Conceptual Framework

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Conceptual Framework

This study will focus on the Shifting to Limited Face-to-Face Classes: A

Descriptive Study on The Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission Toward Safe and
Healthy Learning Environment


- Conducting of survey For us researchers and the
community to provide
Implementation of New Era through interview
information concerning the
University of face-to-face and/or distribution of
prevention of COVID-19

safety prevention protocols questionnaires transmission in the possible

shifting to limited face-to-face
and guidelines with - Analysis of Data
accordance to Limited face Collected
- to minimize the
to face classes on how to - Discussion of the data
risk of infected of

prevent Covid-19 this virus within

the university and
hopefully prevent

On the diagram that shows the input of the study, addressing the statement of the problem

regarding Shifting to Limited Face-to-Face Classes: A Descriptive Study on The Prevention of

Covid-19 Transmission Toward Safe and Healthy Learning Environment. Before COVID-19

pandemic, learning strategies in the academic study program was student-centered active

learning. As the COVID-19 pandemic protocol forced the compulsory work and study from

home policy, since March 17, 2020 student-centered active learning were transferred to full
distance learning. Group discussions, clarification lectures and assessments were carried out

using various online platforms (Google meets and Zoom). Practice class and skills lab courses in

which the expected learning outcomes involved various psychomotor skills were either

substituted with video simulation, and or live and presented the stages of work online or

postponed until the country is ready to be opened for the face-to-face classroom learning.

The main goal of this research is to find a way to continue face to face class in the new

normal that we are experiencing in this pandemic. The output or the expected outcome of this

research is to minimize the risk of infected of this virus within the university and hopefully

prevent death. This academic research should be improved and updated, in order to match with

the times in order for this to be relevant. For this will be useful in the future.
Theoretical Framework

Inter-Agency Task
Effects to New Era
Force (IATF)
University Students

Limited face-to-
face class

Commission on
Covid-19 protocols Higher Education

According to Abraham Maslow (1943) hierarchy can be applied to guiding student

support and intervention during the Covid-19 crisis or future perils. Students are dealing with a

variety of social-emotional issues related to the pandemic from a lack of basic resources in the

home such as food, a deficit in coping skills, or even a lack of internet access.

Social isolation is real. Add trauma and fear to the mix, and students can easily remain.

More than ever, students need to feel emotionally connected to their teachers, classmates, and

families. Students must feel appreciated and loved. Schools can help ensure student belonging by
having teachers do individual phone check-ins or virtual chats with students or even sharing

pictures on school social media accounts of themselves working remotely.

The basic premise of the theory is that “people will not be happy or well-adjusted unless

they have their needs met” (Greenberg, 2018). Not only are humans motivated by meeting their

needs, but their needs are ordered in such a way that if basic needs aren’t met first, then humans

will not have the motivation to meet needs that aren’t considered basic. Basic needs are

described as lower-order needs, while needs beyond basic are described as higher-order needs.

With the diagram, New Era University is proposing for limited face-to-face learning. To

be able to continue the face-to-face classes during this pandemic, there are things that should be

implemented in school. Students, instructors, and staff should take an orientation to have

knowledge about IATF guidelines, for them to be aware about safety measures and new rules to

follow, and Covid-19 protocols.

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