiness, Credibility,

Dependability, Transferability, Confirmability, Figments, Inquirer


Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Statement of the Problem 4

Objectives 4
Hypothesis 5
Framework 5
Paradigm of the Study 5
Scope and Limitation 7
Significance of the Study 7
Definition of Terms 8

Chapter 2 - Methodology

Research Design 10
Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique 10
Data Gathering Instrument 10
Data Gathering Procedure 10
Rigors of the Findings 11
Ethical Consideration 15
Statistical Treatment of Data 16

Data Explication 17

Chapter 3 – Results and Discussion

Table 1. Mean and Standard Deviation of the Answers 20

Table 2 & 3. ANOVA Single Factor 20
Themes and Sub-themes 21

Chapter 4 - Conclusion and Recommendations

References 33
Appendices 40

Appendix A: Coding Process 40

Appendix B: Summary of Statements per Theme 41
Curriculum Vitae 42
Chapter 1


Online customer reviews have become increasingly important to the business

world nowadays as more and more users make use of social media platforms to look for

product information (Quambusch, 2015). Today, information regarding a wide array of

products and services is available online through review sites such as TripAdvisor, and

many others (Torres, 2016). As online reviews have become more important to

customers, hotel reviews have also become more common (Ma, 2017). Besides, users are

more likely to trust experiences shared by other travelers than official marketing

advertisements from businesses or experts, because what clients write is objective

(Robbiani, 2016).

Furthermore, online reviews have come to fulfil a very important role as the

source of information in the acquisition of a service or booking in the hospitality sector

and they are used considerably by consumers to inform them of accommodation

(Marketing, 2016). Consumers rely on others’ opinions to help make their own decisions,

and online reviews have become an effective tool providing consumers with information

and even a vicarious virtual consumption experience without actually purchasing the

product (Pongpatipat, 2014). The power of marketing communication has been weakened

by free and easy access to such information; information provided by online peers

influences customer perceptions, preferences, and decisions far more than information

provided by companies (Constantinides & Holleschovsky, 2016).

With the tremendous growth and potential of online consumer reviews, online

reviews of hospitality and tourism are now playing an important role in consumer

attitudes and purchasing behaviors (Hlee, 2018). The "voluntary" reviews posted on these

sites are thought to be far more valuable and trustworthy than typical survey-based

customer responses because they are based on the customer's free and voluntary opinions

about what he or she experienced and are not elicited or framed by the company or

researchers (Jeong & Mindy Jeon, 2008). This especially holds true in the tourism

industry, given that many potential guests check posted opinions before making their

booking decisions (Melián-González, 2013). According to research, consumers are

willing to put their trust in this eWOM to provide them with information on which to

base their perceptions of firms and, as a result, their purchasing decisions (Browning,


Moreover, a rating is an evaluation or assessment of something, in terms of

quality, quantity, or some combination of both (Cadet, 2018). Hotel ratings are often used

to classify hotels according to their quality (Lindmark, 2015). Consistently good ratings

from guests will result in a higher net rating than when ratings vary widely from

customer to customer, consistently good ratings depend on consistently positive front

desk interactions (Yuchao Shao, 2017). The higher the hotel rating, the higher price

premium the hotel can charge (Rate & Jost, 2021).

The themes included in this study were Accessibility; Accommodating Staff;

Budget-Friendly; Appreciation with five sub-themes, namely, Hotel, Food, Amenities,

Facilities, and Location; Customer Feedback with three sub-themes, namely, Negative,

Positive, and Observation. Furthermore, accessibility is defined by the transport system,

the spatial distribution of land-use, the individual dimension. In its broadest sense,

accessibility ensures the development of products, services and environments that allow

everyone to use and derive benefit from them (Gillovic & McIntosh, 2020).

Accommodating staff, the service provider is the tool to translate high quality service

towards hotel guests (Lahap, 2016). Appreciation, the selection of a hotel is influenced by

client satisfaction, as well as service and facility quality (Kim, 2017). Budget-friendly

hotel, provides minimum amenities and services for a lower price than a regular hotel in

the area (Landman, 2021). Customer feedback is information provided by customers

about their experience with a product or service (Pendo, 2017).

This study was done in order to contribute to the development of a standard class

hotel in Bacolod City. This may benefit and give an additional knowledge to hotel

owners, to discover the overall ratings and improve its management or service in a sense

that it may attract more potential customers in the future based on the reviews posted on

trusted websites.

Hence, there is a need for comprehensive research that assesses the online ratings

and comments of guests of a standard class hotel in Bacolod City. The researchers are

motivated to determine the guests’ ratings among the reviews on online platforms. In this

way, we, as researchers, hope to give new perspectives and determine guests’ preferences

in terms of sex.

Statement of the problem

This study determined the online ratings of guests of a Standard Hotel in Bacolod


Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the guests’ ratings of a Standard Hotel in Bacolod City when the

respondents were taken collectively and grouped according to sex?


2. Is there a significant difference on the guests’ ratings of Standard Hotel in

Bacolod City when the respondents were grouped according to sex?


This study intended to vividly describe the comments of guests in a Standard

Hotel in Bacolod City.


There is no significant difference in guests’ ratings when the respondents were

grouped according to sex.


It is generally accepted that travel reviews have either positive or negative

impacts on a hotel’s reputation and, consequently, to enhance or detract potential

customers from a hotel (Groeneveld, 2015). According to (Willemsen, 2011), the

usefulness of a review is the primary aspect for users to gauge online reviews. One of the

main reasons for travelers to search hotels’ information online is to plan their trip, and it

would be reasonable to argue that the usefulness of online hotel reviews will no doubt

influence consumer expectations (Zhao, 2015).

In the theories that we researched, the valence of online reviews refers to the

average numerical rating, i.e., positive, negative or neutral reviews, or the absence or

presence of those on websites. Looking into the effect of online reviews for certain hotel

attributes (i.e., services, location, price, room, and cleanliness). (Xie, 2014) showed that

these are significantly associated with hotel performance. More specifically, they showed

that ratings of location and cleanliness positively influence hotel performance, and ratings

of purchase value are negatively associated with performance (Phillips, 2017).


Ratings from online Comments from online

platforms platforms

It analyzes the ratings in a

It analyzes how the guest
standard class hotel in
perceived the hotel
Bacolod City


Figure 1

Scope and Limitation

This study determined the online ratings and comments of guests of a standard

class hotel in Bacolod City. This did not cover other problems that were not related to

this study. From online platforms, we gathered a total number of 632 ratings for

quantitative data and 522 comments for qualitative data covered from January 2018 –

February 2021.

The study was done in the year 2021 with the use of secondary data. By their

strategy, the researchers were able to measure and collect data from the reviews and

comments of the guests on online platforms needed for this study.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study may contribute to the advantage of the following:

Hotel Owners of Bacolod City. This study may be used to discover their

weaknesses which they can use to be their strength on what they will need to improve on

their services that will make and achieve guest satisfaction.

