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Exam Anxiety

Faced with evaluation of tests, appraisal, or results, nearly everybody would be

anxious or have some type of anxiety. For many students, it is normal and usual
reaction before and during exams. In fact, to perform well in your exam a moderate
level of anxiety is necessary because it helps us to be mentally alert in a test or

The challenge arises when our level of anxiety increases and effects our learning or
performance. When our anxiety is at its peak, it becomes difficult for us to
understand and recall what we need to know for the assessment or find it difficult
to concentrate on questions or display our abilities or skills during the exam or

But if you can identify high levels of test anxiety in yourself, the positive news is
that you will find successful ways of handling this, so that your success is not
overcome or hindered.

What triggers anxiety for the examination?

The skills that you find most effective in handling the anxiety of the exam will
depend on what variables the fear or anxiety of the exam can be correlated with:

 Bad or negative experience in past exams.

 lack of appropriate planning, knowledge, or techniques for attempting exam.
 Having unhelpful thoughts about test situations for example, "I can't do it."
or "I will fail".
 Taking too much pressure to achieve your goal.
 Strong fear of failure.
 Poor self-treatment, like lack of proper sleep, having unhealthy diet and lack
of exercise.

Take your time to consider and identify what elements are contributing to your
anxiety because it will help you build a successful approach to address it.

Tips to manage exam anxiety:

Prepare as much as possible:

Prepare for the exams and assessments early enough and use effective techniques
that will help you to understand, learn and memorize knowledge. Well
preparedness goes a long way to help you feel positive during your exams and
assessments and which will eventually decrease your anxiety.

Maintaining a healthy body and mind:

If we are distracted or anxious about something, our eating, sleeping and

exercising easily gets neglected.  However, these are important for our optimal
physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. For instance, to concentrate and
memorize, getting a proper sleep, is necessary.

Whenever you plan your study schedule, you need to prioritize your self-care. For
example, allocating your time for your meals, exercise, an ample sleep, and social
events, which are enjoyable and have a soothing impact on your mind and body. 
After that you should schedule your study tasks.

Try coping with physical anxiety symptoms:

The physical signs of anxiety are uncomfortable but are not dangerous, but it is
important to be aware of these. You should read and perform methods of calming
such as belly breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to calm or alleviate
anxiety or stress.

It is good to practice these kinds of ideas regularly when you are not overwhelmed

with fatigue, as this will eventually help you to ease your anxiety during more
intense situations, for example, during your examination.

Be your own motivational coach:

Getting trapped in negative or self-critical thinking will make us feel more stressed
and will stop us from taking a positive action against it.  Keep reminding yourself
that exam anxiety is a common occurrence and can be treated. You can overcome
it by reflecting on the tasks you have accomplished and the steps and techniques
that proved helpful in the past reflecting on the research you have completed and
by taking supportive action in the past to carry out prior tests and exams.

Connecting yourself with supportive people:

Some people find it encouraging and comforting to study together with other
students who are in the same situation as them and taking break from those who
are stressing you out. Reaching out to other supportive people for their help and
sharing your thoughts and feelings about studies and other things will surely lessen
or eliminate your anxiety and stress.

Written by

Amna Laraib

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