Hotel Association of Hospitality and Tourism Business. This study may help

them to promote the interests of the players in the commerce, tourism and hospitality


Researchers. This study may help the researchers to improve their research skills,

strategy, knowledge and be more engaged in research.

Future Researchers. This study may be used as a future reference for a similar

study that will be conducted by another set of researchers. The outcome of this study may

be able to provide the necessary information and literature they need for a successful


Definition of Terms

In order to have a full understanding of this study, it is necessary to have a better

comprehension with the terminologies used. We have defined some of the relevant terms


Comments. A verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction.

Guests. A person who pays for the services of an establishment. (Such as a hotel

or restaurant)

Standard hotel. A first-class, but not deluxe, standard of operation, construction

and maintenance, including the quality of construction and of the furniture, equipment

and finishes.

Rating. A classification or ranking of someone or something based on a

comparative assessment of their quality, standard, or performance

Chapter 2


This chapter includes the Research Design, Population, Sample Size and

Sampling Technique, Data Gathering Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure, Rigors of

the Findings, Ethical Consideration, Data Explication and Statistical Treatment of Data,

References, Appendices and Sample Size Computation.

Research Design

Research design is a strategic framework for action that serves as a bridge

between research questions and the execution, or implementation of the research strategy

(Oshagbemi, 2017). In this study, a mixed methods research design was used. It is a

procedure for collecting, analyzing, and “mixing” both quantitative and qualitative

research and methods in a single study to understand a research problem. Another method

was sequential explanatory, to use qualitative results to assist in explaining and

interpreting the findings of a quantitative study. It was the collection and analysis of

quantitative data followed by a collection and analysis of qualitative data.

For quantitative, descriptive comparative was used. It exposes weaknesses in

research design and helps a researcher improve the quality of research. The focus of

comparative research is on similarities and differences between units (Miri & Shahrokh,


For qualitative, document analysis was used. It is a social research method and is

an important research tool in its own right, and is an invaluable part of most schemes of

triangulation, the combination of methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon

(Sheela, 2018). Analyzing documents incorporates coding content into themes similar to

how focus group or interview transcripts are analyzed (Leary, 2014).

Source of Data

Secondary Data. The data for this study has already been collected through

primary sources and made readily available for the researchers and was gathered from

various online platforms.

Data Gathering Instrument

This study used secondary data collection that involved using already existing

data. It involved adding measurement to a study or research considering the accuracy is

high and easily accessible information. Using the internet to collect secondary data is one

of the most popular methods. Websites have a lot of information that we, as researchers,

used to suit our research needs. We collected data from authentic and trusted online

platforms and depended on the reviews on the websites for our study.

Data Gathering Procedure

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on

variables of interest in a systematic manner in order to answer stated research questions,

test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes (Megel & Heermann, 2017). Organized step by

step processes were strictly followed by the researchers. They allocated their time to

come up with functional and efficient ways to consolidate and group the reviews and

ratings from the online platforms. After collecting the data, researchers tallied the reviews

and the data were tabulated. After a thorough computation and analysis, researchers

successfully obtained reliable results.

Rigors of the Findings

Rigor can be defined as the criteria for trustworthiness of data collection, analysis,

and interpretation (Prion, 2013). An expectation (common in all research methodologies)

that the researcher is being thorough, responsible, reasonable, and accurate (Williams &

Kimmons, 2019).

Credibility. The basis of any claim to trustworthy knowledge is credibility.

Rather than assume that there is a “truth value” in the research, e.g., the singular truth to

be uncovered, credibility establishes that the representation constructed through research

is indeed valid and believable (Wakkary, 2015). Credibility deals with the focus of the

research and refers to the confidence in how well the data address the intended focus

(Elo, 2014).

In this study, the researchers used secondary data from different online platforms

and used methodological triangulation. The researchers gathered both ratings and

comments of every review on the trusted websites to ensure a more comprehensive data.

In addition to that, the researchers also used data source triangulation which is the use of

a variety of data sources, including time, space and persons, in a study (Rugg, 2013). As

the researchers gathered a variety of data, they allowed an element of cross-checking by

checking it with various sources. It involves the collection of data from different types of

people, including individuals, groups, families, and communities, to gain multiple

perspectives and validation of data (Dicenso, 2014). It is often thought to help in

validating the claims that might arise from an initial pilot study (Burgess & Murcott,


Triangulation is often used to describe research where two or more methods are

used, known as mixed methods (Heale & Forbes, 2013). It constitutes a rigorous

scientific approach to compensate for weaknesses in the study methodology by

application of different approaches for measuring the same characteristic (Brender,

2006). It is a procedure that enables validation of data and can be used in both

quantitative and qualitative studies (Noble & Heale, 2019) and has been viewed as a

qualitative research strategy to test validity through the convergence of information from

different sources (Carter, 2014).

Dependability. According to (Shenton, 2004), dependability seeks ways to

account for factors of instability and can be demonstrated using an audit trail, code-

recode strategy to determine whether results are similar. The idea of dependability, on the

other hand, emphasizes the need for the researcher to account for the ever-changing

context within which research occurs. The research is responsible for describing the

changes that occur in the setting and how these changes affected the way the research

approached the study (Trochim, 2006).

In this study, the stepwise replication and code-recode strategy were used.

Through stepwise replication, the researchers were divided into two groups with three

members each to analyze the same data gathered separately and then later on, the results

were compared.

Stepwise replication strategy is a qualitative research data evaluation procedure

where two or multiple researchers analyze the same data separately and compare the

results (Chilisa & Preece, 2005). Any inconsistencies that arise from these separate

analyses need to be addressed to improve the dependability of the inquiry, and if the

results of investigations are similar, then dependability of the investigations is achieved

(Gujarati & Porter, 2010).

The code-recode strategy involves the researcher coding the same data twice,

giving one or two weeks’ gestation period between each coding. The results from the two

coding are compared to see if the results are the same or different (Chilisa & Preece,

2005). The code-recode strategy is also referred to as code agreement, whereby the

research process allows multiple observations by the researcher, suggesting that the inter-

rater or inter-observer code the data and compare the coding done by the inter-rater

(Gujarati & Porter, 2010).

Transferability. In plain language, transferability implies that findings in the

present research will be the same as findings in the same situations and research findings

will be suitable for use in future (Ghafouri & Ofoghi, 2016). According to (Vanani,

2019), the

“Researcher facilitates the transferability judgment by a potential user through ‘thick

description’ and purposeful sampling.”

In utilizing the thick description technique, the researchers have observed,

interpreted, and analyzed the situation. With this, the researchers were able to conduct a

coding process, initial themes, and themes from the gathered data. Thick description

involves the researcher elucidating all the research processes, from data collection,

context of the study to production of the final report. Thick description helps other

researchers to replicate the study with similar conditions in other settings (Anney, 2014).

The researcher used the purposive sampling technique in gathering the data. The

non-proportional quota sampling is a technique with small restriction of minimum sample

number of units from each category. It’s not interested in having a number that will

match the proportions of the population. When all data have been initially coded and

collated, and a list of the different codes identified across the data set has been developed.

This phase involves sorting and collating all the potentially relevant coded data extracts

into themes (Braun & Clarke, 2006).

Initial codes may begin to form main themes, and others may form subthemes.

During this phase, it may also become evident that some themes do not have enough data

to support them or the data are too diverse (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Some themes may

collapse into each other while other themes may need to be broken down into separate

themes (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Selected themes will need to be refined into themes that

are specific enough to be discrete and broad enough to capture a set of ideas contained.

Confirmability. The degree to which the findings of the research study could be

confirmed by other researchers. Confirmability is concerned with establishing that data

and interpretations of the findings are not figments of the inquirer’s imagination, but

clearly derived from the data (Korstjens & Moser, 2018). Confirmability assumes that the

findings are reflective of the participants ‘perspectives as evidenced in the data, rather

than being a reflection of my own perceptions or bias (Vanani, 2019).

The researcher used the data audit trail method. The researchers double-checked

the data collected from the online platform to ensure that the data analysis was done

correctly. After validating and re-checking, the researchers updated the cells of the

statements and ensured that the code corresponded. Method checking and rechecking also

helped the researchers to eliminate research errors. The audit trail concept stems from the

idea of the fiscal audit, where independent auditors authenticate a firm’s accounts and

examine them for the possibility of error or fraud (Koch, 2006). This was done to ensure

that the data collected was reliable.

The researcher can demonstrate confirmability by describing how conclusions and

interpretations were established, and exemplifying that the findings were derived directly

from the data. In reporting qualitative research, this can be exhibited by providing rich

quotes from the participants that depict each emerging theme. Confirmability is

concerned with establishing that the researcher’s interpretations and findings are clearly

derived from the data, requiring the researcher to demonstrate how conclusions and

interpretations have been reached (Tobin & Begley, 2004).

Ethical Consideration

We, as the researchers, were aware of the unforeseen circumstances that might

occur before, during and after of this study. We sought to minimize the risk and should

not be subjected to harm in any way. The rights and welfare were protected. Respect also

was executed and expected all throughout the study. We ensured the anonymity of

individuals that participated, safeguarded the confidentiality and anonymity of the data

and circumvented deceptive practices on this study. We showed integrity and managed

transparency in reporting the results. Actions contrary to ethical guidelines were not done

and expressed in the study. We assured that we were in good faith in organizing the study

up to releasing the results or outcome of the study.


Statistical Treatment of Data

For question number 1, the researchers calculated the data by using Mean and Standard

Deviation to identify the guests’ ratings of a Standard Hotel in Bacolod City when the

respondents were taken collectively and grouped according to sex. Standard Deviation

provides an indication of how far the individual responses to a question vary or "deviate"

from the mean (Datastar, 2013). It is a measurement that is designed to find the disparity

between the calculated is one of the tools for measuring dispersion (Ayeni, 2014).

To answer question number 2, ANOVA Single Factor was used to determine if there is a

significant difference on the guests’ ratings of Standard Hotel in Bacolod City when the

respondents were grouped according to sex. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a

statistical method for testing for differences in the means of three or more groups. When

comparing the means of three or more groups, it can tell us if at least one pair of means is

significantly different (Sas, 2017).

Data Explication

In this study, the researchers extensively analyzed the data supplied by the Hotel

Ratings and Comments using theme analysis. Thematic analysis is a qualitative data

analysis process that involves searching through a data set to identify, analyze, and report

on repeated patterns. It is a data description approach, but it also incorporates

interpretation in the process of selecting codes and constructing themes. A distinctive

feature of thematic analysis is its flexibility to be used within a wide range of study

questions, designs, and sample sizes (Kwok, 2017).


The first phase was about familiarizing the data. It is important that us

researchers immerse ourselves in our data and become very familiar with it. This is the

stage where we transcribed, read and reread the entire data about the ratings and feedback

of the hotel guests at least once before we proceeded to coding and searching for

meanings and patterns. At this point, we took notes on our initial ideas to run through the

feedback before coding it. The researchers encode the ratings and feedback of the Hotel

guest’s using the MS Excel to note down the positive, negative, and neutral comments to

make sure that the gathered data is accurately transcribed (Maher, 2018).

The second phase was generating initial code. This stage involves the production

of initial codes for our data. We gathered feedbacks from the online platforms and coded

manually, we used MS Excel to organize the data with its website, ratings, sex, and

comments to take notes on the text that we are analyzing. We systematically coded for as

many potential codes and themes as possible for all of our data in this step. Then, we

have coded all of our data, data that is identified by the same code that we have collated

together. Codes can also go beyond the hotel guest’s meanings and provide an

interpretation about the data content (Maher, 2018).

The third phase was searching for themes. With the use of MS Excel, the

researchers have analyzed and sorted out the potential themes by combining similar

codes. We used mind maps and tables to sort our codes. Our themes are made up of a

subset of codes. Some codes may form main themes or sub-themes, whereas other codes

that we used may be discarded or may be kept as outliers. At the end of this stage we

have a collection of themes and sub-themes. Contrarily to find themes is to look for other

terms or synonyms that may sound or be used unfamiliar. To organize the codes, the

researchers have used tables, concepts, and association of ideas for visual representation

(Boström, 2019).

The fourth phase was reviewing themes. In this part, the codes and initial themes

are reviewed by the researchers to confirm if they are the same with the original

statement provided by the hotel guest’s feedback. Theme is not in the index of general

qualitative research text now in a glossary of terms provided. The only way information

on the theme can be found is to scan each section of each article, chapter, or text in an

anthology for the term (Nowell, 2017). This stage involved the refinement of our themes.

Some themes will collapse into other themes whereas some of our themes may need to be

broken down into smaller components. We reviewed the level of the coded data and re-

read all of our data extracts that fit into each theme to ensure that all of our data forms are

coherent patterns. We also reviewed the level of the themes. We consider each theme in

relation to our data. We used a thematic table to help us visualize the relationship

between our themes. By the end of this stage we have a satisfactory thematic table of our


The fifth phase was about defining and naming themes. This part is where

continuous research is done to refine the details of the comments of each theme and

overall ratings and comments conveyed by the analysis, as well as to create simple

meanings and words for each theme (Norris, 2017). We created an overall narrative with

all of our data. We analyzed each theme and its individual narrative. We also identified

whether or not any of the themes contain sub-themes. At this point we officially named

our themes; Accessibility, Accommodating, Budget-friendly, Appreciation with five sub-

themes namely; Hotel, Food, Amenities, Facilities, and Location; Customer Feedback

with three sub-themes namely; Negative, Positive, and Observation. The names we put

must be concise, incisive and immediately give the reader a sense of what the theme is

about. By the end of this phase we will be able to clearly identify what our themes are

and what they are not.

The final phase of this study was producing the report. This part is where the

results of the previous stages are combined and organized. Once themes and their

correlations are fully associated, a research report may be written. The report should

present the analysis in a way that the reader sees as trustworthy. This may involve

including data extracts that distinctly illustrate the themes, as well as discussion of the

decisions that were made during the process of the study (Braun & Clark, 2017). This

stage involves our final analysis and write-up of the report. To consider whoever is our

audience, our data were concise, coherent, logical, non-repetitive, and an interesting

account of the feedback our data tell. We provided sufficient evidence of each theme

using vivid examples from our data. By the end of this stage we had the final report.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the quantitative results and themes for qualitative that the

researchers gathered from the methodology and its much-needed inferences for the

research formulation of hypothesis.

Quantitative Results

Table 1 shows the guests’ ratings in a standard hotel in Bacolod City when the

respondents are taken as a whole; the overall mean score was 4.00, which is interpreted

as Very Good. If grouped according to sex, the results indicated that Male and Female

have the highest mean score of 4.00, followed by Neuter with mean score of 3.99, which

were all still interpreted as Very Good. All of which has a standard deviation under the

curve of 1.732 and 1.676 respectively that gives respect to the proof that the subject rates

are all close to each other as proven by table 1.

While hotel ratings have accordingly placed an emphasis on service quality, the

measurement in the rating is very subjective (Callan, 2015). It focuses its efforts upon

online reviews that can be found on websites, which display and explain the discrete

ratings and experiences that a guest had with a hospitality organization (Hsu, 2016).

Table 1

Guest’s ratings on a Standard Class Hotel when taken collectively and grouped

according to sex.

Group Mean Sd Verbal Interpretation

Male 4.00 1.732 Very Good

Female 4.00 1.732 Very Good

Neuter 3.99 1.676 Very Good

Overall 4.00 1.713 Very Good

Table 2 showed the guests’ rating in a standard hotel in Bacolod City.

The p value or the probability value is close to 1 thus, where it states that most of

these ratings are due chances alone and not by any factors. Thus, if there are no factors

that represents such data, then we must accept the null hypothesis that states, there is no

significant difference in guests’ ratings when the respondents were grouped according to


Table 2. Difference in the Ratings of Guests

Groupings X SD P value Significance Status of

@ 0.05 Hypothesis




Qualitative Result

The purpose of this study was to vividly describe the comments of guests in a

Standard Hotel in Bacolod City. In this study, secondary data were conducted through

online reviews, and codes, clusters of meanings, and findings were examined from the

product of initial data which were narrowed to arrive at themes and its sub-themes. After

splitting the redundancy, we trimmed it down into the following essential themes that

emerged namely: 1) Accessibility; 2) Accommodating Staff; 3) Budget-Friendly; 4)

Appreciation with five sub-themes namely, Hotel, Food, Amenities, Facilities, and

Location; 5) Customer Feedback with three sub-themes namely, Negative, Positive, and

Observation. These themes are necessary to determine the comments of guests of a

Standard Hotel in Bacolod City.


When it comes to accessibility, it is often not just a matter of ramps and lifts and

physical access (Hansen, 2017). Access provision needs to be viewed as an inclusive

marketing process, which allows tourism players to realize the potential of ‘accessibility’

for the marketing of tourism products and services to the widest possible client base

(Eichhorn & Buhalis, 2010). When pathways, buildings, places and spaces are built for

people, they need to be accessible, when they are not; people are excluded from

participating in the social or economic activity that is going on in these areas (Fitria,

2013). The service provider is the tool to translate high quality service towards hotel

guests (J. Lahap, 2016).


Some of the guests shared that ‘’The place is very accessible to malls, plaza,

other establishments’’, ‘’It's very accessible to the city’’, ‘’Place is near mall and

convenient wherever you go’’, ‘’Location is accessible to all’’, ‘’Convenient and good

location in Bacolod’’, ‘’One of the nearest hotel in the plaza’’, ‘’A quick walk from the

mall’’, ‘’Accessible’’, ‘’Accessible to public transportation’’, ‘’The hotel is located in the

central part of the city and many local businesses’’, ‘’Hotel is near SM Bacolod’’, ‘’It's

near from the church and the mall’’, ‘’Near to the market and convenience store’’, ‘’It's

very conveniently located’’, ‘’It's very accessible with the jeepney routes’’, ‘’It is close to

the mall’’, ‘’Near a major shopping mall’’, ‘’A hotel near the city plaza’’, ‘’hotel is very

near church, food and SM’’, ‘’Near SM and downtown area’’.

Their statements indicated that the hotel is very convenient to all and it’s near to

most of the establishments in the city. A location that’s hard to find can make things very

difficult for the guests, especially if they are not familiar with the place around. They are

happy about how the location is a prime advantage for them and just easy to spot on.

(Hall, 2014) defined accessibility quality as the ability of the destinations to provide

quality transportation methods to ease the transfer of a person from a location to another

dispersal and rural area (Aguila and Ragot, 2014). These are amenities, attractions,

ancillary services, activities, available tourism packages and accessibility (Buhalis,

2000). Accessibility may be defined as the ease to approach, reach, enter or use a certain

product, service or destination, and it includes elements such as infrastructure(roads,

airports, seaports, railways), transportation equipment (size, speed and range of options

available), operational factors (routes, frequency of services and prices charged), and

government regulations that relate to transport options for example the number of adults

per bus or coach (Akso & Kiyci, 2011; Bajs, 2011; Bennett et al., 2005).

Accommodating Staff

Hospitality has an inseparability characteristic (guests and staff must be present in

the same place at the same time), and it is this simultaneous production and inseparability

of service that can increase the visibility of failures to the guest. (Harkison, 2017). Larger

hotels will require a team of well-trained staff and this presents a different challenge

(Standard, 1930). Research found that friendly, polite, and helpful staff were important

contributors to satisfaction in either full or limited-service hotels (Silva de Almeida &

Soncini Pelissari, 2019). Service quality of staff is the result of the comparison that

customers make between their expectations about a service and their perception of the

way the service has been performed (Staff, 2010).

There were numerous guests that says “The staff are accommodating, very

friendly as well.”, “Staff were nice and accommodating.”, “They were very

accommodating in our needs and very helpful indeed..”, “Provide good food and the hotel

staff are courteous.”, “The smiles and correspondence of the staff were very good.”,

‘’Front desk was accommodating’’,’’Provide good food and the hotel staff are

courteous’’,’’Very accommodating staff’’, ‘’Extremely friendly staff’’, ‘’The staff are

nice though’’, ‘’The service people are very friendly and welcoming’’, ‘’But staff

friendliness and service was A+’’,’’The staff is approachable’’, ‘'Very warm personnel’’,

‘’Polite staff’’, ‘’Courteous attendants!’’, ‘’Staff are so friendly’’, ‘’Staff: you'll really

feel that you're in the 'City of Smiles' with their hospitality’’, ‘’The smiles and

correspondence of the staff were very good’’.


Based on the frequency of words given by several guests, the hotel appears to

have the average quality of service to offer. Which were especially emphasized on where

staff are well-trained, friendly, polite, helpful, good and great quality of service.

Therefore, at the minimum strive to exceed guests’ expectations on these attributes. Staff

should put effort in improving customer service quality and experience. Accommodating

as a harmonizing conflict response. The harmonizing style has a low focus on the agenda

and a high focus on the relationship (Kraybill R., 2005). Workplace accommodations,

such as flexible work schedules or modified job duties, have the potential to play a major

role in the ability of many people with disabilities to participate in the workforce (Hill et

al. 2016).

(Maric, 2016) define the perception of hotel attributes as the degree to which hotel

guests find various services and facilities important for achieving satisfaction with their

stay in the hotel. Providing accommodation and related services to overnight and long-

term visitors, the hotel sector is a fundamental component of tourism (Sadat, 2015). The

quality of hotels is determined by the cleanliness of the rooms, the convenience of the

location, the value for money, and the friendliness of the employees. Based upon

assessing the quality of hotels, consumers could perceive their value by figuring out the

quality (Kim, 2017).

In this study, five sub themes namely hotel, food, amenities, facilities and location

contributed to the formulation of the related articles and sources for the formulation of

the research guidelines.


Hotel. Hotel business, is an economic way in the market conditions in order to

achieve commercial effects, offers accommodation and other hotel hospitality services,

which it uses to meet the needs and motives of guests and visitors, and to ensure the

standard of living for its staff and management (Cerović, Z. 2003). A hotel can be defined

in several ways: “A place which supplies board and lodging” or “A place for the

entertainment of the travelers” (Bhatia, 2006). The hotel industry plays a major role in the

boom of e-commerce (Wong, 2012). Hotel industry found that the type of hotel

influences the effect of online review on business performance (Blal and Sturman, 2014).

Looking into the effect of online reviews for certain hotel attributes (i.e., services,

location, price, room, and cleanliness, it showed that these are significantly associated

with hotel performance (Xie, Zhang and Zhang, 2014).

Some of the guests mentioned that “The rooms are good, clean, nice size and

the staff is very friendly... I'm looking forward to eating dinner tomorrow morning... “,

“good quality hotel with clean room”, “Great food, nice and clean room.”, “Great value,

spacious room, wonderful staff”, “Good value hotel at the heart of Bacolod”,

‘’Outstanding value! Beautiful hotel’’, ‘’Great value, spacious room, wonderful staff’’,

‘’High quality, low price’’, ‘’Nice hotel!’’, ‘’Last minute booking...was pleased with the

hotel’’, ‘’Good hotel for a small price’’, ‘’very good love the place’’, ‘’Great rooms’’,

‘’Good hotel’’, ‘’Reasonably nice hotel,starting to show its age’’, ‘’It’s an older hotel but

is kept very clean’’, ‘’Nice and clean!’’, ‘’The hotel room is nice and clean’’, ‘’Hotel

very good. Very clean.’’, ‘’Decent hotel’’, ‘’Clean and well ventilated’’, ‘’Everything is

worth the price’’.


According to their statements, guests were satisfied with their stay at the hotel.

They were provided with excellent accommodation, services, and friendly staff. The

purpose of the hotel is to provide guests with shelter and food with good comfort during

their stay. It is important to highlight that hotel consumption is very high depending on

the location and services offered. Hotels provide problem-solving services to the guests

around the world every day. Lodging is the core product hotel offers consumers. The

hotel industry is one of the most crucial departments of the tourism industry. Globally,

there is an increasing demand for quality hotel services (Haya, 2001). Among the main

factors of customer satisfaction with hotel service are: staff, room and hotel physical

attributes, food, value for money, location, (Zhou, Ye, Pearce, & Wu, 2014; Limberger et

al., 2016) cleanliness, maintenance, silence, odor, temperature among others. These

factors are verified, in su-mmary, through the 6 attributes of hotel service provided by

TripAdvisor: rooms, service, value for money, location, sleep quality, and cleanliness, on

which the theoretical framework of this article was built (Ren, Qiu, Wang, & Lin, 2016).

Food. Since food is considered to be one of the biggest pleasures during travel,

some hotels are improving their restaurants to make the cuisine itself as well as the

atmosphere and the sur- rounding worth visiting (Tolstikhina, 2019). The quality of food

service is one of the most relevant items of quality perceived by customers (Silva de

Almeida & Soncini Pelissari, 2019).

Multiple reviews shared ‘’Satisfying buffet breakfast’’, ‘’Their buffet breakfast

was heaven. I did not expect it actually’’, ‘’I love the buffet breakfast, it was delicious’’,

‘’Breakfast was adequate and comparable to other hotels in Bacolod’’, ‘’Breakfast was

good with a nice selection for any appetite’’, ‘’Good breakfast’’, ‘’Breakfast is so so’’,

‘’Yummy breakfast’’, ‘’free breakfast was healthy and sumptuous’’, ‘’The breakfast was

okay’’, ‘’Excellent breakfast buffet’’, ‘’I love their food during breakfast’’, ‘’The free

breakfast buffet is really good’’, ‘’Breakfast was great’’, ‘’Okay breakfast’’, ‘’Breakfast

buffet was excellent. I would stay there again’’, ‘’I love that there's a free breakfast. Less

hassle!’’, ‘’Buffet breakfast offered enough choices and the wait service is Good’’.

As were stated above, guests were satisfied with the food of the hotel and

exceeded their expectations. The hotel offers varieties of food to choose from that would

suit their taste during their stay. They can even compare it to the other establishments

because of the great food they have and it seems like they just can’t get enough of it. The

quality of food service is one of the most relevant items of quality perceived by

customers. Food Tourism is travelling in order to search for, and enjoy, prepared food

and drinks (Hall, 2003). Hence, a food tourism destination is a place that tourists are

looking for, and which provides food and beverages for their enjoyment. Ryu et al.

(2012) highlighted the importance of food quality as a measure of customer satisfaction

in the restaurant industry. As a result, five aspects of food quality were adopted from Ryu

et al. (2012), namely: the food is fresh, the food is delicious, the food is nutritious, there

is a variety of menu items and the smell of the food is enticing. One such service is the

food and beverage service which is seen as being as important as the medical services

provided to guests (Bennett, 2004; Lebe, 2006).

Amenities. (Jay, 2011) suggest that “the term amenity is commonly used to

identify luxury items that a hotel gives away to its guests at no extra charge, although the

cost of those items is often hidden in the room rate” and that amenities include elements

beyond the actual room but which are part of the overall package. Upscale Hotels operate

in a highly competitive market and therefore place a strong emphasis on providing

quality service and differentiation through the latest technological amenities (Carina &

Margarido, 2015).

Guests stated that the hotel amenities were “Well air-conditioned and overall, I

had a wonderful experience”, “Clean bed, strong shower, AC”, “All amenities are in

working order” “Although the hotel is not large, the room size is quite large and clean.

Come back next time’, “Great WiFi”, ‘’Good aircon’’, ‘’Amenities’’,

According to the reviews, the hotel guests had a great experience. The guests

were satisfied with their stay due to the hotel's location, ambiance, and amenities. The

hotel also provided the guests with the comfort that they expected, which has a positive

impact on the guests. A thorough review of related literature revealed no empirical

research studies that focused on the proper selection of hotel technology amenities that

meet guest expectations or address the issue of guest satisfaction. Given that

technological amenities are essential to a hotel stay (Beldona & Cobanoglu, 2007). In-

room technology amenities, designed to provide a more comfortable and safe

environment, may include mini-bars, electronic locks and safes, alarm clocks, desktop

computers, entertainment systems, climate control systems, fire annunciator and security

systems, and others (Collins& Cobanoglu, 2008).

Facilities. The management of such hotel facilities plays an important role in

maintaining its high efficiency, competitiveness and a good reputation on the market of

hotel services (Kobyak & Lvovna, 2015). Hotel facilities and the options for the best

practices for a hotel to use in order to be environmentally sustainable (Järvensivu, 2014).

The facilities and quality of service variables have a significant effect on customer

satisfaction variables (Nurcahyo, 2017). "Staff service quality," "Room quality,"

"General amenities," "Business services," "Value," "Security," and "IDD facilities'' are

the seven hotel factors derived from factor analysis (Ahmad, 2008). Service quality and

facilities factor consisted of staffs’ behaviors like politeness and helpfulness, efficient

services, neat appearances and multilingual skills. “Room cleanliness and comfort” is

deemed to be the principal factor and is still important related to overall customer

satisfaction (Baniya & Thapa, 2017).

Only one of the guests said “Great rooms. Love how you have separate rooms

for eating and smoking..and other stuff..”

This is reflected on the review that the hotel offers average facilities which cater

to great rooms, good security and good quality services. Despite those negative

comments that they lack in car parking space, gift shop, swimming pool, and spa. The

hotel recuperates in a way that front desk staff and other staff of the hotel are in good

service for the guests. Facility is an effective form of outreach business management

which aims to provide relevant, cost-effective services to support the main business

activities (core business) and allow them to optimize. As follows from several studies

(Potkany, 2011) or (Stacho, Urbancova, Stachova, 2013). Facilities management in hotels

as the management of constructed facilities and organizational assets to improve their

efficiency and add value to their performance and services. (Okoroh MI, Jones C, Ilozor

BD, 2005).

Location. An appropriate location is of paramount importance as it will be

difficult and extremely costly for hotels to relocate and reconfigure their product

offerings (Urtasun & Gutiérrez, 2006). A strategic location will undoubtedly augur well

for superior performance by the hotel in terms of revenue generation, in the short as well

as long term (Nicolau, 2002). Location has been recognized as a critical feature of

success in the lodging industry. Hotel location may determine not only a hotel's

patronage but also its performance (S. K. Lee and Jang, 2011).

Some of the guests mentioned that “ a few. minutes away from malls.. great

location!” “Good location.” “great location, walking distance to San Sebastian Church,

SM Bacolod.” “Excellent location.” and ‘’Great location in the heart of the city’’.

According to their statements, the location is an important factor to consider when

choosing a hotel, especially for budget travelers. However, the statements discovered that

the guest experience has the most influence on hotel selection and it's also close to a mall

and a church, which are both within walking distance. At this point, location is one of the

most important factors for a new hotel establishment. (Chan and Wong,2006) studied the

factors affecting the frequent individual travelers’ (FIT) hotel choice and found that hotel

location is the most important and good hotel service is the second especially for repeat

visitors. On the other hand, the hotel’s location is an essential factor that strongly

influences a tourist’s hotel selection decision (Chou et al., 2008).

Budget-friendly hotel

Budget hotel is a modern concept that meets the demand changes in the tourism

industry. Unlike the conventional full-service accommodation hotels, budget hotels are

considered as limited-service establishments that provide basic services for guests with

no extra amenities (Christou, 2006; Yu, 2012; AbuKhalifeh & AlBattat, 2015). As a

result, in the acceptable price range, a lower price for a given quality (i.e., perceived price

is reasonable) leads to a higher perceived value and, as a result, a greater purchase

intention. (Lee, Chiang, Jang, Duman, Mattila, Dodds, 2010).

Some of the guests commented “Best budget hotel in Bacolod”, “Budget Hotel

Suitable for Travelers”, “nice and cheap”, “One of the cheapest hotels you can find”,

“Affordable”, “Good hotel for the price”, “Very Affordable”, “Very affordable price for a

hotel”, ‘’Worth the price’’, ‘’Value for money’’, ‘’A decent hotel for the price’’, ‘’Decent

for the money’’.

According to their statement, the hotel is one of the most affordable hotels in

Bacolod, making it ideal for any travelers looking for low-cost hotel accommodation in

the city. The hotel received a lot of positive feedback from guests and stands out as a

budget-friendly accommodation facility in Bacolod. Despite the fact that it is a low-cost

hotel, guests have been satisfied with the experience of saving money while receiving

good service from the hotel. Budget hotel is a modern concept that meets the demand

changes in the tourism industry. Unlike the conventional full service accommodation

hotels, budget hotels are considered as limited service establishments that provide basic

services for guests with no extra amenities (Yu, 2012; AbuKhalifeh & AlBattat, 2015).

Partly concur with Fiorentino in their reference to a budget hotel as a place providing

lodging to guests with a good value for money by charging low affordable room rates and

transparent prices via fixed room rates (Imrie & Fyall, 2001).

Customer Feedbacks

“Customer feedback can be systematically collected, analyzed, and disseminated

via an institutionalized customer feedback system (CFS) to achieve customer-driven

learning and service improvements” (Lovelock & Wirtz 2011, p 409). CFS collects

information directly from external customers about their satisfaction and dissatisfaction

with the company's products and services. Such information is a valuable resource for the

organization, as it can be used to evaluate service quality and performance. Moreover, it

reinforces customer driven learning and contributes to consistent improvement in

business operations.

Negative. Those preconceived expectations regarding the hotel property

ultimately led to negative reviews online (Avant, 2010). Besides, consumers appreciate

more when hotels answer to negative comments, instead of acknowledging positive ones.

Letting clients know that they are important for the hotel improves the volume and the

quality of reviews, and furthermore, when they have the feeling to be listened to, it has a

favorable effect on review scores and revenue (Robbiani, 2016).

Some of the negative reviews were “I don't want to book here again. It's priced

higher than those hotels w/c provide the same comfort”, “Accommodation facilities are

poor”, “It's great for the price, the shower wasn't that great nor the ants that would

infiltrate your bin if it had food in it, table included”, “not a good hotel”, “Ridiculous”, “

One of the most depressing and plain rooms I have ever stayed in”, “Scam on Agoda!”,

“Very Poor”, “Worst experience hotel in Bacolod”, “Bad service”, ‘’Air Conditioning

unit was pretty noisy though’’, ‘’Worst hotel experience in many years’’, ‘’Managers are

not friendly’’, ‘’Hotel personnel were unprofessional’’, ‘’Clean but wouldn't

recommend’’, ‘’itchy bed. the water closet and shower curtain are dirty’’, ‘’I don't want

to book here again. It's priced higher than those hotels w/c provide the same comfort’’,

‘’Receptionists are not accommodating’’, ‘’The television (cable/satellite) did not work’’,

‘’Lots of small cockroaches in bathroom’’, ‘’Small room and very weak to no wifi’’.

Some of the guests had a negative experience during their stay at the hotel. More

specifically, the hotel's amenities and facilities. These are some of the hotel's negative

reviews from guests. It would have a negative impact on the hotel. Guests are generally

dissatisfied with the hotel's amenities and service. The management failed to meet the

standard hotel service expectations. In other words, when the hotel doesn’t meet the

standards that the guest has envisioned, guests think negatively of the hotel. Online hotel

reviews have an important impact on travellers’ decisions and hotels are becoming more

aware of the importance of developing management strategies to respond to negative

online reviews and defend their reputation (Cantallops & Salvi, 2014; Kim, Mattila &

Baloglu, 2011). Dissatisfied customers are more likely to show negative feelings about

their poor consumption experience than satisfied customers over time, the companies will

lose more loyal customers and are more difficult to win and retain newcomers (Richins,

1983; Karatepe and Ekiz, 2004; Tronvoll, 2010).

Positive. Despite the positive effects of good online customer reviews, (Molinillo,

2016) found that very few businesses actively manage their online reputation on

TripAdvisor. Research has called attention to the apparent quality services that positively

affect customer loyalty. There is every reason to believe that the main factor influencing

satisfaction is the quality of the services offered by a hotel. It is also worth keeping in

mind that customer loyalty is due to satisfaction (Mubiri, 2016).

Some of the positive reviews were ‘’I like to stay again in this relaxing place’’,

‘’Amazing stay’’, ‘’This hotel was a nice stay for us’’, ‘’It was a nice place to stay with

in Bacolod City. I will recommend it to my friends…’’, “I love the bell hotel in Bacolod.

I come back”, “nice city hotel”, “One of the best in Bacolod”, “Excellent service”, “Great

customer service. Thank you”, “Very satisfied”, “Comfortable place to stay”, “very good

accomodation”, ‘’Exceptional’’, ‘’Great 2 days stay’’, ‘’Nice’’, ‘’Great place to stay in’’,

‘’Awesome’’, ‘’Greatest deal I got by far!’’, ‘’Our room was upgraded to executive suite

without additional charges.’’, ‘’One of the best in Bacolod’’.

Their statements revealed that the hotel is pretty much very good for guests to

stay in and it is highly recommendable. In addition to that, it was also comfortable,

relaxing and the overall experience was exceptional. Generally, the number of customer

reviews posted online tends to have a positive influence on the hotel’s credibility.

Consumer satisfaction will lead to further positive actions (Tesch, Jiang & Klein, 2003, p.

111) such as a repurchase of products or services. Satisfaction serves as an anchor

determinant for any business which primely aim to quality product, service or

performance. Also, Ranaweera and Prabhu (2003) study on customer satisfaction and

trust confirmed that both satisfaction and trust have strong positive association with

customer retention and positive word-of-mouth. Positive information can lead to a

positive attitude and purchase intention (Sorensen & Rasmussen, 2004).


Observation. Observation can be either participant or not, direct or indirect

(Ciesielska & Jemielniak, 2017). Literally, Observation is a process of ‘seeing’ things or

events with naked eye with or without the use of any device to unravel the complexity of

any phenomena to satisfy the demands of an empirical question (Tang, 2020). Perception

is thus part of all human observation (Fox, 2008).

Some of the guests mentioned that the “Hotel needs lots of improvement”,

“Stayed here before but was in need of upgrade, well everything has been done much

better and cleaner.”, “new hotel”, “Limited parking space. Thanks, and God Bless.”,

“Modern Hotel in BCD.”, ‘’Needs some redesign’’, ‘’Old property needing some

updates’’, ‘’Pls. add more menu choices on your buffet breakfast’’, ‘’Renovation in

progress’’, ‘’There was also no curtain for the shower’’, ‘’Breakfast don't have variety’’,

‘’bit run down place’’, ‘’Basic room is ok’’, ‘’Old building, old room’’, ‘’The age of the

building is evident in some parts but it only shows the resilience of it’’, ‘’It seems that

many years have passed since it was built’’, ‘’Old interior design’’, ‘’Old rooms’’,

‘’Renovations underway’’, ‘’Just beginning to renovate facilities’’.

Their statements revealed that the hotel appears to require improvements in order

for guests to really be satisfied with their stay and payment at the hotel. Moreover, the

guests gave suggestions as to how the hotel should look and which amenities should be

improved or redesigned in order to establish a good and new hotel. The hotel experience

can be better understood by using guest feedback, which before social media, mostly

relied on post-stay guest satisfaction and mystery guest surveys (Hensens, 2010; Wohl,

2012). To get the most valuable stay, potential guests will first look for previous

customers’ feedback before choosing a hotel. Thanks to the electronic Word of Mouth,

the information has become more transparent, therefore, it is important for hoteliers to

change their marketing strategy, as traditional marketing is not as powerful as before

(Buhalis & Mamalakis, 2015).


Figure 1: Simulacrum

A pineapple fruit was used to represent the simulacrum of the study. The

pineapple fruit is recognized as a traditional expression of “welcome” that symbolizes

warmth, welcome, friendship and hospitality. It was often used as the “crowning” piece

in large displays of food. The individual fruit windows that cover the fruit itself

represents the five themes of the study. The crown represents the standing position of a

hotel that even no matter what happens the crown must not fall off. Like the negative

comments of the guests that might affect the establishment, hotels should improvise more

and make their services and other offers stand out and aim to be at the top. The leaf

represents an open arms to welcome the guests in the hotel. Lastly, the stem represents

the firm structure of the hotel, a source to carry out its daily obligations. The overall goal

of a hotel is to make temporary accommodations feel permanent. This is done by

acknowledging the presence of the guests and making them feel like they are welcomed,

and most importantly wanted.

Chapter 4


This chapter provides the much-needed conclusion and recommendation of the

research proper.

Although user-generated reviews on social media are greatly influencing

competition and guests acquire patterns in the hospitality industry, empirical research has

so far marginally investigated whether the hotel is able to appropriate the economic value

that the use of social media features can bring. In order to fill this gap, we gathered a total

number of 632 ratings for quantitative data and 522 comments for qualitative data

covered from January 2018 – February 2021. The researchers were able to measure and

collect data from the reviews and comments of the guests on online platforms needed for

this study. User-generated reviews on an online platform, one of the most popular and

largest online communities for travelers. The standard hotel that has a higher star-ratings

and comments, with a lower degree of local competition and localized outside popular

destinations were found to obtain more benefits from online visibility on their positive

and negative online reviews. Based on these results, it discussed how a standard hotel

should use social media features according to a strategic view based on pursuing the

horizontal and vertical differentiation of their services in an attempt to create more

economic value from their online visibility and to protect ratings and comments from the

intermediation in their customer relationships. The first is the rating assigned by users,

who can express their evaluations on a quantitative scale. It showed that exposure to

online reviews increases both hotel awareness and hotel consideration, highlighting a

significant positive relationship between online product ratings and the successive

bookings of the Hotel attributes.

The hotel industry is an important part of the hospitality and tourism

infrastructure and a strategic part of A Standard Hotel growth story here in Bacolod City.

Hotels are primarily viewed as a service industry with intangible areas of guest

experience and service levels. The research objective of this paper is to better understand

the hotel guest ratings and comments. For this purpose, an analysis of hotel guest ratings

and comments based on the themes such as Accessibility, Accommodating staff,

Appreciation with five sub-themes namely; Hotel, Food, Amenities, Facilities and

Location, Budget-Friendly, and Customer Feedback with three sub-themes namely;

Negative, Positive, and Observation was performed. Further, text analysis of customer

reviews was also performed to better understand the positive and negative sentiments of

hotel guests. We focused on identifying the attributes that differentiate a standard hotel in

Bacolod City, and then using these attribute insights to make recommendations to hotel

management on how they can improve their operations, guest satisfaction and generally

differentiate themselves from their competition. Data from an online platform was used

to analyze and compare customer ratings and reviews to a Standard Hotel. Statistical data

analysis techniques were used to identify the guests ratings when respondents were taken

collectively and grouped according to sex that are most important reviews in a hotel and

critical to focus on in order to ensure guest satisfaction expectations are met.


In conclusion, the guests’ rates and comments are highly based on subjective

manners wherein, in terms of sex as the used independent variable of the study still

yielded equal results in 3 different samples in accordance to men, women, or neuter

variables. It was highly supported by the ANOVA computation and statistical treatment

of having a mean standard deviation of 1.71 that is paralleled to the 70% of the entire

population that encompasses the base mean of 4. It would result in through where sex as

a function does not disrupt nor change the result of a rate and comment of a value in a

constant standard operation.

Online reviews have become an important resource for travelers to evaluate

product quality, service excellence and consumption experiences (Zhao, 2015). This

study displays the usual ratings and reviews the guests of a Standard Class Hotel in

Bacolod City leave on online platforms. According to (Phillips, 2017), while the volume

of online reviews has been extensively researched, the valence (sometimes referred to as

quality) of online reviews has received less attention. The valence of online reviews

refers to the average numerical rating, i.e., positive, negative or neutral reviews, or the

absence or presence of those on websites (Lindmark, 2015). As a result, online reviews

are relevant in the digital area. The digital economy trends make it possible to read other

consumer’s opinions and experiences through online reviews (Somohardjo, 2017).


● It was recommended by the researchers to use more than one local hotel to test the

evaluation of means at the same correlation of sex.

● It was recommended that the independent variable was based on the number of

days regarding the stay of the person.


● It was heavily implied that the amount or price of room should be a factor also in

the variable in correlation to the ratings in terms of stars per day or ratings per



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Appendix A - Coding Process


722 Comments Each of the 722 Similar units of

from online comments were meaning grouped
platforms. assigned units of together and assigned
meaning. a code.


The cluster of Similar codes were

Similar codes were
meaning were used grouped together
grouped together and
as basis in using code recode
assigned as cluster of
identifying the final strategy.

The initial themes were

refined results to (5)
themes and (8) sub

Appendix B - Summary of Statements per Theme


Accessibility 62
Accommodating Staff 64
Appreciation ⮚ Hotel 159
⮚ Food 34
⮚ Amenities 9
⮚ Facilities 1
⮚ Location 23
Budget-Friendly 24
Customer Feedback ⮚ Negative 93
⮚ Positive 189
⮚ Observation 64
TOTAL = 722

Curriculum Vitae

Tugaff, Phoebe Kate M.

Carmen St. Brgy. San Pedro Binalbagan, Negros Occidental
(+639 516 062 873)


Age: 22
Date of Birth: February 02,1999
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: English, Tagalog, Hiligaynon
Skills: Customer service, Time management skill, Computer Skills (such as
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint)


Course: Bachelor of Science Major in Tourism Management

Tertiary: La Consolacion College Bacolod
Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (Present)

Senior High School: Binalbagan Catholic College

Negros South Road, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (2016-2018)

Secondary: Binalbagan Catholic College Highschool Department

Negros South Road, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (2012– 2016)

Elementary: Binalbagan Elementary School

Don Pedro T. Yulo, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (2006 – 2012)

Hechanova, Bianca R.
Pahanocoy, Metroville, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
(+639 122 352 117)


Age: 21
Date of Birth: April 10, 2000
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language Spoken: English, Tagalog, Hiligaynon
Skills: Good communication skills


Course: Bachelor of Science Major in Tourism Management

Tertiary: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (Present)

Senior High School: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2016-2018)

Secondary: Negros Occidental High School

Paglaum Rd, Bacolod, Negros Occidental (2012– 2016)

Elementary: Andress Bonifacio Elementary School 1

19th Aguinaldo Street, Bacolod, Negros Occidental (2006 – 2012)

Macahilig, Bea Jezzel C.

Blk 1 Lot 7. Purok Himaya,Aves St. Brgy. Mansilingan,
Bacolod City,Negros Occidental
(+639 455 115 260)


Age: 21
Date of Birth: October 26,1999
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: English, Filipino, Hiligaynon
Skills: Good communication skills & Computer Skills

Course: Bachelor of Science Major in Tourism Management

Tertiary: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (Present)

Senior High School: Liceo De-Lasalle Bacolod

La Salle Avenue, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2016-2018)

Secondary: Negros Occidental High School

Paglaum Rd, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2012– 2016)

Elementary: Education and Training Center School 1

Rosario St, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2006-2012)

Gonzolado, Joereyn A.
Blk 10 Lot 15 Grandville 3 Mansilingan, Bacolod City,
Negros Occidental
(+639 476 333 608)


Age: 21
Date of Birth: December 12,1999
Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: English, Tagalog, Hiligaynon
Skills: Excellent Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Skills &
Maintaining a confident and professional demeanor at all times


Course: Bachelor of Science Major in Tourism Management

Tertiary: La Consolacion College Bacolod
Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (Present)

Senior High School: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2016-2018)

Secondary: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2012– 2016)

Elementary: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2006 – 2012)

Patacsil, Keith Iriz L.

Brgy. San Vicente, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental
(+639 073 613 931)


Age: 22
Date of Birth: November 26, 1998
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: English, Tagalog, Hiligaynon
Skills: Good communication skills & Listening skills

Course: Bachelor of Science Major in Tourism Management

Tertiary: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (Present)

Senior High School: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2016-2018)

Secondary: Fellowship Baptist School

Brgy. San Teodoro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (2012– 2016)

Elementary: Jose L. Yulo Elementary School

Brgy. San vicente, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental (2006 – 2012)

Lasugas, Carolyn C.
Brgy. Langub Escalante City, Negros Occidental
(+639 154 282 061)


Age: 21
Date of Birth: September 26,1999
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language Spoken: English, Tagalog, Hiligaynon
Skills: Singing


Course: Bachelor of Science Major in Tourism Management

Tertiary: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (Present)

Senior High School: La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental (2016-2018)

Secondary: Buenavista National High School

Escalante City, Negros Occidental (2012– 2016)

Elementary: Langub Elementary School

Escalante City, Negros Occidental (2006 – 2012)

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